/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.autoplot.dom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.autoplot.RenderType; /** * Represents the method for painting data on to a plot, and filters that * are applied to the data before plotting. * @author jbf */ public class PlotElement extends DomNode { public PlotElement() { } /** * reference to the datasource of this element. Several elements can share the same data source. */ protected String dataSourceFilterId=""; public static final String PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID = "dataSourceFilterId"; public String getDataSourceFilterId() { return dataSourceFilterId; } public void setDataSourceFilterId(String dataSourceFilterId) { String oldDataSourceFilterId = this.dataSourceFilterId; this.dataSourceFilterId = dataSourceFilterId; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID, oldDataSourceFilterId, dataSourceFilterId); } protected PlotElementStyle style = new PlotElementStyle(); public static final String PROP_STYLE = "style"; public PlotElementStyle getStyle() { return style; } public void setStyle(PlotElementStyle style) { PlotElementStyle oldStyle = this.style; this.style = style; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_STYLE, oldStyle, style); } /** * preferred settings for the element. autoRange property of * each axis will indicate if they care about this setting. */ protected Plot plotDefaults = new Plot(); public static final String PROP_PLOT_DEFAULTS = "plotDefaults"; public Plot getPlotDefaults() { return plotDefaults; } public void setPlotDefaults(Plot plot) { Plot oldPlot = this.plotDefaults; this.plotDefaults = plot; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PLOT_DEFAULTS, oldPlot, plot); } protected RenderType renderType = RenderType.series; public static final String PROP_RENDERTYPE = "renderType"; public RenderType getRenderType() { return renderType; } public void setRenderType(RenderType renderType) { RenderType oldRenderType = this.renderType; this.renderType = renderType; this.setAutoRenderType(false); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RENDERTYPE, oldRenderType, renderType); } public void setRenderTypeAutomatically( RenderType renderType ) { RenderType oldRenderType = this.renderType; this.renderType = renderType; this.setAutoRenderType(true); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RENDERTYPE, oldRenderType, renderType); } /** * additional properties for the renderer, e.g. rend+series:fill=red,above,5.0V;grey,below,0.0V */ protected String renderControl = ""; public static final String PROP_RENDERCONTROL = "renderControl"; public String getRenderControl() { return renderControl; } public void setRenderControl(String renderUri) { String oldRenderUri = this.renderControl; this.renderControl = renderUri; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RENDERCONTROL, oldRenderUri, renderUri); } /** * cadence check disabled will always connect valid points. */ protected boolean cadenceCheck = true; public static final String PROP_CADENCECHECK = "cadenceCheck"; public boolean isCadenceCheck() { return cadenceCheck; } public void setCadenceCheck(boolean cadenceCheck) { boolean oldCadenceCheck = this.cadenceCheck; this.cadenceCheck = cadenceCheck; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CADENCECHECK, oldCadenceCheck, cadenceCheck); } /** * id of the plotDefaults containing the element. */ protected String plotId = ""; public static final String PROP_PLOTID = "plotId"; public String getPlotId() { return plotId; } public void setPlotId(String plotId) { String oldPlotId = this.plotId; this.plotId = plotId; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PLOTID, oldPlotId, plotId); } protected String parent = ""; /** * id of this plotElement's parent, which groups the plotElements into one abstract * plot. The parent and children must share the same dataSourceFilter. */ public static final String PROP_PARENT = "parent"; public String getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(String parent) { String old = this.parent; this.parent = parent; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PARENT, old, parent); } /** * selects the component of the dataset to plot, such as "X" or "MAGNITUDE". These * component names come from the dataset labels. Canonical names are * X, Y, Z, MAGNITUDE. A use case to consider is automatic coordinate frame * conversions. * If this starts with a pipe (|), then this is an "sprocess" string to run on * the data, such as "|slice0(0)" or "|histogram()" */ protected String component=""; public static final String PROP_COMPONENT = "component"; public String getComponent() { return