;+ ; plot data from tdas to autoplot. This assumes that tdas is started and it's internal ; state is initialized. ;- pro tdas_applot, name, index=index common tplot_com1, data_quants, tplot_vars , tplot_configs, current_config , foo1,foo2 if ( size( name, /n_dim ) ne 0 ) then begin if ( n_elements(index) eq 0 ) then index=0 for i=0,n_elements(name)-1 do begin tdas_applot, name[i], index= index+i endfor return endif if ( size( name, /type ) ne 7 ) then begin iname= name endif else begin r= where( data_quants[*].name eq name ) iname= r[0] endelse if ( iname eq -1 ) then begin print, 'name '+name+' not found in:' for i=0,n_elements(data_quants)-1 do begin print, i, ' ', data_quants[i].name endfor message, '' endif data= *data_quants[iname].dh metadata= *data_quants[iname].dl ylabel= metadata.ysubtitle tn = tag_names(data) index = where( tn eq 'V', nmatch) if ( nmatch eq 1 ) then begin xx= *data.x yy= *data.v zz= *data.y help, xx, yy, zz applot, xx, yy, zz, xunits='seconds since 1970-001T00:00' endif else begin yy= *data.y xx= *data.x help, xx , yy if ( size( yy, /n_dimensions ) eq 2 ) then begin applot, xx ,yy, xunits='seconds since 1970-001T00:00', $ renderType='series', ylabel=ylabel endif else begin applot, xx ,yy, xunits='seconds since 1970-001T00:00', $ renderType='series', ylabel=ylabel endelse endelse end