package org.autoplot.dom; import java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.das2.DasApplication; import org.das2.components.propertyeditor.PropertyEditor; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.event.MouseModule; import org.das2.graph.AnchorPosition; import org.das2.graph.AnchorType; import org.das2.graph.ColumnColumnConnector; import org.das2.graph.DasAnnotation; import org.das2.graph.DasAxis; import org.das2.graph.DasCanvas; import org.das2.graph.DasCanvasComponent; import org.das2.graph.DasColorBar; import org.das2.graph.DasColumn; import org.das2.graph.DasPlot; import org.das2.graph.DasRow; import org.das2.graph.Renderer; import org.das2.system.MonitorFactory; import org.das2.system.RequestProcessor; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BeanProperty; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Binding; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BindingGroup; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Bindings; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Property; import org.autoplot.ApplicationModel; import org.autoplot.ColumnColumnConnectorMouseModule; import org.autoplot.GuiSupport; import org.autoplot.LayoutListener; import org.autoplot.ScriptContext; import org.autoplot.datasource.AutoplotSettings; import org.autoplot.dom.ChangesSupport.DomLock; import org.autoplot.layout.LayoutConstants; import org.autoplot.util.RunLaterListener; import org.das2.system.DefaultMonitorFactory; import org.das2.system.DefaultMonitorFactory.MonitorEntry; /** * The ApplicationController, one per dom, is in charge of managing the * application as a whole, for example, adding and deleting plots, * managing bindings, and managing focus. * * @author jbf */ public class ApplicationController extends DomNodeController implements RunLaterListener.PropertyChange { Application application; ApplicationModel model; DasRow outerRow; DasColumn outerColumn; LayoutListener layoutListener; boolean headless; /** * binding contexts store each set of bindings as a group. For example, * bind( src, srcprop, dst, dstprop ) stores the binding in the context of the src * object, and unbind(src) will remove all of that context's bindings. * TODO: this all needs review. I'm not sure what is what... */ final Map bindingContexts; //final Map implBindingContexts; // these are for controllers to use. protected BindingSupport bindingSupport= new BindingSupport(); final Map bindingImpls; final Map connectorImpls; final Map annotationImpls; private final static Logger logger = LoggerManager.getLogger( "autoplot.dom" ); private static final AtomicInteger canvasIdNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger plotIdNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger plotElementIdNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger dsfIdNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger rowIdNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger columnIdNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger annotationNum = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final AtomicInteger appIdNum= new AtomicInteger(0); ApplicationControllerSyncSupport syncSupport; ApplicationControllerSupport support; ActionListener eventListener; private static final String PENDING_BREAK_APART = "breakApart"; /** * use this value to blur the focus. */ public static final String VALUE_BLUR_FOCUS= ""; public ApplicationController(ApplicationModel model, Application application) { super( application ); // kludge to trigger undo/redo support. changesSupport.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if ( evt.getPropertyName().equals("status") && "ready".equals(evt.getNewValue() ) ) { fireActionEvent( new ActionEvent(this,0,"ready") ); } if ( evt.getPropertyName().equals(ChangesSupport.PROP_VALUEADJUSTING) && evt.getNewValue()==null ) { //put in state after atomtic operation String description= (String) evt.getOldValue(); if ( description==null ) { logger.severe("description is null"); // debugging observed 7/23/2012 } else { if ( description.length()>0 ) { fireActionEvent( new ActionEvent(this,0,"label: "+description ) ); } else { fireActionEvent( new ActionEvent(this,0,"ready") ); } } } } }); this.application = application; this.syncSupport = new ApplicationControllerSyncSupport(this); = new ApplicationControllerSupport(this); int i= appIdNum.getAndIncrement(); application.setId("app_"+i); application.getOptions().setId("options_"+i); application.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); for ( DomNode n: application.childNodes() ) { n.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); } this.model = model; application.controller = this; bindingContexts = new HashMap(); //implBindingContexts= new HashMap(); bindingImpls = new HashMap(); connectorImpls = new HashMap(); annotationImpls = new HashMap(); addListeners(); } public void addActionListener(ActionListener list) { eventListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(eventListener, list); } public Application getApplication() { return application; } public ApplicationModel getApplicationModel() { return model; } public void removeActionListener(ActionListener list) { ActionListener l= AWTEventMulticaster.remove(eventListener, list); logger.log(Level.FINEST, "removed {0}", l); } PropertyChangeSupport das2PeerListenerSupport= new DebugPropertyChangeSupport(this); /** * kludgy way to decouple the context menus from the DOM tree. * @param listener */ public synchronized void addDas2PeerChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { das2PeerListenerSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); if ( application.getPlots(0).getController()!=null ) { das2PeerListenerSupport.firePropertyChange( "das2peer", null, application.getPlots(0).getController() ); } } /** * this is decouple the context menus from the DOM. We'll keep a list of * interested parties and let them add context menus. * @param aThis */ void maybeAddContextMenus(PlotController aThis) { das2PeerListenerSupport.firePropertyChange( "das2peer", null, aThis ); } private void fireActionEvent(ActionEvent e) { ActionListener listener = eventListener; if (listener != null) { listener.actionPerformed(e); } } AtomicInteger eventId = new AtomicInteger(); PropertyChangeListener controllerListener= new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt,"controllerListener"); // only go into logger stuff if we know it's going to log. This is for performance, I noticed a large number of Object instances when profiling and this could help performance. if ( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) ) logger.log(Level.FINEST, "controller change: {0}.{1} ({2}->{3})", new Object[]{evt.getSource(), evt.getPropertyName(), evt.getOldValue(), evt.getNewValue()}); //if( evt.getPropertyName().equals("resetDimensions") && evt.getNewValue().equals(Boolean.TRUE) ) { // logger.warning("here here here"); //} } }; /** * This plugs in listeners as arrays of DomNodes change. */ PropertyChangeListener domListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt,"domListener"); // only go into logger stuff if we know it's going to log. This is for performance, I noticed a large number of Object instances when profiling and this could help performance. if ( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) ) logger.log(Level.FINEST, "dom change: {0}.{1} ({2}->{3})", new Object[]{evt.getSource(), evt.getPropertyName(), evt.getOldValue(), evt.getNewValue()}); Object src = evt.getSource(); if ( src instanceof DomNode ) { DomNodeController c= DomNodeController.getController((DomNode)src); //if ( c!=null && c.isValueAdjusting()) return; } if ( !isValueAdjusting() ) { // undo/redo support notification fireActionEvent(new ActionEvent(evt.getSource(), eventId.incrementAndGet(), evt.getPropertyName())); } DomNodeController c; Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue(); if (oldValue != null) { if (oldValue instanceof DomNode) { final DomNode d = (DomNode) oldValue; d.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(d); if ( c!=null ) c.removePropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); for ( DomNode k: d.childNodes() ) { k.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(k); if ( c!=null ) c.removePropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); } } else if (oldValue.getClass().isArray() && DomNode.class.isAssignableFrom(oldValue.getClass().getComponentType())) { for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(oldValue); i++) { final DomNode d= ((DomNode) Array.get(oldValue, i)); d.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(d); if ( c!=null ) c.removePropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); for ( DomNode k: d.childNodes() ) { k.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(k); if ( c!=null ) c.removePropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); } } } } Object newValue = evt.getNewValue(); if (newValue != null) { if (newValue instanceof DomNode) { final DomNode d = (DomNode) newValue; d.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(d); if ( c!=null ) c.addPropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); for ( DomNode k: d.childNodes() ) { k.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(k); if ( c!=null ) c.addPropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); } } else if (newValue.getClass().isArray() && DomNode.class.isAssignableFrom(newValue.getClass().getComponentType())) { for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(newValue); i++) { final DomNode d= ((DomNode) Array.get(newValue, i)); d.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(d); if ( c!=null ) c.addPropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); for ( DomNode k: d.childNodes() ) { k.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); c= DomNodeController.getController(k); if ( c!=null ) c.removePropertyChangeListener(controllerListener); } } } } } }; /** * returns the URI for the plotElement, or "". * @param p * @return */ private static String getFocusUriFor( PlotElement p ) { DataSourceFilter dsf= p.controller.getDataSourceFilter(); if ( dsf!=null ) { return dsf.getUri(); } else { return ""; } } // listen for focus changes and update the focus plot and plotElement. FocusAdapter focusAdapter = new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); super.focusGained(e); //if ( e.getComponent() instanceof ColumnColumnConnector ) { //logger.fine( "focus on column column connector"); //} Plot domPlot = getPlotFor(e.getComponent()); if (domPlot == null) { return; } DasPlot dasPlot = domPlot.controller.getDasPlot(); PlotElement p = null; Renderer r = dasPlot.getFocusRenderer(); if (r != null) { try { p = findPlotElement(r); setPlotElement(p); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { // transitional case. TODO: thread locking would presumably fix this. } } // if there's just one plotElement in the plot, then go ahead and set the focus uri. List ps = ApplicationController.this.getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); if ( p==null && ps.size() == 1) { setFocusUri( getFocusUriFor( ps.get(0) ) ); } if ( p==null && ps.size()>0 ) { // allow the user to select the first inactive plot element for ( int i=ps.size()-1; i>=0; i-- ) { PlotElement pe1= ps.get(i); if ( pe1.isActive()==false ) { p= pe1; break; } } } final Plot fdomPlot= domPlot; final PlotElement fp; if (p != null) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "focus due to plot getting focus: {0}", p); setFocusUri( getFocusUriFor( p ) ); fp= p; if ( getPlotElement()!=p ) { setStatus("" + domPlot + ", " + p + " selected"); if ( ApplicationController.this.getApplication().getPlotElements().length>1 ) { // don't flash single plot. Canvas c= getCanvas(); c.controller.indicateSelection( Collections.singletonList((DomNode)p) ); // don't flash plot node, just the plot element. } } } else { setStatus("" + domPlot + " selected"); fp= null; } Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setPlot(fdomPlot); if ( fp!