package org.das2.qds; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.EnumerationUnits; import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsConverter; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; //import static org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil.isConstant; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; /** * Common expressions that apply semantics to QDataSet. Introduced * to reduce a lot of repeated code, but also to make it clear where semantics * are being applied. * @author jbf */ public final class SemanticOps { /** * this is a utility class which cannot be instantiated. */ private SemanticOps() { } private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("qdataset.ops"); private static final String CLASSNAME= SemanticOps.class.getName(); /** * returns the units found in the UNITS property of the dataset, * or Units.dimensionless if it is not found. * @param ds * @return the units found in the dataset, or Units.dimensionless. */ public static Units getUnits(QDataSet ds) { if ( ds==null ) { throw new NullPointerException("ds is null"); // breakpoint here } Units u = (Units); if ( u==null && ( ds.rank()>1 &&!=null ) ) { u= (Units) ds.slice(0).property(QDataSet.UNITS); } return u == null ? Units.dimensionless : u; } /** * return the UnitsConverter that will convert data from src to the units of dst. * @param src the dataset from which we get the original units. * @param dst the dataset from which we get the destination units. * @return the UnitsConverter * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public static UnitsConverter getUnitsConverter( QDataSet src, QDataSet dst ) { Units usrc= getUnits(src); Units udst= getUnits(dst); return usrc.getConverter(udst); } /** * returns the UnitsConverter, or IDENTITY if the converter cannot be found * and one of the two units is dimensionless. * @param src the dataset from which we get the original units. * @param dst the dataset from which we get the destination units. * @return the UnitsConverter * @throws InconvertibleUnitsException when it just can't be done (EnumerationUnits and Ratiometric) */ public static UnitsConverter getLooseUnitsConverter( QDataSet src, QDataSet dst ) { Units usrc= getUnits(src); Units udst= getUnits(dst); try { return usrc.getConverter(udst); } catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) { if ( UnitsUtil.isRatioMeasurement(usrc) && UnitsUtil.isRatioMeasurement(udst) ) { if ( Units.dimensionless==usrc || Units.dimensionless==udst ) { return UnitsConverter.LOOSE_IDENTITY; } else { throw ex; } } else { throw ex; } } } /** * return the labels for a bundle dataset. For a rank 2 bundle, this * will be found in BUNDLE_1, or legacy ones may have nominal data for DEPEND_1. * For a rank 1 bundle this will be BUNDLE_0. * @param ds rank 1 or rank 2 bundle. * @return the column names. */ public static String[] getComponentNames(QDataSet ds) { int n = ds.length(0); QDataSet bdesc; switch (ds.rank()) { case 2: bdesc= (QDataSet); break; case 1: bdesc= (QDataSet); break; default: bdesc= null; break; } if ( bdesc!=null && bdesc.rank()==2 ) { String[] result= new String[n]; for ( int i=0; i1 && isConstant(labels) ) { // labels= labels.slice(0); //} for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ( labels.rank()>1 ) { slabels[i] = "ch_" + i; } else { slabels[i] = String.valueOf(u.createDatum(labels.value(i))); } } return slabels; } } /** * return the labels for a dataset where DEPEND_1 is a bundle dimension. * Look for the BUNDLE_1. * @param ds * @return */ public static String[] getComponentLabels(QDataSet ds) { int n = ds.length(0); QDataSet bdesc= (QDataSet); if ( bdesc!=null && bdesc.rank()==2 ) { String[] result= new String[n]; for ( int i=0; i1 ) { slabels[i] = "ch_"+i; } else { slabels[i] = String.valueOf(u.createDatum(labels.value(i))); } } return slabels; } } /** * lookupUnits canonical units object, or allocate one. * Examples include: * @param sunits string identifier. * @return canonical units object. * @deprecated use Units.lookupUnits */ public static synchronized Units lookupUnits(String sunits) { return Units.lookupUnits(sunits); } /** * return canonical das2 unit for colloquial time. * @param s * @throws java.text.ParseException * @deprecated use Units.lookupTimeLengthUnit * @return */ public static Units lookupTimeLengthUnit(String s) throws ParseException { return Units.lookupTimeLengthUnit(s); } /** * lookupUnits canonical units object, or allocate one. If one is * allocated, then