package test.endtoend; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.autoplot.AutoplotUtil; import org.das2.util.filesystem.HtmlUtil; import org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.autoplot.ScriptContext; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import static org.autoplot.ScriptContext.*; import org.autoplot.bookmarks.Bookmark; import org.autoplot.bookmarks.BookmarksException; import org.autoplot.datasource.AutoplotSettings; import org.autoplot.dom.Application; import org.autoplot.dom.DataSourceFilter; import org.autoplot.state.StatePersistence; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.system.DefaultMonitorFactory; import org.das2.system.MonitorFactory; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * download a list of URIs, then attempt to read from each one. The * URI can be either a dataset or a .vap file, and "script:" "pngwalk:" and * "bookmarks:" URIs are ignored. * * @author jbf */ public class Test140 { private static int testid; /** * make sure name is unique by checking to see if the file exists and * modifying it until the name is unique. * @param name * @param ext .png * @param append if true, then tack on the extention. * @return the unique name */ private static String getUniqueFilename( String name, String ext, boolean append ) { File ff= new File(name+ext); while ( ff.exists() ) { name= name + "_"; ff= new File(name+".png"); } if ( append ) { return name+ext; } else { return name; } } private static void listAllPendingTasks() { MonitorFactory mf= getDocumentModel().getController().getMonitorFactory(); if ( mf instanceof DefaultMonitorFactory ) { DefaultMonitorFactory dmf= (DefaultMonitorFactory)mf; DefaultMonitorFactory.MonitorEntry[] mes= dmf.getMonitors(); for ( DefaultMonitorFactory.MonitorEntry me: mes ) { ProgressMonitor m= me.getMonitor(); if ( !( m.isCancelled() || m.isFinished() ) ) { System.err.println( m ); // sometimes we can catch one! } } } } /** * * @param uri the URI to load * @param iid the index of the test. * @param doTest if true, then expect a match, otherwise an ex prefix is used to indicate there should not be a match * @return the ID of a product to test against a reference. * @throws Exception */ private static String do1( String uri, int iid, boolean doTest, boolean isPublic ) throws Exception { System.err.printf( "== %03d %03d ==\n", testid, iid ); if ( isPublic ) { System.err.printf( "uri: %s\n", uri ); } else { System.err.printf( "uri: (uri is not public)\n" ); } String label= String.format( "test%03d_%03d", testid, iid ); double tsec,psec; long t0= System.currentTimeMillis(); tsec= t0; // for non-vap non-uri psec= t0; QDataSet ds=null; if ( uri.endsWith(".vap") || uri.contains(".vap?timerange=") ) { if ( isPublic ) { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(uri); try ( InputStream in = DataSetURI.getInputStream( split.resourceUri, new NullProgressMonitor() ) ) { Application dom= StatePersistence.restoreState( in, URISplit.parseParams( split.params ) ); for ( DataSourceFilter dsf : dom.getDataSourceFilters() ) { System.err.printf( " %s: %s\n", dsf.getId(), dsf.getUri() ); } System.err.println( " timerange: "+ dom.getTimeRange() ); } } // for vap files, load the vap and grab the first dataset. ScriptContext.load(uri); ds= getDocumentModel().getDataSourceFilters(0).getController().getDataSet(); tsec= (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0)/1000.; if ( ds!=null ) { MutablePropertyDataSet hist= (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.autoHistogram(ds); hist.putProperty( QDataSet.LABEL, label ); formatDataSet( hist, getUniqueFilename(label,".qds",true) ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("a dataset from the vap was null: "+uri ); } } else if ( uri.startsWith("script:") ) { System.err.println("skipping script"); } else if ( uri.startsWith("bookmarks:") ) { System.err.println("skipping bookmarks"); } else if ( uri.startsWith("pngwalk:") ) { System.err.println("skipping pngwalk"); } else { ds= org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet( uri ); tsec= (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0)/1000.; if ( ds!=null ) { if ( isPublic ) { Units u= SemanticOps.getUnits(ds); if ( !UnitsUtil.isNominalMeasurement(u) ) { MutablePropertyDataSet hist= (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.autoHistogram(ds); hist.putProperty( QDataSet.TITLE, uri ); hist.putProperty( QDataSet.LABEL, label ); formatDataSet( hist, label+".qds"); } QDataSet dep0= (QDataSet) QDataSet.DEPEND_0 ); if ( dep0!