/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.autoplot; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JComponent; import org.autoplot.dom.Application; import org.autoplot.dom.DomNode; import org.autoplot.dom.Plot; import org.das2.components.DataPointRecorder; import org.das2.event.MouseModule; import org.das2.graph.DasColorBar; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter; import org.python.core.PyFunction; /** * * @author jbf */ public class ScriptContext { private static ScriptContext2023 sc= ScriptContext2023.getInstance(); /** * set the current application for commands. For example, to * have two windows plotting data, you would: *
     * plot([1,2,3])
     * popup=newWindow('popup')
     * setWindow(popup)
     * plot([3,2,1])
* @param app the application * @see #setWindow(org.autoplot.ApplicationModel) * @see #newApplication(java.lang.String) */ public static synchronized void setApplication( AutoplotUI app ) { sc.setApplication(app); } /** * reset the script focus to the default application. */ public static synchronized void setDefaultApplication() { sc.setDefaultApplication(); } /** * Set the application model. This is the simplest Autoplot implementation * existing, where there are no buttons, etc. * @param appm * @see #newWindow(java.lang.String) * @see #getWindow() which returns the current window. * @see #setApplication(org.autoplot.AutoplotUI) which creates another application. */ public static synchronized void setWindow( ApplicationModel appm ) { sc.setWindow(appm); } /** * return the focus application. * @return the focus application. */ public static synchronized AutoplotUI getApplication() { return sc.getApplication(); } /** * return the internal handle for the window and dom within. * @return the internal handle for the application. */ public static synchronized ApplicationModel getWindow() { return sc.getWindow(); } /** * get or create the application identified by the name. For example: *
     *ds= ripples(20,20)
     *plot( 0, ds )
     *sliceWindow= newApplication('slice')
     *plot( slice0(ds,0) ) 
* Windows with this name will be reused. * @param id an identifier * @return the AutoplotUI. */ public static synchronized AutoplotUI newApplication( String id ) { return sc.newApplication(id); } /** * create a new window with the given location and size. * @param id identifier for the window * @param width the canvas width * @param height the canvas height * @param x the window upper-left location, if possible * @param y the window upper-left location, if possible * @return a handle (do not use this object, code will break) for the window. * @see #setWindow(org.autoplot.ApplicationModel) */ public static synchronized ApplicationModel newWindow( final String id, int width, int height, int x, int y ) { return sc.newWindow(id, width, height, x, y); } /** * set the window location * @param x the window upper-left location, if possible * @param y the window upper-left location, if possible */ public static synchronized void setWindowLocation( int x, int y ) { sc.setWindowLocation(x, y); } /** * return a new Autoplot. * @param parent * @param title * @return */ public static synchronized ApplicationModel newDialogWindow( Window parent, final String title ) { return sc.newDialogWindow(parent, title); } /** * create a new window. * @param id identifier for the window * @return a handle (do not use this object, code will break) for the window. * @see #setWindow(org.autoplot.ApplicationModel) */ public static synchronized ApplicationModel newWindow( final String id ) { return sc.newWindow( id ); } /** * set the focus for scripts. * @param m the application model. * @see setWindow, which should be used instead. */ public synchronized static void setApplicationModel(ApplicationModel m) { sc.setApplicationModel(m); } /** * return the Window for the application, to be used for dialogs. * See createGui(), which creates the view. * @return */ public synchronized static Window getViewWindow() { return sc.getViewWindow(); } /** * resets the output stream. This method is used internally, do not use * this routine. * @param out */ public static synchronized void _setOutputStream(OutputStream out) { sc._setOutputStream(out); } /** * set the size of the canvas. This is only used when the GUI is not used, and in * headless mode, otherwise the GUI controls the size of the canvas. * * @param width the width of the canvas * @param height the height of the canvas */ public static synchronized void setCanvasSize( final int width, final int height) { sc.setCanvasSize(width, height); } /** * set the internal model's url to surl. The data set will be loaded, * and writeToPng and writeToSvg