package org.das2.qds; /** * QFunctions try to recycle as much of the QDataSet interface as possible to * define functions. Functions take N parameters as input and result in M parameter * output. The N parameters are passed into value as a rank 1 bundle QDataSet, or rank 0 * dataset when there is just one input. * The M parameter output is returned in a rank 1 bundle dataset. The method * exampleInput returns an example input that allows for discovery of the function. * * Implementations will generally extend AbstractQFunction, which implements * values() and exampleOutput(). * * Goals: * * * @see * @author jbf */ public interface QFunction { /** * Evaluate the function at the location. * A rank 1 dataset of N parameters is passed in, and a * rank 1 dataset of M parameters is returned. It's presumed that this * is calculated in interactive time (1/30sec) for GUI applications like * attaching ephemeris ticks to an axis (note no monitor parameter to indicate feedback). * * @param parm rank 1 bundle of N elements, or rank 2 array of such. * @return rank 1 bundle of M elements, or rank 2 array of such. */ QDataSet value( QDataSet parm ); /** * Evaluate the function at the locations in parm. * A rank 2 dataset of CxN parameters is passed in, and a * rank 1 dataset of CxM parameters is returned, where C is the number * of repeated value operations. This is useful for when it's expensive * to look up the first value. * @param parm rank 2 of C bundles of N elements. rank 1 parm is acceptable if the exampleInput result is rank 0. * @return rank 2 of C bundles of M elements, or rank 2 array of such. */ QDataSet values( QDataSet parm ); /** * Discover an example input. Result is a rank 1 bundle QDataSet. *
     *QFunction ff= TestFunction();
     *ff.exampleInput().length();  // how many parameters the function takes
     *QDataSet bds= ff.exampleInput().property( QDataSet.BUNDLE_0 );
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.UNITS )       // function should handle convertible units (e.g. TimeAxes Ephemeris).
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.VALID_MIN )   // absolute limits of domain of the function
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.VALID_MAX )
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.TYPICAL_MIN ) // domain of the function parameter
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.TYPICAL_MAX )
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.CADENCE ) // granularity of the function parameter
     *bds.slice(0).property( QDataSet.LABEL )   // label for the parameter
* slice(0) is the first argument, slice(1) would be the second, etc. * This would be a bundle. * * Note, for functions that have only one argument, like F(T)→[R,MLT,MLAT], this * may return a rank 0 dataset. Clients should pass a dataset to the value method a * dataset with the same geometry. * @return rank 1 bundle of N elements, or rank 0 for functions when the function has just one parameter. */ QDataSet exampleInput(); /** * Discover an example of output. Result is a rank 1 bundle QDataSet. This * was introduced to support QFunctions where it would be expensive to calculate * an input that would result in a meaningful output. It's assumed that many * implementations will simply be: *
     *value( exampleInput() );
* @return rank 1 bundle of M elements. */ QDataSet exampleOutput(); }