Data Post Processing specifies the operations that should applied before displaying the data. Originally introduced to allow for slicing of high-dimensional (high "rank") data sets, this also has a number of operators that are described below. When the Operations field is "|slice<dim>(<index>)" the slice dimension and transpose gui controls become enabled to provide a more usable control for the slice. For example, turning the mouse wheel over the slice index control will rapidly adjust the slice position. (Undock the data tab to see the slices as the adjustment is made.) Slice dimension controls which dimension should be sliced. Note that the plot element will automatically set this when a high dimensional dataset is plotted. Transpose will flip the dimensions of the data before plotting. When a vector component is plotted, component simply identifies the component to plot.

Additional Operators

When the operations field starts with the pipe (|) character, it is a list of filters that are to be applied to the data. These filters include:

|histogram() perform an "auto" histogram of the data that automatically sets bins.

|logHistogram() perform the auto histogram in the log space.

|log10() take the base-10 log of the data.

|exp10() plot pow(10,ds)

|sqrt() square root of all elements

|slice0(index) slice the data on the zeroth dimension (often time) at the given index.

|slice1(index) slice the data on the first dimension at the given index.

|collapse0() average over the zeroth dimension to reduce the dimensionality.

|collapse1() average over the first dimension to reduce the dimensionality.

|transpose() transpose the rank 2 dataset.

|fftWindow(size) plot power spectrum by breaking waveform data in windows of length size (powers of 2) (experimental, not for publication).

|flatten() make the rank 2 grid Z(X,Y) be a flat rank 2 series of X,Y,Z.

|grid() make the flat rank 2 series of X,Y,Z be a rank 2 grid Z(X,Y).

|magnitude() take the magnitude of each vectors X,Y,Z.

|total(dim) total over the dimension, minding fill.

These filters can be chained together like so: |slice1(10)|histogram. This is the same as the "component" property of a plotElement in the DOM.

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