package org.autoplot.dom; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.DasNameException; import org.das2.graph.DasCanvas; import org.das2.graph.DasDevicePosition; import org.das2.graph.DasRow; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; /** * Controller for Row objects, mostly keeping the DasRow in sync with the DOM. * @author jbf */ public class RowController extends DomNodeController { protected static final Logger logger= org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger( "autoplot.dom.row" ); Row row; DasRow dasRow; Canvas canvas; ApplicationController applicationController; RowController( ApplicationController applicationController, Row row ) { super(row); this.row= row; this.applicationController= applicationController; row.controller= this; createNameListener( ); row.addPropertyChangeListener( Row.PROP_PARENT, nameListener ); } PropertyChangeListener nameListener; void createNameListener( ) { nameListener= (PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if ( evt.getPropertyName().equals(Row.PROP_PARENT) ) { String newid= (String)evt.getNewValue(); doSetParentRow( (String)evt.getOldValue(),newid); } }; } private void doSetParentRow( String old, String newid ) { if ( newid.isEmpty() ) return; DomNode n= applicationController.getElementById(newid); if ( n==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find parent with id: "+newid); if ( !(n instanceof Row) ) { if ( old==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find Row for id: "+newid ); RowController.this.row.setParent( old ); } Row newrow= (Row)n; RowController.this.row.controller.dasRow.setParentRow(newrow.getController().getDasRow()); } PropertyChangeListener dasRowPosListener; PropertyChangeListener createDasRowPosListener( final List minList, final List maxList ) { dasRowPosListener= new PropertyChangeListener( ) { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if ( maxList.contains( evt.getPropertyName() ) ) { row.setBottom( DasDevicePosition.formatLayoutStr(dasRow, false ) ); } else if ( minList.contains( evt.getPropertyName() ) ) { row.setTop( DasDevicePosition.formatLayoutStr(dasRow, true) ); } } }; return dasRowPosListener; } PropertyChangeListener rowPosListener; PropertyChangeListener createRowPosListener( ) { rowPosListener= new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); try { double[] dd= DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr((String)evt.getNewValue()); if ( evt.getPropertyName().equals(Row.PROP_TOP) ) { if ( dd[0]==dasRow.getMinimum() && dd[1]==dasRow.getEmMinimum() && ((int)dd[2])==dasRow.getPtMinimum() ) { logger.fine("suppressing change which would have no effect"); } else { dasRow.setMin( dd[0], dd[1], (int) dd[2] ); } } else if ( evt.getPropertyName().equals(Row.PROP_BOTTOM) ) { if ( dd[0]==dasRow.getMaximum() && dd[1]==dasRow.getEmMaximum() && ((int)dd[2])==dasRow.getPtMinimum() ) { logger.fine("suppressing change which would have no effect"); } else { dasRow.setMax( dd[0], dd[1], (int) dd[2] ); } } //DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr( dasRow, row.getTop() + "," + row.getBottom() ); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "parse exception: {0}", ex); row.setTop( DasDevicePosition.formatLayoutStr(dasRow, true) ); row.setBottom( DasDevicePosition.formatLayoutStr(dasRow, false ) ); } } }; return rowPosListener; } protected void createDasPeer( Canvas canvas, DasRow parent ) { DasCanvas c= canvas.controller.getDasCanvas(); dasRow= DasRow.create( c, parent, row.getTop(), row.getBottom() ); try { if ( this.row.getId().length()>0 ) dasRow.setDasName( this.row.getId() ); } catch (DasNameException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } applicationController.bind( row, Row.PROP_TOP, dasRow, DasDevicePosition.PROP_MINLAYOUT ); applicationController.bind( row, Row.PROP_BOTTOM, dasRow, DasDevicePosition.PROP_MAXLAYOUT ); doSetParentRow(null,this.row.getParent()); this.canvas= canvas; } /** * returns true if the spec is the same. * @param spec spec like "30%+1em,60%-4em" * @return true if they are equal. * @throws ParseException */ public boolean isLayoutEqual( String spec ) throws ParseException { String[] ss= spec.split(","); String s1= DasDevicePosition.formatFormatStr( DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(ss[0]) ); if ( ! ) return false; s1= DasDevicePosition.formatFormatStr( DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(ss[1]) ); if ( !this.row.bottom.equals(s1) ) return false; return true; } public void removeBindings() { applicationController.unbind(row); row.removePropertyChangeListener( Row.PROP_PARENT, nameListener ); } public void removeReferences() { //row= null; //dasRow= null; //canvas= null; } public DasRow getDasRow() { return dasRow; } public Canvas getCanvas() { return canvas; } }