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* It is supposed that the item will have an icon 16x16 and an appropriate * space is reserved for it. * * @param leftHtmlText html text displayed on the left side of the item * next to the icon. It may be null which means no left text will be displayed. * @param rightHtmlText html text aligned on the right edge of the item's * rendering area. It may be null which means no right text will be displayed. * @return >=0 preferred rendering width of the item. */ public static int getPreferredWidth(String leftHtmlText, String rightHtmlText, Graphics g, Font defaultFont) { int width = BEFORE_ICON_GAP + ICON_WIDTH + AFTER_ICON_GAP + AFTER_RIGHT_TEXT_GAP; if (leftHtmlText != null && leftHtmlText.length() > 0) { width += (int)PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(leftHtmlText, g, 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, defaultFont, Color.black, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, false, true); } if (rightHtmlText != null && rightHtmlText.length() > 0) { if (leftHtmlText != null) { width += BEFORE_RIGHT_TEXT_GAP; } width += (int)PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(rightHtmlText, g, 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, defaultFont, Color.black, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, false, true); } return width; } /** * Render a completion item using the provided icon and left and right * html texts. * * @param icon icon 16x16 that will be displayed on the left. It may be null * which means that no icon will be displayed but the space for the icon * will still be reserved (to properly align with other items * that will provide an icon). * * @param leftHtmlText html text that will be displayed on the left side * of the item's rendering area next to the icon. *
* It may be null which indicates that no left text will be displayed. *
* If there's not enough horizontal space in the rendering area * the text will be shrinked and "..." will be displayed at the end. * * @param rightHtmlText html text that will be aligned to the right edge * of the item's rendering area. *
* It may be null which means that no right text will be displayed. *
* The right text is always attempted to be fully displayed unlike * the left text that may be shrinked if there's not enough rendering space * in the horizontal direction. *
* If there's not enough space even for the right text it will be shrinked * and "..." will be displayed at the end of the rendered string. * @param g non-null graphics through which the rendering happens. * @param defaultFont non-null default font to be used for rendering. * @param defaultColor non-null default color to be used for rendering. * @param width >=0 available width for rendering. * @param height >=0 available height for rendering. * @param selected whether the item being rendered is currently selected * in the completion's JList. If selected the foreground color is forced * to be black for all parts of the rendered strings. */ public static void renderHtml(ImageIcon icon, String leftHtmlText, String rightHtmlText, Graphics g, Font defaultFont, Color defaultColor, int width, int height, boolean selected) { if (icon != null) { // The image of the ImageIcon should already be loaded // so no ImageObserver should be necessary boolean done = g.drawImage(icon.getImage(), BEFORE_ICON_GAP, (height - icon.getIconHeight()) /2, null); assert (done); } int iconWidth = BEFORE_ICON_GAP + ICON_WIDTH + AFTER_ICON_GAP; int rightTextX = width - AFTER_RIGHT_TEXT_GAP; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(defaultFont); int textY = (height - fm.getHeight())/2 + fm.getHeight() - fm.getDescent(); if (rightHtmlText != null && rightHtmlText.length() > 0) { int rightTextWidth = (int)PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(rightHtmlText, g, 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, defaultFont, defaultColor, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, false, true); rightTextX = Math.max(iconWidth, rightTextX - rightTextWidth); // Render right text PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(rightHtmlText, g, rightTextX, textY, rightTextWidth, textY, defaultFont, defaultColor, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_CLIP, true, selected); rightTextX = Math.max(iconWidth, rightTextX - BEFORE_RIGHT_TEXT_GAP); } // Render left text if (leftHtmlText != null && leftHtmlText.length() > 0 && rightTextX > iconWidth) { // any space for left text? PatchedHtmlRenderer.renderHTML(leftHtmlText, g, iconWidth, textY, rightTextX - iconWidth, textY, defaultFont, defaultColor, PatchedHtmlRenderer.STYLE_TRUNCATE, true, selected); } } }