/* * NetCDFDataSource.java * * Created on April 4, 2007, 7:03 AM * * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.autoplot.netCDF; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.das2.datum.LoggerManager; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.autoplot.datasource.AbstractDataSource; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory; import org.autoplot.datasource.MetadataModel; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.util.TransposeRankNDataSet; import org.autoplot.metatree.IstpMetadataModel; import ucar.nc2.Attribute; import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile; import ucar.nc2.Structure; import ucar.nc2.Variable; import ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset; import ucar.nc2.ncml.NcMLReader; /** * Read Data from NetCDF and HDF5 files. * @author jbf */ public class NetCDFDataSource extends AbstractDataSource { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.netcdf"); protected static final String PARAM_WHERE = "where"; protected static final String PARAM_X = "x"; protected static final String PARAM_Y = "y"; private Variable variable; /** * if non-null, the variable to use for the where filter. */ private Variable whereVariable; private Variable xVariable; private Variable yVariable; private String sMyUrl; private String svariable; private String swhereVariable; private String sxVariable; private String syVariable; private NetcdfDataset ncfile; private String constraint; // null, or string like [:,:,4,5] /* static { try { NetcdfFile.registerIOProvider("org.autoplot.netCDF.APIOServiceProvider"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } */ /** * Creates a new instance of NetCDFDataSource * @param uri the URI to read. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public NetCDFDataSource( URI uri ) throws IOException { super(uri); parseUrl(); } private void parseUrl() { String surl= DataSetURI.fromUri(uri); int i= surl.lastIndexOf('?'); if ( i>-1 ) { sMyUrl= surl.substring(0, i); } else { sMyUrl= surl; } if ( i==-1 ) { svariable= null; } else { // get the variable Map p= getParams(); if ( p.containsKey( "id" ) ) { svariable= (String) p.get( "id" ); } else { svariable= (String) p.get("arg_0"); } if ( svariable!=null ) { svariable= svariable.replaceAll(" ","+"); int ic= svariable.indexOf("["); if ( ic>-1 ) { constraint= svariable.substring(ic); svariable= svariable.substring(0,ic); } else { constraint= null; } } swhereVariable= p.get( PARAM_WHERE ); // may be null, typically is null. sxVariable= p.get( PARAM_X ); // may be null, typically is null. syVariable= p.get( PARAM_Y ); // may be null, typically is null. } } @Override public QDataSet getDataSet( ProgressMonitor mon) throws IOException, NoDataInIntervalException, ParseException { logger.entering("org.autoplot.netCDF.NetCDFDataSource", "getDataSet"); mon.started(); mon.setTaskSize(20); try { readData( mon.getSubtaskMonitor(0,15,"read data") ); QDataSet result= NetCdfVarDataSet.create( variable, constraint, ncfile, mon.getSubtaskMonitor(15,20,"copy over ") ); if ( sxVariable!=null && sxVariable.length()>0 ) { NetCdfVarDataSet xds= NetCdfVarDataSet.create( xVariable, constraint, ncfile, new NullProgressMonitor() ); result = Ops.link( xds, result ); } if ( syVariable!=null && syVariable.length()>0 ) { NetCdfVarDataSet yds= NetCdfVarDataSet.create( yVariable, constraint, ncfile, new NullProgressMonitor() ); result = Ops.link( result.property(QDataSet.DEPEND_0), yds, result ); } String w= (String)getParam(PARAM_WHERE,"" ); if ( w!=null && w.length()>0 ) { NetCdfVarDataSet whereParm= NetCdfVarDataSet.create( whereVariable, constraint, ncfile, new NullProgressMonitor() ); result = doWhereFilter( w, whereParm, DataSetOps.makePropertiesMutable(result) ); } result= checkLatLon(result); String unitsString= getParam("units", null ); if ( unitsString!=null ) { Units u = Units.lookupUnits(unitsString); result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.UNITS, u ); } String svalidMin= getParam("validMin",null ); if ( svalidMin!=null ) { Double validMin= Double.parseDouble(svalidMin); result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.VALID_MIN, validMin ); } String svalidMax= getParam("validMax",null ); if ( svalidMax!=null ) { Double validMax= Double.parseDouble(svalidMax); result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.VALID_MAX, validMax ); } String sfillValue= getParam("fillValue",null ); if ( sfillValue!