package ProGAL.geom3d; /** * A planar rectangle in 3d. The only real functionality so far is the Rectangle-Rectangle distance method that * is used for RSS intersection checks. * @author P.Winter and R.Fonseca */ public class Rectangle { public Point center; public final Vector[] bases; private final Vector[] normBases; private final double[] extents; public Rectangle(Point center, Vector[] bases){ = center; this.bases = new Vector[]{bases[0], bases[1]}; this.normBases = new Vector[]{bases[0].normalize(), bases[1].normalize(),bases[0].cross(bases[1]).normalize()}; this.extents = new double[]{bases[0].length()*2,bases[1].length()*2}; } public double distance(Rectangle rect){ return distance_optimized(rect); } /* 196..766 ~*/ public double distance_optimized(Rectangle rect){ Point[] thisCorners = getCorners(); //counter-clockwise order starting with bases[0]+bases[1] Point[] rectCorners = rect.getCorners(); Vector[] thisNormals = {bases[1],bases[0].multiply(-1), bases[1].multiply(-1),bases[0]};//6HOps Vector[] rectNormals = {rect.bases[1],rect.bases[0].multiply(-1), rect.bases[1].multiply(-1),rect.bases[0]};//6HOps boolean[][] inVoronoi1 = geninVoronoi(thisCorners, thisNormals, rectCorners, rectNormals);//48HOps boolean[][] inVoronoi2 = geninVoronoi(rectCorners, rectNormals, thisCorners, thisNormals);//48HOps int[] perm = {0,2,1,3}; for(int i: perm){ for(int j: perm){ if(!inVoronoi1[i][j] && !inVoronoi1[i][(j+1)%4]) continue; if(!inVoronoi2[j][i] && !inVoronoi2[j][(i+1)%4]) continue; double c = checkEdgePair(//38HOps thisCorners[i],thisCorners[(i+1)%4],thisNormals[i], rectCorners[j],rectCorners[(j+1)%4],rectNormals[j]); // System.out.println("c = " + c); if(c>=0) { // System.out.println("Stopped when i = " + i + " and j = " + j); return c; } } }//38 -> 16*38 = 38 -> 608HOps double sep1 = axisSeparation(thisCorners,rectCorners);//25HOps double sep2 = axisSeparation(rectCorners,thisCorners);//25HOps return Math.max(sep1,sep2); } /** 16*3 = 48HOps */ private static boolean[][] geninVoronoi(Point[] corners1, Vector[] normals1, Point[] corners2, Vector[] normals2){ boolean[][] ret = new boolean[4][4]; //e_0 ret[0][0] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[0]).dot(normals1[0])>=0; ret[0][1] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[1]).dot(normals1[0])>=0; ret[0][2] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[2]).dot(normals1[0])>=0; ret[0][3] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[3]).dot(normals1[0])>=0; //e_1 ret[1][0] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[0]).dot(normals1[1])>=0; ret[1][1] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[1]).dot(normals1[1])>=0; ret[1][2] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[2]).dot(normals1[1])>=0; ret[1][3] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[3]).dot(normals1[1])>=0; //e_2 ret[2][0] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[0]).dot(normals1[2])>=0; ret[2][1] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[1]).dot(normals1[2])>=0; ret[2][2] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[2]).dot(normals1[2])>=0; ret[2][3] = corners1[2].vectorTo(corners2[3]).dot(normals1[2])>=0; //e_3 ret[3][0] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[0]).dot(normals1[3])>=0; ret[3][1] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[1]).dot(normals1[3])>=0; ret[3][2] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[2]).dot(normals1[3])>=0; ret[3][3] = corners1[0].vectorTo(corners2[3]).dot(normals1[3])>=0; return ret; } /** 670HOps */ public double distance_nonoptimized(Rectangle rect){ Point[] thisCorners = getCorners(); //counter-clockwise order starting with bases[0]+bases[1] Point[] rectCorners = rect.getCorners(); Vector[] thisNormals = {bases[1],bases[0].multiply(-1), bases[1].multiply(-1),bases[0]};//6HOps Vector[] rectNormals = {rect.bases[1],rect.bases[0].multiply(-1), rect.bases[1].multiply(-1),rect.bases[0]};//6HOps int[] perm = {0,2,1,3}; for(int i: perm){ for(int j: perm){ double c = checkEdgePair(//38HOps thisCorners[i],thisCorners[(i+1)%4],thisNormals[i], rectCorners[j],rectCorners[(j+1)%4],rectNormals[j]); if(c>=0) { return c; } } }//16*38 = 608HOps double sep1 = axisSeparation(thisCorners,rectCorners);//25HOps double sep2 = axisSeparation(rectCorners,thisCorners);//25HOps return Math.max(sep1,sep2); } /** 25HOps */ private static double axisSeparation(Point[] corners1, Point[] corners2){ Vector n = corners1[1].vectorTo(corners1[0]).cross(corners1[1].vectorTo(corners1[2])).normalizeThis();//6+7=13HOps boolean negatives = false; boolean positives = false; double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for(Point c: corners2){ Vector v = corners1[0].vectorTo(c); double dot =;//3HOps min = Math.min(min, Math.abs(dot)); if(dot>0) positives = true; else negatives = true; }//4*3=12HOps if(positives&&negatives) return 0; else return min; } /** 38HOps */ private double checkEdgePair(Point p1, Point p2, Vector n1, Point q1, Point q2, Vector n2){ Point[] minDist = closestSegmentPoint(p1,p2,q1,q2);//28HOps Vector v = minDist[0].vectorTo(minDist[1]); if(>0 &&<0) return v.length();//3+3+4=10HOps return -1; } /** * 28HOps at most. */ public static Point[] closestSegmentPoint(Point p1, Point p2, Point q1, Point q2){ Point startPoint1 = p1; Point startPoint2 = q1; Vector dir1 = p1.vectorTo(p2); Vector dir2 = q1.vectorTo(q2); if(dir1.length()<0.000001 && dir2.length()<0.00001 ) return new Point[]{startPoint1,startPoint2}; if(dir1.length()<0.000001) return new Point[]{startPoint1,closestSegmentPoint(startPoint2, q2, startPoint1)}; if(dir2.length()<0.000001) return new Point[]{closestSegmentPoint(startPoint1, p2, startPoint2),startPoint2}; //System.out.println("len1 "+d1.length()+" .. len2 "+d2.length()); Vector r = startPoint2.vectorTo(startPoint1); double a =;//|S1| squared .. 3HOp double e =;//|S2| squared .. 3HOp double f =;// .. 3HOp double c =;// .. 3HOp double b =;// .. 3HOp double denom = a*e-b*b;// .. 2HOp //If segments not parallel, compute closest point on L1 and L2 //and clamp to S1 double s, t; if(denom!=0.0f) s = clamp( (b*f-c*e)/denom );// .. 3HOp else s = 0.0f; //Compute point on L2 closest to S1(S) double tnom = b*s+f;// .. 1HOp //If t in [0,1] done. Else clamp t and recompute and clamp s //.. 1 HOp if(tnom<0.0f){ t = 0.0f; s = clamp(-c/a); }else if(tnom>e){ t = 1.0f; s = clamp( (b-c)/a ); }else{ t = tnom/e; } Point c1 = startPoint1.add(dir1.multiplyThis(s));// vec-scalar mult .. 3HOp Point c2 = startPoint2.add(dir2.multiplyThis(t));// vec-scalar mult .. 3HOp return new Point[]{c1,c2}; } public static Point closestSegmentPoint(Point p11, Point p12, Point p2){ Line l = new Line(p11, p11.vectorTo(p12)); double t = l.orthogonalProjectionParameter(p2); t = clamp(t)*p11.distance(p12); return l.getPoint(t); } private static double clamp(double s){ if(s<0) return 0; if(s>1) return 1; return s; } /** Return corners of rectangle in counter-clockwise order. */ public Point[] getCorners() { return new Point[]{ center.add( bases[0]).addThis( bases[1]), center.subtract( bases[0]).addThis(bases[1]), center.subtract(bases[0]).subtractThis(bases[1]), center.add(bases[0]).subtractThis( bases[1]) }; } /* * returns the plane through the rectangle */ public Plane getPlane() { return new Plane(center,bases[0].cross(bases[1]).normalizeThis()); } /* ************************************************************************\ Copyright 1999 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. The authors may be contacted via: US Mail: E. Larsen Department of Computer Science Sitterson Hall, CB #3175 University of N. Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175 Phone: (919)962-1749 EMail: \**************************************************************************/ private static double clipToRange(double val, double a, double b){ if (val < a) return a; else if (val > b) return b; return val; } /** Finds the parameters t & u corresponding to the two closest points * on a pair of line segments * * The first segment is defined as * * Pa + A*t, 0 <= t <= a, * * where "Pa" is one endpoint of the segment, "A" is a unit vector * pointing to the other endpoint, and t is a scalar that produces * all the points between the two endpoints. Since "A" is a unit * vector, "a" is the segment's length. * * The second segment is * * Pb + B*u, 0 <= u <= b * * In my application, many of the terms needed by the algorithm * are already computed for other purposes, so I pass these terms to * the function instead of complete specifications of each segment. * "T" in the dot products is the vector between Pa and Pb. * * The algorithm is from * * Vladimir J. Lumelsky, * On fast computation of distance between line segments. * In Information Processing Letters, no. 21, pages 55-61, 1985. */ private static double[] segCoords(double a, double b, double A_dot_B, double A_dot_T, double B_dot_T){ double denom = 1 - (A_dot_B)*(A_dot_B); double t,u; if (denom == 0) t = 0; else{ t = (A_dot_T - B_dot_T*A_dot_B)/denom; t = clipToRange(t,0,a); } u = t*A_dot_B - B_dot_T; if (u < 0) { u = 0; t = A_dot_T; t = clipToRange(t,0,a); }else if (u > b){ u = b; t = u*A_dot_B + A_dot_T; t = clipToRange(t,0,a); } return new double[]{t,u}; } /** * Returns whether the nearest point on rectangle edge * Pb + B*u, 0 <= u <= b, to the rectangle edge, * Pa + A*t, 0 <= t <= a, is within the half space * determined by the point Pa and the direction Anorm. * * A,B, and Anorm are unit vectors. * T is the vector between Pa and Pb. */ private static boolean inVoronoi( double a, double b, double Anorm_dot_B, double Anorm_dot_T, double A_dot_B, double A_dot_T, double B_dot_T){ if( Math.abs(Anorm_dot_B) < 1e-7 ) return false; double t, u, v; u = -Anorm_dot_T / Anorm_dot_B; u = clipToRange(u,0,b); t = u*A_dot_B + A_dot_T; t = clipToRange(t,0,a); v = t*A_dot_B - B_dot_T; if (Anorm_dot_B > 0) { if (v > (u + 1e-7)) return true; } else { if (v < (u - 1e-7)) return true; } return false; } private static double[] MTxV(double[][] M1, double[] V1){ double[] Vr = new double[3]; Vr[0] = (M1[0][0] * V1[0] + M1[1][0] * V1[1] + M1[2][0] * V1[2]); Vr[1] = (M1[0][1] * V1[0] + M1[1][1] * V1[1] + M1[2][1] * V1[2]); Vr[2] = (M1[0][2] * V1[0] + M1[1][2] * V1[1] + M1[2][2] * V1[2]); return Vr; } // private static double[] MTxV(double[][] M1, double[] V1){ // double[] Vr = new double[3]; // Vr[0] = (M1[0][0] * V1[0] + // M1[0][1] * V1[1] + // M1[0][2] * V1[2]); // Vr[1] = (M1[1][0] * V1[0] + // M1[1][1] * V1[1] + // M1[1][2] * V1[2]); // Vr[2] = (M1[2][0] * V1[0] + // M1[2][1] * V1[1] + // M1[2][2] * V1[2]); // return Vr; // } public double distance_Gottschalk(Rectangle b){ double[][] Rab = new double[3][3]; // Compute rotation matrix expressing b in a_s coordinate frame for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) Rab[i][j] = normBases[i].dot(b.normBases[j]); //Total: 