can be used in headless mode. * @param surl * @Deprecated use plot instead; */ public static synchronized void setDataSourceURL(String surl) { sc.setDataSourceURL(surl); } /** * bring up the autoplot with the specified URL. Note the URI is resolved * asynchronously, so errors thrown during the load cannot be caught here. * See getDataSet to load data synchronously. * @param suri a URI or vap file */ public static synchronized void plot(String suri) { sc.plot(suri); } /** * plot one URI against another. No synchronization is done, so beware. * Introduced for testing non-time axis TSBs. * @param surl1 the independent variable dataset (generally used for X) * @param surl2 the dependent variable dataset (generally used for Y, but can be rank 2). */ public static synchronized void plot(String surl1, String surl2) { sc.plot(surl1,surl2); } /** * bring up the autoplot with the specified URL. * @param chNum the data source number to reset the URI. * @param surl a URI to use */ public static synchronized void plot(int chNum, String surl) { sc.plot(chNum,surl); } /** * bring up the plot with the specified URI. * @param chNum the data source number to reset the URI. * @param label for the plot. * @param surl a URI to use */ public static synchronized void plot(int chNum, String label, String surl) { sc.plot(chNum,label,surl); } /** * plot the dataset in the first dataSource node. * @param ds QDataSet to plot */ public static synchronized void plot(QDataSet ds) { sc.plot(ds); } /** * plot the dataset in the first dataSource node. * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter * @param y QDataSet for the dependent parameter */ public static synchronized void plot( QDataSet x, QDataSet y ) { sc.plot( x, y ); } /** * plot the dataset in the first dataSource node. * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values * @param z Rank 1 or Rank 2 QDataSet for the dependent parameter */ public static synchronized void plot( QDataSet x, QDataSet y, QDataSet z ) { sc.plot( 0, (String)null, x, y, z ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param ds dataset to plot. */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, QDataSet ds) { sc.plot( chNum, ds ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, QDataSet x, QDataSet y ) { sc.plot( chNum, x, y ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values * @param z Rank 1 or Rank 2 QDataSet for the dependent parameter */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, QDataSet x, QDataSet y, QDataSet z ) { sc.plot( chNum, x, y, z ); } /** * returns a color table with the given name. If the name is already registered, * then the registered colortable is returned. * using QDataSets as inputs to make it easier to use in scripts. * * @param name the name for the colortable. * @param index control points for the colors, or None * @param rgb dataset of ds[N,3] where N is the number of colors * @return object representing the color table. * @see rgbColorDataset */ public synchronized static DasColorBar.Type makeColorTable( String name, QDataSet index, QDataSet rgb ) { return ScriptContext2023.makeColorTable(name, index, rgb); } /** * bring up the autoplot with the dataset * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the plot dependent parameter * @param ds the dataset to use. */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet ds) { sc.plot( chNum, label, ds ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the plot dependent parameter * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet x, QDataSet y ) { sc.plot( chNum, label, x, y ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. Note this should not * be called from the event thread. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the plot dependent parameter * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values, or null. * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values, or null. * @param renderType string explicitly controlling the renderType and hints. */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet x, QDataSet y, String renderType ) { sc.plot( chNum, label, x, y, renderType ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. Note this should not * be called from the event thread. