package org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.Element; import jsyntaxpane.components.Markers; import jsyntaxpane.components.Markers.SimpleMarker; import org.python.core.PyException; import org.python.core.PyIgnoreMethodTag; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyJavaInstance; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyString; import org.python.core.PySyntaxError; import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; /** * annotations support for the editor, marking program counter position * and errors. * * One way to get the support for an editor is * getApplication().getScriptPanel().getAnnotationsSupport() * * @see ScriptPanelSupport * @author jbf */ public class EditorAnnotationsSupport { private static final Logger logger= org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.jython"); /** * error marked in the code */ public static final String ANNO_ERROR = "error"; /** * current interpreter position */ public static final String ANNO_PROGRAM_COUNTER = "programCounter"; /** * warning in the code */ public static final String ANNO_WARNING = "warning"; /** * warning in the code */ public static final String ANNO_CODE_HINT = "codeHint"; /** * usage of a symbol in the code */ public static final String ANNO_USAGE = "usage"; /** * when rendering differences, insertion of text */ public static final String ANNO_INSERT = "insert"; /** * when rendering differences, deletion of text */ public static final String ANNO_DELETE = "delete"; /** * when rendering differences, modification of text */ public static final String ANNO_CHANGE = "change"; /** * return the symbol (e.g. variable name) at the caret position, or "". * @param editor the code editor * @param position typically editor.getCarotPosition * @return the symbol (e.g. variable name) at the current caret location */ public static String getSymbolAt( EditorTextPane editor, int position) { int i= position; String s= editor.getText(); if ( i>0 && i0 && i==s.length() && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i-1) ) ) { i=i-1; } while ( i>0 && i=s.length() ) { return ""; } if ( !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i)) ) i=i+1; int i0= i; while ( i=i ) { return s.substring(i0,i); } else { return ""; } } private final JEditorPane editorPanel; EditorAnnotationsSupport(JEditorPane editorPanel) { this.editorPanel = editorPanel; final DocumentListener annoList= new DocumentListener() { @Override public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { clearAnnotations(e.getOffset()); } @Override public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { clearAnnotations(e.getOffset()); } @Override public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { clearAnnotations(e.getOffset()); } }; editorPanel.getDocument().addDocumentListener(annoList); this.editorPanel.addPropertyChangeListener("document", (PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { if ( evt.getOldValue()!=null ) { ((Document)evt.getOldValue()).removeDocumentListener(annoList); } ((Document)evt.getNewValue()).addDocumentListener(annoList); }); editorPanel.setToolTipText("this will contain annotations"); } /** * remove all annotations */ public void clearAnnotations() { if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { Markers.removeMarkers(editorPanel); editorPanel.getHighlighter().removeAllHighlights(); annotations= new TreeMap<>(); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { Markers.removeMarkers(editorPanel); editorPanel.getHighlighter().removeAllHighlights(); annotations= new TreeMap<>(); }); } } /** * remove all annotations at the position * @param pos the position in character position within the document. */ public void clearAnnotations(int pos) { final Annotation ann = annotationAt(pos); if (ann != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { Markers.removeMarkers(editorPanel,ann.marker); annotations.remove(ann.offset); if ( ann.highlightInfo!=null ) { editorPanel.getHighlighter().removeHighlight(ann.highlightInfo); } }); } } /** * scroll to make sure offset is visible. * @param offset * @throws BadLocationException */ public void scrollToOffset( int offset ) throws BadLocationException { Rectangle r= editorPanel.modelToView( offset ); editorPanel.scrollRectToVisible(r); } private static class Annotation { String text; int offset; int len; SimpleMarker marker; Object highlightInfo; } SortedMap annotations = new TreeMap<>(); private Annotation annotationAt(int offset) { int annoOffset; SortedMap head = annotations.headMap(offset); if (head.