<%-- Document : demo Created on : Dec 18, 2013, 3:04:09 PM Author : jbf --%> <%@page import="java.io.FilenameFilter"%> <%@page import="java.io.File"%> <%@page import="org.autoplot.servlet.ServletUtil"%> <%@page import="org.autoplot.servlet.SimpleServlet"%> <%@page import="java.net.URLEncoder"%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> Autoplot Servlet Image Zoom <% String vap= request.getParameter("vap"); String uri= request.getParameter("uri"); String id= request.getParameter("id"); String[] dropList= null; if ( id!=null ) { File f= new File( new File( ServletUtil.getServletHome(), "users" ), id ); if ( f.exists() ) { String s= f.getAbsolutePath(); String[] ss= f.list( ); int count=0; for ( int i=0; i0 ) { ssArg= "vap="+URLEncoder.encode(dropList[0],"US-ASCII"); } else { if ( id!=null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("id specified contains no vap files in "+ ServletUtil.getServletHome().toString()+"/users" ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("vap file or uri not specified."); } } } else if ( vap!=null ) { ssArg= "vap="+URLEncoder.encode(vap,"US-ASCII"); } else { ssArg= "uri="+URLEncoder.encode(uri,"US-ASCII"); } %>

at x= =hr

<% if ( id!=null ) { File f= new File( new File( ServletUtil.getServletHome(), "users" ), id ); out.println( ".vap files in " + f + ":
"); if ( dropList!=null ) { for ( String s: dropList ) { String label= s.substring(f.toString().length()+1); out.println( ""+label+"" ); } } } %>

Click and drag a range on the plot to zoom in. Buttons below zoom out and scan. Click to read coordinates, and the center button will center the plot on this click position.

<%= SimpleServlet.version %>