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the plot dependent parameter * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values, or null. * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values, or null. * @param renderType string explicitly controlling the renderType and hints. * @param reset reset by autoranging, autolabelling, etc. */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet x, QDataSet y, String renderType, boolean reset ) { sc.plot(chNum, label, x, y, renderType, reset); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node. * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the plot dependent parameter * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values * @param z Rank 1 or Rank 2 QDataSet for the dependent parameter */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet x, QDataSet y, QDataSet z ) { sc.plot( chNum, label, x, y, z ) ; } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node, using the render type * specified. The renderType parameter is a string identifier, and currently the following are * used: digital spectrogram nnSpectrogram hugeScatter series scatter colorScatter stairSteps * fillToZero digital image pitchAngleDistribution eventsBar vectorPlot orbitPlot contour *
     *plot( 0, 'label', findgen(20), ripples(20), ripples(20), 'digital' )
     *from org.autoplot import RenderType
     *plot( 0, 'label', findgen(20), ripples(20), ripples(20), RenderType.digital.toString() )
* * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the dependent parameter * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values * @param z Rank 1 or Rank 2 QDataSet for the dependent parameter, or null. * @param renderType hint at the render type to use, such as "nnSpectrogram" or "digital", */ public synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet x, QDataSet y, QDataSet z, String renderType ) { sc.plot(chNum, label, x, y, z, renderType ); } /** * plot the dataset in the specified dataSource node, using the render type * specified. The renderType parameter is a string identifier, and currently the following are * used: digital spectrogram nnSpectrogram hugeScatter series scatter colorScatter stairSteps * fillToZero digital image pitchAngleDistribution eventsBar vectorPlot orbitPlot contour *
     *plot( 0, 'label', findgen(20), ripples(20), ripples(20), 'digital' )
     *from org.autoplot import RenderType
     *plot( 0, 'label', findgen(20), ripples(20), ripples(20), RenderType.digital.toString() )
* * @param chNum the plot to use. Plots and plot elements are added as necessary to plot the data. * @param label the label for the dependent parameter * @param x QDataSet for the independent parameter for the X values * @param y QDataSet for the independent parameter for the Y values * @param z Rank 1 or Rank 2 QDataSet for the dependent parameter, or null. * @param renderType hint at the render type to use, such as "nnSpectrogram" or "digital", * @param reset reset by autoranging, autolabelling, etc. */ public static synchronized void plot( int chNum, String label, QDataSet x, QDataSet y, QDataSet z, String renderType, boolean reset ) { sc.plot(chNum, label, x, y, z, renderType, reset); } /** * "overplot" by adding another PlotElement to the plot and setting the data to this PlotElement. * @param chNum the focus * @return the channel number for the new plot element. * @see #setLayout(int, int) */ public static synchronized int addPlotElement( int chNum ) { return sc.addPlotElement(chNum); } /** * add code that will respond to mouse events. This will receive an * event following the mouse release when a box is dragged out. *
def boxLookup( evt ):
    showMessageDialog( "start: (%s,%s)
finish: (%s,%s)" % ( evt.getStartX(), evt.getStartY(), evt.getFinishX(), evt.getFinishY() ) ) addMouseModule( dom.plots[0], 'Box Lookup', boxLookup ) *}
* @param plot the plot which will receive the events. * @param label a label for the mouse module. * @param listener the PyFunction to call with new events. * @return the mouse module. * @see org.das2.event.MouseModule#setDragRenderer(org.das2.event.DragRenderer) setDragRenderer to see how to set how feedback can be provided. * @see org.das2.event.BoxSelectionEvent BoxSelectionEvent for the methods of the event. * */ public synchronized static MouseModule addMouseModule( Plot plot, String label, final PyFunction listener ) { return ScriptContext2023.addMouseModule( plot, label, listener); } /** * add code that will paint custom graphics on the canvas or on a plot. * The command will be invoked after all other painting is done, making * the decoration to be on top. Note plots can only have one decoration, * and the Canvas can have any number. Calling reset() will remove all * decorations. *
def paint(g):
    for i in xrange(0,1000,100):

addTopDecoration( dom.canvases[0], paint )