=null ) setPlotElement(fp); } }; new Thread(run,"focusPlot").start(); LoggerManager.logExitGuiEvent(e); } }; /** * convert domPlot into a stack of plots that are bound by the x-axis and have * the labels turned off. * @param domPlot the plot to break up. */ private void breakIntoStackPlot( Plot domPlot ) { DomLock lock = mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Break into Stack of Plots"); Lock clock= canvas.controller.dasCanvas.mutatorLock(); clock.lock(); try { List peles = getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); for (PlotElement pele : peles) { if ( pele.isActive()==false ) { ApplicationController.this.deletePlotElement(pele); } } peles = getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); if ( peles.size()<2 ) { setStatus("Only one plot element..."); } else if ( peles.size()>12 ) { setStatus("Too many plots..."); } else { Application dom= ApplicationController.this.getApplication(); peles = getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); PlotElement firstPE= peles.get(0); PlotElement lastPE= peles.get(peles.size()-1); for (PlotElement pele : peles) { PlotElement pelement = pele; Plot dstPlot = ApplicationController.this.addPlot(LayoutConstants.ABOVE); pelement.setPlotId(dstPlot.getId()); if ( pele==lastPE ) { dstPlot.getXaxis().setDrawTickLabels(true); } else { dstPlot.getXaxis().setDrawTickLabels(false); } if ( pele==firstPE ) { dstPlot.setDisplayTitle(true); } else { dstPlot.setDisplayTitle(false); } dstPlot.getXaxis().setLog(false); bind( dstPlot.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE, dom, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE ); // we have to find some x-axis to listen to. DataSourceFilter dsf= getDataSourceFilterFor(pele); TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc= dsf.getController().getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); if ( tsbc!=null ) { if ( tsbc.isListeningToAxis() && tsbc.getPlot()==domPlot ) { tsbc.release(); tsbc.setupAxis( dstPlot, dstPlot.getXaxis() ); } } } ApplicationController.this.deletePlot(domPlot); org.autoplot.dom.DomOps.newCanvasLayout(dom); } } finally { lock.unlock(); clock.unlock(); } } public void fillEditPlotMenu( final JMenu editPlotMenu, final Plot domPlot) { JMenuItem item; item = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Delete Plot") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); if (application.getPlots().length > 1) { List plotElements = getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); for (PlotElement pele : plotElements) { if (application.getPlotElements().length > 1) { deletePlotElement(pele); } else { setStatus("warning: the last plot element may not be deleted"); } } deletePlot(domPlot); } else { ArrayList pes= new ArrayList( getPlotElementsFor(domPlot) ); Collections.reverse(pes); for ( PlotElement pe: pes ) { deletePlotElement(pe); } domPlot.syncTo( new Plot(), Arrays.asList( "id", "rowId", "columnId" ) ); } } }); editPlotMenu.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Break into Stack of Plots") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); registerPendingChange( ApplicationController.this, PENDING_BREAK_APART ); Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { performingChange(ApplicationController.this, PENDING_BREAK_APART); breakIntoStackPlot(domPlot); changePerformed(ApplicationController.this, PENDING_BREAK_APART); } }; RequestProcessor.invokeLater(run); } }); item.setToolTipText("Replace the focus plot with stack of plots."); editPlotMenu.add(item); item= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Copy Plot to Clipboard") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String s= DomUtil.getPlotAsString( application, domPlot ); StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(s); Clipboard clpbrd = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clpbrd.setContents(stringSelection, null); } } ); editPlotMenu.add(item); item= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Replace Plot with Clipboard Plot") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GuiSupport.pasteClipboardIntoPlot( editPlotMenu, ApplicationController.this, domPlot ); } } ); editPlotMenu.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Remove Bindings") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); List bms= new ArrayList<>(); List peles = getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); for (PlotElement pele : peles) { bms.addAll( Arrays.asList( getBindingsFor(pele) ) ); unbind(pele); } bms.addAll( Arrays.asList( getBindingsFor(domPlot) ) ); unbind(domPlot); bms.addAll( Arrays.asList( getBindingsFor(domPlot.xaxis) ) ); unbind(domPlot.xaxis); bms.addAll( Arrays.asList( getBindingsFor(domPlot.yaxis) ) ); unbind(domPlot.yaxis); bms.addAll( Arrays.asList( getBindingsFor(domPlot.zaxis) ) ); unbind(domPlot.zaxis); setStatus("removed "+bms.size()+" bindings"); } }); item.setToolTipText("remove any plot and plot element property bindings"); editPlotMenu.add(item); item = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Bind Plot Context to Application Time Range") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); bind( application, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, plot, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT ); } }); item.setToolTipText("bind the plot's context property to the application timerange, for example when browsing histograms of data."); editPlotMenu.add(item); // item = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Move this plot below others") { // @Override // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); // int i= application.plots.indexOf(domPlot); // Application ap= (Application)getApplication().copy(); // List pps= new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(ap.getPlots()) ); // Plot pp= pps.remove(i); // pps.add(0, (Plot)pp.copy() ); // ap.setPlots(pps.toArray(new Plot[pps.size()])); // application.controller.reset(); // application.syncTo(ap); // AutoplotUtil.reloadAll(application); // } // }); // item.setToolTipText("Move this plot below others, so that it is drawn before."); // editPlotMenu.add(item); } /** * return the Plot corresponding to the das2 component. * @param c Das2 component such as DasPlot or DasAxis. * @return */ public Plot getPlotFor(Component c) { Plot plot1 = null; for (Plot p : application.getPlots()) { if ( p.controller!=null ) { DasPlot p1 = p.controller.getDasPlot(); if ( p1!=null && ( p1 == c || p1.getXAxis() == c || p1.getYAxis() == c ) ) { plot1 = p; break; } if (p.controller.getDasColorBar() == c) { plot1 = p; break; } } else { logger.warning("application contains plot without controller (rte_0492573640)"); } } return plot1; } public PlotElement doplot(Plot plot, PlotElement pele, String secondaryUri, String teriaryUri, String primaryUri) { return support.plot(plot, pele, secondaryUri, teriaryUri, primaryUri); } public PlotElement doplot(Plot plot, PlotElement pele, String secondaryUri, String primaryUri) { return support.plot(plot, pele, secondaryUri, primaryUri); } public PlotElement doplot(Plot plot, PlotElement pele, String primaryUri) { return support.plot(plot, pele, primaryUri); } /** * provide method for plotting a URI without any axis resetting. * @param suri the URI to plot * @param resetPlot */ public void plotUri( final String suri, final boolean resetPlot ) { DomLock lock=null; if ( !resetPlot ) { lock= application.controller.changesSupport.mutatorLock(); lock.lock("plotUriWithoutChanges"); } //registerPendingChange( this, PENDING_CHANGE_REPLOTURI ); //performingChange( this, PENDING_CHANGE_REPLOTURI ); DataSourceFilter dsf= getDataSourceFilter(); dsf.getController().setSuri(suri, new NullProgressMonitor() ); //dsf.getController().resolveDataSource( false, new NullProgressMonitor() ); dsf.getController().update(true); //changePerformed( this, PENDING_CHANGE_REPLOTURI ); if ( !resetPlot ) { assert lock!=null; lock.unlock(); } } /** * block the calling thread until the application is idle. * @see isPendingChanges. */ public void waitUntilIdle() { int checkCount=0; Logger domLogger= org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger( "autoplot.dom" ); while (this.isPendingChanges()) { checkCount++; // Thread.yield(); // this is not a good idea. try { if ( domLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) { // otherwise the logging channel will be saturated. Thread.sleep(470); } Thread.sleep(30); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } logger.log(Level.FINE, "waitUntilIdle checkCount={0}", checkCount); } /** * add a DataSourceFilter to the dom. * @return the new DataSourceFilter */ public synchronized DataSourceFilter addDataSourceFilter() { DataSourceFilter dsf = new DataSourceFilter(); DataSourceController dsfc= new DataSourceController(this.model, dsf); dsf.controller = dsfc; assignId(dsf); List dataSourceFilters = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(this.application.getDataSourceFilters())); dataSourceFilters.add(dsf); this.application.setDataSourceFilters(dataSourceFilters.toArray(new DataSourceFilter[dataSourceFilters.size()])); //dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); dsf.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); return dsf; } private void addListeners() { this.addPropertyChangeListener(ApplicationController.PROP_PLOT_ELEMENT, new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public String toString() { return "" + ApplicationController.this; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if (!isValueAdjusting()) { PlotElement p = getPlotElement(); if (p != null) { DataSourceFilter dsf= getDataSourceFilterFor(p); if ( dsf!=null ) setDataSourceFilter(dsf); setPlot(getPlotFor(p)); } else { setDataSourceFilter(null); } } } }); // automatically enable layout plotElement when there are multiple plotElements. this.application.addPropertyChangeListener( Application.PROP_PLOT_ELEMENTS, new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if ( application.getPlotElements().length>1 ) { application.options.setLayoutVisible(true); } } }); this.application.addPropertyChangeListener( Application.PROP_BINDINGS, new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt); if ( isValueAdjusting() ) { return; } //List ss= new ArrayList(); // is anyone listening to timerange? boolean noOneListening= true; BindingModel[] bms= application.getBindings(); for (BindingModel bm : bms) { if (bm.getSrcId().equals(application.getId()) && bm.srcProperty.equals(Application.PROP_TIMERANGE)) { noOneListening= false; //ss.add( bms[i].getDstId() ); } } if ( noOneListening ) { logger.fine("we used to reset application to default time range"); //application.setTimeRange( Application.DEFAULT_TIME_RANGE ); } } }); } /** * add a canvas to the application. Currently, only one canvas is supported, so this * will have unanticipated effects if called more than once. * * This must be public to provide access to org.autoplot.ApplicationModel * @return */ public synchronized DasCanvas addCanvas() { logger.fine("enter addCanvas"); DasCanvas.setDisableActions(true); //if ( canvas!=null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("only one canvas for now"); Canvas lcanvas = new Canvas(); DasCanvas dasCanvas = new DasCanvas(lcanvas.getWidth(),lcanvas.getHeight()); dasCanvas.setScaleFonts(false); assignId( lcanvas ); new CanvasController(application, lcanvas).setDasCanvas(dasCanvas); new RowController( lcanvas.getMarginRow() ).createDasPeer( lcanvas, null ); new ColumnController( lcanvas.getMarginColumn() ).createDasPeer( lcanvas, null ); layoutListener = new LayoutListener(model); application.setCanvases(new Canvas[]{lcanvas}); setCanvas(lcanvas); bindTo(dasCanvas); //lcanvas.addPropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); lcanvas.addPropertyChangeListener(this.domListener); dasCanvas.setPrintingTag(""); return dasCanvas; } /** * delete the plot element completely, or if it is the last, then empty the data source. * Earlier versions of this would throw an exception if the last plotElement was deleted. * @param pelement */ public void deletePlotElement(PlotElement pelement) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "deletePlotElement({0})", pelement); DomLock lock= changesSupport.mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Delete Plot Element"); int currentIdx = application.plotElements.indexOf(pelement); if (currentIdx == -1) { logger.warning("deletePlotElement but plot element isn't part of application, ignoring"); lock.unlock(); //TODO: review this, maybe try/finally... return; } try { String id= pelement.getId(); if (application.plotElements.size() > 1 ) { DasPlot p = pelement.controller.getDasPlot(); Renderer r= pelement.controller.getRenderer(); if (p != null && r != null ) { p.removeRenderer(r); } Plot domplot= getPlotFor(pelement); //plotElement.removePropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); pelement.