package org.autoplot.jythonsupport; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Document; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.das2.jythoncompletion.JavadocLookup; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.python.core.PyFloat; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.parser.SimpleNode; import org.python.parser.ast.Assign; import org.python.parser.ast.Attribute; import org.python.parser.ast.BinOp; import org.python.parser.ast.Call; import org.python.parser.ast.ClassDef; import org.python.parser.ast.Compare; import org.python.parser.ast.Continue; import org.python.parser.ast.Expr; import org.python.parser.ast.ExtSlice; import org.python.parser.ast.For; import org.python.parser.ast.FunctionDef; import org.python.parser.ast.Global; import org.python.parser.ast.If; import org.python.parser.ast.ImportFrom; import org.python.parser.ast.Index; import org.python.parser.ast.Name; import org.python.parser.ast.Num; import org.python.parser.ast.Print; import org.python.parser.ast.Raise; import org.python.parser.ast.Return; import org.python.parser.ast.Slice; import org.python.parser.ast.Str; import org.python.parser.ast.VisitorBase; import org.python.parser.ast.While; import org.python.parser.ast.exprType; import org.python.parser.ast.sliceType; import org.python.parser.ast.stmtType; /** * experiment with code which converts the Jython AST (syntax tree) into Java * code. * * @author jbf */ public class JythonToJavaConverter { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("jython"); private static Map packages= null; /** * scan through the list of imports in /importLookup.jy, to see * if the symbol can be imported. This will return null (None) if * there are no suggestions, or the name of the package. * @param clas the class name, for example "JSlider" * @return the package or null, for example "javax.swing" */ public synchronized static String guessPackage( String clas ) { if ( packages==null ) { try { Map lpackages=new HashMap<>(); try ( BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( JythonToJavaConverter.class.getResourceAsStream("/importLookup.jy") ) ) ) { String l; Pattern p= Pattern.compile("from (.*) import (.*)"); while ( (l= r.readLine() )!=null ) { if ( l.length()==0 ) continue; if ( l.charAt(0)=='#' ) continue; Matcher m= p.matcher(l); if ( m.matches() ) { lpackages.put(, ); } else { logger.log(Level.INFO, "does not match pattern: {0}", l); } } } packages= lpackages; } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } String result= packages.get(clas); if ( result==null ) { List sss= JavadocLookup.getInstance().searchForSignature(clas); for ( int i=0; i guessCompletions(String clas) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( JythonToJavaConverter.class.getResourceAsStream("/importLookup.jy")))) { String l; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("from (.*) import (.*)"); while ((l = r.readLine()) != null) { if (l.length() == 0) { continue; } if (l.charAt(0) == '#') { continue; } Matcher m = p.matcher(l); if (m.matches()) { // here is the logic String tclas =; if (tclas.startsWith(clas)) { result.add(tclas); } } else { logger.log(Level.INFO, "does not match pattern: {0}", l); } } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } List sss= JavadocLookup.getInstance().searchForSignature(clas); for ( int i=0; i-1 ) { result.add(s.substring(idx+1)); } } return result; } /** * add the class to the list of imports. * @param doc the document * @param pkg the Java package * @param name the Java class name. */ public static void addImport( Document doc, String pkg, String name ) { addImport( doc, pkg, name, doc.getLength() ); } /** * add the class to the list of imports. * @param doc the document * @param pkg the Java package * @param name the Java class name. * @param cursorPosition the cursor position. */ public static void addImport( Document doc, String pkg, String name, int cursorPosition ) { try { String s= doc.getText( 0, cursorPosition ); String[] ss= s.split("\n"); Pattern p= Pattern.compile("from (.