* @param node the plot or canvas over which to plot * @param painter the PyFunction to call when painting * @see https://github.com/autoplot/dev/blob/master/demos/2020/20200229/demoAddBottomDecoration.jy * */ public static void addTopDecoration( DomNode node, final PyFunction painter ) { ScriptContext2023.addTopDecoration(node, painter); } /** * add code that will paint custom graphics on the canvas or on a plot. * The command will be invoked after all other painting is done, making * the decoration to be on top. Note plots can only have one decoration, * and the Canvas can have any number. Calling reset() will remove all * decorations. *
def paint(g):
    g.color= Color.BLUE
    for i in xrange(0,1000,100):

addBottomDecoration( dom.canvases[0], paint )
* @param node the plot or canvas over which to plot * @param painter the PyFunction to call when painting * @see https://github.com/autoplot/dev/blob/master/demos/2020/20200229/demoAddBottomDecoration.jy * */ public static void addBottomDecoration( DomNode node, final PyFunction painter ) { ScriptContext2023.addBottomDecoration(node, painter); } /** * return a component which can be used to accumulate data. This is typically * inserted into its own tab with the addTab command. This is set to * sort data in X as it comes in, and this can be disabled with setSorted(False) *
     *dpr= createDataPointRecorder()
     *addTab( 'digitizer', dpr )
* * @return a new DataPointRecorder. * @see DataPointRecorder * @see https://github.com/autoplot/dev/blob/master/demos/digitizers/createDataPointRecorder.jy * */ public static DataPointRecorder createDataPointRecorder( ) { return ScriptContext2023.createDataPointRecorder(); } /** * return a new dom in a minimal Autoplot application. Use result.getCanvas() * to get the DasCanvas which can be added to other components. *
     *report= createApplicationModel()
     *addTab( 'report', report.canvas )
* @param id * @return */ public static ApplicationModel createApplicationModel( final String id ) { return ScriptContext2023.createApplicationModel(id); } /** * set the Autoplot status bar string. Use the prefixes "busy:", "warning:" * and "error:" to set icons. * @param message * @see #showMessageDialog(java.lang.String) */ public static void setStatus( String message ) { sc.setStatus(message); } /** * show a popup that you know the user will see. Note HTML code will work. * @param message */ public static void alert( String message ) { sc.alert(message); } /** * show a popup to the scientist, which they must acknowledge before this * returns. * @param message, possibly containing HTML. * @see #setStatus(java.lang.String) */ public static void showMessageDialog( String message ) { sc.showMessageDialog(message); } /** * add a tab to the running application. A new tab will be added with the * label, with the component added within a scroll pane. * @param label the label for the component. * @param c the component to add. * @see AutoplotUI#setLeftPanel(javax.swing.JComponent) setLeftPanel which adds to the GUI */ public static void addTab( final String label, final JComponent c ) { sc.addTab(label, c); } /** * Set the style used to render the data using a string identifier: * spectrogram, series, scatter, histogram, fill_to_zero, digital * @param name string name of the plot style. */ public static void setRenderStyle( String name ) { sc.setRenderStyle(name); } /** * This is intended to be used with a debugger. The developer should put * a breakpoint at the out.write statement, and then call peekAt from * the script. * * @param o any object we want to look at. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void peekAt(Object o) throws IOException { sc.peekAt(o); } /** * write out the current canvas to a png file. * TODO: bug 557: this has issues with the size. It's coded to get the size from * the DOM, but if it is fitted and has a container it must get size from * the container. Use writeToPng( filename, width, height ) instead for now. * See writeToPdf(String filename), which appears to have a fix for this that * would affect how this is resolved. * Note for relative references, this will use the Java process present working directory (PWD) instead * of the PWD variable found in scripts * @param filename The name of a local file * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToPng(String filename) throws IOException { sc.writeToPng(filename); } /** * The name of the script which results in the image, optionally with its arguments. * @see org.das2.util.DasPNGConstants */ public static final String PNG_KEY_SCRIPT="AutoplotScriptURI"; /** * The Autoplot .vap file which results in the image, optionally with "?" and modifiers. * @see org.das2.util.DasPNGConstants */ public static final String PNG_KEY_VAP="AutoplotVap"; /** * The Autoplot URI which results in the image. * @see org.das2.util.DasPNGConstants */ public static final String PNG_KEY_URI="AutoplotURI"; /** * write out the current