package ProGAL.geom2d; import java.awt.Color; import ProGAL.math.Matrix; public class ApolloniusSolver { /** Solves the Apollonius problem of finding a circle tangent to three other circles in the plane. * The method uses approximately 68 heavy operations (multiplication, division, square-roots). * @param c1 One of the circles in the problem * @param c2 One of the circles in the problem * @param c3 One of the circles in the problem * @param s1 An indication if the solution should be externally or internally tangent (-1/+1) to c1 * @param s2 An indication if the solution should be externally or internally tangent (-1/+1) to c2 * @param s3 An indication if the solution should be externally or internally tangent (-1/+1) to c3 * @return The solution to the problem of Apollonius. */ public static Circle solveApollonius(Circle c1, Circle c2, Circle c3, int s1, int s2, int s3){ Point[] centers = {,,}; double[] radii = {c1.radius, c2.radius, c3.radius}; int[] s = {s1,s2,s3}; return solveApollonius(centers, radii, s); } /** * @hops 66 */ private static Circle solveApollonius(Point[] centers, double[] radii, int[] s){ //Step 1. Rewrite to linear system Matrix A = new Matrix(2,4); for(int i=0;i<2;i++){//i: row for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ //j: col A.set( i, j, 2*(centers[i+1].get(j)-centers[0].get(j)) );//1HOp * 2 * 2 = 4 } A.set( i, 2, 2*(s[0]*radii[0]-s[i+1]*radii[i+1]) );//3HOp * 2 = 6 double sum = 0; for(int j=0;j<2;j++) sum+=centers[i+1].get(j)*centers[i+1].get(j) - centers[0].get(j)*centers[0].get(j);//2HOp * 2 * 2 sum+=radii[0]*radii[0]-radii[i+1]*radii[i+1];//2HOp * 2 A.set(i, 3, sum); } //Step 2. Simplify linear system A.reduceThis();// m*n+(n-1)^2*m = 2*4+3*3*2 = 26HOp double M = A.get(0, 3); double N = -A.get(0, 2); double P = A.get(1, 3); double Q = -A.get(1, 2); //Step3. Find tangent sphere //First find r_s double a = N*N+Q*Q-1;//2HOp double b = 2*( (M-centers[0].get(0))*N + (P-centers[0].get(1))*Q + s[0]*radii[0] );//4HOp double c = (M-centers[0].get(0))*(M-centers[0].get(0)) + (P-centers[0].get(1))*(P-centers[0].get(1)) - radii[0]*radii[0]; //3HOp double r_s = (-b+Math.signum(a)*Math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a);//7HOp double x_s = M+N*r_s;//1HOp double y_s = P+Q*r_s;//1HOp return new Circle(new Point(x_s, y_s), r_s); } }