3*3*3 = 27HOps // Compute translation vector t Vector tmp = center.subtract(bases[0]).subtractThis(bases[1]).vectorTo([0]).subtractThis(b.bases[1]) ); // Bring translation into a_s coordinate frame tmp = new Vector([0]),[1]),[2]));//9HOps double[] Tab = new double[]{tmp.x(), tmp.y(), tmp.z()}; return rectDist(Rab, Tab, extents, b.extents); } /** * Finds the distance between two rectangles A and B. A is assumed * to have its corner on the origin, one side aligned with * x, the other side aligned with y, and its normal aligned with z. * * [Rab,Tab] gives the orientation and corner position of rectangle B * * a[2] are the side lengths of A, b[2] are the side lengths of B */ private static double rectDist(double[][] Rab, double[] Tab, double[] a, double[] b) { double A0_dot_B0, A0_dot_B1, A1_dot_B0, A1_dot_B1; A0_dot_B0 = Rab[0][0]; A0_dot_B1 = Rab[0][1]; A1_dot_B0 = Rab[1][0]; A1_dot_B1 = Rab[1][1]; double aA0_dot_B0, aA0_dot_B1, aA1_dot_B0, aA1_dot_B1; double bA0_dot_B0, bA0_dot_B1, bA1_dot_B0, bA1_dot_B1; aA0_dot_B0 = a[0]*A0_dot_B0; aA0_dot_B1 = a[0]*A0_dot_B1; aA1_dot_B0 = a[1]*A1_dot_B0; aA1_dot_B1 = a[1]*A1_dot_B1; bA0_dot_B0 = b[0]*A0_dot_B0; bA1_dot_B0 = b[0]*A1_dot_B0; bA0_dot_B1 = b[1]*A0_dot_B1; bA1_dot_B1 = b[1]*A1_dot_B1; double[] Tba = MTxV(Rab,Tab); Vector S; double t, u; // determine if any edge pair contains the closest points double ALL_x, ALU_x, AUL_x, AUU_x; double BLL_x, BLU_x, BUL_x, BUU_x; double LA1_lx, LA1_ux, UA1_lx, UA1_ux, LB1_lx, LB1_ux, UB1_lx, UB1_ux; ALL_x = -Tba[0]; ALU_x = ALL_x + aA1_dot_B0; AUL_x = ALL_x + aA0_dot_B0; AUU_x = ALU_x + aA0_dot_B0; if (ALL_x < ALU_x) { LA1_lx = ALL_x; LA1_ux = ALU_x; UA1_lx = AUL_x; UA1_ux = AUU_x; } else { LA1_lx = ALU_x; LA1_ux = ALL_x; UA1_lx = AUU_x; UA1_ux = AUL_x; } BLL_x = Tab[0]; BLU_x = BLL_x + bA0_dot_B1; BUL_x = BLL_x + bA0_dot_B0; BUU_x = BLU_x + bA0_dot_B0; if (BLL_x < BLU_x) { LB1_lx = BLL_x; LB1_ux = BLU_x; UB1_lx = BUL_x; UB1_ux = BUU_x; } else { LB1_lx = BLU_x; LB1_ux = BLL_x; UB1_lx = BUU_x; UB1_ux = BUL_x; } // UA1, UB1 if ((UA1_ux > b[0]) && (UB1_ux > a[0])) { if (((UA1_lx > b[0]) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[1],A1_dot_B0,aA0_dot_B0 - b[0] - Tba[0], A1_dot_B1, aA0_dot_B1 - Tba[1], -Tab[1] - bA1_dot_B0)) && ((UB1_lx > a[0]) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B0 - a[0], A1_dot_B1,Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B0,Tba[1] - aA0_dot_B1))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[1],A1_dot_B1,Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B0, Tba[1] - aA0_dot_B1); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*b[0] + Rab[0][1]*u - a[0], Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*b[0] + Rab[1][1]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*b[0] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } // UA1, LB1 if ((UA1_lx < 0) && (LB1_ux > a[0])) { if (((UA1_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[1],-A1_dot_B0,Tba[0] - aA0_dot_B0, A1_dot_B1, aA0_dot_B1 - Tba[1], -Tab[1])) && ((LB1_lx > a[0]) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0] - a[0], A1_dot_B1,Tab[1],Tba[1] - aA0_dot_B1))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[1],A1_dot_B1,Tab[1],Tba[1] - aA0_dot_B1); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*u - a[0], Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA1, UB1 if ((LA1_ux > b[0]) && (UB1_lx < 0)) { if (((LA1_lx > b[0]) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[1],A1_dot_B0,-Tba[0] - b[0], A1_dot_B1,-Tba[1], -Tab[1] - bA1_dot_B0)) && ((UB1_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[1],-A0_dot_B1, -Tab[0] - bA0_dot_B0, A1_dot_B1, Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B0,Tba[1]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[1],A1_dot_B1,Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B0,Tba[1]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*b[0] + Rab[0][1]*u, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*b[0] + Rab[1][1]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*b[0] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA1, LB1 if ((LA1_lx < 0) && (LB1_lx < 0)) { if (((LA1_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[1],-A1_dot_B0,Tba[0],A1_dot_B1, -Tba[1],-Tab[1])) && ((LB1_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[1],-A0_dot_B1,-Tab[0],A1_dot_B1, Tab[1], Tba[1]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[1],A1_dot_B1,Tab[1],Tba[1]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*b[0] + Rab[0][1]*u, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*b[0] + Rab[1][1]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*b[0] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } double ALL_y, ALU_y, AUL_y, AUU_y; ALL_y = -Tba[1]; ALU_y = ALL_y + aA1_dot_B1; AUL_y = ALL_y + aA0_dot_B1; AUU_y = ALU_y + aA0_dot_B1; double LA1_ly, LA1_uy, UA1_ly, UA1_uy, LB0_lx, LB0_ux, UB0_lx, UB0_ux; if (ALL_y < ALU_y) { LA1_ly = ALL_y; LA1_uy = ALU_y; UA1_ly = AUL_y; UA1_uy = AUU_y; } else { LA1_ly = ALU_y; LA1_uy = ALL_y; UA1_ly = AUU_y; UA1_uy = AUL_y; } if (BLL_x < BUL_x) { LB0_lx = BLL_x; LB0_ux = BUL_x; UB0_lx = BLU_x; UB0_ux = BUU_x; } else { LB0_lx = BUL_x; LB0_ux = BLL_x; UB0_lx = BUU_x; UB0_ux = BLU_x; } // UA1, UB0 if ((UA1_uy > b[1]) && (UB0_ux > a[0])) { if (((UA1_ly > b[1]) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[1],A1_dot_B1, aA0_dot_B1 - Tba[1] - b[1], A1_dot_B0, aA0_dot_B0 - Tba[0], -Tab[1] - bA1_dot_B1)) && ((UB0_lx > a[0]) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[0],A0_dot_B0, Tab[0] - a[0] + bA0_dot_B1, A1_dot_B0, Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B1, Tba[0] - aA0_dot_B0))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[0],A1_dot_B0,Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B1, Tba[0] - aA0_dot_B0); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*b[1] + Rab[0][0]*u - a[0] , Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*b[1] + Rab[1][0]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*b[1] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // UA1, LB0 if ((UA1_ly < 0) && (LB0_ux > a[0])) { if (((UA1_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[1],-A1_dot_B1, Tba[1] - aA0_dot_B1,A1_dot_B0, aA0_dot_B0 - Tba[0], -Tab[1])) && ((LB0_lx > a[0]) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[0],A0_dot_B0,Tab[0] - a[0], A1_dot_B0,Tab[1],Tba[0] - aA0_dot_B0))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[0],A1_dot_B0,Tab[1],Tba[0] - aA0_dot_B0); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*u - a[0], Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA1, UB0 if ((LA1_uy > b[1]) && (UB0_lx < 0)) { if (((LA1_ly > b[1]) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[1],A1_dot_B1,-Tba[1] - b[1], A1_dot_B0, -Tba[0], -Tab[1] - bA1_dot_B1)) && ((UB0_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[0],-A0_dot_B0, -Tab[0] - bA0_dot_B1,A1_dot_B0, Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B1,Tba[0]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[0],A1_dot_B0,Tab[1] + bA1_dot_B1,Tba[0]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*b[1] + Rab[0][0]*u, Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*b[1] + Rab[1][0]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*b[1] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA1, LB0 