package gov.nasa.gsfc.voyager.cdf; import*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import*; public abstract class CDFImpl implements { static final double JANUARY_1_1970; static { int offset = 0; for (int year=0; year < 1970; year++) { int days = 365; if ((year%4 == 0)) { days++; if ((year%100 == 0)) { days--; if ((year%400 == 0)) days++; } } offset += days; } JANUARY_1_1970 = offset*8.64e7; } /** * CDF constants */ public static final int GDR_RECORD = 2; public static final int FLAGS_MAJORITY_MASK = 0x01; public static final int ROW_MAJOR = 1; public static final int VVR_RECORD_TYPE = 7; public static final int CVVR_RECORD_TYPE = 13; public static final long longInt = ((long)1) << 32; /** * CDF offsets */ int offset_NEXT_VDR; int offset_NEXT_ADR; int offset_ATTR_NAME; int offset_SCOPE; int offset_AgrEDRHead; int offset_AzEDRHead; int offset_NEXT_AEDR; int offset_ENTRYNUM; int offset_ATTR_DATATYPE; int offset_ATTR_NUM_ELEMENTS; int offset_VALUE; int offset_VAR_NAME; int offset_VAR_NUM_ELEMENTS; int offset_NUM; int offset_FLAGS; int offset_BLOCKING_FACTOR; int offset_VAR_DATATYPE; int offset_zNumDims; int offset_FIRST_VXR; int offset_NEXT_VXR; int offset_NENTRIES; int offset_NUSED; int offset_FIRST; int offset_RECORD_TYPE; int offset_RECORDS; int offset_CSIZE; int offset_CDATA; /** * CDF metadata */ int version; int release; int encoding; int flags; int increment; transient ByteOrder byteOrder; boolean bigEndian; long GDROffset; /** * Extracted from GDR */ long rVDRHead; long zVDRHead; long ADRHead; int numberOfRVariables; int numberOfAttributes; int numberOfZVariables; int[] rDimSizes; transient ByteBuffer buf; protected String[] varNames; protected HashMap variableTable; HashMap attributeTable; protected CDF thisCDF; protected HashMap timesMap = new HashMap(); protected HashMap extendedPrecisionTimesMap = new HashMap(); protected HashMap timeVariableMap = new HashMap(); protected CDFImpl(ByteBuffer buf) { this.buf = buf; } protected ByteBuffer getRecord(int offset) { ByteBuffer _buf = buf.duplicate(); _buf.position(offset); return _buf.slice(); } public ByteOrder getByteOrder() {return byteOrder;} public boolean rowMajority() { return ((flags & FLAGS_MAJORITY_MASK) == ROW_MAJOR); } /** * returns name to Variable map */ protected HashMap variables() { if (variableTable != null) return variableTable; int [] offsets = new int[] {(int)zVDRHead, (int)rVDRHead}; String [] vtypes = {"z", "r"}; HashMap table = new HashMap(); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int vtype = 0; vtype < 2; vtype++) { int offset = offsets[vtype]; if (offset == 0) continue; ByteBuffer _buf = getRecord(offset); while (true) { _buf.position(offset_NEXT_VDR); int next = lowOrderInt(_buf); CDFVariable cdfv = new CDFVariable(offset, vtypes[vtype]); String name = cdfv.getName(); v.add(name); table.put(name, cdfv); if (next == 0) break; offset = next; _buf = getRecord(offset); } } varNames = new String[v.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { varNames[i] = (String)v.elementAt(i); } variableTable = table; return table; } /** * returns variable names in a String[] */ public String [] getVariableNames() { String [] sa = new String [varNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { sa[i] = varNames[i]; } return sa; } /** * returns the object that implements the Variable interface for * the named variable */ public Variable getVariable(String name) { return (Variable)variableTable.get(name); } /** * returns variable names of a given VAR_TYPE in a String[] */ public String [] getVariableNames(String type) { Vector vars = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < varNames.length; i++) { Vector v = (Vector)getAttribute(varNames[i],"VAR_TYPE"); if (v == null) continue; if (v.size() == 0) continue; String s = (String)v.elementAt(0); if (s.equals(type)) vars.add(varNames[i]); } String [] sa = new String[vars.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { sa[i] = (String)vars.elementAt(i); } return sa; } /** * returns names of global attributes in a String[] */ public String [] globalAttributeNames() { Vector vec = new Vector(); if (attributeTable == null) return new String[0]; Set set = attributeTable.keySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CDFAttribute attr = (CDFAttribute)attributeTable.get(; if (attr.isGlobal()) { vec.add(; } } String [] sa = new String [vec.