parse for "<unit> since <datum>" and add conversion to * "microseconds since 2000-001T00:00" (us2000). Note leap seconds are ignored * in the returned units, so each day is 86400 seconds long. * @param units string like "microseconds since 2000-001T00:00" * @return a units object that implements. * @throws java.text.ParseException * @deprecated use Units.lookupTimeUnits */ public static synchronized Units lookupTimeUnits( String units ) throws ParseException { return Units.lookupTimeUnits(units); } /** * lookupUnits canonical units object, or allocate one. If one is * allocated, then parse for "<unit> since <datum>" and add conversion to * "microseconds since 2000-001T00:00." Note leap seconds are ignored! * @param base the base time, for example 2000-001T00:00. * @param offsetUnits the offset units for example microseconds. Positive values of the units will be since the base time. * @return the unit. * @deprecated use Units.lookupTimeUnits */ public static synchronized Units lookupTimeUnits( Datum base, Units offsetUnits ) { return Units.lookupTimeUnits(base,offsetUnits); } public static boolean isRank1Bundle(QDataSet ds) { if ( ds.rank()!=1 ) return false; if (!=null ) { return true; } else { QDataSet dep= (QDataSet); if ( dep==null ) return false; Units depu= getUnits(dep); return depu instanceof EnumerationUnits; } } /** * Test for bundle scheme. Returns true if the BUNDLE_1 is set. * @param ds * @return true if the dataset is a bundle */ public static boolean isBundle(QDataSet ds) { return ds.rank()==2 &&!=null && !isRank2Waveform(ds); } /** * Test for rank 2 waveform dataset, where DEPEND_1 is offset from DEPEND_0, and the data is the waveform. * DEPEND_1 must be at least 128 elements long. * DEPEND_1 must not be dimensionless. * @param fillDs * @return */ public static boolean isRank2Waveform(QDataSet fillDs ) { if ( fillDs.rank()==2 ) { QDataSet dep0= (QDataSet); QDataSet dep1= (QDataSet); if ( dep0!=null && dep1!=null && ( ( dep1.rank()==1 && dep1.length()>=QDataSet.MIN_WAVEFORM_LENGTH ) || ( dep1.rank()==2 && dep1.length(0)>=QDataSet.MIN_WAVEFORM_LENGTH ) ) ) { Units dep0units= SemanticOps.getUnits( dep0 ); Units dep1units= SemanticOps.getUnits( dep1 ); if ( dep0units!=Units.dimensionless && dep1units.isConvertibleTo( dep0units.getOffsetUnits() ) ) { if ( dep0units!=dep1units ) { return true; } else { return Units.seconds.isConvertibleTo(dep0units); // Only with time offsets is this allowed. (, slice0.) } } } } return false; } /** * Test for rank 3 dataset that is a join of rank 2 waveform datasets. * @param ds * @return */ public static boolean isRank3JoinOfRank2Waveform( QDataSet ds ) { return ( ds.rank()==3 && isJoin(ds) && isRank2Waveform( ds.slice(0) ) ); } /** * See Ops.isLegacyBundle * @param zds * @return */ public static boolean isLegacyBundle( QDataSet zds ) { if ( zds.rank()==2 ) { QDataSet dep1= (QDataSet); if ( dep1!=null ) { Units u= (Units); if ( u instanceof EnumerationUnits ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Test for bins scheme, where BINS_1 (or BINS_0) is set. * This is where a two-element index is min, max. * Note the BINS dimension must be the last index of the QDataSet. * @param ds * @return */ public static boolean isBins(QDataSet ds ) { String binsProp= (String) "BINS_"+(ds.rank()-1) ); boolean bins= binsProp!=null && ( QDataSet.VALUE_BINS_MIN_MAX.equals( binsProp ) || "min,maxInclusive".equals( binsProp ) ); return bins; } /** * returns true if the dataset indicates that it is monotonically * increasing. See DataSetUtil.isMonotonic. * @param ds * @return */ public static boolean isMonotonic( QDataSet ds ) { return DataSetUtil.isMonotonic(ds); } /** * returns true if the dataset is rank 2 or greater with the first dimension a join dimension. * Note this does not return true for implicit joins, where JOIN_0 is not set. * @param ds * @return */ public static boolean isJoin( QDataSet ds ) { return ds.rank()>1 &&!=null; } /** * returns the plane requested by name, or null if it does not exist. * If the name is PLANE_i, then return PLANE_i, otherwise return * the dataset with this name. * Note QDataSet has the rule that if PLANE_i is null, then all PLANE_(i+1) * must also be null. * @param ds * @param name * @return */ public static QDataSet getPlanarView( QDataSet ds, String name ) { if ( QDataSet.PLANE_0 )==null ) return null; // typical case, get them out of here quickly if ( name.equals("") ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty name"); if ( name.charAt(0)=='P' && Pattern.matches( "PLANE_(\\d|\\d\\d)", name ) ) { return (QDataSet); } int i=0; while ( i2 ) { // support only RPWS rank 3 array of spectrograms. QDataSet xds= xtagsDataSet( ds.slice(0) ); JoinDataSet result= new JoinDataSet(xds); for ( int i=1; i *
