package org.das2.qstream.filter; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.das2.datum.CacheTag; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qstream.CacheTagSerializeDelegate; import org.das2.qstream.PacketDescriptor; import org.das2.qstream.PlaneDescriptor; import org.das2.qstream.Rank0DataSetSerializeDelegate; import org.das2.qstream.SerializeDelegate; import org.das2.qstream.StreamComment; import org.das2.qstream.StreamDescriptor; import org.das2.qstream.StreamException; import org.das2.qstream.StreamHandler; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Reduce packets of the same type by combining packets together. Currently this * just does linear averages of the data, but this can easily be extended to support * other combinations, such as min and max. * @author jbf */ public class ReduceFilter implements StreamHandler { protected static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("qstream"); StreamHandler sink; ByteOrder byteOrder; double lengthSeconds; double reportCadenceSeconds; // this is the cadence we'll report. It cannot be less than the cadence in the input stream. double length; // in the stream units. //double nextTag; private static class Accum { PacketDescriptor pd; // All planes should have the same value. int id; // the packetId. //int capacity; // total capacity of the packet. All planes should have the same number. String dsid; // the dataset id, so we can remove this later. double[] S; int N; double B; // base offset for S. We remove this before putting data into the accumulation. //double nextTag; } Map accum; Map skip; /** * keep track of the time that is the boundary for this packet timetag. */ Map nextTags; StreamDescriptor sd; public ReduceFilter() { accum= new HashMap(); skip= new HashMap(); lengthSeconds= 60; nextTags= new HashMap(); } @Override public void streamDescriptor(StreamDescriptor sd) throws StreamException { sd; sink.streamDescriptor(sd); byteOrder= sd.getByteOrder(); } @Override public void packetDescriptor(PacketDescriptor pd) throws StreamException { Element ele= pd.getDomElement(); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); try { int id= sd.descriptorId(pd); unload( id ); clear( id ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { //old id has already been cleared // vap+das2server: logger.fine("Illegal Argument Exception at line 113"); ex.printStackTrace(); } try { XPathExpression expr; Node xp; boolean lskip= false; // figure out units. expr= xpath.compile("/packet/qdataset[1]/properties/property[@name='UNITS']/@value"); xp= (Node)expr.evaluate( ele,XPathConstants.NODE); String sunits= xp==null ? null : xp.getNodeValue(); if ( sunits!=null ) { try { Units xunits; xunits= Units.lookupTimeUnits(sunits); double secmult= Units.seconds.getConverter( xunits.getOffsetUnits() ).convert(1); length= secmult * lengthSeconds; } catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) { lskip= true; } catch ( ParseException ex ) { lskip= true; } } else { lskip= true; } if ( !lskip ) { initAccumulators(pd); // reset/set the cadence. expr= xpath.compile("/packet/qdataset[1]/properties/property[@name='CADENCE']/@value"); xp= (Node)expr.evaluate( ele,XPathConstants.NODE); if ( xp!=null ) { String scadence= xp.getNodeValue(); double oldCadenceSeconds; SerializeDelegate ser= new Rank0DataSetSerializeDelegate(); try { QDataSet o = (QDataSet) ser.parse( "rank0dataset", scadence ); oldCadenceSeconds= DataSetUtil.asDatum(o).doubleValue( Units.seconds ); if ( lengthSeconds unloaded= new HashSet<>(); for ( Entry entry: accum.entrySet() ) { Accum ac1= entry.getValue(); if ( unloaded.contains(ac1.pd) ) { } else { unload( ac1.pd ); unloaded.add(ac1.pd); } } sink.streamClosed(sd); } @Override public void streamException(StreamException se) throws StreamException { sink.streamException(se); } @Override public void streamComment(StreamComment se) throws StreamException { sink.streamComment(se); } /** * initialize the accumulators to an empty state, with no records accumulated. * @param pd */ private void initAccumulators(PacketDescriptor pd) { List planes = pd.getPlanes(); for (int i = 0; i < planes.size(); i++) { PlaneDescriptor planed = planes.get(i); double[] ss = new double[DataSetUtil.product(planed.getQube())]; Accum ac1= new Accum(); ac1.pd= pd; sd.descriptorId(pd); ac1.dsid= planed.getName(); ac1.S= ss; ac1.N= 0; ac1.B= -1e38; accum.put(planed.getName(), ac1 ); } } private static final char CHAR_NEWLINE= '\n'; /** * remove this id from the packet accumulators, because this ID is about to be recycled. * unload(id) should be called just