package ProGAL.geom2d; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.List; import ProGAL.dataStructures.DisjointSet.DSNode; import ProGAL.geom2d.viewer.J2DScene; public class TriangulationFace { protected int id; protected TriangulationVertex[] corners = new TriangulationVertex[3]; protected TriangulationFace[] neighbors = new TriangulationFace[3]; protected boolean shorty = false; protected Shape[] edgeShape = new Shape[3]; protected Shape[] triangleShape = new Shape[3]; protected Circle circumCircle = null; protected Double circumRadius = null; public boolean displayed = true; // protected Shape circumCircleShape; protected Line oppLine = null; protected boolean alive = true; protected Integer count = null; protected Integer rotCount = null; protected ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle liftedTriangle = null; protected ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle groundTriangle = null; protected ProGAL.geom3d.Plane plane = null; protected int delCount = 0; protected int uIndx; public TriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex v0, TriangulationVertex v1, TriangulationVertex v2) { corners[0] = v0; corners[1] = v1; corners[2] = v2; } public TriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex v0, TriangulationVertex v1, TriangulationVertex v2, J2DScene scene, boolean testing) { corners[0] = v0; corners[1] = v1; corners[2] = v2; if (scene != null) draw(scene,; } public void killShapes(J2DScene scene) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (edgeShape[i] != null) scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); scene.removeShape(circumCircle); } } public TriangulationVertex getCorner(int i) { return corners[i]; } public TriangulationFace getNeighbor(int i) { return neighbors[i]; } public boolean isShort() { return shorty; } public void setShort(boolean shorty) { this.shorty = shorty; } public Shape getEdgeShape(int i) { return edgeShape[i]; } public void setEdgeShape(int i, Shape shape) { edgeShape[i] = shape; } /* computes the circumscribing circle */ public void setCircumCircle() { circumCircle = new Circle(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]); circumRadius = circumCircle.radius; } /* sets the circumscribing circle to c - not safe */ public void setCircumCircle(Circle c) { if (c == null) setCircumCircle(); else { circumCircle = c; circumRadius = circumCircle.radius; } } public void setCircumCircleCenterX(double x) {, x); } public void setCircumCircleCenterY(double y) {, y); } public void setCircumCircleRadius(Double r) { circumCircle.radius = r; } public void setCircumCircleRadius() { setCircumCircle(); } // public Shape getCircumCircleShape() { return circumCircleShape; } // public void setCircumCircleShape(Circle c) { circumCircleShape = c; } public boolean isAlive() { return alive; } public boolean hasShape() { return circumCircle != null; } /** returns the bit info about rotating vertices of this face - as a number between 0 and 7 */ public int getCount() { if (count != null) return count; else { count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (corners[i].getType() == TriangulationVertex.VertexType.R) count = count + (int)Math.pow(2,i); return count; } } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public void setNeighbor(int indx, TriangulationFace face) { neighbors[indx] = face; } public void setAlive(boolean alive) { this.alive = alive; } public boolean isBigFace() { return corners[0].isBigPoint() || corners[1].isBigPoint() || corners[2].isBigPoint(); } public boolean isFlat() { return Point.collinear(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]); } // return TRUE if the rotating vertex v has the smallest index among the rotating vertices of this face public boolean hasLowestRotIndex(TriangulationVertex v, List rotIndx, int size) { int vIndx = v.getId(); int indx = size; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int cIndx = corners[i].getId(); if ((cIndx < indx) && (corners[i].getType() == TriangulationVertex.VertexType.R)) indx = cIndx; } return vIndx == indx; } // returns the number of rotating points of this face public int nrRotatingCorners() { if (rotCount == null) { rotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (corners[i].getType() == TriangulationVertex.VertexType.R) rotCount++; } return rotCount; } public boolean hasRotatingCorners(List rotIndx) { if (rotIndx.contains(getCorner(0).getId())) return true; if (rotIndx.contains(getCorner(1).getId())) return true; if (rotIndx.contains(getCorner(2).getId())) return true; return false; } public boolean circumCircleContains(List vertices, double eps) { Circle circle = getCircumCircle(); for (Point p : vertices) if (circle.contains(p, eps)) return true; return false; } public Triangle getTriangle() { return new Triangle(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]); } /** returns the circumcircle of the face. Requires that the circle is deleted when any vertex of the face is moved */ public Circle getCircumCircle() { if (circumCircle == null) setCircumCircle(); return circumCircle; } /** returns the radius of the circumcircle of the face. Requires that the radius is deleted when 1 or 2 vertices move */ public Double getCircumRadius() { if (circumRadius == null) getCircumCircle(); return circumCircle.radius; } // public void destroyCircumCircle(J2DScene scene) { // if (circumCircleShape != null) scene.removeShape(circumCircleShape); // } public Line getOppLine(TriangulationVertex v) { if (oppLine == null) { int indx = getIndex(v); oppLine = new Line(corners[(indx+2)%2], corners[(indx+1)%3]); } return