  • rank 2 spectrogram: Z[X,Y] → Y *
  • bundle_1: ds[ :, [x,y,z] ] → y *
  • [x,y,z] → y * * TODO: consider that these break duck typing goal, and really need a scheme * to tell it how to get the dataset. * @param ds the dataset * @return the ytags */ public static QDataSet ytagsDataSet( QDataSet ds ) { QDataSet dep1= (QDataSet); if ( dep1!=null ) { if ( SemanticOps.getUnits(dep1) instanceof EnumerationUnits ) { if ( dep1.length()==1 ) { return DataSetOps.slice1(ds,0);// Juno returned a one-element } else { return DataSetOps.slice1(ds,1); } } else { return dep1; } } else if ( isBundle(ds) ) { if ( ds.length(0)==1 ) { // test003_008 would use rank2 dataSet[IsoDat...=1441,1] to indicate Y(T). return DataSetOps.unbundle(ds,0); } else { return DataSetOps.unbundle( ds, 1 ); } } else if ( isLegacyBundle(ds) ) { return DataSetOps.unbundle(ds,1); } else if ( isJoin(ds)) { QDataSet yds= ytagsDataSet( ds.slice(0) ); JoinDataSet result= new JoinDataSet(yds); for ( int i=1; i0 && && ds.rank()>1 &&,0)!=null ) { // For Juno pktid=91 if ( DataSetUtil.isQube(ds) ) { return xtagsDataSet( ds.slice(0) ); } else { QDataSet yds= xtagsDataSet( ds.slice(0) ); JoinDataSet result= new JoinDataSet(yds); for ( int i=1; i * rank 2 Tablesextent(X),extent(Y) and Z is not represented * rank 3 array of tablesextent(X),extent(Y) and Z is not represented * rank 1 Y(X)extent(X),extent(Y) * not for rank 2 bundle dataset * not for rank 1 bundle dataset * * The zeroth dimension will be the physical dimension of the DEPEND_0 values. Or said another way: * * * *
    bounds[0,0]= X minbounds[0,1] = X maxbounds.slice(0) is the extent of X
    bounds[1,0]= Y minbounds[1,1] = Y maxbounds.slice(1) is the extent of Y
    * * @param ds rank 2 dataset with BINS_1="min,maxInclusive" * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the dataset scheme is not supported * @return */ public static QDataSet bounds( QDataSet ds ) { logger.entering( CLASSNAME, "bounds" ); QDataSet result= (QDataSet) DataSetAnnotations.getInstance().getAnnotation( ds, DataSetAnnotations.ANNOTATION_BOUNDS ); if ( result!=null ) { logger.exiting( CLASSNAME, "bounds" ); return result; } QDataSet xrange; QDataSet yrange; if ( ds.rank()==2 ) { if ( &&!=null && ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("scheme not supported: "+ds ); } else { xrange= Ops.extent( SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds), null ); yrange= Ops.extent( SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds), null ); } } else if ( ds.rank()==3 ) { QDataSet ds1= ds.slice(0); xrange= Ops.extent( SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds1), null ); yrange= Ops.extent( SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds1), null ); for ( int i=1; i
         *    X,Y   -->  Y(X)
         *    X,Y,Z -->  Z(X,Y)
    * * @param ds * @return */ public static boolean isSimpleBundleDataSet( QDataSet ds ) { return ds.rank()==2 && (!=null ); } /** * returns true if the dataset is a time series. This is either something that has DEPEND_0 as a dataset with time * location units, or a join of other datasets that are time series. * @param ds * @return */ public static boolean isTimeSeries( QDataSet ds ) { if ( isJoin(ds) ) { return isTimeSeries( ds.slice(0) ); } else { QDataSet dep0= (QDataSet); return dep0!=null && UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( SemanticOps.getUnits(dep0) ); } } /** * returns the Double value of the number, preserving null and NaN. * @param value * @return */ public static Double doubleValue( Number value ) { if ( value==null ) return null; return value.doubleValue(); } /** * returns the value as a datum. Note this should be used with reservation, * this is not very efficient when the operation is done many times. * @param ds * @param d * @return */ public static Datum getDatum( QDataSet ds, double d ) { Units u = SemanticOps.getUnits(ds); Double vmin= doubleValue( (Number) QDataSet.VALID_MIN ) ); Double vmax= doubleValue( (Number) QDataSet.VALID_MAX ) ); Double fill= doubleValue( (Number) QDataSet.FILL_VALUE ) ); if ( vmin!=null ) if ( vmin>d ) return u.getFillDatum(); if ( vmax!