=null ) { MutablePropertyDataSet hist2= (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.autoHistogram(dep0); formatDataSet( hist2, label+".dep0.qds"); } else { try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( label+".dep0.qds" )) { pw.println("no dep0"); } } } else { System.err.println("TODO Turkey: Make a hash of the .qds of the data"); } listAllPendingTasks(); reset(); plot( ds ); setCanvasSize( 450, 300 ); getDocumentModel().getOptions().setCanvasFont("sans-10"); getDocumentModel().getCanvases(0).getMarginColumn().setLeft("5.0em"); getDocumentModel().getCanvases(0).getMarginColumn().setRight("100.00%-10.0em"); int i= uri.lastIndexOf("/"); getApplicationModel().waitUntilIdle(); String fileUri= uri.substring(i+1); if ( !getDocumentModel().getPlotElements(0).getComponent().equals("") ) { String dsstr= String.valueOf( getDocumentModel().getDataSourceFilters(0).getController().getDataSet() ); fileUri= fileUri + " " + dsstr +" " + getDocumentModel().getPlotElements(0).getComponent(); } setTitle(fileUri); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("uri results in null dataset: "+uri ); } psec= (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0)/1000.; } if ( isPublic ) { System.err.println( "dataset: "+ds ); } else { System.err.println( "dataset: (data is not public)" ); } String result; String name; if ( doTest ) { String id= URLEncoder.encode( uri, "US-ASCII" ); id= id.replaceAll("%3A", "" ); id= id.replaceAll("%2F%2F", "_" ); id= id.replaceAll("%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]","_"); //id= id.replaceAll("%2F","_"); //id= id.replaceAll("%3F","_"); //id= id.replaceAll("%26","_"); //id= id.replaceAll("%7E","_"); // twiddle //id= id.replaceAll("%2B","_"); // colon //id= id.replaceAll("=","_"); if ( id.length()>150 ) { // ext4 filename length limits... id= id.substring(0,150) + "..." + String.format( "%016d", id.hashCode() ); } if ( !isPublic ) { id= String.format("%08x",id.hashCode()); } name= String.format( "test%03d_%s", testid, id ); result= name; } else { name= String.format( "ex_test%03d_%03d", testid, iid ); result= null; } String name1= getUniqueFilename( name, ".png", true ); if ( isPublic ) { writeToPng( name1 ); } else { writeToPng( "/home/jbf/ct/hudson/privateArtifacts/"+name1 ); int width= getApplicationModel().getDocumentModel().getController().getCanvas().getWidth(); int height= getApplicationModel().getDocumentModel().getController().getCanvas().getHeight(); BufferedImage image = getApplicationModel().getDocumentModel().getController().getCanvas().getController().getDasCanvas().getImage( width, height ); ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(image, "png", outputStream); byte[] data = outputStream.toByteArray(); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(data); byte[] hash = md.digest(); try (PrintStream bout = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( getUniqueFilename( name, ".txt", true ) ) )) { for ( byte b: hash ) { bout.println(String.format("%03d",b)); } } } if ( isPublic ) { System.err.printf( "wrote to file: %s\n", name1 ); System.err.printf( "Read in %9.3f seconds (%s): %s\n", tsec, label, uri ); System.err.printf( "Plot in %9.3f seconds (%s): %s\n", psec, label, uri ); } else { System.err.printf( "wrote to file: %s\n", "/home/jbf/ct/hudson/privateArtifacts/"+name1 ); System.err.printf( "Read in %9.3f seconds (%s): %s\n", tsec, label, "(uri is not public)" ); System.err.printf( "Plot in %9.3f seconds (%s): %s\n", psec, label, "(uri is not public)" ); } if ( uri.endsWith(".vap") || uri.contains(".vap?timerange=") ) { reset(); } return result; } private static int doBookmarks( File f, int iid, Map exceptions, Map exceptionNumbers ) throws IOException, SAXException, BookmarksException { List books= Bookmark.parseBookmarks( f.toURI().toURL() ); return doBookmarks( books, iid, exceptions, exceptionNumbers ); } private static int doBookmarks( List books, int iid, Map exceptions, Map exceptionNumbers ) throws IOException, SAXException, BookmarksException { for ( Bookmark b: books ) { boolean hidden= b.isHidden(); if ( !hidden ) { if ( b instanceof Bookmark.Folder ) { if ( ( ( Bookmark.Folder ) b ).getRemoteUrl() != null ) { System.err.println("Skipping remote bookmarks file " + ( ( Bookmark.Folder ) b ).getRemoteUrl() ); } else { iid= doBookmarks( ((Bookmark.Folder)b).getBookmarks(), iid, exceptions, exceptionNumbers ); } } else { String uri= ((Bookmark.Item)b).getUri(); try { do1(uri, iid, true, true ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { exceptions.put( uri, ex ); } finally { iid++; } } } else { if ( b instanceof Bookmark.Folder ) { System.err.println("Skipping hidden bookmark: \n\t" + b.getTitle() + "\n\t"+b.getDescription() ); } else if ( b instanceof Bookmark.Item ) { System.err.println("Skipping hidden bookmark: \n\t" + ((Bookmark.Item)b).getUri() + "\n\t" + b.getTitle() + "\n\t"+b.getDescription() ); iid++; // allow for temporarily disabling without affecting id numbers. } } } return iid; } private static int doHtml( URL url, int iid, Map exceptions, Map exceptionNumbers ) throws IOException, CancelledOperationException { try (InputStream in = url.openStream()) { URL[] urls= HtmlUtil.getDirectoryListing(url,in,false); List result= new ArrayList<>(); List sresult= new ArrayList<>(); for ( URL url1: urls ) { if ( url1.getFile().endsWith(".vap") || url1.getFile().contains("autoplot.jnlp?") ) { String s= url1.toString(); if ( s.startsWith("") ) { s= s.substring(34); } s= s.replaceAll(" ","+"); s= DataSourceUtil.unescape(s); sresult.add(s); } } for ( String suri : sresult ) { try { do1(suri, iid, true, true ); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptions.put( suri, ex ); exceptionNumbers.put( suri, iid ); } finally { iid++; } } return iid; } } /** * list of URIs. # comments. * @param f * @param iid * @param exceptions * @return * @throws IOException */ private static int doHistory( File f, int iid, Map exceptions, Map exceptionNumbers ) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(f) )) { String s= read.readLine(); while ( s!=null ) { int i= s.indexOf('#'); if ( i>-1 ) { s= s.substring(0,i); } s= s.trim(); if ( s.length()>0 ) { //if ( iid==17 ) { // System.err.println("Here at doHistory #"+iid+": "+s); //} String[] ss= s.split("\t"); String uri= ss[ss.length-1].trim(); // private URIs should be TAB or SPACE boolean publc= true; if ( ss.length>1 ) { boolean isPrivate= ss[ss.length-2].trim().startsWith("x"); publc= !isPrivate; } if ( uri.startsWith("x ") ) { uri= uri.substring(2).trim(); publc= false; } try { do1(uri, iid, true, publc ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { exceptions.put( uri, ex ); exceptionNumbers.put( uri, iid ); } finally { iid++; } } s= read.readLine(); } return iid; } } /** * Test the list of URIs in each the URL, making a trivial way to test * new lists of URIs. * args[0] the id. (e.g. 140.) This allows different people to be responsible for different tests. * args[1:] are the URLs to load. * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { //Logger l= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss"); //l.setLevel( Level.ALL ); //LoggerManager.readConfiguration("/home/jbf/autoplot_data/config/"); //Logger.getLogger("autoplot.dom.canvas").info("info level"); //Logger.getLogger("autoplot.dom.canvas").finer("finer level"); System.err.println("disable certificate checking"); AutoplotUtil.disableCertificates(); System.err.println("autoplot_data: "+AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty(AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA)); System.err.println("fscache: "+AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty(AutoplotSettings.PROP_FSCACHE)); if ( args.length==0 ) { //args= new String[] { "140", "", "" }; //args= new String[] { "140", " " }; //args= new String[] { "140", "" }; //args= new String[] { "140", "" }; //args= new String[] { "143", "" }; //args= new String[] { "144", "" }; //args= new String[] { "145", "" }; //args= new String[] { "146", "" }; //args= new String[] { "142", "" }; //args= new String[] { "147", "" }; //args= new String[] { "148", "" }; //args= new String[] { "149", "" }; args= new String[] { "099", "/home/jbf/ct/hudson/test099.txt" }; } testid= Integer.parseInt( args[0] ); int iid= 0; Map exceptions= new LinkedHashMap(); Map exceptionNumbers= new LinkedHashMap(); ScriptContext.getDocumentModel().getOptions().setAutolayout(false); for ( int i=1; i e: exceptions.entrySet() ) { System.err.println( String.format( "== %4d: %s ==", exceptionNumbers.get(e.getKey()), e.getKey() ) ); e.getValue().printStackTrace(); } if ( exceptions.isEmpty() ) { System.err.println("(none)\n\n"); System.exit(0); // TODO: something is firing up the event thread } else { System.err.println("("+exceptions.size()+" exceptions)\n\n"); System.exit(1); } System.err.println("\n\n=============="); } }