oppLine; } /** returns the face opposite the vertex v in this face, null if such face does not exist */ public TriangulationFace getOppFace(TriangulationVertex v) { return getNeighbor(getIndex(v)); } /** returns TRUE if the face has vertex v as one of its corners */ public boolean hasVertex(TriangulationVertex v) { return ((corners[0] == v) || (corners[1] == v) || (corners[2] == v)); } /** returns the index of the specified vertex in the face */ public int getIndex(TriangulationVertex v) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (corners[i] == v) return i; return -1; } /** returns the index of the specified neighbor face */ public int getIndex(TriangulationFace t) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (neighbors[i] == t) return i; return -1; } /** returns third vertex of the face */ public TriangulationVertex getThirdVertex(TriangulationVertex u, TriangulationVertex v) { if ((corners[0] != u) && (corners[0] != v)) return corners[0]; if ((corners[1] != u) && (corners[1] != v)) return corners[1]; return corners[2]; } /** returns vertex of the face not in this.face */ public TriangulationVertex getThirdVertex(TriangulationFace face) { if (!hasVertex(face.getCorner(0))) return face.getCorner(0); if (!hasVertex(face.getCorner(1))) return face.getCorner(1); return face.getCorner(2); } // removes "red" edges (if any) and draws "black" edges public void draw(J2DScene scene, Color clr, double offset) { Vector offVector; TriangulationVertex a, b, c; TriangulationFace oppT; int oppIndx; b = corners[0]; c = corners[1]; if (!isBigFace()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { scene.removeShape(triangleShape[i]); scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); a = b; b = c; c = corners[(i+2)%3]; oppT = getOppFace(c); oppIndx = oppT.getIndex(b); scene.removeShape(oppT.edgeShape[oppIndx]); offVector = new Vector(a.y()-b.y(),b.x()-a.x()).scaleToLength(offset); triangleShape[i] = new LineSegment(corners[i].add(offVector), corners[(i+1)%3].add(offVector)); scene.addShape(triangleShape[i], clr, 0.01); } } } public void draw(J2DScene scene, Color clr) { if (!isBigFace()) { TriangulationFace oppT; int indxOppT; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); edgeShape[i] = new LineSegment(corners[i], corners[(i+1)%3]); scene.addShape(edgeShape[i], clr, 0.002); if (!isShort()) { oppT = getOppFace(getCorner((i+2)%3)); if ((oppT != null) && oppT.isShort()) { indxOppT = oppT.getIndex(getCorner((i+1)%3)); scene.removeShape(oppT.edgeShape[indxOppT]); scene.addShape(oppT.edgeShape[indxOppT]); } } else { oppT = getOppFace(getCorner((i+2)%3)); if (!oppT.isShort()) { // indxOppT = oppT.getIndex(getCorner((i+1)%3)); // scene.removeShape(oppT.edgeShape[indxOppT]); // scene.addShape(oppT.edgeShape[indxOppT]); // scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); // scene.addShape(edgeShape[i]); } } } } } public void draw(J2DScene scene) { draw(scene,; } public void draw(J2DScene scene, boolean testing) { if (testing && (scene != null) && !isBigFace()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); edgeShape[i] = new LineSegment(corners[i], corners[(i+1)%3]); scene.addShape(edgeShape[i],, 0.001); } } } public void draw(J2DScene scene, double alpha, boolean testing) { shorty = getCircumRadius() <= alpha; if (!isShort()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (corners[i].distance(corners[(i+1)%3]) < 2*alpha) { scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); edgeShape[i] = new LineSegment(corners[i], corners[(i+1)%3]); scene.addShape(edgeShape[i],, 0.01); TriangulationFace oppT = getOppFace(getCorner((i+2)%3)); if (oppT.isShort()) { int indxOppT = oppT.getIndex(getCorner((i+1)%3)); scene.removeShape(oppT.edgeShape[indxOppT]); scene.addShape(oppT.edgeShape[indxOppT]); } } } } else draw(scene, testing); } public void redraw(J2DScene scene, Color clr) { if (!isBigFace()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); scene.addShape(edgeShape[i], clr, 0.001); } } } public void redraw(J2DScene scene) { redraw(scene,; } public void redraw(J2DScene scene, boolean testing) { if ((scene != null) && !isBigFace()) { Color clr; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // clr =; if (corners[i].getType() == corners[(i+1)%3].getType()) clr =; else clr =; scene.addShape(edgeShape[i], clr, 0.001); } } } public Shape drawCircumCircle(J2DScene scene, Color clr) { scene.removeShape(circumCircle); circumCircle = new Circle(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]); scene.addShape(circumCircle, clr); return circumCircle; } public Shape drawRotatedCircumCircle(J2DScene scene, Color clr, double angle, List rotIndx) { Point[] p = new Point[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (rotIndx.contains(corners[i].getId())) p[i] = corners[i].rotationClone(angle); else p[i] = corners[i].clone(); } Shape circle = new Circle(p[0], p[1], p[2]); scene.addShape(circle, clr); return circle; } public void hide(J2DScene scene) { if (scene != null) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) scene.removeShape(edgeShape[i]); // scene.repaint(); } public void hideCircumCircle(J2DScene scene) { scene.removeShape(circumCircle); scene.repaint(); } public void reshape(J2DScene scene, boolean testing) { if (testing && hasShape()) { Circle c = new Circle(getCorner(0), getCorner(1), getCorner(2)); =; circumCircle.radius = c.radius; } } public String toString() { return "[" + corners[0].id + "," + corners[1].id + "," + corners[2].id + "]"; } public TriangulationVertex[] getCorners() { return corners; } }