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { sa[i] = (String)vec.elementAt(i); } return sa; } /** * returns names of variable attributes in a String[] */ public String [] variableAttributeNames(String name) { CDFVariable var = (CDFVariable)variableTable.get(name); if (var == null) return null; String [] sa = new String [var.attributes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { AttributeEntry ae = (AttributeEntry)var.attributes.elementAt(i); sa[i] = ae.attribute; } return sa; } /** * returns value of the named global attribute */ public Object getAttribute(String atr) { CDFAttribute a = (CDFAttribute)attributeTable.get(atr); if (a == null) return null; if (!a.isGlobal()) return null; if (a.gEntries.size() == 0) return null; AttributeEntry ae = (AttributeEntry)a.gEntries.elementAt(0); if (ae.stringValue != null) { String [] sa = new String[a.gEntries.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < a.gEntries.size(); i++) { ae = (AttributeEntry)a.gEntries.elementAt(i); sa[i] = ae.stringValue; } return sa; } return ae.value; } /** * returns value of the named attribute for the named variable */ public Object getAttribute(String var, String atr) { CDFVariable c = (CDFVariable)variableTable.get(var); if (c == null) return null; Vector attrs = c.attributes; Vector values = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++) { AttributeEntry ae = (AttributeEntry)attrs.elementAt(i); if (ae.attribute.equals(atr)) { if (ae.stringValue != null) values.add(ae.stringValue); if (ae.stringValue == null) values.add(ae.value); } } return values; } /** * returns Variable object associated with a given type at a given number */ Variable getCDFVariable(String vtype, int number) { Set set = variableTable.keySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CDFVariable var = (CDFVariable)variableTable.get(; if (var.vtype.equals(vtype)) { if (var.number == number) return var; } } return null; } /** * returns name to Attribute object map */ HashMap attributes() { if (attributeTable != null) return attributeTable; int offset = (int)ADRHead; if (offset == 0) return null; HashMap table = new HashMap(); ByteBuffer _buf = getRecord(offset); while (true) { _buf.position(offset_NEXT_ADR); int next = lowOrderInt(_buf); CDFAttribute cdfa = new CDFAttribute(offset); table.put(cdfa.getName(), cdfa); if (next == 0) break; offset = next; _buf = getRecord(offset); } attributeTable = table; return table; } /** * CDFAttribute class */ public class CDFAttribute implements, Attribute { String name; int scope; Vector zEntries = new Vector(); Vector gEntries = new Vector(); public CDFAttribute(int offset) { name = getString(offset + offset_ATTR_NAME); ByteBuffer _buf = getRecord(offset); _buf.position(offset_SCOPE); scope = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_AgrEDRHead); int n = lowOrderInt(_buf); if (n > 0) { gEntries = getAttributeEntries(n); if ((scope == 2) || (scope == 4)) { // variable scope linkToVariables(gEntries, "r"); } } _buf.position(offset_AzEDRHead); n = lowOrderInt(_buf); if (n > 0) { zEntries = getAttributeEntries(n); linkToVariables(zEntries, "z"); } } /** * returns name of the attribute */ public String getName() {return name;} /** * returns attribute entries */ public Vector getAttributeEntries(int offset) { if (offset == 0) return null; Vector list = new Vector(); ByteBuffer _buf = getRecord(offset); while (true) { _buf.position(offset_NEXT_AEDR); int next = lowOrderInt(_buf); _buf.position(0); AttributeEntry ae = new AttributeEntry(_buf, name); list.add(ae); if (next == 0) break; _buf = getRecord(next); } return list; } /** * link variable attribute entries to the appropriate variable */ public void linkToVariables(Vector entries, String type) { for (int e = 0; e < entries.size(); e++) { AttributeEntry ae = (AttributeEntry)entries.elementAt(e); CDFVariable var = (CDFVariable) getCDFVariable(type, ae.variableNumber); var.attributes.add(ae); } } /** * is this a global attribute? */ public boolean isGlobal() { return !