canvas to a png file. * TODO: bug 557: this has issues with the size. It's coded to get the size from * the DOM, but if it is fitted and has a container it must get size from * the container. User writeToPng( filename, width, height ) instead for now. * See writeToPdf(String filename), which appears to have a fix for this that * would affect how this is resolved. * Note for relative references, this will use the Java process present working directory (PWD) instead * of the PWD variable found in scripts * @param filename The name of a local file * @param width the width in pixels of the png * @param height the height in pixels of the png * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToPng( String filename, int width, int height ) throws IOException { sc.writeToPng( filename, width, height ); } /** * write out the current canvas to a png file, using the given size and also insert * additional metadata. * Note for relative references, this will use the Java process present working directory (PWD) instead * of the PWD variable found in scripts * @param filename The name of a local file * @param width the width in pixels of the png * @param height the height in pixels of the png * @param metadata if non-null, then write name/values pairs into the PNG Metadata. "Creation Time", "Software" and "plotInfo" are always added. * @see * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToPng( String filename, int width, int height, Map metadata ) throws IOException { sc.writeToPng( filename, width, height, metadata ); } /** * See also writeToPng( OutputStream out ) * @param image the image to write out. * @param filename the name of the output file. * @param metadata if non-null, then write name/values pairs into the PNG Metadata. "Creation Time" is always added. http://englishjavadrinker.blogspot.com/2010/09/png-keywords_12.html * @throws IOException */ public static void writeToPng( BufferedImage image, String filename, Map metadata ) throws IOException { sc.writeToPng( image, filename, metadata ); } /** * write out the current canvas to stdout. This is introduced to support servers. * TODO: this has issues with the size. See writeToPng(filename). * @param out the OutputStream accepting the data, which is not closed. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToPng(OutputStream out) throws IOException { sc.writeToPng( out ); } /** * write out the current canvas to a svg file. * Note for relative references, this will use the Java process present working directory (PWD) instead * of the PWD variable found in scripts * @param filename the local file to write the file. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToSvg( String filename ) throws IOException { sc.writeToSvg(filename); } /** * write out the current canvas to stdout. This is introduced to support servers. * @param out the OutputStream accepting the data, which is not closed. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToSvg(OutputStream out) throws IOException { sc.writeToSvg(out); } /** * write out the current canvas to a pdf file. * TODO: this has issues with the size. See writeToPng(filename). It looks * like this might be handled here * Note for relative references, this will use the Java process present working directory (PWD) instead * of the PWD variable found in scripts * @param filename the local file to write the file. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToPdf(String filename) throws IOException { sc.writeToPdf(filename); } /** * write out the current canvas to a pdf to the output stream. This is to * support servers. * TODO: this has issues with the size. See writeToPng(filename). It looks * like this might be handled here * @param out the OutputStream * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void writeToPdf( OutputStream out ) throws IOException { sc.writeToPdf(out); } /** * creates a BufferedImage from the provided DOM. This blocks until the * image is ready. * @param applicationIn * @return the image */ public static BufferedImage writeToBufferedImage( Application applicationIn ) { return ScriptContext2023.writeToBufferedImage( applicationIn ); } /** * convenient method for getting an image from the current canvas. * @return */ public BufferedImage writeToBufferedImage( ) { return sc.writeToBufferedImage(); } /** * return an array of URLs that match the spec for the time range provided. * For example, *

     *  uri= 'http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp_public/data/polar/hyd_h0/$Y/po_h0_hyd_$Y$m$d_v01.cdf?ELECTRON_DIFFERENTIAL_ENERGY_FLUX'
     *  xx= getTimeRangesFor( uri, '2000-jan', '$Y-$d-$m' )
     *  for x in xx:
     *    print x

