# Demonstrate another lost feature of AutoHistogram, where it identifies # peaks. I don't think this was ever used in production, but it could be # useful. reset() setLayout(4) n= 1000 dist= randomn(12345,20*n)*.35 + 4.34 dist2= randomn(12345,30*n)*.45 + 6.23 dist3= randomn(12345,10*n)*.15 + 8.9 dist= append( dist,dist2) dist= append( dist,dist3) plot(0,dist) from org.virbo.dsutil import AutoHistogram ah= AutoHistogram() ah.doit(dist) hist= ah.getHistogram() plot(1, hist,title='Histogram') plot(2,ah.peakIds(hist),title='Peak ID' ) pks= ah.peaks(hist) plotx(3, pks, ones( pks.length() ), title='Peaks', renderType='scatter' ) #plot(3,'Peaks', ah.peaks(hist) )