package org.das2.qds.filters; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.Timer; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.TickleTimer; import org.das2.util.WindowManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; /** * Chain together a number of FilterEditorPanels to one long filter chain. For example, * |slice1(0)|smooth(5) would add two of the FilterEditorPanel to control each * filter. Additionally, this adds and removes filters from the chain. * * @author jbf */ public final class FiltersChainPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements FilterEditorPanel { private QDataSet inputDs; private String currentFilter= null; // the currently implemented filter. private FilterEditorPanel currentFilterPanel=null; private boolean implicitUnbundle= false; private final TickleTimer timer; private final Timer recalculatingTimer; //AWT thread private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("qdataset.filters"); private static final String CLASS_NAME = FiltersChainPanel.class.getName(); private final Color backgroundColor; /** * if non-empty, this is adjusting and external events should be ignored. */ private HashSet adjusting= new HashSet<>(); /** * Creates new form FiltersChainPanel */ public FiltersChainPanel() { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "" ); initComponents(); backgroundColor= this.getBackground(); setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS )); timer= new TickleTimer( 50, new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { updateImmediately(); } }); recalculatingTimer= new Timer( 100, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { indicateRecalculating(); } }); recalculatingTimer.setRepeats(false); setFilter(""); } List editors= new LinkedList(); /** * these are the results after each filter. */ List results= new LinkedList(); /** * these are the filters used to get to each result. */ List resultFilters= new LinkedList(); /** * true means the filter is recalculating, and the GUI will be updated later. */ List recalculating= new LinkedList(); /** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always * regenerated by the Form Editor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // //GEN-BEGIN:initComponents private void initComponents() { scrollPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); setLayout(new javax.swing.BoxLayout(this, javax.swing.BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); add(scrollPane); }// //GEN-END:initComponents // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables private javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPane; // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables /** * this should return a delegate editor for the given filter. This component * will be configured as specified in f. * * Note that two filters that start with the same command (e.g. slice0) must * use the same editor! * * @param f the filter, which may or may not start with a pipe. * @return the filter. */ private FilterEditorPanel getEditorFor(String f, FilterEditorPanel recyclable) { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "getEditorFor", f ); if ( !f.startsWith("|") ) f= "|"+f; if ( !f.contains("(")&& !f.endsWith(")") ) { f= f+"()"; } String srecyclable= recyclable==null ? null : recyclable.getFilter(); int i= f.indexOf("("); if ( i==-1 ) i=f.length(); if ( srecyclable!=null && srecyclable.startsWith(f.substring(0,i)) ) { assert recyclable!=null; logger.log(Level.FINE, "recycling to provide {0}", f); if ( !srecyclable.equals(f) ) { recyclable.setFilter(f); } return recyclable; } logger.log( Level.FINE, "creating new editor panel for {0}", f ); FilterEditorPanel result; if ( f.matches("\\|add\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new AddFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|subtract\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new SubtractFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|butterworth\\((\\d),(\\S+),(\\S+)\\)") ) { result= new ButterworthFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|butterworth\\((\\d),(\\S+),(\\S+),(\\S+)\\)") ) { result= new ButterworthFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|collapse(\\d)\\(\\)") ) { result= new CollapseFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|contour\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new ContourFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|detrend\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new DetrendFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|divide\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new DivideFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|fftPower\\((\\d+),(\\d),'?(\\S+)'?\\)") ) { result= new FftPowerFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|hanning\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new HanningFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|medianFilter\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new MedianFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|multiply\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new MultiplyFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|reducex\\('?