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { annoOffset = head.lastKey(); } Annotation ann = annotations.get(annoOffset); if (ann.len > offset - ann.offset) { return ann; } else { return null; } } /** * mark the error in the editor by looking at the python exception to get the line number. * @param ex the python exception * @param offset line offset from beginning of file where execution began. * @throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException */ public void annotateError(PyException ex, int offset) throws BadLocationException { if (ex instanceof PySyntaxError) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); int lineno = offset + ((PyInteger) ex.value.__getitem__(1).__getitem__(1)).getValue(); //int col = ((PyInteger) ex.value.__getitem__(1).__getitem__(2)).getValue(); annotateLine(lineno, "error", ex.toString()); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); annotateLine(offset + ex.traceback.tb_lineno, "error", ex.toString()); } } /** * highlite the line by setting the background to color. null clears the highlite. * @param line the line number to highlite. 1 is the first line. * @param name the name of the style, including "error" and "programCounter" * @param text annotation to display when hovering. Currently ignored. * @throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException */ public void annotateLine(int line, String name, String text) throws BadLocationException { annotateLine( line, name, text, null ); } /** * highlite the line by setting the background to color. null clears the highlite. * @param lline the line number to highlite. 1 is the first line. * @param name the name of the style, including "error" and "programCounter" * @param ltext annotation to display when hovering. * @param interp the interpreter (or null) to focus on. */ public void annotateLine( int lline, final String name, String ltext, final PythonInterpreter interp ) { if ( lline<1 ) { new IllegalArgumentException("no such line: "+lline).printStackTrace(); lline=1; ltext= ltext+ "\n(line number was "+lline+", see stderr)"; } final int line= lline; final String text= ltext; Element root = editorPanel.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); if ( line>root.getElementCount()+1 ) { System.err.println("*** can't annotate line: "+lline ); return; } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { Document doc = editorPanel.getDocument(); Element root1 = editorPanel.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); if (root1.getElementCount() == 1) { // transitional case where the document is cleared. return; } if (line > root1.getElementCount() + 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no such line: "+line ); } int i0, i1; if (line <= root1.getElementCount()) { i0 = root1.getElement(line - 1).getStartOffset(); i1 = root1.getElement(line - 1).getEndOffset(); } else { i0 = Math.max(0, doc.getLength()-2 ); i1 = doc.getLength(); } annotateChars(i0, i1, name, text, interp); try { scrollToOffset(i0); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }); } /** * return the position of the line in chars. The second is exclusive. * @param line the line number 1 is the first line. * @return [st,en] */ public int[] getLinePosition( int line ) { if ( line<1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line number must be one or more"); Document doc = editorPanel.getDocument(); Element root = editorPanel.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); if ( root.getElementCount()==1 ) { // transitional case where the document is cleared. return new int[] { 0,0 }; } if ( line>root.getElementCount()+1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no such line: "+line ); } int i0, i1; if ( line<=root.getElementCount() ) { i0 = root.getElement(line - 1).getStartOffset(); i1 = root.getElement(line - 1).getEndOffset(); } else { i0 = Math.max(0, doc.getLength()-2 ); i1 = doc.getLength(); } return new int[] { i0, i1 }; } /** * annotate the characters on the line. This was introduced to highlite the location of symbol names. * @param line the line number, where 1 is the first line. * @param i0 the column number, where 1 is the first column. * @param i1 the last column number, exclusive. * @param name annotation type, such as "usage" or "error" see constants. * @param text the tooltip text. * @param interp null or the interpreter. */ public void annotateChars( final int line, final int i0, final int i1, final String name, final String text, final PythonInterpreter interp ) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { Document doc = editorPanel.getDocument(); Element root = editorPanel.