; from https://d3denergetic.github.io/FIDASIM/master/sourcefile/sav_to_hdf5.pro.html PRO sav_to_hdf5,savefile,filename=filename,clobber=clobber ;+#save_to_hdf5 ;+Converts an IDL save file to a HDF5 file ;+*** ;+##Arguments ;+ **savefile**: IDL save file ;+ ;+##Keyword Arguments ;+ **filename**: HDF5 file name defaults to IDL save file name ;+ ;+##Example Usage ;+```idl ;+IDL> sav_to_hdf5,'./dne159245.00500' ;+``` if not keyword_set(filename) then begin p = strsplit(savefile,'.',/extract) if strlowcase(p[-1]) eq 'sav' then c = 2 else c = 1 filename = strjoin(p[0:n_elements(p)-c],'.')+'.h5' endif restore, savefile, /verbose sObj = OBJ_NEW('IDL_Savefile',savefile) vars = strlowcase(sObj->Names()) write_hdf5,vars,filename=filename,clobber=clobber END FUNCTION vars_to_struct,vars=vars,level=level ;; struct_from_list ;; creates structure from list of variables in specified scope ;; if vars not set then use all valid variables in specified scope if not keyword_set(level) then level=-1 if not keyword_set(vars) then vars = scope_varname(level=level) nvars = n_elements(vars) for i=0,nvars-1 do begin catch, err_status if err_status ne 0 then begin catch,/cancel continue endif var = scope_varfetch(vars[i],level=level) if n_elements(var) ne 0 then begin if i eq 0 then begin s = create_struct(vars[i],var) endif else begin s = create_struct(s,vars[i],var) endelse endif endfor if nvars eq 1 and size(s.(0),/tname) eq 'STRUCT' then begin s = s.(0) endif return, s END PRO hdf5_write_struct, id, struct, compress=compress ntags = n_tags(struct) if ntags eq 0 then goto, GET_OUT if not keyword_set(compress) then compress = 9 tags = strlowcase(TAG_NAMES(struct)) for i=0,ntags-1 do begin var = struct.(i) varInfo = size(var,/structure) typeName = varInfo.type_name if typeName eq 'STRUCT' then begin gid = h5g_create(id,tags[i]) hdf5_write_struct,gid,var,compress=compress h5g_close, gid endif else begin data = var ndim = size(data,/n_dim) dims = size(data,/dim) datatype_id = h5t_idl_create(data) if ndim eq 0L then begin dataspace_id = h5s_create_scalar() dataset_id = h5d_create(id, tags[i], datatype_id, dataspace_id) endif else begin dataspace_id = h5s_create_simple(dims) dataset_id = h5d_create(id, tags[i], datatype_id, dataspace_id, $ chunk_dimensions=dims, gzip=compress,/shuffle) endelse h5d_write, dataset_id, data h5d_close, dataset_id h5s_close, dataspace_id h5t_close, datatype_id endelse endfor GET_OUT: END FUNCTION valid_attribute, att tags = ["obj","name","data"] att_tags = strlowcase(TAG_NAMES(att)) is_valid = 1 for i=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do begin w = where(tags[i] eq att_tags,nw) if nw eq 0 then begin print, 'ERROR: Structure tag "'+tags[i]+'" missing from attribute definition' is_valid = 0 endif endfor if is_valid eq 0 then begin help, att goto, GET_OUT endif value_info = size(att.data,/structure) if value_info.type_name eq 'STRUCT' then begin print,'ERROR: attribute value cannot be a structure' is_valid = 0 endif GET_OUT: return, is_valid END PRO hdf5_write_att_data, id, name, data data_info = size(data,/structure) type_name = data_info.type_name if type_name eq 'STRING' then begin value = strjoin(data,", ",/single) endif else begin value = data endelse dims = size(value,/dim) ndims = size(value,/n_dim) datatype_id = h5t_idl_create(value) if ndims eq 0L then begin dataspace_id = h5s_create_scalar() endif else begin dataspace_id = h5s_create_simple(dims) endelse att_id = h5a_create(id, name, datatype_id, dataspace_id) h5a_write, att_id, value h5a_close, att_id END PRO hdf5_write_attributes,id,atts natts = n_elements(atts) for i=0, natts-1 do begin if not valid_attribute(atts[i]) then continue object_info = h5g_get_objinfo(id,atts[i].obj) CASE object_info.type OF 'LINK': print,'ERROR: Can not handle an attribute of a reference' 'GROUP': BEGIN gid = h5g_open(id, atts[i].obj) hdf5_write_att_data, gid, atts[i].name, atts[i].data h5g_close,gid END 'DATASET': BEGIN did = h5d_open(id,atts[i].obj) hdf5_write_att_data, did, atts[i].name, atts[i].data h5d_close,did END 'TYPE': BEGIN tid = h5t_open(id,atts[i].obj) hdf5_write_att_data, tid, atts[i].name, atts[i].data h5t_close,tid END ELSE: print,'ERROR: Unknown object' ENDCASE endfor END PRO write_hdf5,vars,atts=atts,filename=filename,clobber=clobber,compress=compress ;+#write_hdf5 ;+Writes HDF5 files from variables in the local scope or a structure ;+*** ;+##Arguments ;+ **vars**: List of variables or a structure ;+ ;+##Keyword Arguments ;+ **atts**: Attributes to write ;+ ;+ **filename**: Filename of output HDF5 file ;+ ;+ **clobber**: Overwrite exisiting HDF5 file ;+ ;+ **compress**: Compression level(0-9). Defaults to 9 ;+ ;+##Example Usage ;+```idl ;+IDL> a = [1,2,3] ;+IDL> write_hdf5,"a",atts={attribute,obj:"/a",name:"description",data:"example variable"} ;+IDL> s = {a:1,b:{a:2}} ;+IDL> write_hdf5,s,/clobber ;+``` if not keyword_set(filename) then filename = 'idlsave.h5' if file_test(filename) and not keyword_set(clobber) then begin print,"File already exists. Use clobber keyword to overwrite" goto, GET_OUT endif if not keyword_set(compress) then compress = 9 nvars = n_elements(vars) if nvars eq 0 then goto, GET_OUT type = size(vars,/tname) if type ne 'STRUCT' and type ne 'STRING' then begin print, "Invalid argument type. Expected STRING or STRUCT" print, type goto, GET_OUT endif if nvars ne 1 and type eq 'STRUCT' then begin print, "Invalid argument type. Arrays of structs not permitted" goto, GET_OUT endif if nvars eq 1 and type eq 'STRUCT' then begin var_struct = vars endif else begin var_struct = vars_to_struct(vars=vars,level=-2) end file_id = h5f_create(filename) hdf5_write_struct, file_id, var_struct, compress=compress if keyword_set(atts) then begin hdf5_write_attributes, file_id, atts endif h5f_close, file_id GET_OUT: END