(\\d+)\\s?(\\S+)'?\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new ReducexFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches( SetDepend0CadenceFilterEditorPanel.PROP_REGEX ) ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new SetDepend0CadenceFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches( SetDepend1CadenceFilterEditorPanel.PROP_REGEX ) ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new SetDepend1CadenceFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|setDepend0Units\\('(\\S+)'\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new SetDepend0UnitsFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|setUnits\\('(\\S+)'\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new SetUnitsFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|slice(\\d)\\((\\d+)\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. if ( false && recyclable instanceof SliceFilterEditorPanel ) { recyclable.setFilter(f); return recyclable; } else { result= new SliceFilterEditorPanel(); } } else if ( f.matches("\\|slice(\\d)\\(\\'(\\S+)\\'\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. if ( recyclable instanceof SliceFilterEditorPanel ) { recyclable.setFilter(f); return recyclable; } else { result= new SliceFilterEditorPanel(); } } else if ( f.matches("\\|cos\\(\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|sin\\(\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|total(\\d)\\(()\\)") ) { result= new TotalFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|slices\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new SlicesFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|smooth\\(\\d+\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new SmoothFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|smoothfit\\(\\d+\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new SmoothFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|histogram\\(\\)") ) { result= new HistogramFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|histogram\\((\\S+),(\\S+),(\\S+)\\)") ) { result= new HistogramFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches(Histogram2dFilterEditorPanel.PROP_REGEX) ) { result= new Histogram2dFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches( UnbundleFilterEditorPanel.PROP_REGEX ) ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new UnbundleFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|dbAboveBackgroundDim1\\((\\S+)\\)") ) { // TODO: FilterEditorPanel might choose to accept a filter. result= new DbAboveBackgroundDim1FilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|normalize\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new NormalizeFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|transpose\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|toDegrees\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|toRadians\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|valid\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|extent\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|diff\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|sqrt\\(\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|flattenWaveform\\(.*\\)") ) { result= new NoArgFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|pow\\(.*\\)") ) { result= new PowFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|getProperty\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new GetPropertyEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|putProperty\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new PutPropertyFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches("\\|setValidRange\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new SingleArgumentEditorPanel( "setValidRange", "Valid Range", "The limits of valid data (inclusive)", new String[] { "", "-1e31 to 1e31", "0 to 100" } ); } else if ( f.matches("\\|setFillValue\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new SingleArgumentEditorPanel( "setFillValue", "Fill Value", "Numerical value marking invalid data", new String[] { "", "-1e31", "0", "-1" } ); } else if ( f.matches("\\|putProperty\\((.*)\\)") ) { result= new PutPropertyFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches( TrimFilterEditorPanel.PROP_REGEX)){ result= new TrimFilterEditorPanel(); } else if ( f.matches( TrimFilterEditorPanel.PROP_TRIMI_REGEX)){ result= new TrimFilterEditorPanel(); } else { result= new AnyFilterEditorPanel(); } result.setFilter(f); String tooltip= TooltipKeeper.getInstance().getTooltipFor(f); if ( tooltip!