((scope == 2) || (scope == 4)); } } /** * AttributeEntry class */ public class AttributeEntry implements { transient ByteBuffer _buf; int variableNumber; int type; int nelement; String attribute; String stringValue; double [] value; public AttributeEntry(ByteBuffer buf, String name) { attribute = name; _buf = buf.duplicate(); _buf.position(offset_ENTRYNUM); variableNumber = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_ATTR_DATATYPE); type = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_ATTR_NUM_ELEMENTS); nelement = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_VALUE); if (type > 50) { byte [] ba = new byte[nelement]; int i = 0; for (; i < nelement; i++) { ba[i] = _buf.get(); if (ba[i] == 0) break; } stringValue = new String(ba, 0, i); } else { value = getNumberAttribute(type, nelement, _buf, byteOrder); } } } /** * CDFVariable class */ public class CDFVariable extends, Variable { int DIMENSION_VARIES = -1; public Vector attributes = new Vector(); String name; public int number; String vtype; int flags; int type; int numberOfElements; protected int numberOfValues; public int [] dimensions; public boolean [] varies; public double[] padValue; int offset; transient ByteBuffer _buf; int dataItemSize; int blockingFactor; DataLocator locator; public CDFVariable(int offset, String vtype) { this.offset = offset; this.vtype = vtype; _buf = getRecord(offset); name = getString(offset + offset_VAR_NAME); _buf.position(offset_VAR_NUM_ELEMENTS); numberOfElements = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_NUM); number = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_FLAGS); flags = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_BLOCKING_FACTOR); blockingFactor = _buf.getInt(); _buf.position(offset_VAR_DATATYPE); type = _buf.getInt(); numberOfValues = _buf.getInt() + 1; _buf.position(offset_zNumDims); if (vtype.equals("r")) dimensions = rDimSizes; if (vtype.equals("z")) { dimensions = new int[_buf.getInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { dimensions[i] = _buf.getInt(); } } if (type == DataTypes.EPOCH16) dimensions = new int[] {2}; varies = new boolean[dimensions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { varies[i] = (_buf.getInt() == DIMENSION_VARIES); } if (type == DataTypes.EPOCH16) varies = new boolean[] {true}; // PadValue immediately follows DimVarys if (padValueSpecified()) { padValue = new double[numberOfElements]; if (type == DataTypes.EPOCH16) padValue = new double[2]; padValue = getNumberAttribute(type, numberOfElements, _buf, byteOrder); } dataItemSize = DataTypes.size[type]; // ignore numberOfElements for numeric data types if (DataTypes.isStringType(type)) dataItemSize *= numberOfElements; if (numberOfValues == 0) return; locator = new DataLocator(_buf, numberOfValues, ((flags & 4) != 0)); } public VariableDataLocator getLocator() { return locator; } /** * returns whether row major ordering is in use */ public boolean rowMajority() { return CDFImpl.this.rowMajority(); } /** * returns whether value of this variable can vary from record to record */ public boolean recordVariance() { return ((flags & 1) != 0); } /** * returns whether pad value is specified for this variable */ public boolean padValueSpecified() { return ((flags & 2) != 0); } /** * returns whether variable values have been compressed */ public boolean isCompressed() { return locator.isReallyCompressed(); } /** * returns pad value */ public double[] getPadValue() { double [] da = new double[padValue.length]; System.arraycopy(padValue, 0, da, 0, padValue.length); return da; } /** * returns type of values of this variable */ public int getType() {return type;} /** * returns blocking factor used in compression */ public int getBlockingFactor() {return blockingFactor;} /** * returns effective rank */ public int getEffectiveRank() { int rank = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { if (!varies[i]) continue; if (dimensions[i] == 1) continue; rank++; } return rank; } /** * returns size of value of this variable */ public int getDataItemSize() { int size = dataItemSize; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { if (varies[i]) size *= dimensions[i]; } return size; /* switch (dimensions.length) { case 0: return size; case 1: if (varies[0]) size *= dimensions[0]; return size; case 2: for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (varies[i]) size *= dimensions[i]; } return size; default: return 0; } */ } /** * returns number of elements in the value of this variable */ public int getNumberOfElements() {return numberOfElements;} /** * returns number of values */ public int getNumberOfValues() {return numberOfValues;} public String getName() {return name;} public int getNumber() {return number;} public int getDataType() {return type;} public int[] getDimensions() { int [] ia = new int[dimensions.length]; System.arraycopy(dimensions, 0, ia, 0, dimensions.length); return ia; } public