package org.autoplot.pngwalk; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.das2.components.DasProgressPanel; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.util.DasPNGConstants; import org.das2.util.DasPNGEncoder; import org.das2.datum.TimeParser; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.datum.format.DatumFormatter; import org.das2.datum.format.FormatStringFormatter; import org.das2.util.ArgumentList; import org.das2.util.ExceptionHandler; import org.das2.util.FileUtil; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.autoplot.ApplicationModel; import org.autoplot.AutoplotUtil; import org.autoplot.ScriptContext; import org.autoplot.dom.Application; import org.autoplot.dom.Plot; import org.autoplot.state.StatePersistence; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * CreatePngWalk makes a sequence of images from a .vap file or the current state. * This is used with PngWalkTool to quickly flip through the images once they * are created. This was once a Python script, but it got complex enough that it was useful to * rewrite it in Java. * @author jbf */ public class CreatePngWalk { /** * Get the list of times, which can be one of: * This uses params.batchUri to get the URI that is resolved to control the times. These * times then need to be formatted to filenames, or if params.batchUriName is "$o" then * the output filename is explicitly specified in the last column. * * @param params * @return array of strings: filename: timeRange * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws ParseException */ private static String[] getListOfTimes( Params params, List warnings ) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException { String[] times; if ( params.useBatchUri ) { try { String uri= params.batchUri; QDataSet timesds= org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet( uri ); times= new String[timesds.length()]; if ( params.batchUriName.equals("") ) { if ( !UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation( SemanticOps.getUnits(timesds) ) ) { if ( (QDataSet)!=null ) { timesds= (QDataSet); } else if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(timesds) ) { // See EventsRenderer.makeCanonical timesds= Ops.bundle( DataSetOps.unbundle(timesds,0), DataSetOps.unbundle(timesds,1) ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected events list URI"); } } if ( timesds.rank()!=2 ) { timesds= Ops.createEvents( timesds ); } if ( timesds.rank()!=2 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected bins dataset for times"); } TimeParser tp= TimeParser.create(params.timeFormat); for ( int i=0; i pngFilenameArrayThumbs= new ArrayList(); final ArrayList pngFilenameArrayBig= new ArrayList(); final ArrayList timeLabels= new ArrayList(); int returnCodeAll= 10; logger.log( Level.CONFIG, "CreatePngWalk.doBatch with params {0}", params); if ( !( params.outputFolder.endsWith("/") || params.outputFolder.endsWith("\\") ) ) { params.outputFolder= params.outputFolder + "/"; } File outputFolder= new; if ( !outputFolder.exists() && !outputFolder.mkdirs() ) { throw new IOException( "failed mkdirs: "+outputFolder); } if ( !outputFolder.canWrite() ) { throw new IOException( "unable to write to folder "+outputFolder ); } if (params.createThumbs) { File thumbsFolder= new,"thumbs400/" ); if ( !thumbsFolder.exists() && !( thumbsFolder.mkdirs() ) ) { throw new IOException( "failed mkdirs: "+thumbsFolder ); } if ( !thumbsFolder.canWrite() ) { throw new IOException( "unable to write to folder "+thumbsFolder ); } } else { File thumbsFolder= new,"thumbs400/" ); if ( thumbsFolder.exists() ) { System.err.println("warning: thumbs folder already exists!"); } } int n = times.length; mon.setTaskSize(n); mon.started(); try { mon.setProgressMessage("initializing child application"); TimeParser tp = TimeParser.create(params.timeFormat); Application dom= (Application) readOnlyDom.copy(); dom.getOptions().syncToAll( readOnlyDom.getOptions(), new ArrayList() ); try { String atime= times[0]; int ic= atime.indexOf(": "); String exactTime; if ( ic>-1 ) { // rfe batchfile time. exactTime= atime.substring(ic+2); } else { exactTime= atime; } // set the initial timerange to avoid an extraneous load. if ( params.useBatchUri ) { DatumRange tr1= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(exactTime); dom.setTimeRange(tr1); } else { DatumRange tr1= tp.parse(exactTime).getTimeRange(); dom.setTimeRange(tr1); } } catch ( ParseException ex ) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Application dom2; int w0,h0; if ( params.runOnCopy ) { ApplicationModel appmodel = new ApplicationModel(); appmodel.addDasPeersToAppAndWait(); dom2= appmodel.getDocumentModel(); mon.setProgressMessage("synchronize to this application"); dom2.getCanvases(0).setHeight( dom.getCanvases(0).getHeight() ); dom2.getCanvases(0).setWidth( dom.getCanvases(0).getWidth() ); w0 = dom2.getCanvases(0).getWidth(); h0 = dom2.getCanvases(0).getHeight(); dom2.