package ProGAL.geom3d.volumes; import java.util.Arrays; import ProGAL.geom3d.ParametricPlane; import ProGAL.geom3d.Point; import ProGAL.geom3d.PointList; import ProGAL.geom3d.Rectangle; import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector; import ProGAL.math.Matrix3x3; /** * Implementation of a Rectangular Swept Sphere that supports overlap check and construction from * a point-set and two RSS'. * @author P.Winter and R.Fonseca */ public class RSS implements Volume{ public Rectangle rectangle; public double radius; public RSS(Point center, Vector[] bases, double radius){ this.rectangle = new Rectangle(center, bases); this.radius = radius; } public boolean overlaps(Volume vol) { if(vol instanceof RSS) return overlaps((RSS)vol); throw new Error("Unimplemented ("+vol.getClass().getSimpleName()+")"); } /** * 674HOps */ public boolean overlaps(RSS rss){ double sqRads= (radius+rss.radius); sqRads = sqRads*sqRads; //1HOp double sqCenterDist =;//3HOps if(sqCenterDist<=sqRads) return true; return rectangle.distance(rss.rectangle)<=radius+rss.radius; //670HOps } public double getVolume() { double boxVol = rectangle.bases[0].length()*rectangle.bases[1].length()*radius*8; double cylVol = 2*(rectangle.bases[0].length()+rectangle.bases[1].length())*(float)Math.PI*radius*radius; double sphereVol = (float)Math.PI*radius*radius*radius*4f/3; return boxVol+cylVol+sphereVol; } public Point getCenter() { return; } public String toString(){ return String.format("RSS[center:%s,bases[%s,%s],radius:%f]",, rectangle.bases[0], rectangle.bases[1],radius); } public static RSS createBoundingRSS_covariance(PointList points){ RSS ret; Matrix3x3 covMatr = points.getCovariance(); Vector[] eigenVecs = covMatr.getEigenvectors(); Vector tmp; if(eigenVecs[0].length()highestDot){ highestDot = dot; } } double radius = (highestDot-lowestDot)/2; if(radius<0.0001) radius = 0.0001; ParametricPlane P = new ParametricPlane(bases[2].multiply((highestDot+lowestDot)/2).toPoint(), bases[0], bases[1]); //Slide half-cylinder caps along projection to the bases[0] and bases[1] planes. //dots contains the min and max along bases[0] and min and max along bases[1] double[] dots = {Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}; for(Point p: points){ double[] proj = P.projectPoint(p); double delta = Math.sqrt(radius*radius-proj[2]*proj[2]); if(radius*radiusdots[1]){ dots[1] = proj[0]-delta; } if(proj[1]+deltadots[3]){ dots[3] = proj[1]-delta; } } // System.out.printf("Final dots: %s\n",Arrays.toString(dots)); //TODO: Fix corners double[] pars = { (dots[0]+dots[1])/2, (dots[2]+dots[3])/2 }; double[] dim = { (dots[1]-dots[0])/2, (dots[3]-dots[2])/2 }; Point center = new Point(P.getP(pars)); Vector[] rssBases = {bases[0].multiply(dim[0]), bases[1].multiply(dim[1])}; if(Double.isNaN(center.x())) throw new Error(" nana "+Arrays.toString(dots)); return new RSS(center, rssBases, radius); } public static RSS createBoundingRSS_covariance(RSS s1, RSS s2) { PointList points = new PointList(); for(Point p: s1.rectangle.getCorners()) points.add(p); for(Point p: s2.rectangle.getCorners()) points.add(p); RSS ret = createBoundingRSS_covariance(points); ret.radius+=Math.max(s1.radius, s2.radius); return ret; } public RSS clone(){ Point p =; Vector[] bases = {rectangle.bases[0].clone(), rectangle.bases[1].clone()}; return new RSS(p,bases,radius); } }