* * @param surl an Autoplot uri with an aggregation specifier. * @param timeRange a string that is parsed to a time range, such as "2001" * @param format format for the result, such as "%Y-%m-%d" * @return a list of URLs without the aggregation specifier. * @throws java.io.IOException if the remote folder cannot be listed. * @throws java.text.ParseException if the timerange cannot be parsed. */ public static String[] getTimeRangesFor(String surl, String timeRange, String format) throws IOException, ParseException { return org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getTimeRangesFor( surl, timeRange, format ); } /** * Given a spec to format timeranges and a range to contain each timerange, * produce a list of all timeranges covering the range formatted with the * spec. For example, generateTimeRanges( "%Y-%m-%d", "Jun 2009" ) would result in * 2009-06-01, 2009-06-02, ..., 2009-06-30. * @param spec such as "%Y-%m". Note specs like "%Y%m" will not be parsable. * @param srange range limiting the list, such as "2009" * @return a string array of formatted time ranges, such as [ "2009-01", "2009-02", ..., "2009-12" ] * @throws java.text.ParseException of the outer range cannot be parsed. */ public static String[] generateTimeRanges( String spec, String srange ) throws ParseException { return org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.generateTimeRanges( spec, srange ); } /** * return a list of completions. This is useful in the IDL context * as well as Jython scripts. This will perform the completion for where the carot is * at the end of the string. Only completions where maybePlot indicates the URI is now * valid are returned, so for example http://autoplot.org/data/somedata.cdf?noDep is not * returned and http://autoplot.org/data/somedata.cdf?Magnitude is. * Note this is included to continue support as this is described in http://autoplot.org/developer.idlMatlab. * @param file, for example http://autoplot.org/data/somedata.cdf? * @return list of completions, containing the entire URI. * @throws java.lang.Exception any exception thrown by the data source. */ public static String[] getCompletions( String file ) throws Exception { return org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getAllCompletions(file); } /** * sleep for so many milliseconds. This is introduced to avoid the import, * which makes running scripts securely non-trivial. * @param millis number of milliseconds to pause execution */ public static void sleep( int millis ) { org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.sleep( millis ); } /** * Export the data into a format implied by the filename extension. * See the export data dialog for additional parameters available for formatting. * * For example: *

     * ds= getDataSet('http://autoplot.org/data/somedata.cdf?BGSEc')
     * formatDataSet( ds, 'vap+dat:file:/home/jbf/temp/foo.dat?tformat=minutes&format=6.2f')
* * @param ds * @param file local file name that is the target * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static void formatDataSet(QDataSet ds, String file) throws Exception { formatDataSet( ds, file, new NullProgressMonitor()); } /** * Export the data into a format implied by the filename extension. * See the export data dialog for additional parameters available for formatting. * * For example: *
     * ds= getDataSet('http://autoplot.org/data/somedata.cdf?BGSEc')
     * formatDataSet( ds, 'vap+dat:file:/home/jbf/temp/foo.dat?tformat=minutes&format=6.2f')
     * formatDataSet( ds, 'foo.dat' ) # also okay
* * @param ds * @param file local file name that is the target. * @param monitor * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static void formatDataSet(QDataSet ds, String file, ProgressMonitor monitor ) throws Exception { sc.formatDataSet( ds, file, monitor ); } /** * set the title of the plot. * @param title */ public static void setTitle(String title) { sc.setTitle(title); } /** * create a model with a GUI presentation layer. If the GUI is already * created, then this does nothing. */ public static void createGui() { sc.createGui(); } /** * returns the internal application model (the object that does all the * business). This provides access to the internal model for power users. * Note the applicationModel provides limited access, and the DOM now * provides full access to the application. * @return ApplicationModel object */ public ApplicationModel getApplicationModel() { return sc.getApplicationModel(); } /** * provide way to see if the model is already initialized (e.g. for clone application) * @return true is the model is already initialized. */ public boolean isModelInitialized() { return sc.isModelInitialized(); } /** * binds two bean properties together. Bindings are bidirectional, but * the initial copy is from src to dst. In MVC terms, src should be the model * and dst should be a view. The properties must fire property * change events for the binding mechanism to work. * * As of v2014a_10, if the src is a DomNode and a child of the application, then use * dom.getController().bind so that the vap will contain the binding. * * Example: *
