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This HTML-formatted table is based on a WMO document.
Please consult the original WMO document for more details and for possible notes.
Links to classes: 00 01 02 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 40
# 000001 Table A: entry CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000002 Table A: data category description, line 1 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000003 Table A: data category description, line 2 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000004 BUFR/CREX Master table (see Note 2) CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 000005 BUFR/CREX edition number CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000006 BUFR Master table Version number (see Note 3) CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 000007 CREX Master table Version number (see Note 4) CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 000008 BUFR Local table version number (see Note 5) CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 000010 F descriptor to be added or defined CCITT IA5 0 0 8 # 000011 X descriptor to be added or defined CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 000012 Y descriptor to be added or defined CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000013 Element name, line 1 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000014 Element name, line 2 CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 000015 Units name CCITT IA5 0 0 192 # 000016 Units scale sign CCITT IA5 0 0 8 # 000017 Units scale CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000018 Units reference sign CCITT IA5 0 0 8 # 000019 Units reference value CCITT IA5 0 0 80 # 000020 Element data width CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 000030 Descriptor defining sequence CCITT IA5 0 0 48 #
# 001001 WMO block number Numeric 0 0 7 # 001002 WMO station number Numeric 0 0 10 # 001003 WMO Region number/geographical area Code table 0 0 3 # 001004 WMO Region sub-area (see Note 9) Numeric 0 0 3 # 001005 Buoy/platform identifier Numeric 0 0 17 # 001006 Aircraft flight number CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001007 Satellite identifier Code table 0 0 10 # 001008 Aircraft registration number or other identification CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001009 Type of commercial aircraft CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001010 Stationary buoy platform identifier; e.g. C-MAN buoys CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001011 Ship or mobile land station identifier CCITT IA5 0 0 72 # 001012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform** Degree true 0 0 9 # 001013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform(( m s-1 0 0 10 # 001014 Platform drift speed (high precision) m s-1 2 0 10 # 001015 Station or site name CCITT IA5 0 0 160 # 001018 Short station or site name CCITT IA5 0 0 40 # 001019 Long Station or site name CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 001020 WMO Region sub-area Numeric 0 0 4 # 001021 Synoptic feature identifier Numeric 0 0 14 # 001022 Name of feature (see Note 11) CCITT IA5 0 0 224 # 001023 Observation sequence number Numeric 0 0 9 # 001025 Storm identifier CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 001026 WMO storm name* CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001027 WMO long storm name CCITT IA5 0 0 80 # 001030 Numerical model identifier (see Note 13) CCITT IA5 0 0 128 # 001031 Identification of originating/generating centre (see Note 10) Code table 0 0 16 # 001032 Generating application Code table defined by originating/ generating centre (Notes (3), (4) and (5)) 0 0 8 # 001033 Identification of originating/generating centre Code table 0 0 8 # 001034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre Code table 0 0 8 # 001035 Originating Centre Common Code Table C-11 0 0 16 # 001036 Agency in charge of operating the Observing platform Code table 0 0 20 # 001037 SIGMET sequence identifier CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 001041 Absolute platform velocity - first component (see Note 6) m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 # 001042 Absolute platform velocity - second component (see Note 6) m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 # 001043 Absolute platform velocity - third component (see Note 6) m s-1 5 -1073741824 31 # 001050 Platform transmitter ID number Numeric 0 0 17 # 001051 Platform transmitter ID number CCITT IA5 0 0 96 # 001060 Aircraft reporting point (Beacon identifier) CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001062 Short ICAO location indicator CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 001063 ICAO location indicator CCITT IA5 0 0 64 # 001064 Runway designator CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 001065 ICAO region identifier CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 001075 Tide station