

  1. release notes
  2. make sure summarizeDescription clips the sentence on a space, since "4096" was clipped to "409" dangerously changing its meaning.
  3. logging improvements
  4. getDocumentWithImports is now public, since it's useful for testing
Revision 27741 by jbfaden:
release notes
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/Autoplot/src/index.htmlautoplot/Autoplot/src/index.html
Revision 27740 by jbfaden:
make sure summarizeDescription clips the sentence on a space, since "4096" was clipped to "409" dangerously changing its meaning.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/PDSDataSource/src/org/autoplot/pds/Pds3DataSourceFactory.javaautoplot/PDSDataSource/src/org/autoplot/pds/
Revision 27739 by jbfaden:
logging improvements
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/PDSDataSource/src/org/autoplot/pds/Pds3DataSource.javaautoplot/PDSDataSource/src/org/autoplot/pds/
Revision 27738 by jbfaden:
getDocumentWithImports is now public, since it's useful for testing
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/autoplot/trunk/PDSDataSource/src/org/autoplot/pds/Pds3DataSourceFactory.javaautoplot/PDSDataSource/src/org/autoplot/pds/