=null ) { result.getPanel().setToolTipText(tooltip); } return result; } @Override public String getFilter() { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "getFilter" ); final StringBuilder b= new StringBuilder(); Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { List leditors= new ArrayList(editors); int ifilter= 0; for ( FilterEditorPanel p: leditors ) { if ( ifilter==0 && p instanceof UnbundleFilterEditorPanel && implicitUnbundle ) { b.append( ((UnbundleFilterEditorPanel)p).getComponent() ); } else { b.append(p.getFilter()); } } } }; if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) {; } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(run); } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FiltersChainPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return b.toString(); } private void deleteFilter( int fi ) { FilterEditorPanel p= editors.remove(fi); removeFocusListeners(p.getPanel()); setFilter( getFilter() ); resetFilterInput(); updateSoon( getFilter() ); } /** * force the filters to reset based on the new dataset. */ private void resetFilterInput() { QDataSet inputDs1= this.inputDs; setInput(null); setInput(inputDs1); } /** * find the filterEditorPanel, or null. * @param c null or the current component. * @return null or the FilterEditorPanel */ private FilterEditorPanel getFilterEditorPanelParent( Component c ) { // go through parents to get FilterEditorPanel and do focus based on this. while ( c!=null && !( c instanceof FilterEditorPanel ) ) { c= c.getParent(); } if ( c==null ) { return null; } return (FilterEditorPanel)c; } private final FocusListener lostFocusListener= new FocusListener() { @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "focusGained {0}", e.getComponent().getName() ); currentFilterPanel= getFilterEditorPanelParent(e.getComponent()); } @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "focusLost {0}", e.getComponent().getName() ); FilterEditorPanel c= getFilterEditorPanelParent( e.getComponent() ); FilterEditorPanel n= getFilterEditorPanelParent( e.getOppositeComponent() ); if ( c==null ) return; if ( c!=currentFilterPanel || c!=n ) { //if ( !getFilter().equals(currentFilter) ) { updateSoon( null ); currentFilterPanel= (FilterEditorPanel)c; } else { logger.log( Level.FINER, "... already up to date"); } } }; private final ActionListener requestUpdateListener= new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "requestUpdateFrom {0}", e.getSource()); updateSoon( null ); } }; private final ChangeListener requestChangeListener= new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { updateSoon( null ); } }; private void addFilterNew( int idx ) { AddFilterDialog afd= new AddFilterDialog(); int r= WindowManager.showConfirmDialog( this, afd, "Add Operation", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ); //int r= JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, afd, "Add Operation", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ); if ( r==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) { String ss= afd.getValue(); FilterEditorPanel filter1= getEditorFor(ss, null); filter1.getPanel().addFocusListener( lostFocusListener ); addFocusListeners( filter1.getPanel() ); editors.add( idx, filter1 ); String filter= getFilter(); setFilter( filter ); resetFilterInput(); updateSoon( filter ); } } private void addFocusListeners( JPanel p ) { for ( Component c: p.getComponents() ) { c.addFocusListener(lostFocusListener); if ( c instanceof JTextField ) { ((JTextField)c).addActionListener(requestUpdateListener); } else if ( c instanceof JComboBox ) { ((JComboBox)c).addActionListener(requestUpdateListener); } else if ( c instanceof JSpinner ) { ((JSpinner)c).addChangeListener(requestChangeListener); } else if ( c instanceof AbstractButton ) { ((AbstractButton)c).addActionListener(requestUpdateListener); } else if ( c instanceof JPanel ) { addFocusListeners((JPanel)c); //TODO: consider not until the JPanel focus is blurred. } } } private void removeFocusListeners( JPanel p ) { for ( Component c: p.getComponents() ) { c.removeFocusListener(lostFocusListener); if ( c instanceof JTextField ) { ((JTextField)c).removeActionListener(requestUpdateListener); } else if ( c instanceof JComboBox ) { ((JComboBox)c).removeActionListener(requestUpdateListener); } else if ( c instanceof JSpinner ) { ((JSpinner)c).removeChangeListener(requestChangeListener); } else if ( c instanceof AbstractButton ) { ((AbstractButton)c).removeChangeListener(requestChangeListener); } else if ( c instanceof JPanel ) { addFocusListeners((JPanel)c); } } } /** * turn off and on the add and subtract buttons. */ private boolean addSubtractButtons = true; public static final String PROP_ADDSUBTRACTBUTTONS = "addSubtractButtons"; public boolean isAddSubtractButtons() { return addSubtractButtons; } public void setAddSubtractButtons(boolean addSubtractButtons) { boolean oldAddSubtractButtons = this.addSubtractButtons; this.addSubtractButtons = addSubtractButtons; String filter= getFilter(); setFilter( null ); setFilter( filter ); firePropertyChange(PROP_ADDSUBTRACTBUTTONS, oldAddSubtractButtons, addSubtractButtons); } /** * return the panel with the add and remove icons. * @param fi the position * @return one panel ( + panel GUI - ) */ private JPanel onePanel( final int fi ) { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "onePanel", fi ); final JPanel sub= new JPanel( new BorderLayout() ); String sfilter= fi==-1 ? "" : editors.get(fi).getFilter(); JPanel pp= fi==-1 ? null : editors.get(fi).getPanel(); if ( pp!