
#1465 (Mar 1, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes, add a couple of file types which hadn't been mentioned. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. release notes, add a couple of file types which hadn't been mentioned. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1464 (Feb 28, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. remove debug println from OdlDataSource, which is mature code — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. Java 8 so that Netbeans 24 can edit — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. Java 1.8 so that Netbeans 24 can be used — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. source should be 1.8 — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. fixHorizontalLayout removes redundant columns.  s shows where this used to happen. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1463 (Feb 27, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. look for FIELD and ITEMS in SPREADSHEETS, which might have multi-item fields. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. look for FIELD and ITEMS in SPREADSHEETS, which might have multi-item fields. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1462 (Feb 26, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. Juno JADE L5 data has EV_PER_Q_RANGE, which has items=2 for one field, showing a bug where items was assumed to be 1 for all fields. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. add utility to dump the JSON out to a file for inspection by developer (me). — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1461 (Feb 25, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. when pasting the plot, don't use the target's range if it is marked as autoranging.  — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. trivial cleanup — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1458 (Feb 22, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. paste plot will also add bindings — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. add "@see" comments — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. copy bindings to clipboard as well.  Introduce new method for searching for bindings
    within two groups of DomNodes. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1456 (Feb 20, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. showed where the code assumed there would be an independent axis. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1451 (Feb 15, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. put the bindings into the clipboard plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. put the bindings into the clipboard plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. add getRow, getColumn, getPlot, and getPlotElement which are faster and more convenient than getElementById.  Copy plots to clipboard now copies inset plots, connected by parent row and parent column. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1448 (Feb 12, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool).
    Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. support rank 3 ordinal data in CDF (as with PSP EPILO) — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1447 (Feb 11, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. properly support parent row/column which is not marginRow/marginColumn — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1445 (Feb 9, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. remove old codes which were mistakenly copied from the PDS4 reader. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1443 (Feb 7, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. add plotActionsMenu to the plots list — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. clicking on plot in plotsListComponent selects the plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. 2667: copy plot to clipboard includes all plots with the same row and column — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. copy and paste plot will now pick up the additional right-axis plot with the same row and column. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. add list of plots in lower right, which is helpful when plots overlap. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1442 (Feb 6, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. more autoplot2023 imports (vs autoplot2017) — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. more autoplot2023 imports (vs autoplot2017) — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1441 (Feb 5, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. Look for LABEL/SPREADSHEET/FIELD to support — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1440 (Feb 4, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. use guarded split to check for repeat parameters. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1438 (Feb 2, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail