package ProGAL.geom3d.complex.delaunayComplex; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import ProGAL.geom3d.Point; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Sphere; import ProGAL.geom3d.Vector; import ProGAL.geom3d.complex.CEdge; import ProGAL.geom3d.complex.CTriangle; import ProGAL.geom3d.complex.CVertex; import ProGAL.geom3d.complex.CTetrahedron; import ProGAL.geom3d.complex.SimplicialComplex; import ProGAL.geom3d.predicates.*; import ProGAL.geom3d.predicates.Predicates.SphereConfig; import ProGAL.math.Randomization; /**

* A Delaunay complex for a set of d-dimensional points is a tesselation of the points such that no point is inside * the circumscribing hypersphere of the d-simplices (for the 3D case: Tetrahedra). *

* *

* This class builds a three-dimensional Delaunay complex in the constructor and accesses it using e.g. the * getTetrahedra method. The following example displays the Delaunay complex of ten random points. *

 *  {@code
 *  //Generate the complex
 *  List pl = PointList.generatePointsInCube(10);
 *  DelaunayComplex dc = new DelaunayComplex(pl);
 *  //Display the complex
 *  J3DScene scene = J3DScene.createJ3DSceneInFrame();
 *  for(CTetrahedron t: dc.getTetrahedra()){
 *    scene.addShape(t, new Color(200,100,100,100));
 *  }
 *  }


The original point-set is left unaltered and non-referenced by this class. A new set of vertices is * allocated using the CVertex class. These are randomly perturbed to avoid degeneracies. If one wishes to * associate the original points with a vertex in the complex it would be sufficient to test if the distance * between the point and the vertex is less than 0.0001.

* *

The complex is bounded by a big tetrahedron whose corner-points are located sufficiently far from any of * the vertices of the complex. The simplices that have one of these 'big points' as corners can not be accessed * directly via the getter-methods, but they will be neighbors of other normal simplices. For instance: *

 *  DelaunayComplex dc = new DelaunayComplex( PointList.generatePointsInCube(4) );
 *  for(CTetrahedron t: dc.getTetrahedra()){
 *  	System.out.println( t.containsBigPoint() );
 *  	System.out.println( t.getNeighbor(0).containsBigPoint() );
 *  	System.out.println( t.getNeighbor(1).containsBigPoint() );
 *  	System.out.println( t.getNeighbor(2).containsBigPoint() );
 *  	System.out.println( t.getNeighbor(3).containsBigPoint() );
 *  }
* Will print false, true, true, true and true.

