
#1456 (Feb 20, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. showed where the code assumed there would be an independent axis. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1451 (Feb 15, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. put the bindings into the clipboard plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. put the bindings into the clipboard plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. add getRow, getColumn, getPlot, and getPlotElement which are faster and more convenient than getElementById.  Copy plots to clipboard now copies inset plots, connected by parent row and parent column. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1448 (Feb 12, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool).
    Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. support rank 3 ordinal data in CDF (as with PSP EPILO) — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1447 (Feb 11, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. properly support parent row/column which is not marginRow/marginColumn — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1445 (Feb 9, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. remove old codes which were mistakenly copied from the PDS4 reader. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1443 (Feb 7, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. add plotActionsMenu to the plots list — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. clicking on plot in plotsListComponent selects the plot. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. 2667: copy plot to clipboard includes all plots with the same row and column — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. copy and paste plot will now pick up the additional right-axis plot with the same row and column. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. add list of plots in lower right, which is helpful when plots overlap. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  6. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1442 (Feb 6, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. more autoplot2023 imports (vs autoplot2017) — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. more autoplot2023 imports (vs autoplot2017) — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1441 (Feb 5, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. Look for LABEL/SPREADSHEET/FIELD to support — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1440 (Feb 4, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. use guarded split to check for repeat parameters. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1438 (Feb 2, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1437 (Feb 1, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. bugfix 2671: properly set parameters in runBatch with multithread. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. bugfix 2668: events list with BEGIN for timeStampLocation would cause exception. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  3. bugfix 2669: check for duplicate keys and throw IllegalArgumentException when this is detected.  put in stub for new --runBatch=file.batch, but this is not implemented. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  4. bugfix 2669: check for duplicate keys and throw IllegalArgumentException when this is detected.  Also -> was never handled, having the effect of run batch would not work. — Jeremy Faden / detail
  5. bugfix 2669: check for duplicate keys and throw IllegalArgumentException when this is detected. — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1435 (Jan 30, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. bugfix 2668: Autoplot HAPI incompatibility with new servers from E — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. bugfix 2668: Autoplot HAPI incompatibility with new servers from E — Jeremy Faden / detail

#1430 (Jan 25, 2025 4:44:00 AM)

  1. release notes — Jeremy Faden / detail
  2. bug clean up code which renormalizes the layout. — Jeremy Faden / detail