#label: Aggregate All # Note Autoplot gives it the same name when created. # This old script looks through all the URIs and makes aggregations from the URIs, and # this functionality is now part of Autoplot in org.virbo.autoplot.dom.DomOps.aggregateAll. from java.util.regex import Pattern from java.lang import String from java.util import Collections yyyy= "/\d{4}/" yyyymmdd= "(?', result count= count + 1 dsf.uri= result for p in dom.controller.getPlotElementsFor(dsf): # kludge to avoid reset range see ApplicationController.syncTo p.controller.setResetComponent(False) p.controller.setResetPlotElement(False) p.controller.doResetRenderType( p.getRenderType() ) p.controller.setResetRenderType(False) p.setAutoLabel( False ) p.setAutoComponent( False ) p.setAutoRenderType( False ) setStatus('aggregated %d URIs.' % count ) dom.syncTo( oldDom, Collections.singletonList( 'dataSourceFilters' ) ) for d in dom.diffs(oldDom): print d.getDescription()