// ***************************************************************************** // // Global variables // // ***************************************************************************** var imgurl = ''; var zoomurl = ''; var startdateinmilliseconds = 0.0; var enddateinmilliseconds = 0.0; var diffmilliseconds = 0.0; var leftside = 0; // These now come from plotInfo. var rightside = 0; var topside = 0; var bottomside = 0; var graphwidth = 0; // rightside - leftside; var graphheight = 0; // bottomside - topside; var msecperpx = 0; var center = undefined; var imgloaded= 0; // 1=onload. 2=plotinfo ajax 3=both // **************************************************************************** // // Function() definitions // // **************************************************************************** function buildImgUrl(srcurl, start, end) { var outurl = ''; var inpurl = srcurl; var iso8601s = new Date(start).toISOString(); var iso8601e = new Date(end).toISOString(); var slt = inpurl.split('&timerange='); dd1= new Date(start); dd2= new Date(end); digits= [ dd1.getUTCFullYear(), dd1.getUTCMonth()+1, dd1.getUTCDate(), dd1.getUTCHours(), dd1.getUTCMinutes(), dd1.getUTCSeconds(), dd1.getUTCMilliseconds()*1000000, dd2.getUTCFullYear(), dd2.getUTCMonth()+1, dd2.getUTCDate(), dd2.getUTCHours(), dd2.getUTCMinutes(), dd2.getUTCSeconds(), dd2.getUTCMilliseconds()*1000000 ]; timerangeStr= formatISO8601Range(digits) //outurl = slt[0] + "&timerange=" + iso8601s + "/" + iso8601e; outurl = slt[0] + "&timerange=" + timerangeStr; console.log('' + start + " - " + end + " " + new Date(start)); console.log('' + iso8601s + "/" + iso8601e); return outurl; } function echoImgUrl() { //$('#idEchoImgUrl').text(imgurl); aplinkSpan= document.getElementById("aplink"); aplinkSpan.textContent= decodeURIComponent( imgurl.substring(24) ); vapta= document.getElementById('vapta'); vapta.value= decodeURIComponent( imgurl.substring(24) ); } function echoGraphParams() { //$('#iddates').text('StartDate = ' + PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.min + ' , ' + 'EndDate = ' + PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.max ); //$('#idwidthheight').text(''); } /** * scan to the previous interval. */ function scanprev() { setTime(startdateinmilliseconds - diffmilliseconds, enddateinmilliseconds - diffmilliseconds); } /** * scan to the next interval */ function scannext() { setTime(startdateinmilliseconds + diffmilliseconds, enddateinmilliseconds + diffmilliseconds); } /** * scan half way to the previous interval. */ function scanhalfprev() { setTime(startdateinmilliseconds - diffmilliseconds/2, enddateinmilliseconds - diffmilliseconds/2); } /** * scan half way to the next interval */ function scanhalfnext() { setTime(startdateinmilliseconds + diffmilliseconds/2, enddateinmilliseconds + diffmilliseconds/2); } /** * zoom out so the plotted range is 3 times the width. */ function zoomout() { setTime(startdateinmilliseconds - diffmilliseconds, enddateinmilliseconds + diffmilliseconds); } /** * allow the URI to be reset */ function refresh() { setTime(startdateinmilliseconds, enddateinmilliseconds); } /** * the current URL to set. The timerange is reset by appending to this "timerange=" + iso8601s + "/" + iso8601e; * If blank, then read the URL from vapta input area. * @param {String} url the new URL. */ function resetUrl(url) { if ( url.length===0 ) { // get from control url= '../../SimpleServlet?uri='+encodeURI(document.getElementById('vapta').value); } $('#idstatus').text("reset url "+url); $('#progress').attr('src', 'spinner.gif'); imgurl = url; aplinkSpan= document.getElementById("aplink"); aplinkSpan.textContent= decodeURIComponent( imgurl.substring(24) ); t0= Date.now(); ImageInfo.loadInfo(imgurl, mycallback, myErrorCallback ); document.getElementById('idplot').src = imgurl; } /** * zoom in to the middle third. * @returns {undefined} */ function zoomin() { third = (enddateinmilliseconds - startdateinmilliseconds) / 3; setTime(startdateinmilliseconds + third, enddateinmilliseconds - third); } /** * center to the focus position */ function centerFocus() { if (typeof center === "undefined") { $("#info").html('click on the plot to set focus position'); } else { sdatax = $('#xclick').val(); $("#info").html(sdatax); datax = new Date(sdatax).toJSON(); center = new Date(datax).getTime(); half = (enddateinmilliseconds - startdateinmilliseconds) / 2; setTime(center - half, center + half); } } /** * * @param {number} startMilliseconds the time in ms since 1970. * @param {number} endMilliseconds the time in ms since 1970. * @returns the formatted string, limited to resolution */ function iso8601RangeStr( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds ) { st1= iso8601Str( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, startMilliseconds ); st2= iso8601Str( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, endMilliseconds ); if ( st1.endsWith("00:00:00.000Z") && st2.endsWith("00:00:00.000Z" ) ) { st1= st1.substr( 0,11 ) + "Z"; st2= st2.substr( 0,11 ) + "Z"; } return st1 + "/"+ st2; } /** * return the iso string, limited in resolution by startMilliseconds and endMilliseconds * @param {number} startMilliseconds time in ms since 1970 * @param {number} endMilliseconds time in ms since 1970 * @param {number} t the time to be formatted * @returns the formatted string, limited to the resolution */ function iso8601Str( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, t ) { s= new Date(t).toJSON(); if ( endMilliseconds - startMilliseconds > 100*24*86400000 ) { s= s.substring(0,11)+"00:00Z"; } else if ( endMilliseconds - startMilliseconds > 5*24*86400000 ) { s= s.substring(0,13)+":00Z"; } else if ( endMilliseconds - startMilliseconds > 43200000 ) { s= s.substring(0,16)+"Z"; } else if ( endMilliseconds - startMilliseconds > 3600000 ) { s= s.substring(0,19)+"Z"; } return s; } /** * * @param {type} startMilliseconds * @param {type} endMilliseconds * @param {type} t * @param {type} f factor to reduce resolution * @returns {Number} */ function roundNice( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, t, f ) { var dt= ( endMilliseconds - startMilliseconds ) * f; var s= new Date(t).toJSON(); if ( dt/(100*24*86400000) > 1.0 ) { s= s.substring(0,11)+"00:00Z"; } else if ( dt/(5*24*86400000) > 1.0 ) { s= s.substring(0,13)+":00Z"; } else if ( dt/43200000 > 1.0 ) { s= s.substring(0,16)+"Z"; } else if ( dt/3600000 > 1.0 ) { s= s.substring(0,19)+"Z"; } return new Date(s).getTime(); } function resetWidth() { if (typeof xwidth === "undefined") { $("#info").html('reset the width of the time axis'); } else { swidthx = $('#xwidth').val(); center = (enddateinmilliseconds + startdateinmilliseconds) / 2; half = (swidthx*3600000)/2; setTime(center - half, center + half); } } /** * callback that the image was loaded. * @returns {undefined} */ function logloaded() { imgloaded= imgloaded & ( ~1 ); console.log('image loaded '+imgloaded); if ( imgloaded===0 ) { $('#progress').attr('src', 'idle-icon.png'); } } /** * reset the timerange to the contents of $('#timerange').val(). The times * are parsed with an ISO8601 parser, so the following example timeranges * are supported: * "2014-01-12T03:07:09.200/2015-02-12T03:04" * "2014-01-12T03:07/P1D" 1-day following the datum * "2014-01-12T03:07/P1DT12H" 1-day 12-hours following the datum * "P1D/2014-01-12T03:07" 1-day preceeding the datum * "P1D/now" 1-day preceeding this instant * @returns {undefined} */ function resetTime() { if (typeof timerange === "undefined") { $("#info").html('reset the timerange for the time axis'); } else { stimerange = $('#timerange').val(); n= stimerange.indexOf('/'); if ( n===-1 ) { if ( stimerange.length<4 ) { return; } else if ( stimerange.length===4 ) { // YYYY stimerange= stimerange+'/P1Y'; } else if ( stimerange.length===7 ) { // YYYY-DD stimerange= stimerange+'/P1M'; } else if ( stimerange.length===8 ) { // YYYY-MMM stimerange= stimerange+'/P1D'; } else if ( stimerange.length===10 ) { // YYYY-MM-DD stimerange= stimerange+'/P1D'; } } itr = parseISO8601Range( stimerange ); st1 = new Date( itr[0], itr[1]-1, itr[2], itr[3], itr[4], itr[5], itr[6]/1000000 ); //stimerange.substring(0,n)).toJSON(); t1= st1.getTime() - st1.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; // really? st2 = new Date( itr[7], itr[8]-1, itr[9], itr[10], itr[11], itr[12], itr[13]/1000000 ); t2= st2.getTime() - st2.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; setTime( t1,t2 ); } } function testing() { setTime(1104451200000, 1104451200000 + 86400000); } function clickshift(subEvent) { plotInfo = PLOTINFO; // there's just the one... console.log(plotInfo); if (plotInfo === -1) { $("#info").html('No metadata found.'); return; } var xx = subEvent.offsetX || (subEvent.pageX - subEvent.target.offsetLeft); var yy = subEvent.offsetY || (subEvent.pageY - subEvent.target.offsetTop); //console.log(subEvent); var found = false; for (i = 0; i < plotInfo.plots.length; i++) { var p = plotInfo.plots[i]; //console.log(p) if (p.xaxis.left <= xx && xx < p.xaxis.right && p.yaxis.top <= yy && yy < p.yaxis.bottom) { l = p.xaxis.right - p.xaxis.left; if (p.xaxis.units === 'UTC') { dmin = Date.parse(p.xaxis.min); dmax = Date.parse(p.xaxis.max); datax = ((xx - p.xaxis.left) * dmax + (p.xaxis.right - xx) * dmin) / l; datax = iso8601Str( dmin, dmax, datax ); } else { if (p.xaxis.type === 'log') { oo = ((p.xaxis.right - xx) / l); zz = Math.log(p.xaxis.max / p.xaxis.min); datax = Math.exp(Math.log(p.xaxis.min) + ((xx - p.xaxis.left) / l) * Math.log(p.xaxis.max / p.xaxis.min)); } else { datax = ((xx - p.xaxis.left) * p.xaxis.min + (xx - p.xaxis.left) * p.xaxis.max) / l; } } l = p.yaxis.bottom - p.yaxis.top; if (p.yaxis.type === 'log') { datay = Math.exp(Math.log(p.yaxis.min) + ((p.yaxis.bottom - yy) / l) * Math.log(p.yaxis.max / p.yaxis.min)); } else { datay = ((yy - p.yaxis.top) * p.yaxis.min + (p.yaxis.bottom - yy) * p.yaxis.max) / l; } $("#xclick").val(datax); $("#info").html('x:' + datax + ' y:' + datay); //'x:' + xx + ' y:' + yy + ' np:' + plotInfo.numberOfPlots + ' ip:'+i + found = true; } } if (!found) { $("#info").html('outside axis bounds'); } else { center = new Date(datax).getTime(); } } function setTime(startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds) { startMilliseconds= roundNice( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, startMilliseconds, 240 ); endMilliseconds= roundNice( startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, endMilliseconds, 240 ); console.log('==setTime()== 24'); console.log(' startMilliseconds=' + iso8601Str( startMilliseconds,endMilliseconds,startMilliseconds ) ); console.log(' diffmilliseconds=' + (endMilliseconds - startMilliseconds)); console.log('PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.min,max=' + PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.min + '/' + PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.max); zoomurl = buildImgUrl(imgurl, startMilliseconds, endMilliseconds); console.log('imgAreaSelect() : ' + 'zoomurl = ' + zoomurl); console.log(' imgurl: ', imgurl ); console.log(' zoomurl: ', zoomurl ); imgloaded= 3; $('#idplot').attr('src', zoomurl); $('#xwidth').val( ''+((endMilliseconds-startMilliseconds) /3600000) ); $('#timerange').val( iso8601RangeStr(startMilliseconds,endMilliseconds) ); $('#idstatus').text("set time "+iso8601RangeStr(startMilliseconds,endMilliseconds)); $('#progress').attr('src', 'spinner.gif'); // update imgurl imgurl = zoomurl; aplinkSpan= document.getElementById("aplink"); aplinkSpan.textContent= decodeURIComponent( imgurl.substring(24) ); startdateinmilliseconds = startMilliseconds; enddateinmilliseconds = endMilliseconds; diffmilliseconds = enddateinmilliseconds - startdateinmilliseconds; msecperpx = diffmilliseconds / graphwidth; echoImgUrl(); t0= Date.now(); ImageInfo.loadInfo(imgurl, mycallback, myErrorCallback ); console.log('--> startdateinmilliseconds=' + startdateinmilliseconds); } // clear spinner busy wheel function myErrorCallback() { $('#idstatus').text("** ERROR **"); imgloaded= imgloaded & ( ~2 ); if ( imgloaded===0 ) { $('#progress').attr('src', 'idle-icon.png'); } } // Callback function for when metadata extracted function mycallback() { splotInfo = ImageInfo.getField(imgurl, "data")['plotInfo']; PLOTINFO = $.parseJSON(splotInfo); console.log(' mycallback--> startdateinmilliseconds=' + iso8601Str( startdateinmilliseconds,enddateinmilliseconds,startdateinmilliseconds ) ); startdateinmilliseconds = new Date(PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.min).getTime(); enddateinmilliseconds = new Date(PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.max).getTime(); diffmilliseconds = enddateinmilliseconds - startdateinmilliseconds; console.log(' mycallback--> startdateinmilliseconds=' + iso8601Str( startdateinmilliseconds,enddateinmilliseconds,startdateinmilliseconds) + " (exit)"); $('#xwidth').val( diffmilliseconds/3600000 ); dd1= new Date(startdateinmilliseconds); dd2= new Date(enddateinmilliseconds); digits= [ dd1.getUTCFullYear(), dd1.getUTCMonth()+1, dd1.getUTCDate(), dd1.getUTCHours(), dd1.getUTCMinutes(), dd1.getUTCSeconds(), dd1.getUTCMilliseconds()*1000000, dd2.getUTCFullYear(), dd2.getUTCMonth()+1, dd2.getUTCDate(), dd2.getUTCHours(), dd2.getUTCMinutes(), dd2.getUTCSeconds(), dd2.getUTCMilliseconds()*1000000 ]; $('#timerange').val( formatISO8601Range(digits) ); topside = PLOTINFO.plots[0].yaxis.top; bottomside = PLOTINFO.plots[0].yaxis.bottom; leftside = PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.left; rightside = PLOTINFO.plots[0].xaxis.right; graphwidth = rightside - leftside; graphheight = bottomside - topside; msecperpx = diffmilliseconds / graphwidth; echoGraphParams(); deltaTime= ( ( Date.now() - t0 ) / 1000 ).toFixed(2); $('#idstatus').text("ready. image updated in "+deltaTime+" seconds."); imgloaded= imgloaded & ( ~2 ); if ( imgloaded===0 ) { $('#progress').attr('src', 'idle-icon.png'); } window.history.pushState( {}, '', 'demo.jsp?'+imgurl.substring(20) ); } var ias; $('#idstatus').text("v20150122_0705"); var PLOTINFO; // ***************************************************************************** // // jQuery code // // ***************************************************************************** $(document).ready(function() { imgurl = $('#idplot').attr('src'); echoImgUrl(); t0= Date.now(); ImageInfo.loadInfo(imgurl, mycallback, myErrorCallback ); // ************************************************************************** // imgAreaSelect() // ************************************************************************** $('#idplot').imgAreaSelect({ handles: true, autoHide: true, onSelectEnd: function(img, selection) { var x1milliseconds = 0; var x2milliseconds = 0; console.log(' onselectend--> startdateinmilliseconds=' + startdateinmilliseconds); x1milliseconds = (selection.x1 - leftside) * msecperpx + startdateinmilliseconds; // exclude leftside margin pixels x2milliseconds = (selection.x2 - leftside) * msecperpx + startdateinmilliseconds; // exclude leftside margin pixels if (selection.x2 - selection.x1 > 20) { // make sure it's deliberate setTime(x1milliseconds, x2milliseconds); } } }); });