boolean[] getVarys() { boolean [] ba = new boolean[varies.length]; System.arraycopy(varies, 0, ba, 0, varies.length); return ba; } } public class DataLocator implements VariableDataLocator, { private transient ByteBuffer _buf; private int numberOfValues; private boolean compressed; protected Vector locations = new Vector(); protected DataLocator(ByteBuffer b, int n, boolean compr) { _buf = b; numberOfValues = n; compressed = compr; _buf.position(offset_FIRST_VXR); int offset = lowOrderInt(_buf); ByteBuffer bx = getRecord(offset); Vector v = _getLocations(bx); // we need to check whether the record points to a compressed // record int vrtype = VVR_RECORD_TYPE; if (compressed) vrtype = CVVR_RECORD_TYPE; if (v.size() > 0) { int [] loc = (int [])v.elementAt(0); ByteBuffer bb = getRecord(loc[2]); int rtype = bb.getInt(offset_RECORD_TYPE); if (rtype != vrtype) { if (compressed) { System.out.println("setting record type to " + "uncompressed"); compressed = false; } else { System.out.println("invalid record type " + rtype); return; } } } registerNodes(bx, v); } public boolean isReallyCompressed() {return compressed;} public int[][] getLocations() { int[][] loc = new int[locations.size()][3]; for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++) { int[] ia = (int [])locations.elementAt(i); loc[i][0] = ia[0]; loc[i][1] = ia[1]; loc[i][2] = ia[2]; } return loc; } Vector _getLocations(ByteBuffer bx) { Vector locations = new Vector(); while (true) { bx.position(offset_NEXT_VXR); int next = lowOrderInt(bx); bx.position(offset_NENTRIES); int nentries = bx.getInt(); bx.position(offset_NUSED); int nused = bx.getInt(); bx.position(offset_FIRST); ByteBuffer bf = bx.slice(); bx.position(offset_FIRST + nentries*4); ByteBuffer bl = bx.slice(); bx.position(offset_FIRST + 2*nentries*4); ByteBuffer bo = bx.slice(); for (int entry = 0; entry < nused; entry++) { int first = bf.getInt(); int last = bl.getInt(); if (last > (numberOfValues - 1)) { last = (numberOfValues - 1); } int off = lowOrderInt(bo); locations.add(new int[] {first, last, off}); } if (next == 0) break; bx = getRecord(next); } return locations; } void registerNodes(ByteBuffer bx, Vector v) { int vrtype = VVR_RECORD_TYPE; if (compressed) vrtype = CVVR_RECORD_TYPE; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { int [] loc = (int [])v.elementAt(i); ByteBuffer bb = getRecord(loc[2]); if (bb.getInt(offset_RECORD_TYPE) != vrtype) { Vector vin = _getLocations(bb); registerNodes(bb, vin); } else { locations.add(loc); } } } } ByteBuffer getValueBuffer(int offset) { ByteBuffer bv = getRecord(offset); bv.position(offset_RECORDS); return bv; } ByteBuffer getValueBuffer(int offset, int size, int number) { ByteBuffer bv = getRecord(offset); int clen = lowOrderInt(bv, offset_CSIZE); byte [] work = new byte[clen]; bv.position(offset_CDATA); bv.get(work); byte [] udata = new byte[size*number]; int n = 0; try { GZIPInputStream gz = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(work)); int toRead = udata.length; int off = 0; while (toRead > 0) { n =, off, toRead); if (n == -1) break; off += n; toRead -= n; } } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex.toString()); return null; } if (n < 0) return null; return ByteBuffer.wrap(udata); } public Object get(String varName) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Series"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getSeries not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object [] {thisCDF, var}); } public Object get(String varName, int index) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Element"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getElement not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index)}); } public Object get(String varName, int[] elements) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Elements"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getElements not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, elements}); } public Object get(String varName, int index1, int index2) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Element"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getElement(i, j) not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index1), new Integer(index2)}); } public Object get(String varName, int index1, int index2, int element) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "RangeForElement"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getRangeForElement