
Form a rank 2 dataset with L and Time for tags by identifying monotonic sweeps in two rank 1 datasets, and interpolating along the sweep.


identifies the sweep of each record


just the inward sweeps


just the outward sweeps


include both sweeps


identifySweeps( QDataSet lds, int dir ) → QDataSet

identify monotonically increasing or decreasing segments of the dataset.


lds - the dataset which sweeps back and forth, such as LShell or MagLat (or a sine wave for testing).
dir - 0=both 1=outward 2= inward


rank 2 data set of sweep indeces, dim0 is sweep number, dim1 is two-element [ start, end(inclusive) ].

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rebin( QDataSet lds, QDataSet zds, QDataSet lgrid ) → QDataSet

rebin the datasets to rank 2 dataset ( time, LShell ), by interpolating along sweeps. This dataset has the property "sweeps", which is a dataset that indexes the input datasets.


lds - rank 1 dataset of length N
zds - rank 1 dataset of length N, indexed along with {@code lds}
lgrid - rank 1 dataset indicating the dim 1 tags for the result dataset.


a rank 2 dataset, with one column per sweep, interpolated to {@code lgrid}

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rebin( QDataSet tlz, QDataSet lgrid, int dir ) → QDataSet
rebin( QDataSet tt, QDataSet lds, QDataSet zds, QDataSet tspace, QDataSet lgrid, int dir ) → QDataSet
rebin( QDataSet lds, QDataSet zds, QDataSet lgrid, int dir ) → QDataSet