Console Output

Started by timer
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/local/jenkins/workspace/test-headless
[test-headless] $ /bin/sh -xe /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.27/temp/
+ export DISPLAY=spot8:2
+ xdpyinfo
name of display:    spot8:2
version number:    11.0
vendor string:    AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
vendor release number:    3332
maximum request size:  4194300 bytes
motion buffer size:  256
bitmap unit, bit order, padding:    32, LSBFirst, 32
image byte order:    LSBFirst
number of supported pixmap formats:    2
supported pixmap formats:
    depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
    depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
keycode range:    minimum 8, maximum 255
focus:  window 0x1400003, revert to Parent
number of extensions:    7
default screen number:    0
number of screens:    1

screen #0:
  dimensions:    1600x1050 pixels (542x356 millimeters)
  resolution:    75x75 dots per inch
  depths (1):    24
  root window id:    0x25
  depth of root window:    24 planes
  number of colormaps:    minimum 1, maximum 1
  default colormap:    0x21
  default number of colormap cells:    256
  preallocated pixels:    black 0, white 16777215
  options:    backing-store YES, save-unders YES
  largest cursor:    1600x1050
  current input event mask:    0xfa8033
    KeyPressMask             KeyReleaseMask           EnterWindowMask          
    LeaveWindowMask          ExposureMask             StructureNotifyMask      
    SubstructureNotifyMask   SubstructureRedirectMask FocusChangeMask          
    PropertyChangeMask       ColormapChangeMask       
  number of visuals:    1
  default visual id:  0x22
    visual id:    0x22
    class:    TrueColor
    depth:    24 planes
    available colormap entries:    256 per subfield
    red, green, blue masks:    0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff
    significant bits in color specification:    8 bits
Finished: SUCCESS