+) import (.*)"); boolean haveIt=false; int addToLine= -1; int addAtOffset= -1; int offset= 0; for ( int i=0; i-1 ) { doc.insertString( addAtOffset, ","+name, null ); } else { doc.insertString( 0, "from "+pkg+" import "+name + "\n", null ); } } } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JythonToJavaConverter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * add the class to the list of imports. * @param src the Jython source * @param pkg the Java package * @param name the Java class name. * @return the new version of the script. */ public static String addImport( String src, String pkg, String name ) { String[] ss= src.split("\n"); Pattern p= Pattern.compile("from (.+) import (.*)"); boolean haveIt=false; int addToLine= -1; for ( int i=0; i-1 ) { ss[addToLine]= ss[addToLine]+","+name; return String.join("\n",ss); } else { return "from "+pkg+" import "+name + "\n" + String.join("\n",ss); } } else { return src; } } /** * return true if the class has been imported. Note this is not thorough * and should be reviewed at some point. * @param src the Jython source * @param pkg the Java package * @param name the Java class name. * @return true if the class has been imported already. */ public static boolean hasImport( String src, String pkg, String name ) { String[] ss= src.split("\n"); Pattern p= Pattern.compile("from (.+) import (.*)"); boolean haveIt=false; for ( int i=0; i raise exception * Character.isDigit -> string.isnumeric * "".startsWith -> "".startswith * "".trim() -> "".strip() * || -> or * && -> and * ! -> not * int[] d -> d * System.arraycopy -> for i in range(0,6): a[i]=a[i+6] * @param javaCode * @return conversion to Jython-like code. */ public static String convertReverse(String javaCode) { String[] ss= javaCode.split("\n"); StringBuilder b= new StringBuilder(); Pattern assignPattern= Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z.]*[A-Z]\\S+)(\\s+)(\\S+)(\\s*=.*)"); Pattern importPattern1= Pattern.compile("import ([a-z\\.]*)\\.([A-Za-z\\*]*)"); Pattern newPattern= Pattern.compile("(.*)([=\\s]*)?new\\s*([a-zA-Z\\.]+)(.*)"); int indentLevel= 0; String indent=""; boolean withinComment= false; ArrayList importedPaths= new ArrayList<>(); char[] chrs= new char[] { '(', ')', '{', '}' }; int lineNumber= 0; for ( String s: ss ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "line {0}: {1}", new Object[]{lineNumber, s}); lineNumber++; s= s.trim(); if ( s.endsWith(";") ) s= s.substring(0,s.length()-1); s= s.replaceAll("//","#"); if ( s.startsWith("/*") ) withinComment= true; Matcher m= newPattern.matcher(s); if ( m.matches() ) { String clas= "import " +; if ( !importedPaths.contains(clas) ) { importedPaths.add(clas); } s= + + +; } if ( s.contains("Short.") ) { // support Matisse String clas= "from java.lang import Short"; if ( !importedPaths.contains(clas)) { importedPaths.add(clas); } } s= s.replaceAll("null","None"); s= s.replaceAll(" new "," " ); s= s.replaceAll("throw", "raise"); s= s.replaceAll("false","False"); s= s.replaceAll("true","True"); s= s.replaceAll("startsWith","startswith"); s= s.replaceAll("else if","elif"); s= s.replaceAll("\\|\\|","or"); s= s.replaceAll("\\&\\&","and"); s= s.replaceAll("public static","def"); s= s.replaceAll(".substring\\(([a-z\\+\\-\\.0-9\\(\\)]+\\s*)(,\\s*([a-z\\+\\-\\.0-9]+)\\s*)?