package ProGAL.geom3d.volumes; import java.awt.Color; import ProGAL.geom3d.Plane; import ProGAL.geom3d.Point; import ProGAL.geom3d.Simplex; import ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle; import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector; //import ProGAL.geom3d.viewer.J3DScene; /** * A tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four triangular faces. It is defined using * four corner-points. * * @author R.Fonseca */ public class Tetrahedron implements Simplex, Volume { protected Point[] corners = new Point[4]; public Tetrahedron(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4){ corners[0] = p1; corners[1] = p2; corners[2] = p3; corners[3] = p4; } public Tetrahedron(Point[] corners){ this.corners = corners; } /* returns a tetrahedron with its circumscribing circle at (0,0,0) and four corners at unit distance */ public static Tetrahedron regularTetrahedron() { return new Tetrahedron(new Point( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Point(-1.0/3.0, Math.sqrt(8)/3.0, 0.0), new Point(-1.0/3.0, -Math.sqrt(2)/3.0, Math.sqrt(2.0/3.0)), new Point(-1.0/3.0, -Math.sqrt(2)/3.0, -Math.sqrt(2.0/3.0))); } /** Return the specified corner. Throws an error if c<0 || c>3. */ public Point getCorner(int c){ if(c<0 || c>3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return corners[c]; } /** Return all four corners */ public Point[] getCorners() { return corners; } public void translate(Vector v) { for (Point p : corners) p.translateThis(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); } public void translate(Point q) { for (Point p : corners) p.translateThis(q.x(), q.y(), q.z()); } public void translate(double x, double y, double z) { for (Point p : corners) p.translateThis(x, y, z); } public void blowUp(double t) { Point center = circumCenter(); translate(-center.x(), -center.y(), -center.z()); for (Point p : corners) p.scaleThis(t); translate(center); } /** Return the specified corner-point. Throws an error if c<0 || c>3. */ public Point getPoint(int c){ if(c<0 || c>3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return corners[c]; } /** Return the 'dimension' of this object. Required by the interface Simplex. */ public int getDimension() { return 3; } /** TODO: Comment */ public void setPoint(int c, Point point) { if(c<0 || c>3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); corners[c] = point; } public boolean overlaps(Volume vol) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } /** Get the volume of the tetrahedron. */ public double getVolume() { Vector a = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[0]); Vector b = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[1]); Vector c = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[2]); return Math.abs(; } /** Return common triangle of 2 tetrahedra */ public Triangle getCommonTriangle(Tetrahedron t) { Point[] common = new Point[4]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (corners[i].equals(t.corners[j])) { common[count++] = corners[i]; j = 4; } } } if (count != 3) return null; return new Triangle(common[0], common[1], common[2]); } /** Calculate the radius of the insphere. */ public double getInradius(){ Vector a = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[0]); Vector b = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[1]); Vector c = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[2]); Vector bXc = b.cross(c); double sixV = Math.abs(; Vector cXa = c.crossThis(a); Vector aXb = a.crossThis(b); double denom = bXc.length()+cXa.length()+aXb.length()+( bXc.addThis(cXa).addThis(aXb).length() ); return sixV/denom; } /** Calculate the radius of the circumsphere. */ public double circumRadius(){ Vector a = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[0]); Vector b = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[1]); Vector c = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[2]); Vector O = b.cross(c).multiplyThis(; O.addThis(c.cross(a).multiplyThis(; O.addThis(a.cross(b).multiplyThis(; O.multiplyThis(1.0/(2*; return O.length(); } /** Find the center of the circumscribing sphere. */ public Point circumCenter(){ Vector a = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[0]); Vector b = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[1]); Vector c = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[2]); Vector O = b.cross(c).multiplyThis(; O.addThis(c.cross(a).multiplyThis(; O.addThis(a.cross(b).multiplyThis(; O.multiplyThis(1.0/(2*; return corners[3].add(O); } /** Find the circumscribing sphere */ public Sphere circumSphere(){ Vector a = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[0]); Vector b = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[1]); Vector c = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[2]); Vector O = b.cross(c).multiplyThis(; O.addThis(c.cross(a).multiplyThis(; O.addThis(a.cross(b).multiplyThis(; O.multiplyThis(1.0/(2*; return new Sphere(corners[3].add(O), O.length()); } /** Find the center of the inscribed sphere. */ public Point incenter(){ Vector a = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[0]); Vector b = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[1]); Vector c = corners[3].vectorTo(corners[2]); Vector bXc = b.cross(c); Vector cXa = c.cross(a); Vector aXb = a.cross(b); double bXcLength = bXc.length(); double cXaLength = cXa.length(); double aXbLength = aXb.length(); double dLength = bXc.addThis(cXa).addThis(aXb).length(); Vector O = a.multiplyThis(bXcLength); O.addThis(b.multiplyThis(cXaLength)); O.addThis(c.multiplyThis(aXbLength)); O.divideThis(bXcLength+cXaLength+aXbLength+dLength ); return corners[3].add(O); } public Point getCenter() { Vector v = corners[0].vectorTo(corners[1]); v.addThis(corners[0].vectorTo(corners[2])); v.addThis(corners[0].vectorTo(corners[3])); return corners[0].add(v.multiplyThis(0.25)); } /** Returns true if the point p is inside this tetrahedron. */ // public boolean isInside(Point p) { // return isBehind(p,p1,p3,p2) && isBehind(p,p0,p2,p3) && isBehind(p,p0,p3,p1) && isBehind(p,p0,p1,p2); // TODO implement // return false; // } public boolean isInside(Point p) { Plane pl012 = new Plane(getCorner(0), getCorner(1), getCorner(2)); Plane pl013 = new Plane(getCorner(0), getCorner(1), getCorner(3)); Plane pl023 = new Plane(getCorner(0), getCorner(2), getCorner(3)); Plane pl123 = new Plane(getCorner(1), getCorner(2), getCorner(3)); return (((pl012.above(p) == 1) && (pl013.above(p) == 1) && (pl023.above(p) == 1) && (pl123.above(p) == 1)) || ((pl012.below(p) == 1) && (pl013.below(p) == 1) && (pl023.below(p) == 1) && (pl123.below(p) == 1))); } /* * returns TRUE if the tetrahedron is acute. Tetrahedron is acute if all its dihedral angles are acute (< 90___) * added by pawel 12-11-2011 */ public boolean isAcute() { return ((Point.getCosDihedralAngle(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2], corners[3]) > 0.0) && (Point.getCosDihedralAngle(corners[0], corners[1], corners[3], corners[2]) > 0.0) && (Point.getCosDihedralAngle(corners[0], corners[2], corners[3], corners[1]) > 0.0) && (Point.getCosDihedralAngle(corners[2], corners[0], corners[1], corners[3]) > 0.0) && (Point.getCosDihedralAngle(corners[1], corners[0], corners[2], corners[3]) > 0.0) && (Point.getCosDihedralAngle(corners[1], corners[0], corners[3], corners[2]) > 0.0)); } public Volume clone(){ return new Tetrahedron(corners[0].clone(), corners[1].clone(), corners[2].clone(), corners[3].clone()); } /** Return a string representation of this tetrahedron. */ public String toString() { return toString(2); } /** Return a string representation of this tetrahedron with dec decimals precision */ public String toString(int dec) { return String.format("Tetrahedron[%s,%s,%s,%s]",corners[0].toString(dec),corners[1].toString(dec),corners[2].toString(dec),corners[3].toString(dec)); } /** Writes this tetrahedron to System.out. */ public void toConsole() { System.out.println(toString()); } /** Writes this tetrahedron to System.out with dec decimals precision. */ public void toConsole(int dec) { System.out.println(toString(dec)); } // public void toScene(J3DScene scene) { // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // for (int j = i+1; j < 4; j++) scene.addShape(new LSS(corners[i], corners[j], 0.01), Color.BLUE, 3); // } public static void main(String[] args) { Point p1 = new Point(1,0,0); Point p2 = new Point(1,1,0); Point p3 = new Point(2,2,3); Point p4 = new Point(3,4,2); Point p5 = new Point(0,0,3); Tetrahedron tetr = new Tetrahedron(p2, p1, p3, p4); if (tetr.isInside(p5)) System.out.println("inside"); else System.out.println("outside"); } }