package ProGAL.geom3d.volumes; import ProGAL.geom3d.Line; import ProGAL.geom3d.LineSegment; import ProGAL.geom3d.Point; import ProGAL.geom3d.PointList; import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector; import ProGAL.math.Constants; import ProGAL.math.Matrix3x3; public class Cylinder implements Volume{ protected double rad; protected LineSegment segment; public Cylinder(Point p1, Point p2, double r) { this(new LineSegment(p1, p2), r); } public Cylinder(LineSegment sgm, double r) { this.rad = r; this.segment = sgm; } public LineSegment getSegment() { return segment; } public double getLength() { return 2*segment.getLength(); } public double getRadius() { return rad; } public double getVolume() { return Math.PI * rad * rad * getLength(); } public double getSurfaceArea() { return 2*Math.PI * rad * (rad + getLength()); } public void setSegment(LineSegment sgm) { segment = sgm; } public boolean inCylinder(Point p) { return segment.getDistance(p) < rad; } public Double intersectionParameter(Line l){ double t; Vector d = segment.getAToB(); Vector m = segment.getA().vectorTo(l.getP()); Vector n = l.getDir(); double md =; double nd =; double dd =; // Test if segment fully outside either endcap of cylinder if (md < 0.0f && md + nd < 0.0f) return null; // Segment outside _p_ side of cylinder if (md > dd && md + nd > dd) return null; // Segment outside _q_ side of cylinder double nn =; double mn =; double a = dd*nn - nd*nd; double k = - rad*rad; double c = dd * k - md * md; if (Math.abs(a) < Constants.EPSILON) { // Segment runs parallel to cylinder axis if (c > 0.0f) return null; // _a_ and thus the segment lie outside cylinder // Now known that segment intersects cylinder; figure out how it intersects if (md < 0.0f) t = -mn / nn; // Intersect segment against _p_ endcap else if (md > dd) t = (nd - mn) / nn; // Intersect segment against _q_ endcap else t = 0.0f; // _a_ lies inside cylinder if(t>0) return t; else return null; } double b = dd * mn - nd * md; double discr = b * b - a * c; if (discr < 0.0f) return null;// No real roots; no intersection t = (-b - Math.sqrt(discr)) / a; double t0 = t = (-b - Math.sqrt(discr)) / a; if (md + t * nd < 0.0f) { // Intersection outside cylinder on _p_ side if (nd <= 0.0f) return null; // Segment pointing away from endcap t = -md / nd; // Keep intersection if Dot(S(t) - p, S(t) - p) <= r^2 if (k + t * (2.0 * mn + t * nn) <= 0.0f) return t; } else if (md + t * nd > dd) { // Intersection outside cylinder on _q_ side if (nd >= 0.0f) return 0.0; // Segment pointing away from endcap t = (dd - md) / nd; // Keep intersection if Dot(S(t) - q, S(t) - q) <= r^2 if (k + dd - 2.0f * md + t * (2.0f * (mn - nd) + t * nn) <= 0.0f) return t; } t = t0; return t; } public static void main(String[] args){ Line l = new Line(new Point(0,1.01,0), new Vector(1,0,0)); Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder(new Point(3,1,0), new Point(3,-1,0), 1); System.out.println(cyl.intersectionParameter(l)); } public String toString(){ return toString(2); } public String toString(int dec) { return String.format("Cylinder[%s,rad=%."+dec+"f]", segment.toString(dec), rad); } public void toConsole(int dec) { System.out.println(toString(dec)) ; } public Point getCenter() { return segment.getMidPoint(); } public static Cylinder createBoundingCylinder_CovarianceFit(PointList points) { if(points.size()<=0) throw new Error("Cannot create cylinder enclosing 0 points"); if(points.size()==1) return new Cylinder(points.get(0).clone(), points.get(0).clone(), 0); if(points.size()==2) return new Cylinder(points.get(0).clone(), points.get(1).clone(), 0); Matrix3x3 covMatr = points.getCovariance(); Vector[] eigenVecs = covMatr.getEigenvectors(); Vector dir = eigenVecs[0]; if(eigenVecs[1].length()>dir.length()) dir = eigenVecs[1]; if(eigenVecs[2].length()>dir.length()) dir = eigenVecs[2]; InfCylinder iCyl = InfCylinder.createMinRadCylinderFromDirection(points, dir); Cylinder ret = iCyl.capWithDiscs(points); return ret; } public boolean overlaps(Volume vol) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } public Cylinder clone(){ return new Cylinder(segment.clone(), rad); } }