component; } public void setComponent(String component) { String oldComponent = this.component; this.component = component; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_COMPONENT, oldComponent, component); this.setAutoComponent(false); } /** * Set the property, and also set the autoComponent property. Note setComponent will clear the property. * TODO: this should probably be in the controller. * @param component */ public void setComponentAutomatically( String component ) { String oldComponent = this.component; this.component = component; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_COMPONENT, oldComponent, component); this.setAutoComponent(true); } /** * A label to (optionally) display in the plot legend. This string will be * rendered by the GrannyTextRenderer. */ protected String legendLabel=""; public static final String PROP_LEGENDLABEL = "legendLabel"; public String getLegendLabel() { return legendLabel; } public void setLegendLabel(String legendLabel) { String oldLegendLabel = this.legendLabel; this.legendLabel = legendLabel; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_LEGENDLABEL, oldLegendLabel, legendLabel); this.setAutoLabel( false ); } public void setLegendLabelAutomatically( String legendLabel ) { String oldLegendLabel = this.legendLabel; this.legendLabel = legendLabel; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_LEGENDLABEL, oldLegendLabel, legendLabel); this.setAutoLabel( true ); } /** * display the plot legend. */ protected boolean displayLegend = false; public static final String PROP_DISPLAYLEGEND = "displayLegend"; public boolean isDisplayLegend() { return displayLegend; } public void setDisplayLegend(boolean displayLegend) { boolean oldDisplayLegend = this.displayLegend; this.displayLegend = displayLegend; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DISPLAYLEGEND, oldDisplayLegend, displayLegend); } /** * true indicates the axis label hasn't been changed manually and may/should be set automatically. */ public static final String PROP_AUTOLABEL = "autoLabel"; protected boolean autoLabel = false; public boolean isAutoLabel() { return autoLabel; } public void setAutoLabel(boolean autolabel) { boolean oldAutolabel = this.autoLabel; this.autoLabel = autolabel; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_AUTOLABEL, oldAutolabel, autolabel); } /** * true indicates that the renderType hasn't been changed manually and may/should be set automatically. */ public static final String PROP_AUTORENDERTYPE = "autoRenderType"; protected boolean autoRenderType = false; public boolean isAutoRenderType() { return autoRenderType; } public void setAutoRenderType(boolean autoRenderType) { boolean oldAutoRenderType = this.autoRenderType; this.autoRenderType = autoRenderType; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_AUTORENDERTYPE, oldAutoRenderType, autoRenderType); } /** * true indicates that the component hasn't been changed manually and may/should be set automatically. * This is also used to determine if child elements should be added automatically. */ protected boolean autoComponent = false; public static final String PROP_AUTOCOMPONENT = "autoComponent"; public boolean isAutoComponent() { return autoComponent; } public void setAutoComponent(boolean autoComponent) { boolean oldAutoComponent = this.autoComponent; this.autoComponent = autoComponent; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_AUTOCOMPONENT, oldAutoComponent, autoComponent); } /** * display the plot. This is allows elements to be disabled without removing them from the application. */ protected boolean active = true; public static final String PROP_ACTIVE = "active"; public boolean isActive() { return active; } public void setActive(boolean active) { boolean oldActive = this.active; this.active = active; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_ACTIVE, oldActive, active); } PlotElementController controller; public PlotElementController getController() { return controller; } @Override public List childNodes() { return Collections.singletonList((DomNode)style); } @Override public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } @Override public DomNode copy() { PlotElement result = (PlotElement) super.copy(); result.controller= null; result.style = (PlotElementStyle) style.copy(); result.plotDefaults = (Plot) plotDefaults.copy(); result.cadenceCheck= cadenceCheck; return result; } @Override public List diffs(DomNode node) { List result = super.diffs(node); if ( !