#!/bin/bash # this copies all the sources into the temp directory, then compiles a few key sources, so # that unreferenced routines are not used. This list is separate from the ant build script, # so the configuration needs to be kept in sync. # # CDF Support will be awkward because of the binaries. Support this for the hudson platform. # You should defined JAVA_HOME before running this script. # If its not defined, there is a small attempt made to use something. # # On a PC or Linux, JAVA_HOME will probably be set, and no changes will be needed. # On a Mac, you might have to set JAVA_HOME manually. # On OS 10.5.8, this worked: # JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home # # Used by: autoplot-jar-all on http://jfaden.net/jenkins. This is used for testing. # if [ "" = "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.7/ fi JAVAARGS="-g -target 1.7 -source 1.7 -cp ../temp-classes:. -d ../temp-classes -Xmaxerrs 10" echo "\${AP_VERSION}=${AP_VERSION}" if [ "" = "$TAG" ]; then if [ "" = "$AP_VERSION" ]; then TAG=untagged else TAG=$AP_VERSION fi fi echo "TAG=${TAG}" JAVAC=$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac JAR=$JAVA_HOME/bin/jar if [ ! -f $JAVAC ]; then echo "Java executable does not exist. Set for example \"export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_80/\"" exit -1 fi rm -r -f temp-src/ mkdir temp-src/ rm -r -f temp-classes/ mkdir temp-classes hasErrors=0 function raiseerror { echo '*****' echo '*****' echo '*****' hasErrors=1 } function compilef { echo $JAVAC $JAVAARGS $1 if ! $JAVAC $JAVAARGS $1; then raiseerror; fi } echo "copy jar file classes..." cd temp-classes ls ../../APLibs/lib/*.jar for i in ../../APLibs/lib/*.jar; do echo jar xf $i jar xf $i done for i in ../../APLibs/lib/netCDF/*.jar; do echo jar xf $i jar xf $i done for i in ../../APLibs/lib/commons/*.jar; do echo jar xf $i jar xf $i done if [ "" = "$RSYNC" ]; then echo "using default rsync, assuming it is on the path" RSYNC=rsync else echo "RSYNC="$RSYNC fi cd .. echo "done copy jar file classes." echo "copy sources..." for i in \ dasCore dasCoreUtil dasCoreDatum \ QDataSet QStream DataSource \ JythonSupport \ AutoplotHelp \ IdlMatlabSupport \ AudioSystemDataSource \ BinaryDataSource DataSourcePack JythonDataSource \ Das2ServerDataSource TsdsDataSource \ NetCdfDataSource CefDataSource \ WavDataSource ImageDataSource ExcelDataSource \ FitsDataSource OpenDapDataSource \ CdfJavaDataSource CDAWebDataSource PDSPPIDataSource HapiDataSource \ Autoplot; do echo $RSYNC -a --exclude .svn ../${i}/src/ temp-src/ $RSYNC -a --exclude .svn ../${i}/src/ temp-src/ done echo "done copy sources" # special handling of the META-INF stuff. echo "special handling of META-INF stuff..." #TODO: check for end-of-lines on each entry. file=org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory.extensions sed -n p ../*/src/META-INF/$file > temp-classes/META-INF/$file file=org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory.mimeTypes sed -n p ../*/src/META-INF/$file > temp-classes/META-INF/$file file=org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFormat.extensions sed -n p ../*/src/META-INF/$file > temp-classes/META-INF/$file file=org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceEditorPanel.extensions sed -n p ../*/src/META-INF/$file > temp-classes/META-INF/$file file=helpsets.txt sed -n p ../*/src/META-INF/$file > temp-classes/META-INF/$file echo "Main-Class: org.autoplot.AutoplotUI" > temp-src/MANIFEST.MF # remove signatures rm temp-classes/META-INF/*.RSA rm temp-classes/META-INF/*.DSA rm temp-classes/META-INF/*.SF cat src/META-INF/build.txt | sed "s/build.tag\:/build.tag\: $TAG/" > temp-classes/META-INF/build.txt echo "build.jenkinsURL: $BUILD_URL" >> temp-classes/META-INF/build.txt export TIMESTAMP=`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ` echo $TIMESTAMP > temp-classes/buildTime.txt # end, special handling of the META-INF stuff. echo "done special handling of META-INF stuff." echo "copy resources..." cd temp-src for i in $(find * -name '*.png' -o -name '*.gif' -o -name '*.html' -o -name '*.py' -o -name '*.jy' -o -name '*.jyds' -o -name '*.xml' -o -name '*.xsl' -o -name '*.xsd' -o -name '*.CSV' -o -name '*.properties' ); do mkdir -p $(dirname ../temp-classes/$i) cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done for i in $( find * -name 'filenames_alt*.txt' ); do # kludge support for CDAWeb, where *.txt is too inclusive mkdir -p $(dirname ../temp-classes/$i) cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done for i in $( find * -name 'CDFLeapSeconds.txt' ); do # support for CDF TT2000 mkdir -p $(dirname ../temp-classes/$i) cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done for i in $( find * -name 'pylisting*.txt' ); do # support for python on LANL where listing of autoplot.org cannot be done. mkdir -p $(dirname ../temp-classes/$i) cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done for i in $( find * -name 'pylistingapp*.txt' ); do # support for python on LANL where listing of autoplot.org cannot be done. mkdir -p $(dirname ../temp-classes/$i) cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done for i in $( find * -name 'packagelist*.txt' ); do mkdir -p $(dirname ../temp-classes/$i) cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done mkdir -p ../temp-classes/orbits for i in $( find orbits -type f ); do # copy in orbits files cp $i ../temp-classes/$i done if [ -f /home/jbf/project/autoplot/fonts/scheme_bk.otf ]; then cp /home/jbf/project/autoplot/fonts/scheme_bk.otf ../temp-volatile-classes/resources echo "scheme_bk.otf is a proprietary font which is not licensed for use outside of Autoplot." > ../temp-volatile-classes/resources/fonts.license.txt fi cd .. echo "pwd=" `pwd` echo "done copy resources." echo "=== copy help files..." for i in \ dasCore dasCoreUtil dasCoreDatum \ QDataSet QStream DataSource \ JythonSupport \ AutoplotHelp \ IdlMatlabSupport \ AudioSystemDataSource \ BinaryDataSource DataSourcePack JythonDataSource \ Das2ServerDataSource TsdsDataSource \ NetCdfDataSource CefDataSource \ WavDataSource ImageDataSource ExcelDataSource \ FitsDataSource OpenDapDataSource \ CdfJavaDataSource \ Autoplot; do if [ -d ../${i}/javahelp/ ]; then echo ${RSYNC} -av --exclude .svn ../${i}/javahelp/ temp-classes/ ${RSYNC} -av --exclude .svn ../${i}/javahelp/ temp-classes/ fi done echo "done copy help files." # compile key java classes. echo "compile sources..." cd temp-src echo $JAVAC $JAVAARGS org/autoplot/AutoplotUI.java compilef 'org/autoplot/AutoplotUI.java' if [ $hasErrors -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error somewhere in compile, see above" exit 1 fi echo "only the first compile is echoed." compilef 'org/virbo/autoplot/*.java' # support old launchers. compilef 'org/autoplot/state/*.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/scriptconsole/DumpRteExceptionHandler.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/JythonMain.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/help/AutoplotHelpViewer.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/AutoplotServer.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/AutoplotDataServer.java' compilef 'org/das2/qds/util/*.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/pngwalk/PngWalkTool1.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/pngwalk/ImageResize.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/pngwalk/QualityControlPanel.java' compilef 'org/das2/beans/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/util/awt/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/util/ExceptionHandler.java' compilef 'test/endtoend/*.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/idlsupport/*.java' compilef 'org/virbo/idlsupport/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/system/NullPreferencesFactory.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/tca/UriTcaSource.java' compilef 'org/das2/qds/NearestNeighborTcaFunction.java' compilef 'org/das2/qstream/filter/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/event/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/dataset/NoDataInIntervalException.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/ScreenshotsTool.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/wgetfs/WGetFileSystemFactory.java' compilef 'org/das2/fsm/FileStorageModelNew.java' # some scripts use this old name. compilef 'org/das2/math/filter/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/components/DataPointRecorderNew.java' compilef 'org/das2/components/AngleSpectrogramSlicer.java' compilef 'org/das2/graph/Auralizor.java' compilef 'org/das2/graph/CurveRenderer.java' compilef 'org/das2/graph/RangeLabel.java' compilef 'org/das2/graph/CollapseSpectrogramRenderer.java' compilef 'org/das2/datum/Ratio.java' compilef 'org/das2/datum/RationalNumber.java' compilef 'org/das2/datum/SIUnits.java' compilef 'org/das2/qds/RepeatIndexDataSet.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/jythonsupport/ui/DataMashUp.java' compilef 'org/das2/util/*Formatter.java' compilef 'org/autoplot/util/jemmy/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/qds/filters/*.java' compilef 'org/das2/qds/demos/PlasmaModel.java' compilef 'org/virbo/autoplot/*.java' # why is this repeated? compilef 'test/Unicode.java' cat ../temp-classes/META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory.extensions | cut -d' ' -f1 for i in `cat ../temp-classes/META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFactory.extensions | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/\./\//g'`; do compilef $i.java done cat ../temp-classes/META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFormat.extensions | cut -d' ' -f1 for i in `cat ../temp-classes/META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFormat.extensions | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/\./\//g'`; do compilef $i.java done cat ../temp-classes/META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceEditorPanel.extensions | cut -d' ' -f1 for i in `cat ../temp-classes/META-INF/org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceEditorPanel.extensions | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/\./\//g'`; do compilef $i.java done # NetCDF IOServiceProvider allows Autoplot URIs to be used in ncml files. echo "compile AbstractIOSP and APIOServiceProvider" compilef org/autoplot/netCDF/AbstractIOSP.java compilef org/autoplot/netCDF/APIOServiceProvider.java cd .. echo "done compile sources." if [ $hasErrors -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error somewhere in compile, see above" exit 1 fi echo "setting version to \${AP_VERSION}=${AP_VERSION} in build.tag" cat temp-classes/META-INF/build.txt | sed "s/build.tag:/build.tag: ${AP_VERSION}/g" > temp-classes/META-INF/build.txt.1 mv temp-classes/META-INF/build.txt.1 temp-classes/META-INF/build.txt echo "make jumbo jar file..." cd temp-classes mkdir -p ../dist/ rm -f ../temp-src/MANIFEST.MF # remove leftover signatures. echo "Main-Class: org.autoplot.AutoplotUI" > ../temp-src/MANIFEST.MF $JAR cmf ../temp-src/MANIFEST.MF ../dist/AutoplotAll.jar * cd .. echo "done make jumbo jar file..."