* * @author R.Fonseca */ public class DelaunayComplex implements SimplicialComplex{ private final List points; private final List edges; private final List triangles; private final List tetrahedra; private final Predicates predicates; private final Walk walk; private final Flip14 f14; private final Flips flips; /** Builds the Delaunay complex of the specified point-set */ public DelaunayComplex(List points) { this.points = new ArrayList(points.size()); int i=0; for(Point p: points) this.points.add(new CVertex(p, i++)); this.edges = new ArrayList(points.size()*6); this.triangles = new ArrayList(points.size()*6); this.tetrahedra = new ArrayList(points.size()*6); this.predicates = new ExactJavaPredicates(); this.walk = new Walk(predicates); this.flips = new Flips(predicates); this.f14 = new Flip14(flips); compute(); completeComplex(); } /** TODO: Finish */ public boolean isDelaunay() { for (CTetrahedron tetr : tetrahedra) { Sphere sphere = new Sphere(tetr); } return true; } /** Get the tetrahedra in the complex. The tetrahedra that has 'big points' as corners are not returned */ public List getTetrahedra() { return new ArrayList(tetrahedra); } /** returns all tetrahedra (including tetrahedra with bigPoint */ public List getAllTetrahedra() { List allTetrahedra = new ArrayList(); for (CVertex v : getVertices() ) { List adjacentTetrahedra = v.getAllAdjacentTetrahedra(); for (CTetrahedron tetr : adjacentTetrahedra) { if (!allTetrahedra.contains(tetr)) allTetrahedra.add(tetr); } } return allTetrahedra; } /** returns all big tetrahedra */ public List getBigTetrahedra() { List bigTetrahedra = new ArrayList(); for (CVertex v : getVertices() ) { List adjacentTetrahedra = v.getAllAdjacentTetrahedra(); for (CTetrahedron tetr : adjacentTetrahedra) { if (tetr.containsBigPoint() && !bigTetrahedra.contains(tetr)) bigTetrahedra.add(tetr); } } return bigTetrahedra; } /** Get the triangles in the complex. The triangles that has 'big points' as corners are not returned */ public List getTriangles(){ return new ArrayList(triangles); } /** Get the edges in the complex. The edges that has 'big points' as end-points are not returned */ public List getEdges(){ return new ArrayList(edges); } /** Get the vertices in the complex. The 'big points' are not returned */ public List getVertices(){ return new ArrayList(points); } public CVertex getVertex(int i) { return points.get(i); } protected void compute() { double max = 1000;//TODO find a more meaningful max //TODO: Take care of degeneracies in a better way than perturbation for(CVertex v: points){ v.addThis(new Vector( Randomization.randBetween(-0.00001, 0.00001), Randomization.randBetween(-0.00001, 0.00001), Randomization.randBetween(-0.00001, 0.00001) ) ); } //Find the enclosing tetrahedron CTetrahedron next_t = new FirstTetrahedron(max); flips.addTetrahedron(next_t); //Iterer over punkterne for(CVertex p: points){ next_t = walk.walk(next_t, p); next_t = f14.flip14(next_t, p); CTetrahedron tmp = flips.fixDelaunay(); if (tmp != null) next_t = tmp; } } /** Add edges and triangles and remove auxiliary tetrahedra. */ protected void completeComplex() { tetrahedra.clear(); triangles.clear(); edges.clear(); //Add the non-modified tetrahedra that doesnt contain one of the big points for(CTetrahedron t: flips.getTetrahedrastack()){ if (!t.isModified() && !t.containsBigPoint()){ tetrahedra.add(t); } } // flips.setTetrahedrastack(null);//Should free up some memory after garbage collection // flips.getTetrahedrastack().clear(); class VertexPair{ CVertex p1, p2; VertexPair(CVertex p1, CVertex p2){ this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; } public boolean equals(Object o){ return (((VertexPair)o).p1==p1 && ((VertexPair)o).p2==p2)||(((VertexPair)o).p1==p2 && ((VertexPair)o).p2==p1); } public int hashCode(){ return p1.hashCode()^p2.hashCode(); } } //Construct edges Map edgeMap = new HashMap(); for(CTetrahedron t: tetrahedra){ edgeMap.put( new VertexPair(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(1)),new CEdge(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(1)) ); edgeMap.put( new VertexPair(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(2)),new CEdge(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(2)) ); edgeMap.put( new VertexPair(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(3)),new CEdge(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(3)) ); edgeMap.put( new VertexPair(t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(2)),new CEdge(t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(2)) ); edgeMap.put( new VertexPair(t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(3)),new CEdge(t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(3)) ); edgeMap.put( new VertexPair(t.getPoint(2),t.getPoint(3)),new CEdge(t.getPoint(2),t.getPoint(3)) ); } edges.addAll(edgeMap.values()); for(CEdge e: edges){ ((CVertex)e.getA()).addAdjacentEdge(e); ((CVertex)e.getB()).addAdjacentEdge(e); } //Construct triangles Set triangleSet = new HashSet(); for(CTetrahedron t: tetrahedra){ triangleSet.add(new CTriangle(t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(2),t.getPoint(3), t,t.getNeighbour(0))); triangleSet.add(new CTriangle(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(2),t.getPoint(3), t,t.getNeighbour(1))); triangleSet.add(new CTriangle(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(3), t,t.getNeighbour(2))); triangleSet.add(new CTriangle(t.getPoint(0),t.getPoint(1),t.getPoint(2), t,t.getNeighbour(3))); } triangles.addAll(triangleSet); for(CTriangle t: triangles){ CEdge e1 = edgeMap.get(new VertexPair((CVertex)t.getPoint(0),(CVertex)t.getPoint(1))); CEdge e2 = edgeMap.get(new VertexPair((CVertex)t.getPoint(1),(CVertex)t.getPoint(2))); CEdge e3 = edgeMap.get(new VertexPair((CVertex)t.getPoint(2),(CVertex)t.getPoint(0))); t.setEdge(0, e1); t.setEdge(1, e2); t.setEdge(2, e3); e1.addTriangle(t); e2.addTriangle(t); e3.addTriangle(t); } //Set faces of tetrahedra for(CTriangle t: triangles){ CTetrahedron tet = t.getAdjacentTetrahedron(0); if(tet.getNeighbour(0).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(0, t); else if(tet.getNeighbour(1).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(1, t); else if(tet.getNeighbour(2).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(2, t); else if(tet.getNeighbour(3).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(3, t); tet = t.getAdjacentTetrahedron(1); if(tet.getNeighbour(0).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(0, t); else if(tet.getNeighbour(1).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(1, t); else if(tet.getNeighbour(2).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(2, t); else if(tet.getNeighbour(3).containsTriangle(t)) tet.setTriangle(3, t); } } /** The vertex-hull of v is the set of all tetrahedrons that has v as a corner-point */ public Set getVertexHull(CVertex v){ Set hull = new HashSet(); for(CEdge e: v.getAdjacentEdges()){ for(CTriangle tri: e.getAdjacentTriangles()){ hull.add(tri.getAdjacentTetrahedron(0)); hull.add(tri.getAdjacentTetrahedron(1)); } } return hull; } /** Checks that all tetrahedra comply with the Delaunay-criteria. */ public boolean checkTetrahedra() { for(CTetrahedron t: tetrahedra){ for(CVertex p: points){ if( t.getPoint(0)!=p && t.getPoint(1)!=p && t.getPoint(2)!=p && t.getPoint(3)!=p && predicates.insphere(t, p).equals(SphereConfig.INSIDE) ) { return false; } } } return true; } }