     * model= getApplicationModel()
     * bind( model.getPlotDefaults(), "title", model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis(), "label" )
* * @see org.autoplot.dom.ApplicationController#bind(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) which will save the binding to a vap. * @param src java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults() * @param srcProp a property name such as "title" * @param dst java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis() * @param dstProp a property name such as "label" */ public static void bind( Object src, String srcProp, Object dst, String dstProp ) { bind( src, srcProp, dst, dstProp, null ); } /** * binds two bean properties together. Bindings are bidirectional, but * the initial copy is from src to dst. In MVC terms, src should be the model * and dst should be a view. The properties must fire property * change events for the binding mechanism to work. * * As of v2014a_10, if the src is a DomNode and a child of the application, then use * dom.getController().bind so that the vap will contain the binding. * * Example: *
     * model= getApplicationModel()
     * bind( model.getPlotDefaults(), "title", model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis(), "label" )
* * @see org.autoplot.dom.ApplicationController#bind(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter) which will save the binding to a vap. * @param src java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults() * @param srcProp a property name such as "title" * @param dst java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis() * @param dstProp a property name such as "label" * @param c converter for the binding, or null. */ public static void bind( Object src, String srcProp, Object dst, String dstProp, Converter c ) { sc.bind(src, srcProp, dst, dstProp, c); } /** * unbind the property * @param src */ public static void unbind( DomNode src ) { sc.unbind(src); } /** * unbind the property * @param src * @param srcProp * @param dst * @param dstProp */ public static void unbind( DomNode src, String srcProp, DomNode dst, String dstProp ) { sc.unbind(src, srcProp, dst, dstProp); } /** * binds two bean properties together. Bindings are bidirectional, but * the initial copy is from src to dst. In MVC terms, src should be the model * and dst should be a view. The properties must fire property * change events for the binding mechanism to work. * * As of v2014a_10, if the src is a DomNode and a child of the application, then use * dom.getController().bind so that the vap will contain the binding. * * Example: *
     * model= getApplicationModel()
     * bind( model.getPlotDefaults(), "title", model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis(), "label" )
* * @see org.autoplot.dom.ApplicationController#bind(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter) which will save the binding to a vap. * @param src java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults() * @param srcProp a property name such as "title" * @param dst java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis() * @param dstProp a property name such as "label" * @param c converter for the binding, or null. */ public static void bindGuiSafe( final Object src, final String srcProp, final Object dst, final String dstProp, final Converter c ) { sc.bindGuiSafe(src, srcProp, dst, dstProp, c); } /** * serializes the dataset to a QStream, a self-documenting, streaming format * useful for moving datasets. * *

     *ds= getDataSet('http://autoplot.org/data/somedata.cdf?BGSEc')
     *from java.lang import System
     *dumpToQStream( ds, System.out, True )