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); if ( root.getElementCount()==1 ) { // transitional case where the document is cleared. return; } if ( line>root.getElementCount()+1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no such line: "+line ); } int lineStart; if ( line<=root.getElementCount() ) { lineStart = root.getElement(line - 1).getStartOffset(); } else { lineStart = Math.max(0, doc.getLength()-2 ); } annotateChars( lineStart+i0-1, lineStart+i1-1, name, text, interp ); }); } /** * * @param i0 char offset for the beginning * @param i1 char offset for the end. * @param name ANNO_WARNING, ANNO_ERROR, ANNO_PROGRAM_COUNTER * @param text text to further explain * @param interp the interpreter or null, to allow for further queries by resetting the interpreter. */ public void annotateChars( final int i0, final int i1, final String name, final String text, final PythonInterpreter interp ) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { boolean lightBackground= ( ( editorPanel.getBackground().getRed() + editorPanel.getBackground().getGreen() + editorPanel.getBackground().getBlue() ) / 3 ) > 100; SimpleMarker mark; Object highlightInfo=null; switch (name) { case ANNO_WARNING: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? Color.YELLOW : new Color(120,120,0) ); break; case ANNO_CODE_HINT: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? new Color(255,255,0,80) : new Color(255,255,0,80) ); break; case ANNO_USAGE: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? Color.GREEN.brighter() : new Color(0,100,0) ); break; case ANNO_ERROR: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? Color.PINK : new Color(120,80,80)); break; case ANNO_PROGRAM_COUNTER: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? new Color( 0,255,0,80 ) : new Color( 0,200,0,80 ) ); break; case ANNO_INSERT: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? new Color( 100,255,100,80 ) : new Color( 0,100,0,80 ) ); break; case ANNO_DELETE: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? Color.PINK : new Color(120,80,80) ); break; case ANNO_CHANGE: mark= new SimpleMarker( lightBackground ? new Color( 100,100,255,80 ) : new Color( 0,0,100,80 ) ); break; default: mark= new SimpleMarker(Color.GRAY ); break; } switch (name) { case ANNO_ERROR: { SquigglePainter red= new SquigglePainter( Color.RED ); try { highlightInfo= editorPanel.getHighlighter().addHighlight(i0, i1, red); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditorAnnotationsSupport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } break; } case ANNO_DELETE: { DeletePainter red= new DeletePainter( Color.RED ); try { highlightInfo= editorPanel.getHighlighter().addHighlight(i0, i1, red); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditorAnnotationsSupport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } break; } default: Markers.markText( editorPanel, i0, i1, mark ); break; } Annotation ann = new Annotation(); ann.len = i1 - i0; ann.offset = i0; ann.text = text; ann.marker= mark; ann.highlightInfo= highlightInfo; annotations.put(ann.offset, ann); }); } private String htmlify( String text ) { StringBuilder buff= new StringBuilder(); buff.append(""); String[] ss= text.split("\n",-2); for ( int i=0; i"); } buff.append(ss[ss.length-1]); buff.append(""); return buff.toString(); } public static interface ExpressionLookup { /** * evaluate the expression, or return null. * @param expr the expression * @return the value or null. */ PyObject lookup( String expr ); } private static ExpressionLookup expressionLookup; public static void setExpressionLookup( ExpressionLookup l ) { expressionLookup= l; } public static ExpressionLookup getExpressionLookup() { return expressionLookup; } public ExpressionLookup getForInterp( final PythonInterpreter interp ) { return (String expr) -> { if ( expr==null ) { return new PyString("highlite an expression"); } try { PyObject po= interp.eval(expr); return po; } catch ( Exception e ) { String msg= e.getMessage(); if ( msg==null ) { msg=e.toString(); int i= msg.lastIndexOf("?\n"); if ( i>-1 ) msg= msg.substring(i+2).trim(); } msg= msg.replaceAll("\n","
\n"); //msg= ""+expr+"
\n" + msg; return new PyString("highlite an expression:
"+msg); } }; } /** * The editor component should delegate to these. * @param me * @return the text */ public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent me) { int offset= editorPanel.viewToModel(me.getPoint()); if ( editorPanel.getSelectionStart()<=offset && offset<=editorPanel.getSelectionEnd() ) { String expr= editorPanel.getSelectedText(); if ( expressionLookup!=null ) { if ( expr!=null ) { PyObject po= expressionLookup.lookup(expr); String peek; peek= String.valueOf( po.__str__() ); if ( peek.startsWith("" ) ) { return peek; } else { if ( po instanceof PyJavaInstance ) { try { return ""+expr+"="+peek+"
"+((PyJavaInstance)po).instclass.safeRepr(); } catch ( PyIgnoreMethodTag ex ) { return ""+expr+"="+peek+"
"+po.getType(); } } else { return ""+expr+"="+peek+"
"+po.getType(); } } } } else { return "Interpreter is not active"; } } if ( offset>0 ) { Annotation ann= annotationAt(offset); if ( ann!=null ) { return htmlify(ann.text); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * The editor component should delegate to these. * @return the preferred size */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(350,250); } }