package ProGAL.geom3d; import java.awt.Color; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.LSS; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Tetrahedron; import ProGAL.math.Constants; import ProGAL.math.Matrix; /** * A triangle in (x,y,z)-space represented by the three corner-points. */ public class Triangle implements Simplex{ protected Point p1, p2, p3; protected Shape[] LSSs = new Shape[3]; protected Shape face; /** Construct a triangle using the three specified points as corners */ public Triangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) { this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; this.p3 = p3; } public Triangle(Point[] p) { this.p1 = p[0]; this.p2 = p[1]; this.p3 = p[2]; } /** Get the first corner */ public Point getP1(){ return p1; } /** Get the second corner */ public Point getP2(){ return p2; } /** Get the third corner */ public Point getP3(){ return p3; } /** Get the specified corner of this triangle */ public Point getCorner(int c){ return getPoint(c); } /** Get the specified corner-point of this triangle */ public Point getPoint(int c){ switch(c){ case 0: return p1; case 1: return p2; case 2: return p3; } throw new Error("Badly specified point number ("+c+"). Should be between 0 and 2"); } /** Return the 'dimension' of this object. Required by the interface Simplex. */ public int getDimension() { return 2; } public boolean orient(Point p){ Matrix m = new Matrix(4,4); for(int r=0;r<3;r++){ for(int c=0;c<3;c++){ m.set(r, c, getCorner(r).getCoord(c)); } m.set(r, 3, 1); } for(int c=0;c<3;c++) m.set(3, c, p.getCoord(c)); m.set(3,3,1); double det = m.determinant(); if (Math.abs(det) 1.0. if so, no intersection Point intersection = new Point(p.x() + r*dir.x(), p.y() + r*dir.y(), p.z() + r*dir.z()); if (contains(intersection)) return intersection; else { return null; } } //Daisy public boolean containsPoint(Point p) { return (p1.equals(p) || p2.equals(p) || p3.equals(p)); } public boolean contains(Point p) { //Daisy /* double[] r1 = {p1.getCoord(0), p2.getCoord(0), p3.getCoord(0)}; double[] r2 = {p1.getCoord(1), p2.getCoord(1), p3.getCoord(1)}; double[] r3 = {1, 1, 1}; double[][] rows = {r1, r2, r3}; Matrix orientation = new Matrix(rows); if (orientation.determinant()<0) { System.out.println("Wooh!"); System.out.println("Triangle = "+this.toString()); System.out.println("Point = "+p.toString()); double[] r1_12 = {p1.getCoord(0), p2.getCoord(0), p.getCoord(0)}; double[] r2_12 = {p1.getCoord(1), p2.getCoord(1), p.getCoord(1)}; double[] r3_12 = {1, 1, 1}; double[][] rows12 = {r1_12, r2_12, r3_12}; Matrix orientation12 = new Matrix(rows12); if (orientation12.determinant()<0) { System.out.println("Wooh!"); double[] r1_23 = {p2.getCoord(0), p3.getCoord(0), p.getCoord(0)}; double[] r2_23 = {p2.getCoord(1), p3.getCoord(1), p.getCoord(1)}; double[] r3_23 = {1, 1, 1}; double[][] rows23 = {r1_23, r2_23, r3_23}; Matrix orientation23 = new Matrix(rows23); if (orientation23.determinant()<0) { System.out.println("Wooh!"); double[] r1_31 = {p3.getCoord(0), p1.getCoord(0), p.getCoord(0)}; double[] r2_31 = {p3.getCoord(1), p1.getCoord(1), p.getCoord(1)}; double[] r3_31 = {1, 1, 1}; double[][] rows31 = {r1_31, r2_31, r3_31}; Matrix orientation31 = new Matrix(rows31); if (orientation31.determinant()<0) { System.out.println("Wooh!"); return true; } } } } return false;*/ /* List xs = new ArrayList(); xs.add(p1.get(0)); xs.add(p2.get(0)); xs.add(p3.get(0)); List ys = new ArrayList(); ys.add(p1.get(1)); ys.add(p2.get(1)); ys.add(p3.get(1)); List zs = new ArrayList(); zs.add(p1.get(2)); zs.add(p2.get(2)); zs.add(p3.get(2)); double xMax = Collections.max(xs); double xMin = Collections.min(xs); double yMax = Collections.max(ys); double yMin = Collections.min(ys); double zMax = Collections.max(zs); double zMin = Collections.min(zs); if (xMax > p.get(0) && xMin < p.get(0) && yMax > p.get(1) && yMin < p.get(1) && zMax > p.get(2) && zMin < p.get(2)) return true; else return false;*/ /*double alpha = ((p2.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))*(p.getCoord(0) - p3.getCoord(0)) + (p3.getCoord(0) - p2.getCoord(0))*(p.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))) / ((p2.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))*(p1.getCoord(0) - p3.getCoord(0)) + (p3.getCoord(0) - p2.getCoord(0))*(p1.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))); System.out.println("Alpha = "+alpha); if (alpha>-Constants.EPSILON) { double beta = ((p3.getCoord(1) - p1.getCoord(1))*(p.getCoord(0) - p3.getCoord(0)) + (p1.getCoord(0) - p3.getCoord(0))*(p.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))) / ((p2.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))*(p1.getCoord(0) - p3.getCoord(0)) + (p3.getCoord(0) - p2.getCoord(0))*(p1.getCoord(1) - p3.getCoord(1))); System.out.println("Beta = "+beta); if (beta>-Constants.EPSILON) { double gamma = 1.0 - alpha - beta; if (gamma>-Constants.EPSILON) return true; System.out.println("Gamma = "+gamma); } } return false;*/ //Rasmus Vector u = new Vector(p1, p2); Vector v = new Vector(p1, p3); double uu =; double uv =; double vv =; Vector w = new Vector(p1, p); double wu =; double wv =; double D = uv*uv -uu*vv; double s = (uv*wv -vv*wu)/D; if ((s < 0.0) || (s > 1.0)) return false; double t = (uv*wu -uu*wv)/D; if ((t < 0.0) || (s + t > 1.0)) return false; return true; } /** Returns a string-representation of this triangle formatted with two decimals precision. */ public String toString(){ return toString(2); } /** Returns a string-representation of this triangle formatted with dec decimals precision. */ public String toString(int dec) { return String.format("Triangle[p1=%s,p2=%s,p3=%s]",p1.toString(dec), p2.toString(dec), p3.toString(dec)); } /** Writes this triangle to System.out with 2 decimals precision. */ public void toConsole() { toConsole(2); } /** Writes this triangle to System.out with dec decimals precision. */ public void toConsole(int dec) { System.out.println(toString(dec)); } private boolean isBig(Point p) { return ((Math.abs(p.x()) > 1000) || (Math.abs(p.y()) > 1000) || (Math.abs(p.z()) > 1000)); } public Triangle clone(){ return new Triangle(p1.clone(), p2.clone(), p3.clone()); } }