=null ) if ( vmax0 ) { jds.join( t1 ); } } DataSetUtil.putProperties( DataSetUtil.getProperties(ds), jds ); return jds; } else if ( rank==2 ) { if ( isRank2Waveform(ds) ) { QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds.slice(0)); QDataSet ydsMax= DataSetUtil.asDataSet( yds.value( yds.length()-1 ), SemanticOps.getUnits(yds) ); QDataSet xinside= xrange==null ? null : Ops.and( Ops.add( xds, ydsMax ), DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.min()) ), Ops.le( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.max()) ) ); SubsetDataSet sds= new SubsetDataSet(ds); if ( xinside!=null ) sds.applyIndex( 0, Ops.where(xinside) ); //TODO: consider the use of trim which would be more efficient. return sds; } else if ( isSimpleTableDataSet(ds) ) { QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds.slice(0)); QDataSet xinside= xrange==null ? null : Ops.and( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.min()) ), Ops.le( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.max()) ) ); QDataSet yinside= yrange==null ? null : Ops.and( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.min()) ), Ops.le( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.max()) ) ); SubsetDataSet sds= new SubsetDataSet(ds); if ( xinside!=null ) sds.applyIndex( 0, Ops.where(xinside) ); //TODO: consider the use of trim which would be more efficient. if ( yinside!=null ) sds.applyIndex( 1, Ops.where(yinside) ); return sds; } else if ( isBundle(ds) ) { QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds); QDataSet xinside= xrange==null ? null : Ops.and( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.min()) ), Ops.le( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.max()) ) ); //QDataSet yinside= null; //yrange==null ? null : //Ops.and( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.min()) ), Ops.le( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.max()) ) ); QDataSet ok; SubsetDataSet sds= new SubsetDataSet(ds); if ( xrange==null && yrange==null ) { return ds; } else if ( xrange==null ) { //ok= Ops.where( yinside ); //sds.applyIndex( 1, ok ); return ds; // this is because we can't easily search the ytags. } else if ( yrange==null ) { ok= Ops.where( xinside ); sds.applyIndex( 0, ok ); } else { logger.fine( "yds is being ignored, not sure why..."); //ok= Ops.where( Ops.and( xinside, yinside ) ); ok= Ops.where( xinside ); sds.applyIndex( 0, ok ); } return sds; } else { // copy over elements where QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.getDependentDataSet(ds); QDataSet xinside= xrange==null ? null : Ops.and( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.min()) ), Ops.le( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.max()) ) ); //QDataSet yinside= null; //yrange==null ? null : //Ops.and( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.min()) ), Ops.le( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.max()) ) ); QDataSet ok; SubsetDataSet sds= new SubsetDataSet(ds); if ( xrange==null && yrange==null ) { return ds; } else if ( xrange==null ) { //ok= Ops.where( yinside ); //sds.applyIndex( 1, ok ); return ds; // this is because we can't easily search the ytags. } else if ( yrange==null ) { ok= Ops.where( xinside ); sds.applyIndex( 0, ok ); } else { logger.fine( "yds is being ignored, not sure why..."); //ok= Ops.where( Ops.and( xinside, yinside ) ); ok= Ops.where( xinside ); sds.applyIndex( 0, ok ); } return sds; } } else if ( rank==1 ) { QDataSet xds= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds); QDataSet yds= SemanticOps.getDependentDataSet(ds); QDataSet xinside= null; if ( DataSetUtil.isMonotonic(xds) && ) { // TODO: validmin validmax... if ( xrange!=null ) { int i= DataSetUtil.xTagBinarySearch( xds, xrange.min(), 0, xds.length()-1 ); if ( i<0 ) { i= -1 * ( i + 1 ); } int j= DataSetUtil.xTagBinarySearch( xds, xrange.max(), i, xds.length()-1 ); if ( j<0 ) { j= -1 * ( j + 1 ); } if ( yrange==null ) { return ds.trim(i,j); // optimization for waveforms... } else { int[] back= new int[ xds.length() ]; if ( j==xds.length() ) j= xds.length()-1; // bugfix: if xrange.max is gt last point. for ( int ii=i; ii<=j; ii++ ) { back[ii]= 1; } xinside= IDataSet.wrap(back); } } } else { if ( xds.rank()==2 && SemanticOps.isBins(xds) ) { QDataSet xmin= Ops.slice1( xds, 0 ); QDataSet xmax= Ops.slice1( xds, 1 ); xinside= xrange==null ? null : Ops.and( xmax, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.min()) ), Ops.le( xmin, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.max()) ) ); } else { xinside= xrange==null ? null : Ops.and( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.min()) ), Ops.le( xds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(xrange.max()) ) ); } } QDataSet yinside= yrange==null ? null : Ops.and( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.min()) ), Ops.le( yds, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(yrange.max()) ) ); QDataSet ok; if ( xrange==null ) { ok= Ops.where( yinside ); } else if ( yrange==null ) { ok= Ops.where( xinside ); } else { ok= Ops.where( Ops.and( xinside, yinside ) ); } SubsetDataSet sds= new SubsetDataSet(ds); sds.applyIndex( 0, ok ); return sds; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported: "+ds); } } /** * return a dataset with 1's where the cadence following this measurement is acceptable, and 0's where * there should be a break in the data. For example, here's some pseudocode: *
         *   findex= Ops.interpolate( xds, x )
         *   cadenceCheck= cadenceCheck(xds)
         *   r= where( cadenceCheck[floor(findex)] eq 0 )
         *   x[r]= fill
    * Presently this just uses guessXTagWidth to get the cadence, but this may allow a future version to support * mode changes. * * The result is a dataset with the same length, and the last element is always 1. * * @see Ops#valid which checks for fill and valid_min, valid_max. * @param tds rank 1 dataset of length N. * @param ds dataset dependent on tds and used to detect valid measurements, or null. * @return dataset with length N */ public static QDataSet cadenceCheck( QDataSet tds, QDataSet ds ) { Datum cadence= guessXTagWidth( tds, ds ); cadence= cadence.multiply(1.1); QDataSet diffs= Ops.diff(tds); QDataSet result= (MutablePropertyDataSet) diffs, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(cadence) ); // cheat cast if ( !( result instanceof ArrayDataSet ) ) { result= ArrayDataSet.copy(result); } ArrayDataSet aresult= ((ArrayDataSet)result); ArrayDataSet one= ArrayDataSet.createRank1( aresult.getComponentType(), 1 ); one.putValue(0,1.0); DataSetUtil.copyDimensionProperties( aresult,one ); result= ArrayDataSet.append( aresult, one ); result= tds, result ); return result; } private static final Map propertyTypes= new HashMap(); static { propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.UNITS, Units.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.TYPICAL_MIN, Number.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.TYPICAL_MAX, Number.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.VALID_MIN, Number.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.VALID_MAX, Number.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.FILL_VALUE, Number.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.ELEMENT_DIMENSIONS, int[].class ); // this will probably cause grief, Integer[] vs int[] propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.CACHE_TAG, org.das2.datum.CacheTag.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.CADENCE, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.DEPEND_2, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.DEPEND_3, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.BUNDLE_0, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.BUNDLE_1, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.DELTA_PLUS, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.DELTA_MINUS, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.BIN_PLUS, QDataSet.class ); propertyTypes.put( QDataSet.BIN_MINUS, QDataSet.class ); } /** * verify property types. For example, that UNITS is a org.das2.datum.Units, etc. * Returns true for unrecognized property names (future expansion) and null. If * throwException is true, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * @param prop the property name, e.g. QDataSet.CADENCE * @param value the candidate value for the property. * @param throwException if true, throw descriptive exception instead of returning false. * @return */ public static boolean checkPropertyType( String prop, Object value, boolean throwException ) { Class typ= propertyTypes.get(prop); if ( typ==null || value==null || typ.isAssignableFrom( value.getClass() ) ) { return true; } else { if ( throwException ) { String styp= typ.toString(); if ( typ==Number.class ) { styp="Number"; } else if ( typ==QDataSet.class ) { styp="QDataSet"; } if ( value instanceof String ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad value for property "+prop+": \""+value+"\", expected "+styp ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad value for property "+prop+": "+value+", expected "+styp ); } } else { return false; } } } }