package ProGAL.geom3d; import ProGAL.math.Matrix3x3; public class ParametricPlane { public Point p; public Vector n, v1, v2; protected Matrix3x3 projInv; /** * 8 + 31 = 39HOps */ public ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector v1, Vector v2){ this.p = p; this.n = v1.cross(v2).normalizeThis(); this.v1 = v1; this.v2 = v2; this.projInv = Matrix3x3.createRowMatrix(v1, v2, n); } /** Construct a parametric plane with the specified point and normal. It is not specified * how the orthogonal basis is constructed except that the third basis-vector will be the * normal vector. */ public ParametricPlane(Point p, Vector normal){ this.p = p; this.n = normal.normalize(); this.v1 = new Vector(1.001,0.002,0).crossThis(normal).normalizeThis(); this.v2 = this.n.cross(v1); this.projInv = Matrix3x3.createRowMatrix(v1, v2, n); } /** Projects the point v onto this plane and returns the parameters of * the projected point (scaling of v1, of v2 and finally the distance or * scaling along n). 9HOps */ public double[] projectPoint(Point v){ Vector x = p.vectorTo(v); projInv.multiplyIn(x); return new double[]{x.x(), x.y(), x.z()}; } /** Returns a parameter setting for the line describing the * intersection with this plane. Assumes there's a point * intersection. */ public double intersectionParameter(Line l){ //From return; } public Point getP(){ return p; } public Point getP(double[] pars){ return p.add(v1.multiply(pars[0])).addThis(v2.multiply(pars[1])); } }