\\)","[$1:$3]" ); s= s.replaceAll(".charAt\\(([a-z\\+\\-\\.0-9\\(\\)]+\\s*)\\)","[$1]" ); s= s.replaceAll("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).length\\(\\)","len($1)" ); m= assignPattern.matcher(s); if ( m.matches() ) { s=; } else { m= importPattern1.matcher(s); if ( m.matches() ) { s= "from "" import "; } } int[] chrcount= count( s, chrs ); indentLevel= Math.max( 0, Math.min( 32, indentLevel + (chrcount[0]-chrcount[1])*4 + (chrcount[2]-chrcount[3])*4 ) ); if ( s.startsWith("}") && indent.length()>=4 ) { indent= indent.substring(4); } if ( s.contains("{") ) { s= s.replace("{",":"); } if ( s.contains("}") ) { s= s.replace("}",""); } s= s.trim(); b.append(indent); if ( withinComment ) { b.append("# "); if ( s.endsWith("*/") ) withinComment= false; if ( s.startsWith("/*") ) s= s.substring(2).trim(); if ( s.startsWith("*/") ) s= s.substring(2).trim(); if ( s.startsWith("*") ) s= s.substring(1).trim(); } if ( s.startsWith("public static") && s.endsWith("{")) { s= s.substring(13).trim(); int i= s.indexOf(" "); if ( i>0 ) { s= s.substring(i).trim(); } s= "def " + s; } b.append(s).append("\n"); logger.log(Level.FINER, "out {0}: {1}", new Object[]{lineNumber, s}); if ( indentLevel!=indent.length()) { indent= " ".substring(0,indentLevel); } } StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder(); for ( String s : importedPaths ) { sb.append(s).append("\n"); } if ( !importedPaths.isEmpty() ) sb.append("\n"); sb.append(b); return sb.toString(); } /** * return the Java type to use for the list. * @param list * @return */ public static String getJavaListType( org.python.parser.ast.List list ) { if ( list.elts.length==0 ) { return "new Object[]"; } else { Object o= list.elts[0]; for ( int i=1; i extends VisitorBase { boolean looksOkay = true; boolean visitNameFail = false; StringBuilder builder; int lineNumber = 1; boolean includeLineNumbers = false; MyVisitorBase(StringBuilder builder) { this.builder = builder; } @Override public Object visitName(Name node) throws Exception { return super.visitName(node); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public Object visitCall(Call node) throws Exception { return super.visitCall(node); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override protected Object unhandled_node(SimpleNode sn) throws Exception { return sn; } @Override public void traverse(SimpleNode sn) throws Exception { traverse("", sn, false); } private static final Map ops= new HashMap<>(); static { ops.put( 1, "+" ); ops.put( 2, "-" ); ops.put( 3, "*" ); ops.put( 4, "/" ); ops.put( 6, "^" ); ops.put( 12, "/floordiv/" ); }; private static final String spaces4 = " "; public void traverse(String indent, SimpleNode sn, boolean inline) throws Exception { if (includeLineNumbers && (this.builder.length() == 0 || builder.charAt(this.builder.length() - 1) == '\n')) { this.builder.append(String.format("%04d: ", lineNumber)); } while (sn.beginLine > lineNumber) { this.builder.append("\n"); lineNumber++; if (includeLineNumbers) { this.builder.append(String.format("%04d: ", lineNumber)); } } if ( !inline ) this.builder.append(indent); //if ( lineNumber==4 ) { // System.err.println("here line number breakpoint at line "+lineNumber ); //} if (sn instanceof FunctionDef) { handleFunctionDef( (FunctionDef)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof ClassDef ) { handleClassDef( (ClassDef)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof Global) { Global g= (Global)sn; this.builder.append("// global "); for ( int i=0; i0 ) this.builder.append(","); this.builder.append(g.names[i]); } } else if (sn instanceof Expr) { Expr ex = (Expr) sn; traverse("", ex.value, true); } else if (sn instanceof Print) { Print pr = ((Print) sn); this.builder.append("System.err.println("); for (int i = 0; i < pr.values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { this.builder.append(","); } traverse("", pr.values[i], true); } this.builder.append(")"); } else if (sn instanceof Return) { Return rt = ((Return) sn); this.builder.append("return"); if ( rt.value!=null ) { this.builder.append(" "); traverse("", rt.value, false); } } else if (sn instanceof ImportFrom) { ImportFrom ff = ((ImportFrom) sn); for (int i = 0; i < ff.names.length; i++) { this.builder.append("import ").append(ff.module).append('.').append(ff.names[i].name); } } else if (sn instanceof Str) { Str ss = (Str) sn; this.builder.append("\""); String s= ss.s.