if ((LA1_ly < 0) && (LB0_lx < 0)) { if (((LA1_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[1],-A1_dot_B1,Tba[1],A1_dot_B0, -Tba[0],-Tab[1])) && ((LB0_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(a[1],b[0],-A0_dot_B0,-Tab[0],A1_dot_B0, Tab[1],Tba[0]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[1],b[0],A1_dot_B0,Tab[1],Tba[0]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*u, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*u - t, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } double BLL_y, BLU_y, BUL_y, BUU_y; BLL_y = Tab[1]; BLU_y = BLL_y + bA1_dot_B1; BUL_y = BLL_y + bA1_dot_B0; BUU_y = BLU_y + bA1_dot_B0; double LA0_lx, LA0_ux, UA0_lx, UA0_ux, LB1_ly, LB1_uy, UB1_ly, UB1_uy; if (ALL_x < AUL_x) { LA0_lx = ALL_x; LA0_ux = AUL_x; UA0_lx = ALU_x; UA0_ux = AUU_x; } else { LA0_lx = AUL_x; LA0_ux = ALL_x; UA0_lx = AUU_x; UA0_ux = ALU_x; } if (BLL_y < BLU_y) { LB1_ly = BLL_y; LB1_uy = BLU_y; UB1_ly = BUL_y; UB1_uy = BUU_y; } else { LB1_ly = BLU_y; LB1_uy = BLL_y; UB1_ly = BUU_y; UB1_uy = BUL_y; } // UA0, UB1 if ((UA0_ux > b[0]) && (UB1_uy > a[1])) { if (((UA0_lx > b[0]) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[0],A0_dot_B0, aA1_dot_B0 - Tba[0] - b[0], A0_dot_B1,aA1_dot_B1 - Tba[1], -Tab[0] - bA0_dot_B0)) && ((UB1_ly > a[1]) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[1],A1_dot_B1, Tab[1] - a[1] + bA1_dot_B0, A0_dot_B1,Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B0, Tba[1] - aA1_dot_B1))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B0, Tba[1] - aA1_dot_B1); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*b[0] + Rab[0][1]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*b[0] + Rab[1][1]*u - a[1], Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*b[0] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } // UA0, LB1 if ((UA0_lx < 0) && (LB1_uy > a[1])) { if (((UA0_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[0],-A0_dot_B0, Tba[0] - aA1_dot_B0,A0_dot_B1, aA1_dot_B1 - Tba[1],-Tab[0])) && ((LB1_ly > a[1]) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[1],A1_dot_B1,Tab[1] - a[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0], Tba[1] - aA1_dot_B1))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0],Tba[1] - aA1_dot_B1); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*u - a[1], Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA0, UB1 if ((LA0_ux > b[0]) && (UB1_ly < 0)) { if (((LA0_lx > b[0]) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[0],A0_dot_B0,-b[0] - Tba[0],A0_dot_B1,-Tba[1], -bA0_dot_B0 - Tab[0])) && ((UB1_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[1],-A1_dot_B1, -Tab[1] - bA1_dot_B0,A0_dot_B1, Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B0,Tba[1]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B0,Tba[1]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*b[0] + Rab[0][1]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*b[0] + Rab[1][1]*u, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*b[0] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA0, LB1 if ((LA0_lx < 0) && (LB1_ly < 0)) { if (((LA0_ux < 0) || inVoronoi(b[1],a[0],-A0_dot_B0,Tba[0],A0_dot_B1,-Tba[1], -Tab[0])) && ((LB1_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[1],-A1_dot_B1,-Tab[1],A0_dot_B1, Tab[0],Tba[1]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[1],A0_dot_B1,Tab[0],Tba[1]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*u, Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*u ); return S.length(); } } double LA0_ly, LA0_uy, UA0_ly, UA0_uy, LB0_ly, LB0_uy, UB0_ly, UB0_uy; if (ALL_y < AUL_y) { LA0_ly = ALL_y; LA0_uy = AUL_y; UA0_ly = ALU_y; UA0_uy = AUU_y; } else { LA0_ly = AUL_y; LA0_uy = ALL_y; UA0_ly = AUU_y; UA0_uy = ALU_y; } if (BLL_y < BUL_y) { LB0_ly = BLL_y; LB0_uy = BUL_y; UB0_ly = BLU_y; UB0_uy = BUU_y; } else { LB0_ly = BUL_y; LB0_uy = BLL_y; UB0_ly = BUU_y; UB0_uy = BLU_y; } // UA0, UB0 if ((UA0_uy > b[1]) && (UB0_uy > a[1])) { if (((UA0_ly > b[1]) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[0],A0_dot_B1, aA1_dot_B1 - Tba[1] - b[1], A0_dot_B0, aA1_dot_B0 - Tba[0], -Tab[0] - bA0_dot_B1)) && ((UB0_ly > a[1]) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[0],A1_dot_B0,Tab[1] - a[1] + bA1_dot_B1,A0_dot_B0, Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B1, Tba[0] - aA1_dot_B0))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[0],A0_dot_B0,Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B1, Tba[0] - aA1_dot_B0); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*b[1] + Rab[0][0]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*b[1] + Rab[1][0]*u - a[1], Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*b[1] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // UA0, LB0 if ((UA0_ly < 0) && (LB0_uy > a[1])) { if (((UA0_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[0],-A0_dot_B1,Tba[1] - aA1_dot_B1,A0_dot_B0, aA1_dot_B0 - Tba[0],-Tab[0])) && ((LB0_ly > a[1]) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[0],A1_dot_B0,Tab[1] - a[1], A0_dot_B0,Tab[0],Tba[0] - aA1_dot_B0))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[0],A0_dot_B0,Tab[0],Tba[0] - aA1_dot_B0); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*u - a[1], Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA0, UB0 if ((LA0_uy > b[1]) && (UB0_ly < 0)) { if (((LA0_ly > b[1]) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[0],A0_dot_B1,-Tba[1] - b[1], A0_dot_B0,-Tba[0], -Tab[0] - bA0_dot_B1)) && ((UB0_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[0],-A1_dot_B0, -Tab[1] - bA1_dot_B1, A0_dot_B0, Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B1,Tba[0]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[0],A0_dot_B0,Tab[0] + bA0_dot_B1,Tba[0]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][1]*b[1] + Rab[0][0]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][1]*b[1] + Rab[1][0]*u, Tab[2] + Rab[2][1]*b[1] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // LA0, LB0 if ((LA0_ly < 0) && (LB0_ly < 0)) { if (((LA0_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(b[0],a[0],-A0_dot_B1,Tba[1],A0_dot_B0, -Tba[0],-Tab[0])) && ((LB0_uy < 0) || inVoronoi(a[0],b[0],-A1_dot_B0,-Tab[1],A0_dot_B0, Tab[0],Tba[0]))) { double[] tu = segCoords(a[0],b[0],A0_dot_B0,Tab[0],Tba[0]); t = tu[0]; u = tu[1]; S = new Vector( Tab[0] + Rab[0][0]*u - t, Tab[1] + Rab[1][0]*u, Tab[2] + Rab[2][0]*u ); return S.length(); } } // no edges passed, take max separation along face normals double sep1, sep2; if (Tab[2] > 0.0) { sep1 = Tab[2]; if (Rab[2][0] < 0.0) sep1 += b[0]*Rab[2][0]; if (Rab[2][1] < 0.0) sep1 += b[1]*Rab[2][1]; } else { sep1 = -Tab[2]; if (Rab[2][0] > 0.0) sep1 -= b[0]*Rab[2][0]; if (Rab[2][1] > 0.0) sep1 -= b[1]*Rab[2][1]; } if (Tba[2] < 0) { sep2 = -Tba[2]; if (Rab[0][2] < 0.0) sep2 += a[0]*Rab[0][2]; if (Rab[1][2] < 0.0) sep2 += a[1]*Rab[1][2]; } else { sep2 = Tba[2]; if (Rab[0][2] > 0.0) sep2 -= a[0]*Rab[0][2]; if (Rab[1][2] > 0.0) sep2 -= a[1]*Rab[1][2]; } double sep = (sep1 > sep2? sep1 : sep2); return (sep > 0? sep : 0); } }