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); pelement.getStyle().removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); unbind(pelement); unbind(pelement.getStyle()); unbindImpl(pelement); //TODO: I need to remind myself why there are two types of bindings... unbindImpl(pelement.getStyle()); pelement.controller.unbindDsf(); pelement.controller.disconnect(); pelement.controller.dataSet= null; // get rid of these for now, until we can figure out why these are not G/C'd. if ( r!=null ) r.setColorBar(null); //PlotController.pdListen if ( domplot!=null ) { domplot.controller.pdListen.remove(pelement); } if ( r!=null ) r.setDataSet(null); pelement.controller.deleted= true; //pelement.controller.renderer=null; //TODO: check that the renderer gets GC'd. //pelement.controller.changesSupport=null; //pelement.controller= null; // we need this to unbind later. pelement.removePropertyChangeListener(plotIdListener); PlotElement parent= pelement.controller.getParentPlotElement(); if ( parent!=null ) { parent.getStyle().removePropertyChangeListener( pelement.controller.parentStyleListener ); } } DataSourceFilter dsf = getDataSourceFilterFor(pelement); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getPlotElements())); elements.remove(pelement); PlotElement selected= getPlotElement(); if ( elements.size()>0 ) { if ( selected!=null && !elements.contains(selected)) { // reset the focus element Id if (elements.isEmpty()) { setPlotElement(null); } else { setPlotElement(elements.get(0)); // maybe use currentIdx } } application.setPlotElements(elements.toArray(new PlotElement[elements.size()])); } else { dsf.setUri(""); // this panel and the dsf should go together pelement.setLegendLabelAutomatically(""); pelement.setActive(true); } if (dsf != null) { List dsfElements = getPlotElementsFor(dsf); if ( dsfElements.isEmpty() && application.getDataSourceFilters().length>1 ) { deleteDataSourceFilter(dsf); } } for ( PlotElement p: application.plotElements ) { if ( p.getParent().equals(id) ) { p.setParent(""); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * adds a context overview plotId below the plotId. * @param upperPlot the upper plot * @param lowerPlot the lower plot */ public void addConnector(Plot upperPlot, Plot lowerPlot) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "addConnector({0},{1})", new Object[]{upperPlot, lowerPlot}); List connectors = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(application.getConnectors())); final Connector connector = new Connector(upperPlot.getId(), lowerPlot.getId()); connectors.add(connector); connector.setController( new ConnectorController(application, connector) ); application.setConnectors(connectors.toArray(new Connector[connectors.size()])); DasCanvas lcanvas = getDasCanvas(); DasPlot upper = upperPlot.controller.getDasPlot(); DasPlot lower = lowerPlot.controller.getDasPlot(); //overviewPlotConnector.getDasMouseInputAdapter().setPrimaryModule(overviewZoom); ColumnColumnConnector overviewPlotConnector = new ColumnColumnConnector(lcanvas, upper, DasRow.create(null, upper.getRow(), "0%", "100%+2em"), lower); connectorImpls.put(connector, overviewPlotConnector); overviewPlotConnector.setBottomCurtain(true); overviewPlotConnector.setCurtainOpacityPercent(80); connector.getController().bindTo(overviewPlotConnector); MouseModule mm = new ColumnColumnConnectorMouseModule(upper, lower); overviewPlotConnector.getDasMouseInputAdapter().setSecondaryModule(mm); overviewPlotConnector.getDasMouseInputAdapter().setPrimaryModule(mm); lcanvas.add(overviewPlotConnector); lcanvas.revalidate(); } /** * delete the connector between two plot X axes. * @param connector */ public void deleteConnector(Connector connector) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "deleteConnector({0})", connector); ColumnColumnConnector impl = connectorImpls.get(connector); if ( impl!=null ) { getDasCanvas().remove(impl); } else { // JUNO nightly build...test this. } List connectors = DomUtil.asArrayList(application.getConnectors()); connectors.remove(connector); connectorImpls.remove(connector); connector.getController().removeBindings(); application.setConnectors(connectors.toArray(new Connector[connectors.size()])); } /** * experiment with Jython-friendly method where the annotation is * instantiated within the script. This allows code like: * *
     * ann= Annotation( text='Feature', pointAtX=datum(tt), pointAtY=datum('100nT'), showArrow=True )
* * @param annotation * @return the annotation, configured. */ public Annotation addAnnotation( final Annotation annotation ) { if ( annotation.getPlotId().length()==0 ) { annotation.setPlotId( getApplication().getPlots(0).getId() ); } Plot p= (Plot)DomUtil.getElementById( getApplication(), annotation.getPlotId() ); Row r; if ( annotation.getRowId().length()>0 ) { r= (Row)DomUtil.getElementById( getApplication().getCanvases(0), annotation.getRowId() ); if ( r==null ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to find row with id=\"{0}\"", annotation.getRowId()); if ( p==null ) { r= application.getCanvases(0).getMarginRow(); } else { r= p.getController().getRow(); } } } else { if ( p==null ) { r= application.getCanvases(0).getMarginRow(); } else { r= p.getController().getRow(); } } Column c; if ( annotation.getRowId().length()>0 ) { c= (Column)DomUtil.getElementById( getApplication().getCanvases(0), annotation.getColumnId() ); if ( c==null ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to find column with id=\"{0}\"", annotation.getColumnId()); if ( p==null ) { c= application.getCanvases(0).getMarginColumn(); } else { c= p.getController().getColumn(); } } } else { if ( p==null ) { c= application.getCanvases(0).getMarginColumn(); } else { c= p.getController().getColumn(); } } final DasAnnotation impl= new DasAnnotation(""); assignId(annotation); if ( p!=null ) { impl.setPlot( p.controller.getDasPlot() ); } JMenuItem mi= new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Annotation Properties") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); PropertyEditor pp = new PropertyEditor(annotation); pp.showDialog(application.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas()); } }); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().addMenuItem(mi); mi= new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Delete Annotation") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); deleteAnnotation(annotation); } }); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().addMenuItem(mi); final JCheckBoxMenuItem cbmi= new JCheckBoxMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Anchor to Data") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { org.das2.util.LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); if ( ((JCheckBoxMenuItem)e.getSource()).isSelected() ) { Rectangle r= impl.getActiveRegion().getBounds(); Datum x= plot.getController().getDasPlot().getXAxis().invTransform(r.x); Datum y= plot.getController().getDasPlot().getYAxis().invTransform(r.y); Datum x2= plot.getController().getDasPlot().getXAxis().invTransform(r.x+r.width); Datum y2= plot.getController().getDasPlot().getYAxis().invTransform(r.y+r.height); annotation.setXrange( DatumRangeUtil.union(x,x2) ); annotation.setYrange( DatumRangeUtil.union(y,y2) ); //annotation.setAnchorPosition(AnchorPosition.W); annotation.setAnchorOffset(""); annotation.setAnchorType(AnchorType.DATA); } else { annotation.setAnchorType(AnchorType.CANVAS); annotation.setAnchorOffset("1em,1em"); annotation.setAnchorPosition(AnchorPosition.NE); } } }); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().addMenuItem(cbmi); bind( annotation, "anchorType", cbmi, "selected", new Converter() { @Override public Object convertForward(Object s) { return !s.equals( AnchorType.CANVAS ); } @Override public Object convertReverse(Object t) { if ( ((Boolean)t) ) return AnchorType.DATA; else return AnchorType.CANVAS; } } ); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().addMenuItem(mi); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().removeMenuItem("Properties"); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().removeMenuItem("remove arrow"); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().removeMenuItem("remove"); impl.getDasMouseInputAdapter().setSecondaryModuleByLabel("Move Annotation"); annotationImpls.put(annotation, impl); List annotations= DomUtil.asArrayList( application.getAnnotations() ); annotations.add( annotation ); application.setAnnotations( annotations.toArray( new Annotation[annotations.size()]) ); DasCanvas lcanvas = getDasCanvas(); annotation.setColumnId( c.getId() ); annotation.setRowId( r.getId() ); lcanvas.add( impl, r.controller.dasRow, c.controller.dasColumn ); new AnnotationController( application, annotation, impl ); return annotation; } /** * add an annotation to the plot * @param p the plot * @param text initial text * @return the annotation */ public Annotation addAnnotation( Plot p, String text ) { Row r= p.getController().getRow(); Column c= p.getController().getColumn(); Annotation a= addAnnotation( r, c, text ); a.setPlotId( p.getId() ); return a; } /** * add an annotation to the canvas. * @param row the row or null. * @param column the column or null. * @param text initial text * @return the annotation */ public Annotation addAnnotation( Row row, Column column, String text ) { if ( row==null ) row= application.getCanvases(0).getMarginRow(); if ( column==null ) column= application.getCanvases(0).getMarginColumn(); final Annotation annotation= new Annotation(); annotation.setRowId( row.getId() ); annotation.setColumnId( column.getId() ); annotation.setText(text); addAnnotation(annotation); return annotation; } /** * delete the annotation * @param c the annotation */ public void deleteAnnotation(Annotation c) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "deleteAnnotation({0})", c); DasAnnotation impl = annotationImpls.get(c); if ( impl!=null ) { getDasCanvas().remove(impl); } else { } List annotations = DomUtil.asArrayList(application.getAnnotations()); annotations.remove(c); annotationImpls.remove(c); c.getController().removeBindings(); c.controller.node= null; c.controller=null; application.setAnnotations(annotations.toArray(new Annotation[annotations.size()])); } private void movePlotElement(PlotElement p, Plot src, Plot dst) { assert ( src==null || p.getPlotId().equals(src.getId()) || p.getPlotId().equals(dst.getId())); if ( src==dst ) return; if ( src!=null ) src.getController().removePlotElement( p ); dst.getController().addPlotElement( p,false ); p.setPlotId(dst.getId()); } PropertyChangeListener plotIdListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public String toString() { return "" + ApplicationController.this; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt,"plotIdListener"); PlotElement p = (PlotElement) evt.getSource(); String srcid = (String) evt.getOldValue(); String dstid = (String) evt.getNewValue(); if ( srcid==null ) srcid=""; //TODO: this can probably be removed if ( dstid==null ) dstid=""; Plot src = srcid.length()==0 ? null : ( Plot) DomUtil.getElementById(application, srcid); Plot dst = dstid.length()==0 ? null : (Plot) DomUtil.getElementById(application, dstid); if ( src==null ) { if ( dst!=null ) { dst.getController().addPlotElement( p,false ); } else { return; // initialization state } } if ( dst==null ) { assert src!