<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bookmark-list version="1.1">
                <title>Demo 1: Access data from OPeNDAP server</title>
                <title>Demo 2: Mouse-wheel down to get data in other files of aggregation</title>
                <title>Demo 3: Show variables in a CDF file.  </title>
                <title>Demo 4: Read a column from an Excel file</title>
                <title>Demo 5: Plot single variable in CDF file.</title>
                <title>Demo 6: Plot data listed in SPASE record.</title>
                <title>Demo 7: OMNIWeb2 text file.  Read first column (Year)</title>
                <title>Demo 8: OMNIWeb2 text file.  Read first column (Year) across multiple files</title>
                <title>Demo 9: OMNIWeb2 text file, reading data column and parsing times.</title>
                <title>Demo 10: Plot spectrogram in NCML XML file</title>
                <title>Demo 11: Browse a directory tree</title>
                <title>Demo 12: View FITS file</title>
                <title>Demo 13: View another FITS file </title>
                <title>Demo 14: GOES Ascii Tables</title>
                <title>Multi-species summary</title>
                <title>H+ survey</title>
                <title>H+ pitch angle plot</title>
                <title>He survey</title>
                <title>O survey</title>
                <title>O+ pitch angle plot</title>
    <bookmark-folder remoteUrl="file:///home/jbf/public_html/cammice.xml">
                <title>Multi-species summary</title>
                <title>H+ survey</title>
                <title>H+ pitch angle plot</title>
                <title>He survey</title>
                <title>O survey</title>
                <title>O+ pitch angle plot</title>