Filters Fourier Filtering FFT Power Spectrum with sliding window |fftPower(512,2,'Hanning') Initializes the FFTPower filter Hanning |hanning(128) Runs a Hanning window before taking the fft FFT |fft() Returns real and imaginary components of Fourier transform FFT and magnitude |fft()|magnitude() Returns real and imaginary components of Fourier transform, then take magnitude Data Set Operations Collapse Zeroth Dimension |collapse0() Average over the zeroth dimension to reduce the dimensionality Collapse First Dimension |collapse1() Average over the first dimension to reduce the dimensionality Collapse Second Dimension |collapse2() Average over the second dimension to reduce the dimensionality Collapse a Range of Indeces of Second Dimension |trim(2,0,4)|collapse2() Average over a subset of second dimension to reduce the dimensionality Apply Index |applyIndex1(0) Extract a subset of the data, along an index. Contour |contour(1,5) Initializes Contour Filter dbAbovebackgroundDim1 |dbAboveBackgroundDim1(10) Shows data as decibels above a specified percentile level Detrend |detrend(10) Initializes Detrend Filter Normalize |normalize() Normalize the data so that the maximum value is 1. Grid |grid() Flattened n,3 data is formed into table of x[i],y[j]->z[i,j]. Flatten |flatten() Flattens a rank 2 table. The result is a n,3 bundle dataset of [x,y,z]. Flatten Waveform |flattenWaveform() Flattens a rank 2 waveform into a single-index dataset with DEPEND_0. Histogram |histogram() Perform an "auto" histogram of the data that automatically sets bins Histogram2d |histogram2d() Perform a 2-D histogram of X and Y to create a rank 2 table. Bin Average 2D |binAverage2d() Perform a 2-D bin average X, Y, Z scatter to create a rank 2 table. Reduce In Zeroth Dimension |reducex('1 hr') Reduces data to selected time/data intervals Decimate |decimate(4) Keep every 4th measurement. Slice0 |slice0(0) Slice the zeroth dimension at selected index Slice1 |slice1(0) Slice the first dimension at selected index Slices |slices(':') Slice several dimensions at once Magnitude |magnitude() calculate the magnitude of the cartesian vectors. Trim |trim(0,10) Trim the data to a smaller range Smooth |smooth(5) Smooth Filter Smooth Over Dimension |smooth1(5) Smooth Filter over the first dimension Total Over a Dimension |total1() Totals over a dimension to reduce the dimensionality. Transpose |transpose() Transpose the rank 2 dataset. Polar to Cartesian |polarToCartesian() Rank 2 bundle of [ radius, angle, Z ] is converted to cartesian coordinates. Unbundle |unbundle('Bx') Unbundles a component Valid |valid() Replaces data with 1 where valid and 0 where invalid Extent |extent() returns a range (min,max) for the data Get Property |getProperty(DEPEND_0) Replace the dataset with one of its properties, for example DEPEND_0 to get its timetags. Put Property |putProperty(VALID_MIN,-1e38) Insert a property value into a dataset's properties. Set Valid Range |setValidRange('-1e38 to 1e38') Set the limits of the data. Set Fill Value |setFillValue(-1e38) Set the numerical value marking invalid data. Mathematics Arithmetic Absolute Value |abs() Takes absolute value of dataset Accum |accum() Returns the running sum of a rank 1 dataSet Add |add(0.) Add a scalar Subtract |subtract(0.) Subtract a scalar Divide |divide(2.) Divide by a scalar Multiply |multiply(2.) Multiply by a scalar Negate |negate() Flips the sign of the dataSet Diff |diff() Returns the finite differences between adjacent elements in a rank 1 dataSet Log and Exp Exponent |exp10() Takes the dataset, ds, to the given exponent [exp10() = pow(10,ds)] Sqrt |sqrt() Takes the square root Pow |pow(2) Takes the power(ds,n) Log Base 10 |log10() Takes the base-10 log of the data Log Histogram |logHistogram() Perform the auto histogram in the log space Statistics Detrend |detrend(5) Initializes Detrend Filter Median Boxcar |medianFilter(5) Finds and returns the boxcar median of the dataset Smooth |smooth(5) Finds and returns the boxcar average of a rank 1 dataSet Trigonometry Cosine |cos() Finds the cosine of the dataset Sine |sin() Finds the sine of the dataset toDegrees |toDegrees() Converts from Radians to Degrees toRadians |toRadians() Converts from Degrees to Radians Signal Processing Butterworth |butterworth(2,500,550,True) Initializes the Butterworth filter Clean Data |cleanData(11,3.0) Remove outliers from the data, more than N sigma from the mean. Units/Labeling setUnits |setUnits('nT') Resets current units to new units setDepend0Units |setDepend0Units('nT') Resets current DEPEND_0 units to new units setDepend0Cadence |setDepend0Cadence('50s') Resets current DEPEND_0 cadence to new cadence (scalar and units) setDepend1Cadence |setDepend1Cadence('50Hz') Resets current DEPEND_1 cadence to new cadence (scalar and units) expandWaveform |expandWaveform() assign fake timetags for waveform data points so that gaps are filled. expandToFillGaps |expandToFillGaps(0.9) assign fake timetags to spectral data so that gaps are filled.