identification CCITT IA5 0 0 40 # 001080 Ship line number according to SOOP CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 001081 Radiosonde serial number CCITT IA5 0 0 160 # 001082 Radiosonde ascension number (see Note 12) Numeric 0 0 14 # 001083 Radiosonde release number (see Note 12) Numeric 0 0 3 # 001085 Observing platform manufacturer's model CCITT IA5 0 0 160 # 001086 Observing platform manufacturer's serial number CCITT IA5 0 0 256 # 001087 WMO Marine observing platform extended identifier Numeric 0 0 23 # 001090 Technique for making up initial perturbations Code table 0 0 8 # 001091 Ensemble member number Numeric 0 0 10 # 001092 Type of ensemble forecast Code table 0 0 8 # 001093 Balloon lot number CCITT IA5 0 0 96 # 001094 WBAN Number Numeric 0 0 17 # 001095 Observer identification CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 001096 Station acquisition CCITT IA5 0 0 160 #
# 002001 Type of station Code table 0 0 2 # 002002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement Flag table 0 0 4 # 002003 Type of measuring equipment used Code table 0 0 4 # 002004 Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported Code table 0 0 4 # 002005 Precision of temperature observation K 2 0 7 # 002011 Radiosonde type Code table 0 0 8 # 002012 Radiosonde computational method Code table 0 0 4 # 002013 Solar and infrared radiation correction Code table 0 0 4 # 002014 Tracking technique/status of system used Code table 0 0 7 # 002015 Radiosonde completeness Code table 0 0 4 # 002016 Radiosonde configuration Flag table 0 0 5 # 002019 Satellite instruments Code table 0 0 11 # 002020 Satellite classification Code table 0 0 9 # 002021 Satellite instrument data used in processing* Flag table 0 0 9 # 002022 Satellite data-processing technique used Flag table 0 0 8 # 002023 Satellite derived wind computation method Code table 0 0 4 # 002024 Integrated mean humidity computational method Code table 0 0 4 # 002025 Satellite channel(s) used in computation Flag table 0 0 25 # 002026 Cross track resolution m 2 0 12 # 002027 Along track resolution m 2 0 12 # 002028 Segment size at nadir in X direction m 0 0 18 # 002029 Segment size at nadir in Y direction m 0 0 18 # 002030 Method of current measurement Code table 0 0 3 # 002031 Duration and time of current measurement Code table 0 0 5 # 002032 Indicator for digitization Code table 0 0 2 # 002033 Method of salinity/depth measurement Code table 0 0 3 # 002034 Drogue type Code table 0 0 5 # 002035 Cable length m 0 0 9 # 002036 Buoy type Code table 0 0 2 # 002037 Method of tidal observation Code table 0 0 3 # 002038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement Code table 0 0 4 # 002039 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement Code table 0 0 3 # 002040 Method of removing velocity and motion of platform from current Code table 0 0 4 # 002041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features Code table 0 0 6 # 002042 Indicator for sea surface current speed Code table 0 0 2 # 002044 Indicator for method of calculating spectral wave data Code table 0 0 4 # 002045 Indicator for type of platform Code table 0 0 4 # 002046 Wave measurement instrumentation Code table 0 0 4 # 002048 Satellite sensor indicator Code table 0 0 4 # 002049 Geostationary satellite data-processing technique used Flag table 0 0 8 # 002050 Geostationary sounder satellite channels used Flag table 0 0 20 # 002051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures Code table 0 0 4 # 002052 Geostationary imager satellite channels used Flag table 0 0 6 # 002053 GOES-I/M brightness temperature characteristics Code table 0 0 4 # 002054 GOES-I/M soundings parameter characteristics Code table 0 0 4 # 002055 Geostationary soundings statistical parameters Code table 0 0 4 # 002056 Geostationary soundings accuracy statistics Code table 0 0 4 # 002057 Origin of first guess information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002058 Valid times of first guess information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002059 Origin of analysis information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002060 Origin of surface information for GOES-I/M soundings Code table 0 0 4 # 002061 Aircraft navigational system Code table 0 0 3 # 002062 Type of aircraft data relay system Code table 0 0 4 # 002063 Aircraft roll angle Degree 2 -18000 16 # 002064 Aircraft roll angle quality Code table 0 0 2 # 002065 ACARS ground receiving station CCITT IA5 0 0 40 # 002066 Radiosonde ground receiving system Code table 0 0 6 # 002067 Radiosonde operating frequency Hz -5 0 15 # 002070 Original specification of latitude/longitude Code table 0 0 4 # 002080 Balloon manufacturer Code table 0 0 6 # 002081 Type of balloon Code table 0 0 5 # 002082 Weight of balloon kg 3 0 12 # 002083 Type of balloon shelter Code table 0 0 4 # 002084 Type of gas used in balloon Code table 0 0 4 # 002085 Amount of gas used in balloon kg 3 0 13 # 002086 Balloon flight train