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().setSize( w0, h0 ); dom2.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().revalidate(); dom2.syncTo( dom, java.util.Arrays.asList("id") ); dom2.getController().waitUntilIdle(); dom2.syncTo( dom, java.util.Arrays.asList("id") ); // work around bug where someone resets the margin column dom2.getOptions().syncToAll( readOnlyDom.getOptions(), new ArrayList() ); // 1165 grid overlay } else { dom2= readOnlyDom; w0= dom2.getCanvases(0).getWidth(); h0 = dom2.getCanvases(0).getHeight(); } ApplicationModel appmodel= dom2.getController().getApplicationModel(); int thumbSize = 400; int thumbH = 0, thumbW = 0; if (params.createThumbs) { double aspect = 1. * w0 / h0; thumbH = (int) (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(thumbSize, 2) / (aspect * aspect + 1.))); thumbW = (int) (thumbH * aspect); } // Write out the vap file to product.vap if ( params.writeVap ) { mon.setProgressMessage("write " + params.product + ".vap"); logger.log(Level.FINE, "write {0}.vap", params.product); StatePersistence.saveState(new outputFolder, params.product + ".vap"), dom2, ""); } String vap= new outputFolder, params.product + ".vap").toString(); StringBuilder build= new StringBuilder(); build.append( String.format( "JAVA -cp autoplot.jar org.autoplot.pngwalk.CreatePngWalk " ) ); try ( PrintWriter ff = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( new outputFolder, params.product + ".pngwalk" ) ) ) ) { // Write out the parameters used to create this pngwalk in product.pngwalk build.append("--vap=").append(vap).append( " "); build.append("--outputFolder=").append(params.outputFolder).append( " "); ff.println( "# set the following line to the location of the pngwalk"); ff.println( "baseurl=." ); ff.println( "product=" + params.product ); build.append("--product=").append(params.product).append( " "); ff.println( "timeFormat=" + params.timeFormat ); build.append("--timeFormat='").append(params.timeFormat).append( "' "); if ( params.useBatchUri==false ) { ff.println( "timeRange=" + params.timeRangeStr ); build.append("--timeRange='").append(params.timeRangeStr).append( "' "); } if ( params.batchUriName.equals("$o") ) { ff.println( "# the filePattern may need editing, depending on extension and subdirectories."); ff.println( "filePattern=*.png"); } if ( params.useBatchUri ) { if ( params.batchUri!=null && !params.batchUri.equals("") ) { ff.println( "batchUri=" + params.batchUri ); build.append("--batchUri=").append(params.batchUri).append(" "); } if ( !params.batchUriName.equals("") ) { ff.println( "batchUriName=" + params.batchUri ); build.append("--batchUriName=").append(params.batchUri).append(" "); } } if ( params.rescalex!=null && !params.rescalex.equals("0%,100%") ) { ff.println( "rescalex="+ params.rescalex ); build.append("--rescalex=").append(params.rescalex).append(" "); } if ( params.autorange ) { ff.println( "autorange="+ params.autorange ); build.append("--autorange=").append(params.autorange).append(" "); } if ( params.autorangeFlags ) { ff.println( "autorangeFlags="+ params.autorangeFlags ); build.append("--autorangeFlags=").append(params.autorangeFlags).append(" "); } if ( params.version!=null && params.version.trim().length()>0 ) { ff.println( "version="+ params.version ); build.append("--version=").append( params.version); } if ( !params.outputFormat.equals("png") ) { ff.println( "outputFormat="+ params.outputFormat ); build.append("--outputFormat=").append( params.outputFormat ); } } if ( !( mon instanceof NullProgressMonitor ) ) { // only show in interactive session System.err.println( build.toString() ); } dom2.getController().waitUntilIdle(); mon.setProgressMessage("making images"); long t0 = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); int count = 0; appmodel.setExceptionHandler( new ExceptionHandler() { @Override public void handle(Throwable t) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, t ); returnCode1= 11; } @Override public void handleUncaught(Throwable t) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, t ); returnCode1= 12; } }); //LoggerManager.setEnableTimers(true); //LoggerManager.setTimerLogfile("/tmp/foo.autoplot.txt"); String currentTimeLabel; for ( String atime : times ) { //LoggerManager.resetTimer(); returnCode1= 0; int ic= atime.indexOf(": "); String exactTime= null; if ( ic>-1 ) { // rfe batchfile time. exactTime= atime.substring(ic+2); atime= atime.substring(0,ic); } //LoggerManager.markTime("455"); String filename= getFilename( params, "", atime ); /** * Code for adding images into global arrayList for use in HTML method * @author Armond Luthens * @date 09/21/2015 */ pngFilenameArrayThumbs.add( getRelativeFilename( params, "thumbs100", atime ) ); pngFilenameArrayBig.add( getRelativeFilename( params, "", atime ) ); //LoggerManager.markTime("469"); count = count + 1; if (mon.isCancelled()) { break; } mon.setTaskProgress(count); if ( params.update ) { File out= new File( filename ); if ( out.exists() ) { mon.setProgressMessage( String.format("skipping %s", filename ) ); logger.log( Level.FINE, String.format("skipping %s", filename ) ); continue; } } //LoggerManager.markTime("486"); try { DatumRange dr; if ( exactTime==null ) { dr= tp.parse(atime).getTimeRange(); } else { dr= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(exactTime); } if ( params.rescalex!=null ) { String rescalex= params.rescalex.trim(); if ( rescalex.length()>0 && !params.rescalex.equals("0%,100%") ) { dr= DatumRangeUtil.rescale( dr,params.rescalex ); } } currentTimeLabel= dr.toString(); timeLabels.add(currentTimeLabel); if ( !dom2.getTimeRange().equals(dr) ) { // don't even call it for one png--I don't think it matters. dom2.setTimeRange(dr); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } mon.setProgressMessage( String.format("write %s", filename ) ); logger.log( Level.FINE, String.format("write %s", filename ) ); //LoggerManager.markTime("514"); appmodel.waitUntilIdle(); //LoggerManager.markTime("516"); if ( params.autorange ) { if (params.autorangeFlags) { for ( Plot p: dom2.getPlots() ) { if ( p.getYaxis().isAutoRange() ) { AutoplotUtil.resetZoomY(dom2,p); } if ( p.getZaxis().isAutoRange() ) { AutoplotUtil.resetZoomZ(dom2,p); } } } else { for ( Plot p: dom2.getPlots() ) { dom2.getController().setPlot(p); AutoplotUtil.resetZoomY(dom2); AutoplotUtil.resetZoomZ(dom2); } } } //LoggerManager.markTime("526"); appmodel.waitUntilIdle(); //LoggerManager.markTime("529"); if ( atime.equals(times[0]) ) { // resetting zoomY and zoomZ can cause the labels and bounds to change. Turn off autoranging. dom2.getOptions().setAutolayout(false); appmodel.waitUntilIdle(); } BufferedImage image = null; //LoggerManager.markTime("538"); try { if ( params.outputFormat.equals("png") ) { image= myWriteToPng(filename, dom2, w0, h0); } else { dom2.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().writeToPDF(filename); } } catch ( IOException ex ) { logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "unable to write file "+filename, ex ); throw new IOException("unable to write file "+filename,ex); } //LoggerManager.markTime("548"); if ( returnCode1==0 ) { returnCodeAll= 0; } else if ( returnCodeAll==10 ) { returnCodeAll= returnCode1; } if ( params.createThumbs && params.outputFormat.equals("png") ) { BufferedImage thumb400 = ImageResize.getScaledInstance(image, thumbW, thumbH, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, true); File outf= new getFilename(params, "thumbs400", atime ) ); File parentf= outf.getParentFile(); if ( parentf!=null && !parentf.exists() ) { if ( !parentf.mkdirs() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to make directories: "+parentf); } } if ( !ImageIO.write(thumb400, "png", outf ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no appropriate writer is found"); } BufferedImage thumb100 = ImageResize.getScaledInstance(thumb400, thumbW/4, thumbH/4, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, true); outf= new getFilename( params, "thumbs100", atime ) ); parentf= outf.getParentFile(); if ( parentf!=null && !parentf.exists() ) { if ( !parentf.mkdirs() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to make directories: "+parentf); } } if ( !ImageIO.write(thumb100, "png", outf ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no appropriate writer is found"); } } //LoggerManager.markTime("581"); double imagesPerSec = count * 1000. / (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - t0); double etaSec= (n-count) / imagesPerSec; String etaStr= ""; if ( count>3 ) { Datum eta= org.das2.datum.DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits( Units.seconds.createDatum(etaSec) ); DatumFormatter df; df= new FormatStringFormatter("%.1f",true); etaStr= String.format( Locale.US, ", eta %s", df.format(eta) ); } if ( imagesPerSec<1.0 ) { mon.setAdditionalInfo(String.format( Locale.US, "(%.1f/min%s)", imagesPerSec*60, etaStr ) ); } else { mon.setAdditionalInfo(String.format( Locale.US, "(%.1f/sec%s)", imagesPerSec, etaStr ) ); } //LoggerManager.markTime("597"); } //LoggerManager.setEnableTimers(false); if ( !mon.isCancelled() ) { writeHTMLFile( params, pngFilenameArrayThumbs, pngFilenameArrayBig, timeLabels ); } } finally { if ( !mon.isFinished() ) mon.finished(); } return returnCodeAll; } /** * create the filename for the time. * @param params the parameters * @param thumbdir "" or "thumbs100" or "thumbs400" * @param atime the time "20150822" * @return * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ private static String getFilename(Params params, String thumbdir, String atime) throws IllegalArgumentException { String filename; if ( thumbdir.length()>0 && !thumbdir.endsWith("/") ) { thumbdir= thumbdir + "/"; } if ( params.useBatchUri && params.batchUriName.equals("$o") ) { String name= atime; // really? // sometimes we want capitalized extention. String outputFormat= params.outputFormat; if ( name.toLowerCase().endsWith(params.outputFormat) ) { outputFormat= name.substring(name.length()-outputFormat.length()); name= name.substring(0,name.length()-(params.outputFormat.length()+1)); } filename= String.format("%s%s%s.%s", params.outputFolder, thumbdir, name, outputFormat ); } else if ( params.useBatchUri && !params.batchUriName.equals("") ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("batchUriName must be \"\" or \"$o\""); } else { String vers= ( params.version==null || params.version.trim().length()==0 ) ? "" : "_"+params.version.trim(); filename= String.format("%s%s%s_%s%s.%s", params.outputFolder, thumbdir, params.product, atime, vers, params.outputFormat ); } return filename; } /** * create the filename for the time. * @param params the parameters * @param thumbdir "" or "thumbs100" or "thumbs400" * @param atime the time "20150822" * @return * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ private static String getRelativeFilename(Params params, String thumbdir, String atime) throws IllegalArgumentException { String filename; if ( thumbdir.length()>0 && !thumbdir.endsWith("/") ) { thumbdir= thumbdir + "/"; } if ( params.useBatchUri && params.batchUriName.equals("$o") ) { String name= atime; // really? // sometimes we want capitalized extention. String outputFormat= params.outputFormat; if ( name.toLowerCase().endsWith(params.outputFormat) ) { outputFormat= name.substring(name.length()-outputFormat.length()); name= name.substring(0,name.length()-(params.outputFormat.length()+1)); } filename= String.format("%s%s.%s", thumbdir, name, outputFormat ); } else if ( params.useBatchUri && !params.batchUriName.equals("") ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("batchUriName must be \"\" or \"$o\""); } else { String vers= ( params.version==null || params.version.trim().length()==0 ) ? "" : "_"+params.version.trim(); filename= String.format("%s%s_%s%s.%s", thumbdir, params.product, atime, vers, params.outputFormat ); } return filename; } /** * run the pngwalk. If the params are null, then prompt the user with a GUI. * The pngwalk is run by resetting the timeRange field of the vap to each step * of the sequence. * @param dom the state from which a pngwalk is to be produced. * @param params a parameters structure (e.g. batch processing) or null. * @return an integer exit code where 0=success, 10=bad time format, 11=caught exception, 12=uncaught exception * @throws ParseException * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static int doIt(Application dom, Params params) throws ParseException, IOException, InterruptedException { int status= 0; if (params == null) { CreatePngWalkDialog p = new CreatePngWalkDialog(); if ( AutoplotUtil.showConfirmDialog(ScriptContext.getViewWindow(), p, "Create PngWalk Options", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { p.writeDefaults(); params= p.getParams(); File ff= new File( params.outputFolder ); if ( p.getOverwriteCb().isSelected() && ff.exists() ) { FileUtil.deleteFileTree(ff); } ProgressMonitor mon; if (ScriptContext.getViewWindow() == null) { mon = new NullProgressMonitor(); System.err.println("ScriptContext.getViewWindow is null, running quietly in the background."); } else { mon = DasProgressPanel.createFramed(ScriptContext.getViewWindow(), "running batch"); } if ( params.timeFormat.length()>0 ) { TimeParser tp= TimeParser.create(params.timeFormat); if ( !tp.isNested() ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( ScriptContext.getViewWindow(), "Time spec must have fields nested: $Y,$m,$d, etc,
