NCEP Table Version 133 production from temperature termkg/kg/sOMGALFOmega (Dp/Dt) divide by densityKCOVZZCovariance between zonal and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uu]-[u][u], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span.m2/s2COVMMCovariance between meridional and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vv]-[v][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span.m2/s2COVQZCovariance between specific humidity and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uq]-[u][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time*m/sCOVQMCovariance between specific humidity and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vq]-[v][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time*m/sCOVTVVCovariance between temperature and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [T]-[][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span.K*Pa/sCOVQVVCovariance between specific humidity and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [q]-[][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time*Pa/sLRGMRLarge scale moistening ratekg/kg/sVDFOZOzone vertical diffusionkg/kg/sPOZOzone productionkg/kg/sAMSRE9Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 9KAMSRE10Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 10KAMSRE11Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 11KAMSRE12Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 12KGWDUGravity wave drag zonal accelerationm/s2GWDVGravity wave drag meridional accelerationm/s2CNVUConvective zonal momentum mixing accelerationm/s2CNVVConvective meridional momentum mixing accelerationm/s2AKHSSurface exchange coefficients for T and Q divided by delta zm/sAKMSSurface exchange coefficients for U and V divided by delta zm/sTOZOzone tendencykg/kg/sSUNSDSunshine DurationsMOSFMeridional Overturning Stream Function106m3s-1EPSRRadiative emissivityQZ0Specific humidity at top of viscous sublayerkg/kgCNGWDUConvective Gravity wave drag zonal accelerationm/s2CNGWDVConvective Gravity wave drag meridional accelerationm/s2THZ0Potential temperature at top of viscous sublayerKCNVUMFConvective updraft mass fluxkg/m2/sCOVPSPSCovariance between surface pressure and surface pressure. Defined as [Psfc]-[Psfc][Psfc], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span.Pa*PaQMAXMaximum specific humidity at 2mkg/kgQMINMinimum specific humidity at 2mkg/kgCOVQQCovariance between specific humidity and specific humidy. Defined as [qq]-[q][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time*kg/kgCNVDMFConvective downdraft mass fluxkg/m2/sCNVDEMFConvective detrainment mass fluxkg/m2/sCOVVVVVCovariance between vertical and vertical components of the wind. Defined as []-[][], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span.Pa2/s2COVTTCovariance between temperature and temperature. Defined as [TT]-[T][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span.K*KWTENDTendency of vertical velocitym/s2POZOOzone production from col ozone termkg/kg/sMissing