* * @param ds The dataset to stream. Note all schemes should be streamable, but * some bugs exist that may prevent this. * @param out stream, such as "System.out" * @param ascii use ascii transfer types, otherwise binary are used. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void dumpToQStream( QDataSet ds, OutputStream out, boolean ascii ) throws IOException { ScriptContext2023.dumpToQStream(ds, out, ascii); } /** * serializes the dataset to a das2stream, a well-documented, open, streaming * data format. (that's a joke.) Das2Streams are the legacy stream format used * by the Plasma Wave Groups's server, and can serialize a limited set of * QDataSets. QStreams were introduced to allow streaming of any QDataSet, see * dumpToQStream. * Currently, to keep the channel open, the stream is created in a buffer and * then the buffer is sent. * TODO: write a stream-producing code that doesn't close the output stream. (TODO: does it still do this?) * @param ds * @param ascii use ascii transfer types, otherwise binary are used. */ public static void dumpToDas2Stream(QDataSet ds, boolean ascii) { ScriptContext2023.dumpToDas2Stream(ds, ascii); } /** * serializes the dataset to a das2stream, a well-documented, open, streaming * data format. (that's a joke.) * Currently, to keep the channel open, the stream is created in a buffer and * then the buffer is sent. TODO: write a stream-producing code that doesn't * close the output stream. * @param ds * @param file the file target for the stream. * @param ascii use ascii transfer types. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void dumpToDas2Stream(QDataSet ds, String file, boolean ascii) throws IOException { ScriptContext2023.dumpToDas2Stream(ds, file, ascii); } /** * make the directory. This must be a local file right now, but may start with "file://" * @param dir the directory */ public static void mkdir( String dir ) { ScriptContext2023.mkdir(dir); } /** * get the document model (DOM). This may initialize the model, in which * case defaults like the cache directory are set. * @return */ public Application getDocumentModel() { return sc.getDocumentModel(); } /** * wait until the application is idle. This does a model.waitUntilIdle, * but also checks for the DataSetSelector for pending operations. */ public static void waitUntilIdle() { sc.waitUntilIdle(); } /** * wait until the application is idle. The id is a convenience to * developers when debugging, for example used to trigger breakpoints. * @param id string for debugging. *@see http://autoplot.org/data/tools/reloadAll.jy */ public static void waitUntilIdle( String id ) { sc.waitUntilIdle(id); } /** * save the current state as a vap file * @param filename * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void save( String filename ) throws IOException { sc.save(filename); } /** * load the .vap file. This is implemented by calling plot on the URI. * @param filename local or remote filename like http://autoplot.org/data/autoplot.vap * @throws java.io.IOException */ public static void load( String filename ) throws IOException { sc.load(filename); } /** * load a vap from a file and return the dom. * @param filename .vap file * @return Application * @throws java.io.IOException * @see #saveVap(org.autoplot.dom.Application, java.lang.String) */ public static Application loadVap( String filename ) throws IOException { return ScriptContext2023.loadVap(filename); } /** * save the application dom to a file. * @param dom the application state * @param filename the file. * @throws IOException * @see #loadVap(java.lang.String) */ public static void saveVap( Application dom, String filename ) throws IOException { ScriptContext2023.saveVap(dom, filename); } /** * make the layout more efficient by removing empty spaces and overlapping * plots. */ public static void fixLayout() { sc.fixLayout(); } /** * make a stack plot. * @param nrows number of rows (plots) */ public static void setLayout( int nrows ) { sc.setLayout(nrows); } /** * reset the layout to have the given number of rows and columns. This is * similar to the subplot command in Matlab and !p.multi in IDL. Once * additional plots are added, use the plot command with the index argument. * * @param nrows number of rows * @param ncolumns number of columns */ public static void setLayout( int nrows, int ncolumns ) { sc.setLayout(nrows, ncolumns); } /** * adds a block of plots to the canvas below the focus plot. * A plotElement is added for each plot as well. * @param nrows number of rows * @param ncolumns number of columns * @param dir below, above, right, or left, or null (None in Jython) to replace the current plot. * @return the new plots. */ public List addPlots( int nrows, int ncolumns, String dir ) { return sc.addPlots(nrows, ncolumns, dir); } /** * make a single plot with so many plot elements. * @param nplotElement the number of plotElements on the one plot. * @see #setLayout(int, int) setLayout(int, int) which will create a grid of plots. * @see #addPlotElement(int) addPlotElement(int) which will an another plotElement (an overplot) to the ith position. */ public static void setLayoutOverplot( int nplotElement ) { sc.setLayoutOverplot(nplotElement); } /** * reset the application to its initial state. */ public static void reset() { sc.reset(); } }