length m 1 0 10 # 002091 Entry sensor 4/20 mA A 4 0 10 # 002095 Type of pressure sensor Code table 0 0 5 # 002096 Type of temperature sensor Code table 0 0 5 # 002097 Type of humidity sensor Code table 0 0 5 # 002100 Radar constant* dB 1 0 12 # 002101 Type of antenna Code table 0 0 4 # 002102 Antenna height above tower base m 0 0 8 # 002103 Radome Flag table 0 0 2 # 002104 Antenna polarisation Code table 0 0 4 # 002105 Maximum antenna gain dB 0 0 6 # 002106 3-dB beamwidth Degree 1 0 6 # 002107 Sidelobe suppression dB 0 0 6 # 002108 Crosspol discrimination (on axis) dB 0 0 6 # 002109 Antenna speed (azimuth) Degree s-1 2 0 12 # 002110 Antenna speed (elevation) Degree s-1 2 0 12 # 002111 Radar incidence angle Degree 1 0 10 # 002112 Radar look angle Degree 1 0 12 # 002113 Number of azimuth looks Numeric 0 0 4 # 002114 Antenna effective surface area m2 0 0 15 # 002115 Type of surface observing equipment Code table 0 0 5 # 002116 Percentage of 320 MHZ band processed % 0 0 7 # 002117 Percentage of 80 MHZ band processed % 0 0 7 # 002118 Percentage of 20 MHZ band processed % 0 0 7 # 002119 RA-2 instrument operations Code table 0 0 3 # 002120 Ocean wave frequency Hz 3 0 10 # 002121 Mean frequency Hz -8 0 7 # 002122 Frequency agility range Hz -6 -128 8 # 002123 Peak power W -4 0 7 # 002124 Average power W -1 0 7 # 002125 Pulse repetition frequency Hz -1 0 8 # 002126 Pulse width s 7 0 6 # 002127 Receiver intermediate frequency Hz -6 0 7 # 002128 Intermediate frequency bandwidth Hz -5 0 6 # 002129 Minimum detectable signal dB 0 -150 5 # 002130 Dynamic range dB 0 0 7 # 002131 Sensitivity time control (STC) Flag table 0 0 2 # 002132 Azimuth pointing accuracy Degree 2 0 6 # 002133 Elevation pointing accuracy Degree 2 0 6 # 002134 Antenna beam azimuth Degree 2 0 16 # 002135 Antenna elevation Degree 2 -9000 15 # 002136 Range processed by range attenuation correction m -3 0 16 # 002140 Satellite radar beam azimuth angle Degree 0 0 9 # 002141 Measurement type CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 002142 Ozone instrument serial number/ identification CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 002143 Ozone instrument type Code table 0 0 7 # 002144 Light source type for Brewer spectro photometer Code table 0 0 4 # 002145 Wave length setting for Dobson instruments Code table 0 0 4 # 002146 Source conditions for Dobson instruments Code table 0 0 4 # 002148 Data collection and/or location system Code table 0 0 5 # 002149 Type of data buoy Code table 0 0 6 # 002150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number Code table 0 0 6 # 002151 Radiometer identifier Code table 0 0 11 # 002152 Satellite instrument used in data processing(6) Flag table 0 0 31 # 002153 Satellite channel centre frequency Hz -8 0 26 # 002154 Satellite channel band width Hz -8 0 26 # 002156 Percentage of valid KU ocean retracker measurements % 0 0 7 # 002157 Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements % 0 0 7 # 002158 RA-2 instrument Flag table 0 0 9 # 002159 MWR instrument Flag table 0 0 8 # 002160 Wave length of the radar Code table 0 0 4 # 002163 Height assignment method Code table 0 0 4 # 002164 Tracer correlation method Code table 0 0 3 # 002166 Radiance type Code table 0 0 4 # 002167 Radiance computational method Code table 0 0 4 # 002168 Hydrostatic pressure of lower end of cable (thermistor string) Pa -3 0 16 # 002169 Anemometer type Code table 0 0 4 # 002172 Product type for retrieved atmospheric gases Code table 0 0 8 # 002173 Square of the off nadir angle (7) Degree2 4 0 10 # 002174 Mean across track pixel number Numeric 0 0 9 # 002175 Method of precipitation measurement Code table 0 0 4 # 002176 Method of state of ground measurement Code table 0 0 4 # 002177 Method of snow depth measurement Code table 0 0 4 # 002178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation Code table 0 0 4 # 002179 Type of sky condition algorithm Code table 0 0 4 # 002180 Main present weather detecting system Code table 0 0 4 # 002181 Supplementary present weather sensor Flag table 0 0 21 # 002182 Visibility measurement system Code table 0 0 4 # 002183 Cloud detection system Code table 0 0 4 # 002184 Type of lightning detection sensor Code table 0 0 4 # 002185 Method of evaporation measurement Code table 0 0 4 # 002186 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena Flag table 0 0 30 # 002187 Capability to detect other weather phenomena Flag table 0 0 18 # 002188 Capability to detect obscuration Flag table 0 0 21 # 002189 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes Flag table 0 0 12 # 002190 Lagrangian drifter submergence (% time submerged) % 0 0 7 #
# 004001 Year Year 0 0 12 # 004002 Month Month 0 0 4 # 004003 Day Day 0 0 6 # 004004 Hour Hour 0 0 5 # 004005 Minute Minute 0 0 6 # 004006 Second Second 0 0 6 # 004007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy) Second 6 0 26 # 004011 Time increment Year 0 -1024 11 # 004012 Time increment Month 0 -1024 11 # 004013 Time increment