not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index1), new Integer(index2), new Integer(element)}); } public Object get(String varName, int index1, int index2, int[] elements) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "RangeForElements"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getRangeForElements not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index1), new Integer(index2), elements}); } public Object getPoint(String varName, int index) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Point"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getPoint not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index)}); } public Object getRange(String varName, int index1, int index2) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Range"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getRange not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index1), new Integer(index2)}); } public Object getRange(String varName, int index1, int index2, int element) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "RangeElement"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getRangeElement not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index1), new Integer(index2), new Integer(element)}); } public Object getRange(String varName, int index1, int index2, int[] elements) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "RangeElements"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getRangeElements not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(index1), new Integer(index2), elements}); } public double[] get1D(String varName) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); return Extractor.get1DSeries(thisCDF, var, null); } public double[] get1D(String varName, int point) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); return Extractor.get1DSeries(thisCDF, var, new int[] {point}); } public double[] get1D(String varName, int first, int last) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); return Extractor.get1DSeries(thisCDF, var, new int[] {first, last}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String varName) throws Throwable { return getTimeSeries(varName, true, null); } public Object getTimeSeries(String varName, int element) throws Throwable { return getTimeSeries(varName, element, true, null); } public Object getTimeSeries(String varName, boolean ignoreFill) throws Throwable { return getTimeSeries(varName, ignoreFill, null); } public Object getTimeSeries(String varName, int element,boolean ignoreFill) throws Throwable { return getTimeSeries(varName, element, true, null); } public Object getTimeSeries(String varName, boolean ignoreFill, double[] timeRange) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "TimeSeries"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getTimeSeries not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object [] {thisCDF, var, new Boolean(ignoreFill), timeRange}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String vname, boolean ignoreFill, double startTime, double stopTime) throws Throwable { return getTimeSeries(vname, ignoreFill, new double[] {startTime, stopTime}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String vname, boolean ignoreFill, Date startDate, Date stopDate) throws Throwable { long l1 = startDate.getTime(); long l2 = stopDate.getTime(); return getTimeSeries(vname, ignoreFill, new double[] {(double)l1, (double)l2}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String varName, int element,boolean ignoreFill, double[] timeRange) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "TimeSeries"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getTimeSeries not " + "implemented for " + varName); return method.invoke(null, new Object [] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(element), new Boolean(ignoreFill), timeRange}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String vname, int element, boolean ignoreFill, double startTime, double stopTime) throws Throwable { return getTimeSeries(vname, element, ignoreFill, new double[] {startTime, stopTime}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String vname, int element, boolean ignoreFill, Date startDate, Date stopDate) throws Throwable { long l1 = startDate.getTime(); long l2 = stopDate.getTime(); return getTimeSeries(vname, element, ignoreFill, new double[] {(double)l1, (double)l2}); } /** * returns dimensions of