prior to clearing it. * @param id the integer id 1-99. */ private void clear( int id ) { List remove= new ArrayList(); for ( Entry entry: accum.entrySet() ) { Accum a= entry.getValue(); if ( ) { remove.add(a.dsid); } } for ( String a: remove ) { accum.remove(a); } } /** * unload the packets associated with the packet id. (The packet id is 1 for ":01:") * Note unload of a packet that is not loaded does not cause exception. * @param id the integer id 1-99. * @throws StreamException */ private void unload( int id ) throws StreamException { for ( Entry entry: accum.entrySet() ) { Accum a= entry.getValue(); if ( ) { unload(a.pd); } } } /** * unload all the packets for this interval on to the stream * @param pd */ private void unload( PacketDescriptor pd ) throws StreamException { ByteBuffer data= ByteBuffer.allocate( pd.sizeBytes() ); data.order( byteOrder ); int np= pd.getPlanes().size(); int ip= 0; for (PlaneDescriptor planed : pd.getPlanes() ) { Accum ac1= accum.get(planed.getName()); if ( ac1==null ) { initAccumulators(pd); //this is the initial condition return; } double[] ss = ac1.S; // Netbeans claims that this is never modified, see line 363! int nn= ac1.N; double bb= ac1.B; if ( nn==0 ) { initAccumulators(pd); //this is the initial condition return; } if (planed.getElements() > 1) { for (int ii = 0; ii < planed.getElements(); ii++) { double avg= ss[ii]/nn + bb; planed.getType().write( avg, data ); } } else { double avg= ss[0]/nn + bb; //pd.getPlanes().get(0).getUnits().createDatum(avg); planed.getType().write( avg, data ); } if ( ( ip==np-1 ) && planed.getType().isAscii() && Character.isWhitespace( data.get( data.capacity() - 1) ) ) { data.put( data.capacity() - 1, (byte) CHAR_NEWLINE ); } ip++; } data.flip(); sink.packet( pd, data ); } /** * accumulate data into packets by reducing them. * @param pd * @param data * @throws StreamException */ @Override public void packet(PacketDescriptor pd, ByteBuffer data) throws StreamException { boolean lskip= this.skip.get(pd); if ( lskip ) { sink.packet( pd, data ); } else { List planes= pd.getPlanes(); PlaneDescriptor t0= planes.get(0); double ttag= t0.getType().read(data); //Datum t= t0.getUnits().createDatum(ttag); //if ( Ops.datumRange("2012-09-25T23:59:45/PT1M").contains(t) ) { // System.err.println( t ); //} double nextTag= nextTags.get( pd ); //Datum nextTagDatum= t0.getUnits().createDatum(nextTag); // useful for debugging. //if ( ) { // System.err.println("next tag"); //} if ( ttag>nextTag ) { unload( pd ); initAccumulators(pd); nextTag= ( 1 + Math.floor( ttag/length ) ) * length; //nextTagDatum= t0.getUnits().createDatum(nextTag); nextTags.put( pd, nextTag ); } data.rewind(); for (PlaneDescriptor planed : pd.getPlanes() ) { Accum ac1= accum.get(planed.getName()); double[] ss = ac1.S; // copy reference to array. double bb= ac1.B; //ac1.capacity= data.limit(); if ( bb==-1e38 ) { int pos= data.position(); bb= planed.getType().read(data); data.position(pos); ac1.B= bb; } //TODO: look out for fill... if (planed.getElements() > 1) { for (int ii = 0; ii < planed.getElements(); ii++) { ss[ii]+= ( planed.getType().read(data)-bb ); // java nio keeps track of index } } else { ss[0]+= planed.getType().read(data)-bb; } ac1.N+= 1; } } } /** * set the cadence to reduce to target the data. This should be convertible to seconds. * Note we assume all packets have the same offset units (e.g. microseconds). * @param cadence */ public void setCadence(Datum cadence) { lengthSeconds= cadence.doubleValue( Units.seconds ); reportCadenceSeconds= lengthSeconds; } /** * set the sink for the stream components as they are processed. * @param sink */ public void setSink( StreamHandler sink ) { this.sink= sink; } // public static void main( String[] args ) throws StreamException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { // File f = new File( "/home/jbf/ct/hudson/data/qds/proton_density.qds" ); // // InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f); // QDataSetStreamHandler handler = new QDataSetStreamHandler(); // // ReduceFilter filter= new ReduceFilter(); // filter.lengthSeconds= 3600; //TODO: client must know the units of the qstream. // // filter.sink= handler; // // StreamTool.readStream( Channels.newChannel(in), filter ); // //StreamTool.readStream( Channels.newChannel(in), handler ); // test without filter. // // QDataSet qds = handler.getDataSet(); // // System.err.println( "result= "+qds ); // logger okay // // SimpleStreamFormatter format= new SimpleStreamFormatter(); // format.format( qds, new FileOutputStream("/tmp/proton_density.reduced.qds"), true ); // // } }