=null; src.getController().removePlotElement(p); return; } if ( src != null ) { movePlotElement(p, src, dst); if (getPlotElementsFor(dst).size() == 1) { dst.syncTo(p.plotDefaults, Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, Plot.PROP_ROWID, Plot.PROP_COLUMNID, Plot.PROP_XAXIS, Plot.PROP_YAXIS ) ); List bb= findBindings( dst.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE ); if ( bb.isEmpty() ) { dst.getXaxis().syncTo( p.getPlotDefaults().getXaxis(), Arrays.asList(Plot.PROP_ID) ); } bb= findBindings( dst.getYaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE ); if ( bb.isEmpty() ) { dst.getYaxis().syncTo( p.getPlotDefaults().getYaxis(), Arrays.asList(Plot.PROP_ID) ); } } } } }; /** * add a plotElement to the application, attaching it to the given Plot and DataSourceFilter. * @param domPlot if null, create a Plot, if non-null, add the plotElement to this plot. * @param dsf if null, create a DataSourceFilter. If non-null, connect the plotElement to this data source. * @return */ public PlotElement addPlotElement(Plot domPlot, DataSourceFilter dsf) { return addPlotElement( domPlot, null, dsf ); } /** * add a plotElement to the application, attaching it to the given Plot and DataSourceFilter. * @param domPlot if null, create a Plot, if non-null, add the plotElement to this plot. * @param parent if non-null, then make this plotElement the child of parent. * @param dsf if null, create a DataSourceFilter. If non-null, connect the plotElement to this data source. * @return */ public PlotElement addPlotElement( Plot domPlot, PlotElement parent, DataSourceFilter dsf) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "enter addPlotElement({0},{1})", new Object[]{domPlot, dsf}); final PlotElement pele1 = new PlotElement(); if (dsf == null) { dsf = addDataSourceFilter(); } PlotElementController pec= new PlotElementController(this.model, application, pele1); pele1.controller = pec; if (domPlot == null) { domPlot = addPlot(LayoutConstants.BELOW); } assignId(pele1); pele1.getStyle().setColor(application.getOptions().getColor()); pele1.getStyle().setFillColor(application.getOptions().getFillColor()); pele1.getStyle().setAntiAliased(application.getOptions().isDrawAntiAlias()); pele1.addPropertyChangeListener(PlotElement.PROP_PLOTID, plotIdListener); if ( parent!=null ) { pele1.setParent( parent.getId() ); pele1.setRenderType(parent.getRenderType()); } pele1.setPlotId(domPlot.getId()); pele1.setDataSourceFilterId(dsf.getId()); pele1.setAutoLabel(true); synchronized (this) { PlotElement[] p = application.getPlotElements(); PlotElement[] temp = new PlotElement[p.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(p, 0, temp, 0, p.length); temp[p.length] = pele1; this.application.setPlotElements(temp); //pele1.addPropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); pele1.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); pele1.getStyle().addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); if ( plotElement==null ) setPlotElement(pele1); } if ( domPlot.getController()!=null ) { domPlot.controller.addPlotElement(pele1); } return pele1; } PropertyChangeListener rendererFocusListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public String toString() { return "" + ApplicationController.this; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { LoggerManager.logPropertyChangeEvent(evt,"renderFocusListener"); DasPlot dasPlot = (DasPlot) evt.getSource(); Renderer r = dasPlot.getFocusRenderer(); if (r == null) { return; } try { PlotElement p = findPlotElement(r); if (getPlotElement() != p) { setPlotElement(p); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { logger.fine("unable to find the plot element, assuming transitional state..."); } } }; /** * add a plot to the canvas. Direction is with respect to the current * focus plot, and currently only LayoutConstants.ABOVE and LayoutConstants.BELOW * are supported. * * @param direction LayoutConstants.ABOVE, LayoutConstants.BELOW, or null. * Null indicates the layout will be done elsewhere, and the new plot will * be on top of the old. * @return */ public synchronized Plot addPlot(Object direction) { Plot focus = getPlot(); return addPlot( focus, direction ); } /** * add a plot to the canvas. Direction is with respect to given * focus plot, and currently only LayoutConstants.ABOVE and LayoutConstants.BELOW * are supported. * * @param focus the current focus plot. * @param direction LayoutConstants.ABOVE, LayoutConstants.BELOW, or null. * Null indicates the layout will be done elsewhere, and the new plot will * be on top of the old. * @return */ public synchronized Plot addPlot( final Plot focus, Object direction ) { if ( !SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { logger.fine("SF Bug 3516412: addPlot is called off the event thread!!!"); } logger.fine("enter addPlot"); DomLock lock= changesSupport.mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Add Plot"); final Plot domPlot = new Plot(); try { final Canvas c= getCanvas(); CanvasController ccontroller= ((CanvasController)c.controller); Row domRow; if ( focus!=null && ccontroller.getRowFor(focus)==c.marginRow ) { String srcRow; if ( c.getRows().length>0 ) { srcRow= c.getRows(0).getId(); } else { ccontroller.addRows(2); srcRow= c.getRows(0).getId(); } if ( c.getRows().length>1 ) { domRow= c.getRows(1); } else { domRow = ccontroller.addInsertRow( ccontroller.getRowFor(focus), direction ); } focus.setRowId(srcRow); } else if ( c.getRows().length == 0 && ( direction==LayoutConstants.BELOW || direction==LayoutConstants.ABOVE ) ) { domRow = ccontroller.addRow(); } else if ( direction==null || direction==LayoutConstants.LEFT || direction==LayoutConstants.RIGHT ) { domRow= ccontroller.getRowFor(focus); } else { domRow = ccontroller.addInsertRow( ccontroller.getRowFor(focus), direction); } Column domColumn; // the logic for columns is different because we optimize the application for a stack of time // series. if ( direction==null || direction==LayoutConstants.ABOVE || direction==LayoutConstants.BELOW ) { domColumn= c.marginColumn; } else { if ( focus!=null && ccontroller.getColumnFor(focus)==c.marginColumn ) { String srcColumn; if ( c.getColumns().length>0 ) { srcColumn= c.getColumns(0).getId(); } else { ccontroller.addColumns(2); srcColumn= c.getColumns(0).getId(); } if ( c.getColumns().length>1 ) { domColumn= c.getColumns(1); } else { domColumn = ccontroller.addInsertColumn( ccontroller.getColumnFor(focus), direction ); } focus.setColumnId(srcColumn); } else { domColumn = ccontroller.addInsertColumn( ccontroller.getColumnFor(focus), direction); } } assignId( domPlot ); final Column fcol= domColumn; final Row frow= domRow; Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new PlotController(application, domPlot).createDasPeer(c, frow ,fcol ); } }; if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) {; } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(run); } catch ( InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex ); } } domPlot.getXaxis().setAutoRange(true); domPlot.getYaxis().setAutoRange(true); domPlot.getZaxis().setAutoRange(true); domPlot.getXaxis().setAutoLabel(true); domPlot.getYaxis().setAutoLabel(true); domPlot.getZaxis().setAutoLabel(true); domPlot.setAutoLabel(true); domPlot.setAutoBinding(true); domPlot.getZaxis().setVisible(false); domPlot.setRowId( domRow.getId() ); domPlot.setColumnId( domColumn.getId() ); List plots = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getPlots())); if (focus != null) { int idx = plots.indexOf(focus); if ( direction==null || direction == LayoutConstants.BELOW) { idx = idx + 1; } plots.add(idx, domPlot); } else { plots.add(domPlot); } application.setPlots(plots.toArray(new Plot[plots.size()])); if ( getPlot()==null ) setPlot(domPlot); //domPlot.addPropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); domPlot.addPropertyChangeListener(domListener); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return domPlot; } /** * add a plot to the canvas to the row and column. * @param row row for the plot * @param column column for the plot * @return the new plot. */ public Plot addPlot(Row row, Column column) { Plot p= addPlot(null); p.setRowId( row.getId() ); p.setColumnId( column.getId() ); return p; } /** * add a floating plot at arbitrary position. * @param xpos the new column e.g. "10%,90%" * @param ypos the new row e.g. "10%+6em,100%-6em" * @return */ public Plot addPlot( String xpos, String ypos ) { DomLock lock = mutatorLock(); lock.lock( "addPlot" ); try { final CanvasController ccontroller = getCanvas().getController(); Column c= ccontroller.addColumn(); String[] ss; ss= xpos.split(","); c.setLeft(ss[0]); c.setRight(ss[1]); Row r= ccontroller.addRow(); ss= ypos.split(","); r.setTop(ss[0]); r.setBottom(ss[1]); Plot p = addPlot(r,c); addPlotElement(p, null); return p; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * adds a block of plots to the canvas below the focus plot. A plotElement * is added for each plot as well. * @param nrow number of rows * @param ncol number of columns * @param dir LayoutConstants.ABOVE or LayoutConstants.BELOW or null. Null means use the current row. * @return a list of the newly added plots. */ public List addPlots( int nrow, int ncol, Object dir ) { DomLock lock = mutatorLock(); lock.lock( String.format("addPlots(%d,%d,%s)",nrow,ncol,dir) ); try { List result= new ArrayList<>(nrow*ncol); List cols; final CanvasController ccontroller = getCanvas().getController(); if (ncol > 1) { cols = ccontroller.addColumns(ncol); } else { cols = Collections.singletonList(getCanvas().getMarginColumn()); } List rows; if ( dir==null && nrow==1 ) { rows = Collections.singletonList(ccontroller.getRowFor(plot)); } else { if ( dir==null ) { rows = ccontroller.addRows(nrow,LayoutConstants.BELOW); } else { rows = ccontroller.addRows(nrow,dir); } } for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ncol; j++) { Plot p = addPlot(rows.get(i), cols.get(j)); result.add(p); addPlotElement(p, null); } } return result; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * find the plotElement using this renderer. * @param rend * @throw IllegalArgumentException if the plot element cannot be found. * @return */ protected PlotElement findPlotElement(Renderer rend) { for (PlotElement p : application.getPlotElements()) { PlotElementController pc = p.controller; if (pc.getRenderer() == rend) { return p; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find plot element for das renderer"); } /** * copy plot and plotElements into a new plot. * @param domPlot copy this plot. * @param dsf if non-null, then use this dataSourceFilter * @param bindx If true, X axes are bound. If the srcPlot x axis is bound to the * application timerange, then bind to that instead (kludge--handle higher) * @param bindy If true, Y axes are bound * @return the new plot */ public Plot copyPlotAndPlotElements(Plot domPlot, DataSourceFilter dsf, boolean bindx, boolean bindy) { List srcElements = getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); List newElements; Plot newPlot; DomLock lock = mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Copy Plot and Plot Elements"); try { newPlot= copyPlot(domPlot, bindx, bindy, false); if (srcElements.isEmpty()) { return newPlot; } newElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlotElement srcElement : srcElements) { if (!srcElement.getComponent().equals("")) { if ( srcElement.getController().getParentPlotElement()==null ) { PlotElement newp = copyPlotElement(srcElement, newPlot, dsf); newElements.add(newp); } } else { PlotElement newp = copyPlotElement(srcElement, newPlot, dsf); newElements.add(newp); List srcKids = srcElement.controller.getChildPlotElements(); DataSourceFilter dsf1 = getDataSourceFilterFor(newp); for (PlotElement k : srcKids) { if (srcElements.contains(k)) { PlotElement kidp = copyPlotElement(k, newPlot, dsf1); kidp.getController().setParentPlotElement(newp); newElements.add(kidp); } } } } for (PlotElement newp : newElements) { newp.getController().setResetRanges(false); newp.getController().setResetComponent(false); newp.getController().setResetPlotElement(false); newp.getController().setResetRenderType(false); newp.getController().setDsfReset(true); } List bms= findBindings( domPlot, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT ); for ( BindingModel bm: bms ) { if ( bm.srcId.equals( ) { DomNode other= DomUtil.getElementById( node, bm.dstId ); if ( other!