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); this.builder.append(s); this.builder.append("\""); } else if (sn instanceof Num) { Num ex = (Num) sn; this.builder.append(ex.n); } else if (sn instanceof BinOp) { BinOp as = ((BinOp) sn); if (as.left instanceof Str && as.op == 5) { this.builder.append("String.format("); traverse("", as.left, true); this.builder.append(","); traverse("", as.right, true); this.builder.append(")"); } else { traverse("", as.left, true); String sop= ops.get(as.op); if ( sop==null ) sop= " ?? "; this.builder.append( sop ); traverse("", as.right, true); } } else if (sn instanceof Assign) { handleAssign( (Assign)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof Name) { handleName( (Name)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof Call) { handleCall( (Call)sn, indent, inline ); } else if ( sn instanceof Index ) { Index id= (Index)sn; traverse("", id.value, true); } else if (sn instanceof For) { handleFor( (For)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof While) { handleWhile( (While)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof If) { handleIf( (If)sn, indent, inline ); } else if (sn instanceof Compare) { Compare cp = (Compare) sn; traverse("", cp.left, true); for ( int i : cp.ops ) { switch (i) { case Compare.Gt: this.builder.append(">"); break; case Compare.GtE: this.builder.append(">="); break; case Compare.Lt: this.builder.append("<"); break; case Compare.LtE: this.builder.append("<="); break; case Compare.Eq: this.builder.append("=="); break; case Compare.NotEq: this.builder.append("!="); break; default: this.builder.append("?in?"); break; } } for (exprType t : cp.comparators) { traverse("", t, inline); } } else if (sn instanceof Continue) { this.builder.append("continue"); } else if (sn instanceof Raise) { Raise r= (Raise)sn; this.builder.append("throw "); traverse("", r.type, true ); } else if (sn instanceof ExtSlice ) { ExtSlice r= (ExtSlice)sn; for ( int i=0; i0 ) this.builder.append(","); sliceType st= r.dims[i]; traverse("", st, true ); this.builder.append(st); } } else if (sn instanceof Slice) { Slice s= (Slice)sn; this.builder.append( String.valueOf(s.lower)+":"+ String.valueOf(s.upper)+":"+ String.valueOf(s.step) ); } else if (sn instanceof Attribute) { Attribute at = ((Attribute) sn); traverse("", at.value, true); this.builder.append("."); this.builder.append(at.attr); } else if ( sn instanceof org.python.parser.ast.List ) { org.python.parser.ast.List ll = ((org.python.parser.ast.List) sn); String open= getJavaListType( ll ); this.builder.append(open); this.builder.append(" { "); for ( int i=0; i0 ) this.builder.append(","); traverse("", ll.elts[i], true); } this.builder.append(" } "); } else if ( sn instanceof org.python.parser.ast.Subscript ) { org.python.parser.ast.Subscript ss= (org.python.parser.ast.Subscript)sn; traverse( "", ss.value, true ); this.builder.append("["); traverse( "", ss.slice, true ); this.builder.append("]"); } else { this.builder.append(sn.toString()).append("\n"); lineNumber++; } if ( !inline ) { if ( this.builder.charAt(this.builder.length()-1)=='}' ) { this.builder.append("\n"); } else { this.builder.append(";\n"); } lineNumber++; } } public boolean looksOkay() { return looksOkay; } /** * this contains a node whose name we can't resolve. * * @return */ public boolean visitNameFail() { return visitNameFail; } private void handleFunctionDef( FunctionDef fd, String indent, boolean inline ) throws Exception { this.builder.append("private Object ").append("("); for (int i = 0; i < fd.args.args.