=null ) { addFocusListeners( pp ); } Dimension limit= new Dimension(24,24); if ( addSubtractButtons ) { JButton subAdd= new JButton(""); subAdd.setIcon( new ImageIcon( FiltersChainPanel.class.getResource("/resources/add.png") ) ); subAdd.setMaximumSize( limit ); subAdd.setPreferredSize( limit ); if ( fi>=0 ) { subAdd.setToolTipText( "insert new filter before "+ sfilter ); subAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); //if ( true ) { addFilterNew(fi); //} else { // addFilter(fi); //} } } ); } else { subAdd.setToolTipText( "insert new filter" ); subAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); //if ( true ) { addFilterNew(editors.size()); //} else { // addFilter(editors.size()); //} } } ); } sub.add( subAdd, BorderLayout.WEST ); if ( fi>=0 ) { JButton subDelete= new JButton(""); subDelete.setIcon( new ImageIcon( FiltersChainPanel.class.getResource("/resources/subtract.png") ) ); subDelete.setMaximumSize( limit ); subDelete.setPreferredSize( limit ); subDelete.setToolTipText( "remove filter " + sfilter ); subDelete.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); deleteFilter(fi); Container parent= sub.getParent(); parent.remove(sub); parent.validate(); } } ); sub.add( subDelete, BorderLayout.EAST ); } } if ( fi>=0 ) { sub.add( pp, BorderLayout.CENTER ); } else { if ( addSubtractButtons ) { final JLabel tf= new JLabel(); tf.setText(" (click to add)"); sub.add( tf, BorderLayout.CENTER ); } } Dimension maximumSize = sub.getPreferredSize(); maximumSize.width = Integer.MAX_VALUE; sub.setMaximumSize(maximumSize); return sub; } /** * set the filter, and rebuild the GUI. Note this should be called from the * event thread. TODO: This means that filters are happening on the event thread, * which is going to lead to problems. * @param filter the filter for the block, such as "|slice1(2)" */ @Override public void setFilter(String filter) { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "setFilter", filter ); String oldFilter= getFilter(); if ( currentFilter!=null && currentFilter.equals(filter) ) { logger.fine("filter unchanged, so we don't need to do anything, right?"); return; } //if ( this.getName()!=null && this.getName().startsWith("post") ) { // //} else { // System.err.println("here "+this.getName()); //} if ( !SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { logger.warning("must be called from event thread"); } if ( filter==null ) filter= ""; // autoplot-test100 Automatic GUI testing hits this, presumably intermediate state. //if ( filter.equals( this.getFilter() ) ) { // the problem is that bindings will call this without setInput. // logger.finer("no need to update..."); // return; //} // will contain an empty string when there is no initial unbundle, String[] ss= filter.split("\\|",-2); List recycle= new ArrayList(editors); for ( int i= editors.size(); i0 ) { FilterEditorPanel p = getEditorFor("|unbundle("+ss[0]+")", recycle.get(0) ); editors.add(p); recalculating.add(Boolean.FALSE); JPanel ll= onePanel(i); content.add( ll ); i++; content.add( new JLabel( "--------" ) ); implicitUnbundle= true; } else { implicitUnbundle= false; } ss= Arrays.copyOfRange( ss, 1, ss.length ); // while ( resultFilters.size()ss.length ) { // resultFilters.remove(ss.length); // results.remove(ss.length); // } // // boolean dirty= false; // keep track of which results we can recycle. for (String s : ss) { if ( s.length()>0 ) { // if ( !resultFilters.get(i).equals(s) ) { // dirty= true; // } // if ( dirty ) results.set(i,null); // FilterEditorPanel p = getEditorFor(s, recycle.get(editors.size()) ); editors.add(p); recalculating.add(Boolean.FALSE); JPanel ll= onePanel(i); content.add( ll ); i++; if ( i leditors ) { if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { logger.warning("must NOT be called from event thread"); } String[] ss= filter.split("\\|"); int i=0; int iss= 0; final String key= filter; adjusting.add(key); boolean eventWillBeFired= false; for (String s : ss) { s= s.trim(); iss++; if ( s.length()>0 ) { final FilterEditorPanel p = leditors.get(i); if ( ds!=null ) { final int fi= i; final QDataSet fds= ds; final boolean fireUpdateSoon= iss==ss.length; eventWillBeFired= fireUpdateSoon; Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { p.setInput(fds); if ( recalculating.size()>fi ) { // transitional state recalculating.set(fi,Boolean.FALSE); indicateRecalculating(); } if ( fireUpdateSoon ) { adjusting.remove(key); updateSoon(key); } } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(run); //; if ( iss leditors= new ArrayList(editors); Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "resetInput", ds ); setInput( ds, filter, leditors ); logger.exiting( CLASS_NAME, "resetInput", ds ); } }; new Thread( run, "resetInput" ).start(); logger.exiting( CLASS_NAME, "resetInput" ); } /** * the filter must be set before this is called. This will set * droplist labels, etc. * @param ds the dataset, or null. */ @Override public void setInput( final QDataSet ds ) { logger.entering( CLASS_NAME, "setInput" ); if ( this.inputDs==ds ) { logger.fine("already set input..."); return; } resetInput(ds); logger.exiting( CLASS_NAME, "setInput" ); } /** * return true if the filter appears that it will be valid, and * false when it clearly won't be. * @param filter * @return */ public boolean validateFilter(String filter) { String[] ss= filter.split("\\|"); int i=0; final List leditors= new ArrayList(editors); QDataSet ds= inputDs; for (String s : ss) { s= s.trim(); if ( s.length()>0 ) { if ( i