=null ) bind( newPlot, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT, other, bm.dstProperty ); } else { DomNode other= DomUtil.getElementById( node, bm.srcId ); if ( other!=null ) bind( other, bm.srcProperty, newPlot, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT ); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return newPlot; } /** * copy the plotElement and put it in domPlot. * @param srcElement the plotElement to copy. * @param domPlot plot to contain the new plotElement, which may be the same plot. * @param dsf if non-null, then use this dataSourceFilter * @return the new plotElement. */ protected PlotElement copyPlotElement(PlotElement srcElement, Plot domPlot, DataSourceFilter dsf) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "copyPlotElement({0},{1},{2})", new Object[]{srcElement, domPlot, dsf}); PlotElement newp = addPlotElement(domPlot, dsf); newp.getController().setResetPlotElement(false);// don't add children, trigger autoRange, etc. newp.getController().setResetRanges(false); newp.getController().setDsfReset(false); // don't reset when the dataset changes newp.syncTo(srcElement, Arrays.asList(DomNode.PROP_ID,PlotElement.PROP_PLOTID, PlotElement.PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID)); newp.getController().setResetRanges(false); // in case the renderType changed, we still don't need to reset. if (dsf == null) { // new DataSource, but with the same URI. DataSourceFilter dsfnew = newp.controller.getDataSourceFilter(); DataSourceFilter dsfsrc = srcElement.controller.getDataSourceFilter(); copyDataSourceFilter(dsfsrc, dsfnew); } return newp; } /** * copy the plotElement and put it in domPlot, but make it a child immediately. This was introduced because * of code that was responding to changes, but didn't know that these were child elements. * @param srcElement the plotElement to copy. * @param domPlot plot to contain the new plotElement, which may be the same plot. * @param dsf if non-null, then use this dataSourceFilter * @return the new plotElement. */ protected PlotElement makeChildPlotElement( PlotElement srcElement, Plot domPlot, DataSourceFilter dsf) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "makeChildPlotElement({0},{1},{2})", new Object[]{srcElement, domPlot, dsf}); PlotElement newp = addPlotElement(domPlot, srcElement, dsf); newp.getController().setResetPlotElement(false);// don't add children, trigger autoRange, etc. newp.getController().setDsfReset(false); // dont' reset when the dataset changes newp.syncTo(srcElement, Arrays.asList(DomNode.PROP_ID,PlotElement.PROP_PLOTID, PlotElement.PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID)); if (dsf == null) { // new DataSource, but with the same URI. DataSourceFilter dsfnew = newp.controller.getDataSourceFilter(); DataSourceFilter dsfsrc = srcElement.controller.getDataSourceFilter(); copyDataSourceFilter(dsfsrc, dsfnew); } return newp; }; /** * Copy the plot and its axis settings, optionally binding the axes. Whether * the axes are bound or not, the duplicate plot is initially synchronized to * the source plot. * * @param srcPlot The plot to be copied * @param bindx If true, X axes are bound. If the srcPlot x axis is bound to the * application timerange, then bind to that instead (kludge--handle higher) * @param bindy If true, Y axes are bound * @param addPlotElement add a plotElement attached to the new plot as well. * @return The duplicate plot */ public Plot copyPlot(Plot srcPlot, boolean bindx, boolean bindy, boolean addPlotElement) { Plot that = addPlot(LayoutConstants.BELOW); that.setAutoBinding(false); that.getController().setAutoBinding(false); if (addPlotElement) { addPlotElement(that, null); } that.syncTo( srcPlot,Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, Plot.PROP_ROWID, Plot.PROP_COLUMNID ) ); if (bindx) { BindingModel bb = findBinding(application, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, srcPlot.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE); if (bb == null) { bind(srcPlot.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE, that.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE); } else { bind(application, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, that.getXaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE); } that.xaxis.setAutoRange( false ); } if (bindy) { bind(srcPlot.getYaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE, that.getYaxis(), Axis.PROP_RANGE); that.yaxis.setAutoRange( false ); } return that; } /** * copy the dataSourceFilter, including its controller and loaded data. * @param dsfsrc the source dataSourceFilter * @param dsfnew the new dataSourceFilter, which will get the URI and loaded data. */ protected void copyDataSourceFilter(DataSourceFilter dsfsrc, DataSourceFilter dsfnew) { DomLock lock= dsfnew.getController().mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Copy Data Source Filter"); try { final boolean dataSetNeedsLoading = dsfsrc.controller.isDataSetNeedsLoading(); dsfnew.controller.setResetDimensions(false); if ( dsfsrc.getUri().length()>0 ) { dsfnew.setUri(dsfsrc.getUri()); } if ( !dataSetNeedsLoading ) { dsfnew.controller.setUriNeedsResolution( false ); dsfnew.controller.resetDataSource(true,dsfsrc.controller.getDataSource()); dsfnew.controller.setDataSetNeedsLoading( false ); dsfnew.controller.setResetDimensions(false); dsfnew.controller.setDataSetInternal(dsfsrc.controller.getDataSet(),dsfsrc.controller.getRawProperties(),isValueAdjusting()); // fire off data event. dsfnew.controller.setProperties(dsfsrc.controller.getProperties()); dsfnew.setFilters( dsfsrc.getFilters() ); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * delete the named plot, plotElement, annotation, or dataSource * @param id node name like "plot_5", see dom.plots[0].id. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node can't be found. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node type is not supported. */ public void delete(String id) { DomNode n= getElementById(id); if ( n==null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no dom node found with the name: "+id); } delete(n); } /** * delete the dom node. * @param n */ public void delete(DomNode n) { if ( n instanceof Plot ) { deletePlot((Plot)n); } else if ( n instanceof PlotElement ) { deletePlotElement((PlotElement)n); } else if ( n instanceof DataSourceFilter ) { deleteDataSourceFilter((DataSourceFilter)n); } else if ( n instanceof Annotation ) { deleteAnnotation((Annotation)n); } else if ( n instanceof Connector ) { deleteConnector((Connector)n); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("node type is not supported: "+n); } } /** * delete the plot from the application. * TODO: this should really call the plot.controller.deleteDasPeer() * @param domPlot */ public void deletePlot(Plot domPlot) { if ( domPlot==null ) throw new NullPointerException("plot is null"); DomLock lock= changesSupport.mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Delete Plot"); try { if (!application.plots.contains(domPlot)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("plot is not in this application"); } if (application.plots.size() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("last plot cannot be deleted"); } List elements = this.getPlotElementsFor(domPlot); if (elements.size() > 0) { // transitional state for ( PlotElement p: elements ) { if ( application.plotElements.size()>1 ) deletePlotElement(p); } } for (Connector c : DomUtil.asArrayList(application.getConnectors())) { if (c.getPlotA().equals(domPlot.getId()) || c.getPlotB().equals(domPlot.getId())) { deleteConnector(c); // TODO: this has remove that occurs off the event thread. } } Row deleteRow = null; // if non-null, delete this row. Row row = (Row) DomUtil.getElementById(application, domPlot.getRowId()); if ( row!=null ) { // leftover bug from "Add Hidden Plot" List plotsUsingRow = DomUtil.rowUsages(application, row.getId()); plotsUsingRow.remove(domPlot); if (plotsUsingRow.isEmpty()) { deleteRow = row; } } //domPlot.removePropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); domPlot.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); unbind(domPlot); unbind(domPlot.getXaxis()); unbind(domPlot.getYaxis()); unbind(domPlot.getZaxis()); unbindImpl(domPlot); //These are the bindings between the DOM Object and the Das2 DasPlot implementation. unbindImpl(domPlot.getXaxis()); unbindImpl(domPlot.getYaxis()); unbindImpl(domPlot.getZaxis()); if ( domPlot.controller==null ) { logger.warning("domPlot.controller is null, this shouldn't happen"); } else { domPlot.controller.removeBindings(); final DasPlot p = domPlot.controller.getDasPlot(); p.getDasMouseInputAdapter().releaseAll(); p.getXAxis().getDasMouseInputAdapter().releaseAll(); p.getYAxis().getDasMouseInputAdapter().releaseAll(); final DasColorBar cb = domPlot.controller.getDasColorBar(); cb.getDasMouseInputAdapter().releaseAll(); final DasCanvas lcanvas= this.getDasCanvas(); final ArrayList deleteKids= new ArrayList(); deleteKids.add( p ); deleteKids.add( cb ); deleteKids.add( domPlot.controller.getDasPlot().getXAxis() ); deleteKids.add( domPlot.controller.getDasPlot().getYAxis() ); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { // see @Override public void run() { for ( Component c: deleteKids ) { lcanvas.remove(c); } } } ); } synchronized (this) { List plots = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getPlots())); plots.remove(domPlot); if (!plots.contains(getPlot())) { if (plots.isEmpty()) { setPlot(null); } else { setPlot(plots.get(0)); } } application.setPlots(plots.toArray(new Plot[plots.size()])); if (deleteRow != null) { assert row!=null; CanvasController cc = row.controller.getCanvas().controller; cc.deleteRow(deleteRow); if ( application.getOptions().isAutolayout() ) { cc.removeGaps(); } } } if ( domPlot.controller==null ) { domPlot.getController().getDasPlot().releaseAll(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Delete the parents of this DSF node, if any exist, and if they are no longer used. * Do not delete the node itself. Do not fix focus. * @param dsf */ protected synchronized void deleteAnyParentsOfDataSourceFilter(DataSourceFilter dsf) { DataSourceFilter[] parents = dsf.controller.getParentSources(); // look for orphaned parents List alsoRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (DataSourceFilter pdf : parents) { if ( pdf==null ) continue; // bad reference String dsfId = pdf.getId(); List usages = DomUtil.dataSourceUsages(application, dsfId); usages.remove(dsf); if (usages.isEmpty()) { alsoRemove.add(pdf); } } if ( alsoRemove.size()>0 ) { List dsfs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getDataSourceFilters())); dsfs.removeAll(alsoRemove); application.setDataSourceFilters(dsfs.toArray(new DataSourceFilter[dsfs.size()])); TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc; for (DataSourceFilter alsoRemove1 : alsoRemove) { tsbc = alsoRemove1.controller.getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); if ( tsbc!=null ) tsbc.release(); } } } /** * delete the dsf and any parents that deleting it leaves orphaned. (??? maybe they should be called children...) * @param dsf */ public synchronized void deleteDataSourceFilter(DataSourceFilter dsf) { if (!application.dataSourceFilters.contains(dsf)) { logger.fine("dsf wasn't part of the application"); return; } if (application.dataSourceFilters.size() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("last plot cannot be deleted"); } List plotElements = this.getPlotElementsFor(dsf); if (plotElements.