#!/bin/bash #make the single jar ("jumbojar") on the server side so the release need only be transferred once. Before we would copy both multi-jar and single-jar versions at once. This should be run in the directory with AutoplotStable.jar in it. # This should be run immediately after the autoplot-release script is run, and from within the dist folder. echo 'pwd='`pwd` if [ ! -e AutoplotVolatile.jar ]; then echo "folder should contain AutoplotVolatile.jar" exit -1 fi mkdir tjar cd tjar unzip ../AutoplotStable.jar | grep -v "inflating:" | grep -v "creating:" unzip -o ../AutoplotVolatile.jar | grep -v "inflating:" | grep -v "creating:" rm -f META-INF/MANIFEST.MF # remove leftover signatures. rm -f META-INF/*.DSA rm -f META-INF/*.SF echo -e "Main-Class: org.autoplot.AutoplotUI\nApplication-Name: Autoplot\nCodebase: http://autoplot.org/" > META-INF/MANIFEST.MF zip -r ../autoplot.jar.1 * | grep -v "adding:" cd .. cat ../starterScript.sh > autoplot.jar cat autoplot.jar.1 >> autoplot.jar chmod 755 autoplot.jar # clean up temporary files rm autoplot.jar.1 rm -r tjar