( node instanceof PlotElement ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("node should be a PlotElement"); PlotElement that = (PlotElement) node; if ( !that.plotId.equals( this.plotId ) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_PLOTID, that.plotId, this.plotId ) ); } if ( !that.legendLabel.equals( this.legendLabel ) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_LEGENDLABEL, that.legendLabel, this.legendLabel ) ); } if ( that.autoLabel!=this.autoLabel ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_AUTOLABEL, that.autoLabel, this.autoLabel ) ); } if ( that.autoRenderType!=this.autoRenderType ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_AUTORENDERTYPE, that.autoRenderType, this.autoRenderType ) ); } if ( that.autoComponent!=this.autoComponent ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_AUTOCOMPONENT, that.autoComponent, this.autoComponent ) ); } if ( !that.displayLegend==this.displayLegend ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_DISPLAYLEGEND, that.displayLegend, this.displayLegend ) ); } if ( !that.active==this.active ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_ACTIVE, that.active, this.active ) ); } if ( !that.renderType.equals(this.renderType) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_RENDERTYPE, that.renderType, this.renderType ) ); } if ( !( that.renderControl.equals(this.renderControl) ) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_RENDERCONTROL, that.renderControl, this.renderControl ) ); } if ( !that.dataSourceFilterId.equals( this.dataSourceFilterId ) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID, that.dataSourceFilterId, this.dataSourceFilterId ) ); } if ( !that.component.equals( this.component ) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_COMPONENT, that.component, this.component ) ); } if ( !( that.cadenceCheck==this.cadenceCheck ) ) { result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_CADENCECHECK, that.cadenceCheck, this.cadenceCheck ) ); } //TODO: we don't do anything with parent property, seems we should have code like the // following. It could be super.diffs is really doing all the work. //if ( !that.parent.equals( this.parent ) ) { // result.add( new PropertyChangeDiff( PROP_PARENT, that.parent, this.parent ) ); //} result.addAll( DomUtil.childDiffs( PROP_STYLE, this.getStyle().diffs(that.getStyle()) ) ); result.addAll( DomUtil.childDiffs( PROP_PLOT_DEFAULTS, this.getPlotDefaults().diffs(that.getPlotDefaults()) ) ); return result; } @Override public void syncTo(DomNode n) { super.syncTo(n); syncTo( n, new ArrayList() ); } @Override public void syncTo( DomNode node, List exclude ) { super.syncTo(node,exclude); if ( !( node instanceof PlotElement ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("node should be a PlotElement"); PlotElement that = (PlotElement) node; if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_PLOTID ) ) this.setPlotId(that.getPlotId()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_DATASOURCEFILTERID ) ) this.setDataSourceFilterId(that.getDataSourceFilterId()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_PARENT ) ) this.setParent(that.getParent()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_LEGENDLABEL ) ) this.setLegendLabel(that.getLegendLabel()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_DISPLAYLEGEND ) ) this.setDisplayLegend(that.isDisplayLegend()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_ACTIVE ) ) this.setActive(that.isActive()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_RENDERTYPE ) ) this.setRenderType( that.getRenderType() ); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_RENDERCONTROL ) ) this.setRenderControl( that.getRenderControl() ); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_AUTOLABEL ) ) this.setAutoLabel(that.isAutoLabel()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_AUTORENDERTYPE ) ) this.setAutoRenderType(that.isAutoRenderType()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_STYLE ) ) this.style.syncTo(that.style,exclude); // possibly exclude id's. if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_PLOT_DEFAULTS ) )this.plotDefaults.syncTo(that.plotDefaults,exclude); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_COMPONENT ) ) this.setComponent(that.getComponent()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_AUTOCOMPONENT ) ) this.setAutoComponent(that.isAutoComponent()); if ( !exclude.contains( PROP_CADENCECHECK ) ) this.setCadenceCheck(that.isCadenceCheck() ); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder parenthetical= new StringBuilder( getLegendLabel()==null ? "" : getLegendLabel() ); if ( !this.active ) { parenthetical.append( parenthetical.length()==0 ? "inactive" : ", inactive" ); } String l= parenthetical.length()==0 ? "" : " ("+parenthetical.toString()+")"; return super.toString() + l; } }