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("dsf must not have plot elements before deleting"); } //dsf.removePropertyChangeListener(application.childListener); dsf.removePropertyChangeListener(domListener); unbind(dsf); dsf.controller.unbind(); //TODO: this is a repeat of code in deleteAnyParentsOfDataSourceFilter. Why can't it be used? DataSourceFilter[] parents = dsf.controller.getParentSources(); // look for orphaned parents List alsoRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (DataSourceFilter pdf : parents) { if ( pdf==null ) continue; String dsfId = pdf.getId(); List usages = DomUtil.dataSourceUsages(application, dsfId); usages.remove(dsf); if (usages.isEmpty()) { alsoRemove.add(pdf); } } List dsfs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getDataSourceFilters())); dsfs.remove(dsf); dsfs.removeAll(alsoRemove); if (!dsfs.contains(getDataSourceFilter())) { if (dsfs.isEmpty()) { setDataSourceFilter(null); } else { setDataSourceFilter(dsfs.get(0)); } } application.setDataSourceFilters(dsfs.toArray(new DataSourceFilter[dsfs.size()])); TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc= dsf.getController().getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); if ( tsbc!=null ) tsbc.releaseAll(); for (DataSourceFilter alsoRemove1 : alsoRemove) { tsbc = alsoRemove1.controller.getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); if ( tsbc!=null ) tsbc.releaseAll(); } } /** * go through the monitors we keep track of, and cancel each one. */ public void cancelAllPendingTasks() { MonitorFactory mf= application.controller.getMonitorFactory(); if ( mf instanceof DefaultMonitorFactory ) { DefaultMonitorFactory dmf= (DefaultMonitorFactory)mf; MonitorEntry[] mes= dmf.getMonitors(); for ( MonitorEntry me: mes ) { ProgressMonitor m= me.getMonitor(); if ( !( m.isCancelled() || m.isFinished() ) ) { m.cancel(); } } } } /** * resets the dom to the initial state by deleting added * plotElements, plots and data sources. */ public void reset() { logger.fine("Resetting application..."); setStatus("resetting..."); DomLock lock= mutatorLock(); long t0= System.currentTimeMillis(); while ( lock.isLocked() ) { logger.log( Level.INFO, "lock is not available: {0}", lock.toString()); logger.finer( changesSupport.isValueAdjusting() ); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } if ( System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 > 10000 ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get canvas lock to reset application because of lock: {0}", changesSupport.isValueAdjusting()); } } lock.lock("Reset"); Lock canvasLock = getCanvas().controller.getDasCanvas().mutatorLock(); canvasLock.lock(); logger.fine("got locks to reset application..."); try { List annos= Arrays.asList( application.getAnnotations() ); for ( Annotation anno : annos ) { application.controller.deleteAnnotation(anno); } // set the focus to the last one remaining. application.controller.setPlot(application.getPlots(0)); List peles= application.controller.getPlotElementsFor(plot); if ( peles.size()>0 ) { application.controller.setPlotElement(peles.get(0)); } else { application.controller.setPlotElement(application.getPlotElements(0)); } for ( int i=application.getPlots().length-1; i>0; i-- ) { deletePlot( application.getPlots(i) ); } Plot p0= application.getPlots(0); if ( p0==null ) throw new NullPointerException("p0 is null"); if ( p0.getXaxis()==null ) throw new NullPointerException("p0.getXaxis() is null"); if ( p0.getXaxis().getController()==null ) throw new NullPointerException("p0.getXaxis().getController() is null"); if ( p0.getXaxis().getController().getDasAxis()==null ) throw new NullPointerException("p0.getXaxis().getController().getDasAxis() is null"); p0.getXaxis().getController().getDasAxis().setTcaFunction(null); p0.getXaxis().getController().getDasAxis().setReference(""); p0.getYaxis().getController().getDasAxis().setReference(""); for ( int i=application.getPlotElements().length-1; i>0; i-- ) { deletePlotElement( application.getPlotElements(i) ); //may delete dsf and plots as well. } application.getDataSourceFilters(0).setId( "data_0" );//TODO: this should also reset the listening plotElement application.getPlotElements(0).setDataSourceFilterId("data_0"); if ( p0!=application.getPlots(0) ) { movePlotElement(application.getPlotElements(0),p0,application.getPlots(0)); } application.getPlots(0).setId("plot_0");//TODO: this should also reset the listening plotElement application.getPlotElements(0).setPlotId("plot_0"); application.controller.setPlotElement(application.getPlotElements(0)); application.controller.setPlot(application.getPlots(0)); for ( int i=application.getDataSourceFilters().length-1; i>0; i-- ) { deleteDataSourceFilter( application.getDataSourceFilters(i) ); } TimeSeriesBrowseController tsbc= application.getDataSourceFilters(0).getController().getTimeSeriesBrowseController(); //TODO: clearing the URI should do this as well... if ( tsbc!=null ) { tsbc.releaseAll(); } application.getPlotElements(0).setId("plotElement_0"); application.getPlots(0).getXaxis().setLog(false); // TODO kludge application.getPlots(0).getYaxis().setLog(false); // TODO kludge application.getPlots(0).getZaxis().setLog(false); // TODO kludge application.getPlots(0).syncTo( new Plot(), Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, Plot.PROP_ROWID, Plot.PROP_COLUMNID ) ); application.getPlots(0).getXaxis().setAutoRange(true); application.getPlots(0).getYaxis().setAutoRange(true); application.getPlots(0).getZaxis().setAutoRange(true); application.getPlots(0).getXaxis().setAutoRangeHints(""); application.getPlots(0).getYaxis().setAutoRangeHints(""); application.getPlots(0).getZaxis().setAutoRangeHints(""); for ( int i=application.getBindings().length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { deleteBinding( application.getBindings(i) ); } // one row within. Canvas c= application.getCanvases(0); application.getPlots(0).setColumnId( c.getMarginColumn().getId() ); application.getPlots(0).setRowId( c.getRows(0).getId() ); for ( int i=c.getRows().length-1; i>=1; i-- ) { c.getController().deleteRow(c.getRows(i)); } if ( c.getRows().length>0 ) { c.getRows(0).syncTo( new Row(), Arrays.asList(DomNode.PROP_ID, Row.PROP_TOP, Row.PROP_BOTTOM, Row.PROP_PARENT ) ); c.getRows(0).setTop("+2em"); c.getRows(0).setBottom("+100%-2em"); } c.getMarginRow().setTop("2em"); c.getMarginRow().setBottom("100%-3em"); c.getMarginColumn().setLeft("+7.0em"); c.getMarginColumn().setRight("100%-7.0em"); for ( int i=c.getColumns().length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { c.getController().deleteColumn(c.getColumns(i)); } c.setFitted(true); application.getDataSourceFilters(0).syncTo( new DataSourceFilter(), Collections.singletonList(DomNode.PROP_ID) ); application.getDataSourceFilters(0).getController().setDataSetInternal(null,null,true); application.getPlots(0).syncTo( new Plot(), Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, Plot.PROP_COLUMNID, Plot.PROP_ROWID ) ); application.getPlotElements(0).syncTo( new PlotElement(), Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, PlotElement.PROP_PLOTID,PlotElement.PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID, PlotElement.PROP_RENDERTYPE ) ); application.getPlots(0).syncTo( new Plot(), Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, Plot.PROP_COLUMNID, Plot.PROP_ROWID ) ); application.getPlots(0).setAutoLabel(true); application.getPlotElements(0).syncTo( new PlotElement(), Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, PlotElement.PROP_PLOTID, PlotElement.PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID ) ); application.getPlotElements(0).setAutoLabel(true); application.getPlotElements(0).getPlotDefaults().setId("plot_defaults_0"); application.getPlotElements(0).getStyle().setId("style_0"); application.getPlotElements(0).getStyle().setFillColor( Color.decode("#404040") ); application.getPlotElements(0).getStyle().setColor( application.getOptions().getColor() ); if ( !application.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().getBackground().equals( application.getOptions().getBackground() ) ) { // I think they are bound, so this really isn't necessary. application.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().setBackground( application.getOptions().getBackground() ); } application.getPlots(0).getXaxis().setAutoLabel(true); application.getPlots(0).getYaxis().setAutoLabel(true); application.getPlots(0).getZaxis().setAutoLabel(true); application.getPlots(0).getXaxis().setAutoRange(true); application.getPlots(0).getYaxis().setAutoRange(true); application.getPlots(0).getZaxis().setAutoRange(true); application.getPlotElements(0).controller.setDsfReset(true); application.getPlots(0).getZaxis().setVisible(false); application.setTimeRange( Application.DEFAULT_TIME_RANGE ); application.getPlots(0).setTicksURI(""); application.getPlots(0).setContext( application.getPlots(0).getXaxis().getRange() ); application.setEventsListUri(""); resetIdSequenceNumbers(); //clean up controllers after seeing the junk left behind in the profiler. for ( PlotElement pe :application.getPlotElements() ) { pe.getController().dataSet=null; pe.getController().getRenderer().setDataSet(null); // after seeing junk leftover in s } for ( DataSourceFilter dsf :application.getDataSourceFilters() ) { dsf.getController().dataSet=null; dsf.getController().fillDataSet=null; dsf.getController().histogram=null; } unbind( application ); //BindingGroup bc= bindingContexts.get(application); //bc.unbind(); bind( application, Application.PROP_TIMERANGE, plot, Plot.PROP_CONTEXT ); c.controller.getDasCanvas().removeBottomDecorators(); c.controller.getDasCanvas().removeTopDecorators(); List extraCC= new ArrayList<>(); for ( DasCanvasComponent cc: c.controller.getDasCanvas().getCanvasComponents() ) { if ( cc instanceof DasPlot || cc instanceof DasAxis || cc instanceof ColumnColumnConnector || cc instanceof DasAnnotation ) { } else { extraCC.add( cc ); } } for ( DasCanvasComponent cc : extraCC ) { c.controller.getDasCanvas().remove(cc); } boolean resetFonts= false; if ( resetFonts ) { try { File f= new File( AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty( AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA ), "config"); f= new File( f, "defaults.vap"); if ( f.exists() ) { Application app= ScriptContext.loadVap( f.toString() ); this.application.options.syncTo( app.options ); } else {"saving initial vap to HOME/autoplot_data/config/defaults.vap"); f.toString() ); } } catch ( IOException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // reset das2 stuff which may be in a bad state. This must be done on the event thread. Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //go ahead and check for leftover das2 plots and renderers that might have been left from a bug. rfe3324592 Canvas c= getCanvas(); DasCanvasComponent[] dccs= c.controller.getDasCanvas().getCanvasComponents(); for (DasCanvasComponent dcc : dccs) { if (dcc instanceof DasPlot) { DasPlot p = (DasPlot) dcc; boolean okay=false; for ( Plot pp: application.getPlots() ) { if ( pp.getController().getDasPlot()==p ) okay=true; } if ( !okay ) { c.controller.getDasCanvas().remove(p); } else { Renderer[] rr= p.getRenderers(); for (Renderer rr1 : rr) { okay= false; for (PlotElement pes : application.getPlotElements()) { if (pes.getController().getRenderer() == rr1) { okay=true; } } if (!okay) { p.removeRenderer(rr1); } rr1.setTopDecorator(null); } p.getXAxis().setTickV(null); p.getYAxis().setTickV(null); } } else if (dcc instanceof DasColorBar) { ((DasColorBar) dcc).setTickV(null); } } } }; try { if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) {; } else { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(run); } } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } cancelAllPendingTasks(); } finally { canvasLock.unlock(); lock.unlock(); } ArrayList problems= new ArrayList(); if ( !DomUtil.validateDom(application, problems ) ) { logger.warning( problems.toString() ); } logger.fine("done.."); setStatus("ready"); } /** * for debugging in scripts. * @return the BindingSupport object. */ public BindingSupport peekBindingSupport() { return this.bindingSupport; } /** * binds two bean properties together. Bindings are bidirectional, but * the initial copy is from src to dst. In MVC terms, src should be the model * and dst should be a view. The properties must fire property * change events for the binding mechanism to work. A converter object can be * provided that converts the object type between the two nodes. * * BeansBinding library is apparently not thread-safe. * * Example: *