=null ) { Double fillValue= Double.parseDouble(sfillValue); result= Ops.putProperty( result, QDataSet.FILL_VALUE, fillValue ); } logger.finer("ncfile.close()"); ncfile.close(); ncfile= null; return result; } finally { mon.finished(); logger.exiting("org.autoplot.netCDF.NetCDFDataSource", "getDataSet"); } } /** * check for lat and lon tags, transpose if lat come before lon. * @param v */ private QDataSet checkLatLon( QDataSet v ) { int lat=-1; int lon=-1; for ( int i=0; i-1 && lon>-1 && lat variables= (List)dataset.getVariables(); if ( svariable==null ) { for (Variable v : variables) { if ( !v.getDimension(0).getName().equals(v.getName()) ) { // search for dependent variable variable= v; break; } } if ( variable==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to identify dependent variable"); } else { for (Variable v : variables) { if ( v instanceof Structure ) { for ( Variable v2: ((Structure) v).getVariables() ) { if ( !v2.getDataType().isNumeric() ) continue; if ( v2.getName().replaceAll(" ","+").equals( svariable) ) { variable= v2; } } } else { if ( v.getName().replaceAll(" ", "+").equals( svariable ) ) { //TODO: verify this, it's probably going to cause problems now. variable= v; } } } if ( variable==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such variable: "+svariable); } if ( swhereVariable!=null ) { int i= swhereVariable.lastIndexOf("("); i= swhereVariable.lastIndexOf(".",i); String swv= swhereVariable.substring(0,i); for (Variable v : variables) { if ( v instanceof Structure ) { for ( Variable v2: ((Structure) v).getVariables() ) { if ( !v2.getDataType().isNumeric() ) continue; if ( v2.getName().replaceAll(" ","+").equals( swv ) ) { whereVariable= v2; } } } else { if ( v.getName().replaceAll(" ", "+").equals( swv ) ) { //TODO: verify this, it's probably going to cause problems now. whereVariable= v; } } } if ( whereVariable==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("where refers to unresolved variable: "+swv ); } if ( sxVariable!=null ) { for (Variable v : variables) { if ( v instanceof Structure ) { for ( Variable v2: ((Structure) v).getVariables() ) { if ( !v2.getDataType().isNumeric() ) continue; if ( v2.getName().replaceAll(" ","+").equals(sxVariable ) ) { xVariable= v2; } } } else { if ( v.getName().replaceAll(" ", "+").equals(sxVariable ) ) { //TODO: verify this, it's probably going to cause problems now. xVariable= v; } } } if ( xVariable==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("x refers to unresolved variable: "+sxVariable ); } if ( syVariable!=null ) { for (Variable v : variables) { if ( v instanceof Structure ) { for ( Variable v2: ((Structure) v).getVariables() ) { if ( !v2.getDataType().isNumeric() ) continue; if ( v2.getName().replaceAll(" ","+").equals( syVariable ) ) { yVariable= v2; } } } else { if ( v.getName().replaceAll(" ", "+").equals( syVariable ) ) { //TODO: verify this, it's probably going to cause problems now. yVariable= v; } } } if ( yVariable==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("y refers to unresolved variable: "+syVariable ); } } finally { mon.finished(); } } public static DataSourceFactory getFactory() { return new NetCDFDataSourceFactory(); } @Override public Map getMetadata( ProgressMonitor mon ) throws Exception { logger.entering("org.autoplot.netCDF.NetCDFDataSource", "getMetadata"); mon.started(); try { mon.setProgressMessage("reading metadata"); readData( mon.getSubtaskMonitor("readData") ); List attr; logger.finer("variable.getAttributes()"); attr= variable.getAttributes(); if ( attr==null ) { logger.finer("attr was null"); return null; } // transient state Map result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Object attr1 : attr) { Attribute at = (Attribute) attr1; result.put( at.getName(), at.getStringValue() ); } try { if ( ncfile!=null ) { logger.finer("ncfile.close()"); ncfile.close(); ncfile= null; } } catch ( IOException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, ex ); } return result; } finally { mon.finished(); logger.exiting("org.autoplot.netCDF.NetCDFDataSource", "getMetadata"); } } @Override public MetadataModel getMetadataModel() { if ( true ) { return MetadataModel.createNullModel(); } else { if ( variable==null ) { try { readData(new NullProgressMonitor()); // sometimes we come in here from MetadataPanel.updateProperties before reading the data } catch (IOException ex) { logger.info("exception when trying to readData to test for ISTP props, returning null model"); return MetadataModel.createNullModel(); } } MetadataModel result= MetadataModel.createNullModel(); logger.finer("getVariable().getAttributes()"); List attr= variable.getAttributes(); if ( attr==null ) return null; // transient state for (Object attr1 : attr) { Attribute at = (Attribute) attr1; if ( at.getName().equals("VAR_TYPE") ) { result= new IstpMetadataModel(); } } try { if ( ncfile!=null ) { logger.finer("ncfile.close()"); ncfile.close(); ncfile= null; } } catch ( IOException ex ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING,null,ex); } return result; } } }