the named variable. */ public int [] variableDimensions(String name) { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(name); if (var == null) return null; int [] dims = var.getDimensions(); int [] ia = new int[dims.length]; System.arraycopy(ia, 0, dims, 0, dims.length); return ia; } protected abstract int lowOrderInt(ByteBuffer buf); protected abstract int lowOrderInt(ByteBuffer buf, int offset); protected abstract String getString(int offset); protected String getString(int offset, int max) { return getString(getRecord(offset), max); } protected String getString(ByteBuffer _buf, int max) { byte [] ba = new byte[max]; int i = 0; for (; i < max; i++) { ba[i] = _buf.get(); if (ba[i] == 0) break; } return new String(ba, 0, i); } public static double[] getNumberAttribute(int type, int nelement, ByteBuffer vbuf, ByteOrder byteOrder) { double [] value = new double[nelement]; ByteBuffer vbufLocal = vbuf.duplicate(); vbufLocal.order(byteOrder); try { if ((type > 20) || (type < 10)) { for (int i = 0; i < nelement; i++) { Number num = (Number)DataTypes.method[type].invoke(vbufLocal, new Object [] {}); value[i] = num.doubleValue(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < nelement; i++) { Number num = (Number)DataTypes.method[type].invoke(vbufLocal, new Object [] {}); int n = num.intValue(); value[i] = (n >= 0)?(double)n:(double)(longInt + n); } } } catch(Exception ex) { return null; } return value; } public TimeVariable getCDFTimeVariable(String vname) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(vname); int precision = -1; String tname = null; if (var == null) { throw new Throwable("Bad variable name " + vname); } else { Vector v = (Vector)getAttribute(var.getName(), "DEPEND_0"); if (v.size() > 0) tname = (String)v.elementAt(0); if (tname == null) tname = "Epoch"; Variable tvar = (Variable)variableTable.get(tname); if (tvar == null) { throw new Throwable("Time variable not found for " + vname); } if (tvar.getType() == DataTypes.EPOCH16) { if (tvar.getNumberOfValues() > 0) { precision = PICOSECOND_PRECISION; } } if (precision < 0) { precision = MILLISECOND_PRECISION; if (tvar.getNumberOfValues() == 0) { //themis like v = (Vector)getAttribute(var.getName(), "DEPEND_TIME"); tname = (String)v.elementAt(0); precision = MICROSECOND_PRECISION; } } } TimeVariable tvar = (TimeVariable)timeVariableMap.get(tname); if (tvar == null) { tvar = new CDFTimeVariable(tname, precision); timeVariableMap.put(tname, tvar); } return tvar; } public double [] getTimes(String vname) throws Throwable { return getCDFTimeVariable(vname).getTimes(); } protected double [] getTimes(Variable var, boolean copy) throws Throwable { String vname = var.getName(); if (!copy) return ((CDFTimeVariable)getCDFTimeVariable(vname)).times; return getCDFTimeVariable(vname).getTimes(); } public double [] getTimes(String vname, int[] recordRange) throws Throwable { return getCDFTimeVariable(vname).getTimes(recordRange); } public double [] getTimes(String vname, int[] recordRange, int[] stride) throws Throwable { double[] times = ((CDFTimeVariable)getCDFTimeVariable(vname)).times; Stride strideObject = new Stride(stride); int nv = recordRange[1] - recordRange[0] + 1; int _stride = strideObject.getStride(nv); if (_stride > 1) { int numpt = nv/_stride; if (numpt*_stride < nv) numpt++; nv = numpt; } double[] stimes = new double[nv]; int n = recordRange[0]; for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) { stimes[i] = times[n]; n += _stride; } return stimes; } public double [] getTimes(String vname, int firstRecord, int lastRecord) throws Throwable { return getTimes(vname, new int[] {firstRecord, lastRecord}); } public double [] getAvailableTimeRange(String vname) throws Throwable { CDFTimeVariable tv = (CDFTimeVariable)getCDFTimeVariable(vname); int last = tv.times.length - 1; return new double[] {tv.times[0], tv.times[last]}; } public static int MILLISECOND_PRECISION = 0; public static int MICROSECOND_PRECISION = 1; public static int PICOSECOND_PRECISION = 2; public class CDFTimeVariable implements TimeVariable, Serializable { protected double[] times; protected double[] savedTimes; double[][] epoch16; int precision; String name; public CDFTimeVariable(String tname, int precision) throws Throwable { name = tname; this.precision = precision; if (precision == MILLISECOND_PRECISION) { double[] epoch = (double[])get(tname); times = new double[epoch.length]; for (int i = 0; i < epoch.length; i++) { times[i] = epoch[i] - JANUARY_1_1970; } } if (precision == MICROSECOND_PRECISION) { double[] seconds = (double[])get(tname); times = new double[seconds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < seconds.length; i++) { times[i] = seconds[i]*1.0e3; } } if (precision == PICOSECOND_PRECISION) { epoch16 = (double [][])get(tname); times = new double [epoch16.length]; for (int i = 0; i < epoch16.length; i++) { double t = epoch16[i][0] - JANUARY_1_1970; times[i] = t*1000 + Math.floor(epoch16[i][1]/1.0e6); } } } public String getName() {return name;} public int getPrecision() {return precision;} protected synchronized void setTimes(double[] modTimes) { savedTimes = times; times = modTimes; } protected synchronized void restoreTimes() { times = savedTimes; } public double [] getTimes() { double [] da = new double[times.length]; System.arraycopy(times, 0, da, 0, times.length); return da; } public double [] getTimes(int[] recordRange) { double [] stimes = new double[recordRange[1] - recordRange[0] + 1]; System.arraycopy(times, recordRange[0], stimes, 0, stimes.length); return stimes; } public double[][] getExtendedPrecisionTimes() throws Throwable { if (precision == PICOSECOND_PRECISION) { return (double [][])get(name); } return null; } public double[][] getExtendedPrecisionTimes(int[] recordRange) throws Throwable { if (precision != PICOSECOND_PRECISION) return null; return (double [][])getRange(name, recordRange[0], recordRange[1]); } public int[] getRecordRange(double[] timeRange) { double start = timeRange[0]; double stop = timeRange[1]; int i = 0; for (; i < times.length; i++) { if (start > times[i]) continue; break; } if (i == times.length) return null; int low = i; for (; i < times.length; i++) { if (stop <= times[i]) break; } if (i == 0) return null; return new int[] {low, i - 1}; } public double [] getTimes(double[] timeRange) { int [] rr = getRecordRange(timeRange); if (rr == null) return null; return getTimes(rr); } } public int[] getRecordRange(String vname, double[] timeRange) throws Throwable { return getCDFTimeVariable(vname).getRecordRange(timeRange); } public int[] getRecordRange(String vname, double startTime, double stopTime) throws Throwable { return getRecordRange(vname, new double[] {startTime, stopTime}); } public int[] getRecordRange(String vname, Date startDate, Date stopDate) throws Throwable { long l1 = startDate.getTime(); long l2 = stopDate.getTime(); return getRecordRange(vname, new double[] {(double)l1, (double)l2}); } void setByteOrder(ByteOrder bo) { bigEndian = bo.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); } public void setByteOrder(boolean _bigEndian) { byteOrder = (_bigEndian)?ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN:ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; setByteOrder(byteOrder); } public boolean isBigEndian() {return bigEndian;} public void setBuffer(ByteBuffer b) {buf = b;} public void extractBytes(int bufOffset, byte[] ba, int offset, int len) { ((ByteBuffer)buf.duplicate().position(bufOffset)).get(ba, offset, len); } protected int getRecordOffset() {return offset_RECORDS;} public Object getTimeSeries(String vname, boolean ignoreFill, double[] timeRange, int[] stride) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(vname); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + vname); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "SampledTimeSeries"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getSampledTimeSeries not " + "implemented for " + vname); return method.invoke(null, new Object [] {thisCDF, var, new Boolean(ignoreFill), timeRange, stride}); } public Object getTimeSeries(String vname, int element, boolean ignoreFill, double[] timeRange, int[] stride) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(vname); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + vname); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "SampledTimeSeries"); if (method == null) throw new Throwable("getSampledTimeSeries not " + "implemented for " + vname); return method.invoke(null, new Object [] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(element), new Boolean(ignoreFill), timeRange, stride}); } public double[] get1D(String varName, int first, int last, int[] stride) throws Throwable { Variable var = (Variable)variableTable.get(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); return Extractor.get1DSeries(thisCDF, var, new int[] {first, last}, stride); } }