     * model= getApplicationModel()
     * bind( model.getPlotDefaults(), "title", model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis(), "label" )
* @param src java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults() * @param srcProp a property name such as "title" * @param dst java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis() * @param dstProp a property name such as "label" * @param converter a converter object for the binding. (e.g. Color name to Color object) */ public void bind(DomNode src, String srcProp, Object dst, String dstProp, Converter converter ) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "bind {0}.{1} to {2}.{3}", new Object[]{src, srcProp, dst, dstProp}); String srcId = src.getId(); String dstId = "???"; if (dst instanceof DomNode) { dstId = ((DomNode) dst).getId(); } if (dst instanceof DasCanvasComponent) { dstId = "das2:" + ((DasCanvasComponent) dst).getDasName(); } BindingModel bindingModel = new BindingModel(srcId, srcId, srcProp, dstId, dstProp); if ( application.bindings.contains(bindingModel) ) { if ( application.controller.isValueAdjusting() ) { logger.finest("binding already exists, ignoring"); // just ignore this for now. return; } else { logger.finest("binding already exists, ignoring"); setStatus("binding already exists: "+bindingModel ); return; } } try { // verify properties exist. DomUtil.getPropertyType(src, srcProp); if ( dst instanceof DomNode ) { DomUtil.getPropertyType((DomNode)dst, dstProp); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } // now do the implementation BindingGroup bc; synchronized (bindingContexts) { bc = bindingContexts.get(src); if (bc == null) { bc = new BindingGroup(); bindingContexts.put(src, bc); } } // BeanProperty dstBeanProp= BeanProperty.create(dstProp); // // // double check for binding that already exists. TODO: shouldn't the code above catch this? // for ( Binding b: bc.getBindings() ) { // if ( b.getTargetObject().equals(dst) ) { // if ( b.getTargetProperty().toString().equals(dstBeanProp.toString()) ) { // logger.log(Level.FINE, "binding already exists: {0}", String.format( "bind {0}.{1} to {2}.{3}", new Object[]{src, srcProp, dst, dstProp})); // return; // } // } // } // if (!dstId.equals("???") && !dstId.startsWith("das2:")) { Binding binding= hasBinding( src, srcProp, dst, dstProp ); if ( binding!=null ) { logger.fine("binding already exists..."); } else { binding = Bindings.createAutoBinding(UpdateStrategy.READ_WRITE, src, BeanProperty.create(srcProp), dst, BeanProperty.create(dstProp)); if ( converter!=null ) binding.setConverter( converter ); List bindings = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getBindings())); bindings.add(bindingModel); application.setBindings(bindings.toArray(new BindingModel[bindings.size()])); bc.addBinding(binding); binding.bind(); this.bindingImpls.put(bindingModel, binding); } } else { // these are bindings used to implement the application, such as from an Axis to DasAxis. // The user shouldn't be able to unbind these. bindingSupport.bind( src, srcProp, dst, dstProp, converter ); } } /** * binds two bean properties together. Bindings are bidirectional, but * the initial copy is from src to dst. In MVC terms, src should be the model * and dst should be a view. The properties must fire property * change events for the binding mechanism to work. * * BeansBinding library is apparently not thread-safe. * * Example: *
     * model= getApplicationModel()
     * bind( model.getPlotDefaults(), "title", model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis(), "label" )
* @param src java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults() * @param srcProp a property name such as "title" * @param dst java bean such as model.getPlotDefaults().getXAxis() * @param dstProp a property name such as "label" * @see org.autoplot.ScriptContext#bind(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) which can bind any two objects together. */ public void bind( DomNode src, String srcProp, Object dst, String dstProp) { bind(src, srcProp, dst, dstProp, null ); } /** * unbind the binding between a dom node and another object. * @param src * @param srcProp the property name. * @param dst * @param dstProp the property name. */ public void unbind( DomNode src, String srcProp, Object dst, String dstProp ) { String dstId = "???"; if (dst instanceof DomNode) { dstId = ((DomNode) dst).getId(); } if (dst instanceof DasCanvasComponent) { dstId = "das2:" + ((DasCanvasComponent) dst).getDasName(); } if (!dstId.equals("???") && !dstId.startsWith("das2:")) { BindingModel bm= findBinding( src, srcProp, ((DomNode)dst), dstProp ); Binding binding= this.bindingImpls.get(bm); if ( binding!=null ) { deleteBinding(bm); } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "expected to find binding for {0}.{1} to {2}.{3}", new Object[]{src.getId(), srcProp, ((DomNode)dst).getId(), dstProp}); } } else { bindingSupport.unbind( src, srcProp, dst, dstProp ); } } private static String propname( Property p ) { String srcProp= p.toString(); int i1= srcProp.indexOf('['); int i2= srcProp.indexOf(']',i1); if ( i1>-1 && i2>i1 ) { srcProp= srcProp.substring(i1+1,i2); } return srcProp; } /** * show the bindings, for debugging purposes. */ public void showBindings() { synchronized (bindingContexts) { for ( Entry e: bindingContexts.entrySet() ) { List bs= e.getValue().getBindings(); System.err.println( "=== " +e.getKey()+" -> "+ e.getValue() + " (size="+bs.size()+")"); if ( bs.size()>0 ) { for ( Binding b: bs ) { System.err.println( String.format( " %s.%s->%s.%s", b.getSourceObject(), propname( b.getSourceProperty() ), b.getTargetObject(), propname( b.getTargetProperty() ) ) ); } System.err.println(""); } } } } /** * return the binding if the binding exists already. See also findBindings, which uses different logic. * @param s the source. * @param sp the source property * @param t the target * @param tp the target property. * @return the binding if it exists already. */ private Binding hasBinding( Object s, String sp, Object t, String tp ) { BindingGroup bc= bindingContexts.get(s); List bs= bc.getBindings(); String lookfor= String.format( "%s.%s->%s.%s", s, sp, t, tp ); for ( Binding b: bs ) { String test= String.format( "%s.%s->%s.%s", b.getSourceObject(), propname( b.getSourceProperty() ), b.getTargetObject(), propname( b.getTargetProperty() ) ); if ( test.equals(lookfor ) ) return b; } return null; } /** * unbind the object, removing any binding to this node. For example, when the object is about to be deleted. * @param src the node */ public void unbind(DomNode src) { BindingGroup bc; synchronized (bindingImpls) { List bb = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(application.getBindings())); boolean changed= false; for (BindingModel b : application.getBindings()) { if (b.getSrcId().equals(src.getId()) || b.getDstId().equals(src.getId())) { bb.remove(b); Binding bimpl= bindingImpls.get(b); if ( bimpl!=null ) { try { bimpl.unbind(); } catch ( IllegalStateException ex ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING,ex.getMessage(),ex); } bindingImpls.remove(b); logger.log(Level.FINE, "bindingImpls.size()={0}", bindingImpls.size()); } changed= true; } } if ( changed ) { application.setBindings(bb.toArray(new BindingModel[bb.size()])); } } synchronized (bindingContexts) { bc = bindingContexts.get(src); if (bc != null) { bc.unbind(); bindingContexts.remove(src); String bcid = src.getId(); List bindings = DomUtil.asArrayList(application.getBindings()); List remove = new ArrayList<>(); boolean changed= false; for (BindingModel bb : bindings) { // avoid concurrent modification if (bb.getBindingContextId().equals(bcid)) { remove.add(bb); changed= true; } } if ( changed ) { bindings.removeAll(remove); application.setBindings(bindings.toArray(new BindingModel[bindings.size()])); } } for ( Entry e: bindingContexts.entrySet() ) { // app_0.timeRange->plot_0.context BindingGroup bg= e.getValue(); List remove = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Binding b: bg.getBindings() ) { if ( b.getTargetObject().equals(src) ) { remove.add(b); } } for ( Binding b:remove ) { bg.removeBinding(b); } } } } /** * unbind all implementation bindings associated with the dom node. * @param src the node */ protected void unbindImpl( DomNode src ) { bindingSupport.unbind(src); } /** * remove the binding and its implementation. * @param binding * @deprecated see removeBinding(binding) * @see #removeBinding(org.autoplot.dom.BindingModel) */ public void deleteBinding(BindingModel binding) { removeBinding(binding); } /** * remove the binding and its implementation. * @param binding */ public void removeBinding(BindingModel binding) { Binding b = bindingImpls.get(binding); if ( b==null ) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "didn''t find the binding implementation for {0}, ignoring", binding); } else if ( b.isBound() ) { // b.unbind(); } bindingImpls.remove(binding); logger.log(Level.FINE, "bindingImpls.size()={0}", bindingImpls.size()); BindingGroup bc= bindingContexts.get(DomUtil.getElementById(application,binding.srcId)); if ( bc!=null ) { try { bc.removeBinding(b); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.fine("deleteBinding still needs attention."); } } logger.log( Level.FINER, "dstId binding={0}", String.valueOf( bindingContexts.get(binding.dstId) ) ); List bindings = DomUtil.asArrayList(application.getBindings()); bindings.remove(binding); application.setBindings(bindings.toArray(new BindingModel[bindings.size()])); } /** * Find the binding, if it exists. All bindingImpls are symmetric, so the src and dst order is ignored in this * search. * @param src the node (e.g. an Axis) * @param srcProp the property name (e.g. "range") * @param dst the other node * @param dstProp the other node's property name (e.g. "range") * @return the BindingModel or null if it doesn't exist. */ public BindingModel findBinding(DomNode src, String srcProp, DomNode dst, String dstProp) { return DomUtil.findBinding( application, src, srcProp, dst, dstProp ); } /** * returns a list of bindings of the node for the property * @param src * @param srcProp * @return */ public List findBindings( DomNode src, String srcProp ) { return DomUtil.findBindings( application, src, srcProp ); } /** * Find the bindings that match given constraints. If a property name or node is null, then the * search is unconstrained. * @param src * @param srcProp * @param dst * @param dstProp * @return the BindingModel or null if it doesn't exist. */ public List findBindings(DomNode src, String srcProp, DomNode dst, String dstProp) { return DomUtil.findBindings( application, src, srcProp, dst, dstProp ); } public BindingModel[] getBindingsFor(DomNode node) { List results= findBindings( node, null, null, null ); return results.toArray( new BindingModel[results.size()] ); } /** * return the dom element (plot,axis,etc) with this id. * @param id * @return the DomNode with this id. */ public DomNode getElementById( String id ) { return DomUtil.getElementById(this.application, id ); } protected String status = ""; public static final String PROP_STATUS = "status"; /** * clients can get status here. * @return the last status message. * @see #waitUntilIdle() */ public String getStatus() { return status; } /** * clients can send messages to here. The message may be conventionally * prefixed with "busy:" "error:" or "warning:" (And these will be displayed * as icons, for example, in the view.) * * @param status */ public void setStatus(String status) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} (status message)", status); String oldStatus = this.status; this.status = status; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_STATUS, oldStatus, status); } protected String focusUri = ""; /** * property focusUri is the uri that has gained focus. This can be the datasource uri, or the location of the .vap file. * @see #VALUE_BLUR_FOCUS */ public static final String PROP_FOCUSURI = "focusUri"; public String getFocusUri() { return focusUri; } public void setFocusUri(String