Autoplot Application (#{tag})
jnlp WebStart : Open JDK and Java 8 through Java 11 launch mechanism, 64-Bit Java will improve capabilities.
Single-Jar : .jar files can be launched on Windows and Mac, and contain a shell script for launching on Unix computers.
dmg : a self-contained installer for Mac computers.
exe: a self-contained installer for Windows computers. (Production releases only)
X and Y axis scales are bound to preserve the image aspect ratio. Happy Fall!
Autoplot allows plotting of data from many data sources, including remote CDF files and OpenDAP servers.
Datasets are identified with URIs, and by the URI's extension, data are loaded into the internal data model. Data are then
displayed by guessing the rendering method and axis ranges to provide a reasonable, useful view of the data. Data can then
be additionally processed with other operations like smooth and FFT, and Jython scripting provides a capable programming environment.
This is the Autoplot v2021a branch. This is an update to the production version containing bugfixes and minor new features.
Java 8 is now required.
Run with 1GB of memory to support 32-bit Java versions, and run off of ci-pw build server: autoplot_1GB.jnlp
Bugfixes (2021-09-21 r26030):
- 2390: correction to logic for copy plot elements down, which would break in some cases. Thanks, Allison!
- layout tab list of plot elements wouldn't repaint when the legend label was changed.
- revert log/lin ticks logic, which is needing more time than available.
- "regex mode" for ASCII table parser would clear the units, limiting capabilities.
- Corrections to add plots and fix layout. Now only plots attached to the marginColumn are used for the layout.
Older Bugfixes (2021-07-06 r25854):
- 2386: case where SortDataSet didn't support empty list to index empty dataset.
- default setting of "add plots" dialog should be "below current" to minimize changes.
- 2385: question marks in all.xml meant multiple things weren't plottable.
- Ivar pointed out that draw grid caused lineplots to have transparency to them. Thanks Ivar!
- Remove temporarily use http for runtime errors, not https, since https certificate is fixed.
- 2383: exception reports and about menu show launch mechanism used.
- "fix layout" will also remove gaps horizontally when multiple columns are used. Thanks, Ivar!
- Temporarily use http for runtime errors, not https, since https certificate is broken.
- triple quoted strings would always move the lastLine pointer, sometimes preventing the GUI creation from the address bar.
- Ephemeris lines are limited to 32 lines, was 10. Thanks, James!
- 2378: add setDepend0Cadence, setDepend1Cadence, and setValidRange so these are accessible in scripts. Thanks, Sadie!
- round of Findbugs cleanup to get down to 80 flagged issues.
- 2380: Correction to append, used with aggregation, when "where" is used with rank 2 CDF datasets. Thanks, Andrei!
- Safety check on putProperty UNITS on FDataSet for TimeLocationUnits didn't consider that None (null) is a valid setting. Thanks, Sadie!
- Vertical Spectrogram Averager was broken for the rank 2 (Z[X,Y]) case.
- more accepting of HAPI servers under development, issuing warnings to help find problems.
- filter editor panel added for expandToFillGaps. Thanks Bill!
- 18: new logic for log ticks when ~1 cycle is showing.
- "About Autoplot" screen shows the release number, not the marginally useful v2021. Thanks Bill!
Less recent features:
- plots have new legendFontSize property. Thanks, Ryan and Wouter!
- 753: leave fscache .listing files in place to support offline mode and file availability.
- eventsDiff function introduced to show differences in lists and inserts, deletes, and changes. Thanks, Ivar!
- "add plots" dialog now allows stack of plots to be added to the right or left. Thanks, Ivar!
- introduce triangulate routine to expose this internal functionality.
- new JNLP file works on both 32 bit and 64 bit machines, giving 4 GB to 64 bit machines.
- PDS4 source has experimental logic for resolving dependencies between dependent and independent parameters.
- OperationsProcessor.process(ds,str) introduced to correct order of operands (dataset should come first, conventionally).
- sps and spd reading scripts now come from
Known issues:
- see Source Forge
- Bugs often have a four-digit ID and can be reviewed with<ID>/.
- Features typically have a three-digit ID and can be reviewed with<ID>/.
This completes the feature set for the new production branch. No major features will be added before branching this version.
A production branch will be started in a couple of weeks, and the "Start Autoplot" link at the top of will run this version.
Feedback on the function and quality of this release is greatly appreciated!
Data is input from:
- ASCII files (.dat,.txt)
- CSV files (.csv)
- Binary files (.bin)
- CDF files(.cdf)
- Excel spread sheets (.xls)
- das2Streams (.d2s or .das2Stream)
- ViRBO's TSDS server
- CDAWeb data server (vap+cdaweb:)
- das2servers (vap+das2server:)
- QStreams (.qds), QDataSet on a das2Stream
- Plasma Wave Group das2 Server
- NetCDF files (.nc,.ncml)
- HDF5 files (.h5,.hdf5)
- DODs servers (.dds)
- Cluster Exchange Format files (.cef)
- Fits Format Files
- Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)
- Wav audio files (.wav)
This is not complete, and limitations include:
- Quantities of rank 3 dimensionality (e.g. flux(Time,Energy,pitch) are plotted by slicing.
- Quantities of rank 4 dimensionality (e.g. flux(Time,Energy,azimuth,sector) are plotted by slicing twice. is the wiki website, and contains
more information than this launch page.