# example script for Autoplot. # for this example: # java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp AutoplotAll.jar --script scriptExample.jy http://autoplot.org/data/autoplot.vap 2000-01-09 pdf # This also demonstrates positional arguments, which are rarely used and need more testing. vap= getParam( 0, 'http://autoplot.org/data/autoplot.vap', 'product file to load' ) range= getParam( 1, '2000-01-08', 'range to load' ) frmt= getParam( 2, 'png', 'png or pdf', ['png','pdf'] ) loc= getParam( 3, '/tmp/autoplot', 'filename to record' ) print '---' print vap print range print frmt print loc print '---' ff= loc + '/output.'+frmt load( vap + '?timerange='+range ) if ( frmt.find('png')>-1): writeToPng( ff ) elif ( frmt.find('pdf')>-1 ): writeToPdf( ff ) else: print 'bad format, only png and pdf supported: '+frmt print 'wrote file: '+ff