not "+params.timeFormat + " ." ); return -1; } } String[] times = getListOfTimes( params, new ArrayList() ); status= doBatch( times, dom, params, mon ); String url; if (!mon.isCancelled()) { url = new File( params.outputFolder ).toURI().toString(); if ( ScriptContext.getViewWindow() != null && params.outputFormat.equals("png" ) ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "version=\"{0}\"", String.valueOf(params.version)); String vers= ( params.version==null || params.version.trim().length()==0 ) ? "" : "_"+params.version.trim(); String st1; if ( params.batchUriName.length()==0 ) { st1= url + params.product + "_" + params.timeFormat + vers + ".png"; } else { st1= url + "*.png"; } final String st=st1; SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PngWalkTool.start( st, ScriptContext.getViewWindow() ); } } ); } else if ( ScriptContext.getViewWindow() != null ) { String vers= ( params.version==null || params.version.trim().length()==0 ) ? "" : "_"+params.version.trim(); final String st= url + params.product + "_" + params.timeFormat + vers + "." + params.outputFormat; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( ScriptContext.getViewWindow(), "Files created:
"+st ); } } } } else { String[] times = getListOfTimes( params, new ArrayList() ); ProgressMonitor mon; if (ScriptContext.getViewWindow() == null) { if ( "true".equals( System.getProperty("java.awt.headless","false") ) ) { mon = new NullProgressMonitor(); } else { mon = DasProgressPanel.createFramed( "running batch" ); } } else { mon = DasProgressPanel.createFramed(ScriptContext.getViewWindow(), "running batch"); } status= doBatch(times, dom, params, mon); } return status; } /** * Method to write HTML file of all the pictures to give a gallery view * @author Armond Luthens * @param params * @param pngFilenameArrayThumbs * @param pngFilenameArrayBig * @param timeLabels * */ public static void writeHTMLFile( Params params, ArrayList pngFilenameArrayThumbs, ArrayList pngFilenameArrayBig, ArrayList timeLabels ){ if ( params.update || ( timeLabels.size()!=pngFilenameArrayBig.size() ) ) {"skipping create HTML step because of partial run"); return; } String filePath= params.outputFolder+""+ params.product + ".html"; //String filePath = "pngImagePage2.html"; File f= new File(filePath); String htmlOpen= "\n"; String htmlHead="\tPNG Gallery "+params.product+"\n"; String htmlBody="\t\n"; String htmlClose1= "\t\t\n"; String htmlClose2= "\t\n"; String htmlClose3= ""; //String pageHeaderOpen= "\t\t
\n\t\t\t" // + "" + params.product + "_"+ params.timeFormat + "\n" + "\t\t
\n"; String pageHeaderOpen= "\t\t
\n\t\t\t" + "" + "PNG WALK" + "\n" + "\t\t
\n"; String addImageString; String htmlAnchorStringOpen = "\t\t\t\t\n"; String htmlImageStringOpen = "\t\t\t\t\n"; String htmlImageCaptionOpen = "\t\t\t\t
"; String htmlImageCaptionClose = "\t\t\t\t
\n"; String htmlImageContainer = "\t\t
\n"; String htmlFigureOpen = "\t\t\t
\n"; String htmlFigureClose = "\t\t\t
\n"; String currentPngFilename; String currentPngFilenameBIG; String fileNameToDisplay; String bigImageLink; String fullImageCaption; int count=0; try ( BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)) ) { bw.write(htmlOpen); bw.write(htmlHead); bw.write(htmlBody); bw.write(pageHeaderOpen); bw.write(htmlImageContainer); for (String pngFilenameArray1 : pngFilenameArrayThumbs) { currentPngFilename = pngFilenameArray1; //System.out.println("image file path: " + currentPngFilename); currentPngFilenameBIG = pngFilenameArrayBig.get(count); fileNameToDisplay= timeLabels.get(count); count++; bigImageLink= htmlAnchorStringOpen + currentPngFilenameBIG + htmlAnchorStringClose; addImageString= htmlImageStringOpen+currentPngFilename+htmlImageStringClose; //insert image into html code fullImageCaption= htmlImageCaptionOpen + fileNameToDisplay + htmlImageCaptionClose; //insert corresponding date for image into html code bw.write(htmlFigureOpen); bw.write(bigImageLink); bw.write(addImageString); bw.write(fullImageCaption); bw.write(htmlFigureClose); } bw.write(htmlClose1); bw.write(htmlClose2); bw.write(htmlClose3); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e ); } } /** * command-line support for creating PNGWalks. When PNGWalks are created * interactively in Autoplot, this is used as well. * @param args see the code for the argument list. