
DataSourceFactories create data sources which resolve a URI into a QDataSet. Some DataSourceFactories support discovery, meaning they will provide a GUI to create URIs with no other information.


getCapability( java.lang.Class clazz ) → Object

return additional tools for creating valid URIs, such as TimeSeriesBrowse. This may soon include a file selector, and an automatic GUI created from the completions model.


clazz - the class, such as org.autoplot.datasource.capability.TimeSeriesBrowse


the capability, such as an instance of org.autoplot.datasource.capability.TimeSeriesBrowse

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getCompletions( org.autoplot.datasource.CompletionContext cc, ProgressMonitor mon ) → List

return a list of context-sensitive completions. If an exception is thrown, then an a error dialog is displayed for RuntimeExceptions. Compile-time exceptions may be displayed more gently, relying on getMessage to aid the human operator.


cc - the context for the completion.
mon - a progress monitor, for example to monitor a file download.


a set of completions

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getDataSource( uri ) → DataSource

return a dataSource for the url


uri - the URI


the DataSource

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getDescription( ) → String

return a short description of the factory, or empty string. For example, "NASA Common Data Format (CDF) Files" or "NASA CDAWeb". This will be used to identify files or discovery sources.


a short description of the factory.

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isFileResource( ) → boolean

true if the data source is based on files. For example, a CDF file is true, since the URIs contain cdf file names, and while vap+cdaweb uses files to move data, it is not file based. This is initially used to limit the entries in file choosers.


true if the data source is based on files.

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reject( String suri, java.util.List problems, ProgressMonitor mon ) → boolean

quick check to see that an uri looks acceptable. since 2012b, this should provide a list of objects marking reasons for rejecting. Though each object is simply a marker, toString method of each should provide some meaningful information to developers. This list will be passed into the editor if available.


suri - the uri.
problems - list to which problems should be added. TODO: human readable or PROB_TIMERANGE?
mon - a progress monitor, for example to monitor a file download.


true if the string cannot be used as a URI.

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supportsDiscovery( ) → boolean

mark that this source has an editor that allows discovery of data, and the GUI can be entered with "vap+ext:" This must be consistent with the reject method of the editor.


true if the data source factory supports discovery.

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