focusUri) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "setFocusUri({0})", focusUri); if (focusUri == null) { focusUri = ""; } String oldFocusUri = this.focusUri; this.focusUri = focusUri; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FOCUSURI, oldFocusUri, focusUri); } /** * return a plot that is immediately above the given plot. This * encapsulates the layout model, and implementation should change. * @param p * @return */ public Plot getPlotAbove(Plot p) { return getPlot( p, LayoutConstants.ABOVE ); } /** * return a plot that is immediately below the given plot. This * encapsulates the layout model, and implementation should change. * @param p * @return */ public Plot getPlotBelow(Plot p) { return getPlot( p, LayoutConstants.BELOW ); } public Plot getNextPlotHoriz( Plot p, Object dir ) { Column r= getCanvas().getController().getColumnFor(p); Column left= getCanvas().getController().getColumn(r,dir); if ( left==null ) return null; int n = application.getPlots().length; Plot best= null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final Plot p1 = application.getPlots(i); if (p1.getColumnId().equals( left.getId() ) ) { if ( best==null ) { best= p1; } else { if ( p1.getRowId().equals( p.getRowId() ) ) { best= p1; } } } } return best; } public Plot getPlot( Plot p, Object dir ) { Row r= getCanvas().getController().getRowFor(p); Row above= getCanvas().getController().getRow(r,dir); if ( above==null ) return null; int n = application.getPlots().length; Plot best= null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final Plot p1 = application.getPlots(i); if (p1.getRowId().equals( above.getId() ) ) { if ( best==null ) { best= p1; } else { if ( p1.getColumnId().equals( p.getColumnId() ) ) { best= p1; } } } } return best; } /** * return the plotId containing this plotElement. * @param element * @return the Plot or null if no plotId is found. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the element is not a child of the application */ public Plot getPlotFor(PlotElement element) { String id = element.getPlotId(); Plot result = null; for (Plot p : application.getPlots()) { if (p.getId().equals(id)) { result = p; } } return result; } /** * return the PlotElements for the plot, if any. * @param plot * @return list of PlotElements. */ public List getPlotElementsFor(Plot plot) { return DomUtil.getPlotElementsFor( application, plot ); } /** * return the DataSourceFilter for the plotElement, or null if none exists. * @param element * @return the DataSourceFilter to which the plot element refers, or null. * @see #getFirstPlotFor(org.autoplot.dom.DataSourceFilter) */ public DataSourceFilter getDataSourceFilterFor(PlotElement element) { String id = element.getDataSourceFilterId(); DataSourceFilter result = null; for (DataSourceFilter dsf : application.getDataSourceFilters()) { if (dsf.getId().equals(id)) { result = dsf; } } return result; } /** * return the PlotElements using the DataSourceFilter. This does not * return indirect (via vap+internal) references. * @param dsf the data source filter. * @return return the PlotElements for the data source filter, if any. */ public List getPlotElementsFor(DataSourceFilter dsf) { String id = dsf.getId(); List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlotElement pe : application.getPlotElements()) { if (pe.getDataSourceFilterId().equals(id)) { result.add(pe); } } return result; } /** * find the first plot that is connected to this data, following vap+internal * links. This is used, for example, to get a timerange to control the DSF. * @param dsf * @return */ public Plot getFirstPlotFor( DataSourceFilter dsf ) { String lookFor= dsf.getId(); PlotElement f= null; for ( PlotElement pe : application.plotElements ) { if ( pe.getDataSourceFilterId().equals(lookFor) ) { f= pe; } } Pattern p= Pattern.compile("vap\\+internal:([a-z][a-z_0-9]*)(,([a-z][a-z_0-9]*))*"); if ( f==null ) { // no one refers to dsf directly, look for vap+internal: for ( DataSourceFilter dsf1: application.getDataSourceFilters() ) { if ( dsf1.getUri().length()>0 ) { Matcher m= p.matcher(dsf1.getUri()); if ( m.matches() ) { int n= m.groupCount()+1; for ( int i=1; i nodes, String pattern ) { int min= -1; Pattern p= Pattern.compile(pattern); for ( DomNode n: nodes ) { Matcher m= p.matcher(n.getId()); if ( m.matches() ) { int idNum= Integer.parseInt( ); if (idNum>min ) min= idNum; } } return min; } /** * reset the sequence id numbers based on the number if instances in the * application. For example, we sync to a new state, so the id numbers * are now invalid. */ private void resetIdSequenceNumbers() { List nodes; nodes= DomUtil.findElementsById( application, ".+_(\\d+)" ); rowIdNum.set( maxIdNum( nodes, "row_(\\d+)" )+1 ); columnIdNum.set( maxIdNum( nodes, "column_(\\d+)" )+1 ); dsfIdNum.set( maxIdNum( nodes, "data_(\\d+)") + 1 ); canvasIdNum.set( maxIdNum( nodes, "canvas_(\\d+)" ) + 1 ); plotElementIdNum.set( maxIdNum( nodes, "plotElement_(\\d+)" ) + 1 ); plotIdNum.set( maxIdNum( nodes, "plot_(\\d+)" ) + 1 ); } /** focus **/ protected PlotElement plotElement; public static final String PROP_PLOT_ELEMENT = "plotElement"; /** * return the focus plot element * @return the focus plot element */ public PlotElement getPlotElement() { return plotElement; } /** * set the focus plot element * @param plotElement the new focus plot element. */ public void setPlotElement(PlotElement plotElement) { PlotElement oldPlotElement = this.plotElement; if ( plotElement==null ) { setStatus("no plot element selected"); } else { setStatus(plotElement + " selected"); if ( plotElement!=oldPlotElement ) { getCanvas().controller.indicateSelection( Collections.singletonList((DomNode)plotElement) ); } if ( plotElement!=oldPlotElement ) { Plot lplot= getPlotFor(plotElement); if ( lplot!=null && lplot.getController()!=null ) { JMenuItem mi= lplot.getController().getPlotElementPropsMenuItem(); if ( mi!=null && plotElement.getController()!=null && plotElement.getController().getRenderer()!=null ) mi.setIcon( plotElement.getController().getRenderer().getListIcon() ); } } } if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() && ( oldPlotElement!=plotElement ) ) { Logger.getLogger("gui").log(Level.FINE, "set plotElement {0}", plotElement); } this.plotElement = plotElement; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PLOT_ELEMENT, oldPlotElement, plotElement); } /** * focus plot. */ protected Plot plot; public static final String PROP_PLOT = "plot"; public Plot getPlot() { return plot; } /** * This can take a while and should not be called on the event thread. * @param plot */ public void setPlot(Plot plot) { if ( plot==null ) { logger.warning("setPlot(null)"); } Plot oldPlot = this.plot; if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() && ( oldPlot!=plot ) ) { Logger.getLogger("gui").log(Level.FINE, "set plot {0}", plot); } this.plot = plot; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PLOT, oldPlot, plot); } /** * focus canvas. */ protected Canvas canvas; public static final String PROP_CANVAS = "canvas"; /** * focus canvas. Note there is only one canvas allowed (for now). * @return the focus canvas. */ public Canvas getCanvas() { return canvas; } /** * set focus canvas, which must be the one of the canvas the application * knows about. * @param canvas the new focus canvas. */ public void setCanvas(Canvas canvas) { Canvas oldCanvas = getCanvas(); if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() && ( oldCanvas!=canvas ) ) { Logger.getLogger("gui").log(Level.FINE, "set canvas {0}", canvas); } this.canvas = canvas; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CANVAS, oldCanvas, canvas); } /** * focus dataSourceFilter. */ protected DataSourceFilter dataSourceFilter; /** * focus dataSourceFilter. */ public static final String PROP_DATASOURCEFILTER = "dataSourceFilter"; /** * return focus dataSourceFilter. * @return the focus dataSourceFilter. */ public DataSourceFilter getDataSourceFilter() { return dataSourceFilter; } /** * set the focus dataSourceFilter. * @param dataSourceFilter the focus dataSourceFilter. */ public void setDataSourceFilter(DataSourceFilter dataSourceFilter) { DataSourceFilter oldDataSourceFilter = this.dataSourceFilter; this.dataSourceFilter = dataSourceFilter; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATASOURCEFILTER, oldDataSourceFilter, dataSourceFilter); } private void bindTo(DasCanvas canvas) { ApplicationController ac = this; ac.bind(application.options, "background", canvas, "background" ); ac.bind(application.options, "foreground", canvas, "foreground" ); ac.bind(application.options, "canvasFont", canvas, "baseFont", DomUtil.STRING_TO_FONT ); } /** * synchronize to the state "that" excluding any properties listed. * @param that the state * @param exclude list of properties to skip (e.g. options) */ protected void syncTo( Application that, List exclude ) { DomLock lock = changesSupport.mutatorLock(); lock.lock( "Sync to Application" ); Lock canvasLock = getCanvas().controller.getDasCanvas().mutatorLock(); canvasLock.lock(); try { if ( !exclude.contains("options") ) application.getOptions().syncTo(that.getOptions(), Arrays.asList(Options.PROP_OVERRENDERING, Options.PROP_LOGCONSOLEVISIBLE, Options.PROP_SCRIPTVISIBLE, Options.PROP_SERVERENABLED)); Map nameMap= new HashMap() { @Override public String get(Object key) { String result= super.get(key); return (result==null) ? (String)key : result; } }; if ( ! ) ) nameMap.put(, ); if ( !exclude.contains("canvases") ) syncSupport.syncToCanvases(that.getCanvases(),nameMap); if ( !exclude.contains("plots") ) syncSupport.syncToPlots( that.getPlots(),nameMap ); if ( !exclude.contains("dataSourceFilters") ) syncSupport.syncToDataSourceFilters(that.getDataSourceFilters(), nameMap); if ( !exclude.contains("plotElements") ) syncSupport.syncToPlotElements(that.getPlotElements(), nameMap); application.setTimeRange(that.getTimeRange()); application.setEventsListUri(that.getEventsListUri()); syncSupport.syncBindings( that.getBindings(), nameMap ); syncSupport.syncConnectors(that.getConnectors()); syncSupport.syncAnnotations( that.getAnnotations() ); resetIdSequenceNumbers(); } finally { canvasLock.unlock(); lock.unlock(); } for (PlotElement p : application.getPlotElements()) { // kludge to avoid reset range p.controller.setResetPlotElement(false); // see p.controller.setResetComponent(false); //p.controller.setResetRanges(false); //p.controller.doResetRenderType( p.getRenderType() ); p.controller.setResetRenderType(false); p.controller.setDsfReset(true); // dataSourcesShould be resolved. } for (DataSourceFilter dsf: application.getDataSourceFilters() ) { dsf.controller.setResetDimensions(false); } // System.err.println( "bindings size: " + this.application.bindings.size() + " should be: " + that.bindings.size() ); // if ( this.application.bindings.size()!=that.bindings.size() ) { // for ( int i=0; i0; } /** * return true if the plot has the time series browse capability, meaning * something will go off and load more data if the time range is changed. * Note the TSB may be connected to the plot's context property, and * the x-axis is not a time axis. * @param p the plot. * @return true if the plot has the time series browse. */ public boolean isTimeSeriesBrowse(Plot p) { List dsfs= DomUtil.getDataSourceFiltersFor( application, p ); for ( DataSourceFilter dsf: dsfs ) { if ( dsf!=null ) { DataSourceController dsfc= dsf.getController(); if ( dsfc!=null && dsfc.getTsb()!=null ) { return true; } } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "bad dataset id for plot: {0}", p.getId()); } } return false; } private int pendingChangeCount = 0; public static final String PROP_PENDINGCHANGECOUNT = "pendingChangeCount"; /** * get the number of pending changes. 0 means the application is idle. * @return get the number of pending changes. */ public int getPendingChangeCount() { return pendingChangeCount; } public void setPendingChangeCount(int pendingChangeCount) { int oldPendingChangeCount = this.pendingChangeCount; this.pendingChangeCount = pendingChangeCount; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PENDINGCHANGECOUNT, oldPendingChangeCount, pendingChangeCount); } }