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ParseException * @throws IOException */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws InterruptedException, ParseException, IOException { System.err.println("CreatePngWalk 20180725"); final ArgumentList alm = new ArgumentList("CreatePngWalk"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "timeFormat", "f", "timeFormat", "$Y$m$d", "timeformat for png files, e.g. $Y is year, $j is day of year"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "timeRange", "r", "timeRange", "", "time range to cover, e.g. 2011 through 2012" ); alm.requireOneOf( new String[] { "timeRange","batchUri" } ); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "batchUri", "b", "batchUri", "", "optionally provide list of timeranges" ); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "batchUriName", null, "batchUriName", "", "use $o to use the filename in the batch file" ); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "createThumbs", "t", "createThumbs", "y", "create thumbnails, y (default) or n" ); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "product", "n", "product", "product", "product name in each filename (default=product)"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "outputFolder", "o", "outputFolder", "pngwalk", "location of root of pngwalk"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "outputFormat", null, "outputFormat", "png", "output format png or pdf"); alm.addSwitchArgument( "vap", "v", "vap", "vap file or URI to plot"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "rescalex", null, "rescalex", "0%,100%", "rescale factor, such as '0%-1hr,100%+1hr', to provide context to each image"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument( "version", null, "version", null, "additional version string to add to each filename, like v1.0"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "autorange", null, "autorange", "rerange dependent dimensions Y and Z"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "autorangeFlags", null, "autorangeFlags", "only autorange axes with autorange=true"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "update", null, "update", "only calculate missing images"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "testException", null, "testException", "throw a runtime exception to test exit code"); if ( !alm.process(args) ) { System.exit( alm.getExitCode() ); } if ( alm.getBooleanValue("testException") ) { throw new RuntimeException("--textException on command line, throwing exception"); // verified, 20130627. // java -cp autoplot.jar org.autoplot.pngwalk.CreatePngWalk --vap=x --testException // echo $? -> 1 // Note, no files found does not yeild non-zero exit code! } if ( System.getProperty( "noCheckCertificate","true").equals("true") ) { logger.fine("disabling HTTP certificate checks."); try { TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{ new X509TrustManager() { @Override public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return new[0]; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { } @Override public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { } } }; SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); // Create all-trusting host name verifier HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new HostnameVerifier() { @Override public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } }; HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(allHostsValid); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyManagementException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } Params params= new Params(); params.createThumbs= alm.getValue("createThumbs").equals("y"); params.outputFolder= alm.getValue("outputFolder"); params.product= alm.getValue("product"); params.timeFormat= alm.getValue("timeFormat"); params.timeRangeStr= alm.getValue("timeRange"); params.rescalex= alm.getValue("rescalex"); params.version= alm.getValue("version"); params.autorange= alm.getBooleanValue("autorange"); params.autorangeFlags= alm.getBooleanValue("autorangeFlags"); params.update= alm.getBooleanValue("update"); params.batchUri= alm.getValue("batchUri"); if ( params.batchUri!=null && params.batchUri.length()>0 ) { params.useBatchUri= true; params.batchUriName= alm.getValue("batchUriName"); } params.outputFormat= alm.getValue("outputFormat"); String vap= alm.getValue("vap"); if ( ( vap.length()>2 && vap.charAt(1)==':' ) ) { logger.fine("reference appears to be absolute (Windows)"); } else { vap= URISplit.makeAbsolute(new File(".").getAbsolutePath(),vap); } Application dom= (Application) StatePersistence.restoreState(new File(vap)); if ( vap.contains(params.outputFolder) ) { params.writeVap= false; } int status= doIt( dom, params ); System.exit(status); // something starts up thread that prevents java from exiting. } }