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { this.builder.append(","); } traverse( "", fd.args.args[i], true ); } this.builder.append(") {\n"); lineNumber++; handleBody( fd.body, indent+spaces4 ); this.builder.append("}"); } private void handleClassDef( ClassDef classDef, String indent, boolean inline) throws Exception { if ( classDef.bases.length>0 ) { this.builder.append("private class ").append(" extends "); traverse( indent, classDef.bases[0], true ); this.builder.append(" {"); } else { this.builder.append("private class ").append(" {"); } handleBody(classDef.body, indent+spaces4 ); this.builder.append("}"); } private void handleAssign(Assign as, String indent, boolean inline ) throws Exception { String typeOf= getJavaExprType( as.value ); if ( as.targets.length==1 ) { this.builder.append(typeOf).append(" "); } for (int i = 0; i < as.targets.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { this.builder.append(","); } traverse("", as.targets[i], true); } this.builder.append(" = "); traverse("", as.value, true); } private void handleName(Name nn, String indent, boolean inline) { String name=; if ( name.equals("False") ) { this.builder.append("false"); } else if ( name.equals("True") ) { this.builder.append("true"); } else if ( name.equals("None") ) { this.builder.append("null"); } else { this.builder.append(; } } private void handleCall(Call cc, String indent, boolean inline) throws Exception { if (cc.func instanceof Name) { if (Character.isUpperCase(((Name) cc.func).id.charAt(0))) { String ss= this.builder.toString(); int i= ss.lastIndexOf("\n"); if (i==-1 ) i=0; String insertStr= ((Name) cc.func).id + " "; this.builder.insert( i + indent.length() + 1, insertStr ); this.builder.append("new").append(" "); } } traverse("", cc.func, true); this.builder.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < cc.args.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { this.builder.append(","); } traverse("", cc.args[i], true); } this.builder.append(")"); } private void handleBody( stmtType[] body, String thisIndent ) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { traverse(thisIndent, body[i], false); } } private void handleFor(For ff, String indent, boolean inline) throws Exception { String typeOf= getJavaExprType( ff.iter ); this.builder.append("for ( ").append(typeOf).append(" "); traverse("",, true); this.builder.append(" : "); traverse("", ff.iter, true); this.builder.append(" ) {\n"); lineNumber++; handleBody(ff.body, spaces4+ indent ); this.builder.append(indent).append("}\n"); lineNumber++; } private void handleWhile(While ff, String indent, boolean inline) throws Exception { this.builder.append("while ( "); traverse( ff.test ); this.builder.append(" ) {\n"); lineNumber++; handleBody(ff.body, spaces4+ indent ); this.builder.append(indent).append("}\n"); lineNumber++; } private void handleIf(If ff, String indent, boolean inline) throws Exception { this.builder.append("if ( "); traverse("", ff.test, true); this.builder.append(" ) {\n"); lineNumber++; handleBody(ff.body,spaces4+ indent ); if ( ff.orelse==null ) { this.builder.append(indent).append("}"); } else { this.builder.append(indent).append("} else {\n"); lineNumber++; handleBody(ff.orelse, spaces4+ indent ); this.builder.append(indent).append("}"); } } } /** * convert Jython script to Java * @return Java attempt */ public static String convert(String script) throws Exception { org.python.parser.ast.Module n = (org.python.parser.ast.Module) org.python.core.parser.parse(script, "exec"); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); convert(b, n); return b.toString(); } private static void convert(StringBuilder sb, org.python.parser.ast.Module n) throws Exception { VisitorBase vb = new MyVisitorBase(sb); n.traverse(vb); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String code; //String code= "def foo():\n print 'hello'\nfoo()"; //System.err.println( convert(code) ); //String furi= "/home/jbf/project/autoplot/script/lookAtUserComments.jy"; //String furi= "/home/jbf/project/autoplot/script/curveFitting.jy"; String furi = "/home/jbf/project/autoplot/script/addLabelToPng.jy"; File src = DataSetURI.getFile(furi, new NullProgressMonitor()); try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(src)) { code = JythonUtil.readScript(new BufferedReader(reader)); System.err.println(convert(code)); } } }