Day 0 -1024 11 # 004014 Time increment Hour 0 -1024 11 # 004015 Time increment Minute 0 -2048 12 # 004016 Time increment Second 0 -4096 13 # 004017 Reference time period for accumulated or extreme data Minute 0 -1440 12 # 004021 Time period or displacement Year 0 -1024 11 # 004022 Time period or displacement Month 0 -1024 11 # 004023 Time period or displacement Day 0 -1024 11 # 004024 Time period or displacement Hour 0 -2048 12 # 004025 Time period or displacement Minute 0 -2048 12 # 004026 Time period or displacement Second 0 -4096 13 # 004031 Duration of time relating to following value Hour 0 0 8 # 004032 Duration of time relating to following value Minute 0 0 6 # 004041 Time difference, UTC -LMT (see Note 6) Minute 0 -1440 12 # 004043 Day of the year Day 0 0 9 # 004051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature Hour 0 0 5 # 004052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature Hour 0 0 5 # 004053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm Numeric 0 0 6 # 004059 Times of observation used to compute the reported mean values Flag table 0 0 6 # 004065 Short time increment Minute 0 -128 8 # 004073 Short time period or displacement Day 0 -128 8 # 004074 Short time period or displacement Hour 0 -128 8 # 004075 Short time period or displacement Minute 0 -128 8 # 004080 Averaging period for following value Code table 0 0 4 # 004086 Long time period or displacement Second 0 -8192 15 #
# 005001 Latitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 005002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 005011 Latitude increment (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 005012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 005015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 005016 Latitude displacement (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 005021 Bearing or azimuth Degree true 2 0 16 # 005022 Solar azimuth Degree true 2 0 16 # 005023 Sun to satellite azimuth difference Degree 1 -1800 12 # 005030 Direction (spectral) Degree 0 0 12 # 005031 Row number Numeric 0 0 12 # 005033 Pixel size on horizontal - 1 m -1 0 16 # 005034 Along track row number Numeric 0 0 11 # 005036 Ship transect number according to SOOP Numeric 0 0 7 # 005040 Orbit number Numeric 0 0 24 # 005041 Scan line number Numeric 0 0 8 # 005042 Channel number Numeric 0 0 6 # 005043 Field of view number Numeric 0 0 8 # 005044 Satellite cycle number Numeric 0 0 11 # 005052 Channel number increment Numeric 0 0 5 # 005053 Field of view number increment Numeric 0 0 5 # 005060 Y angular position from centre of gravity Degree 6 -8000000 24 # 005061 Z angular position from centre of gravity Degree 6 -8000000 24 #
# 006001 Longitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 006002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 006011 Longitude increment (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 006012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 006015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 006016 Longitude displacement (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 006021 Distance m -1 0 13 # 006030 Wave number (spectral) rad m-1 5 0 13 # 006031 Column number Numeric 0 0 12 # 006033 Pixel size on horizontal - 2 m -1 0 16 # 006034 Cross-track cell number Numeric 0 0 7 # 006040 Radius of confidence m 0 0 13 #
# 007001 Height of station (see Note 1) m 0 -400 15 # 007002 Height or altitude m -1 -40 16 # 007003 Geopotential m2 s-2 -1 -400 17 # 007004 Pressure Pa -1 0 14 # 007005 Height increment m 0 -400 12 # 007006 Height above station m 0 0 15 # 007007 Height m 0 -1000 17 # 007008 Geopotential m2 s-2 0 -10000 20 # 007009 Geopotential height gpm 0 -1000 17 # 007010 Flight level m 0 -1024 16 # 007021 Elevation (see Note 2) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007022 Solar elevation Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007024 Satellite zenith angle Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007025 Solar zenith angle Degree 2 -9000 15 # 007026 Satellite zenith angle Degree 4 -900000 21 # 007030 Height of station ground above mean sea level (see Note 3) m 1 -4000 17 # 007031 Height of barometer above mean sea level (see Note 4) m 1 -4000 17 # 007032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) (see Note 5) m 2 0 16 # 007033 Height of sensor above water surface (see Note 6) m 1 0 12 # 007040 Impact parameter (see Note 8) m 1 62000000 22 # 007061 Depth below land surface m 2 0 14 # 007062 Depth below sea/water surface m 1 0 17 # 007063 Depth below sea/water surface (cm) m 2 0 20 # 007064 Representative height of sensor above station (see Note 7) m 0 0 4 # 007065 Water pressure Pa -3 0 17 # 007070 Drogue depth m 0 0 10 #
# 008001 Vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 7 # 008002 Vertical significance (surface observations) Code table 0 0 6 # 008003 Vertical significance (satellite observations) Code table 0 0 6 # 008004 Phase of aircraft flight Code table 0 0 3 # 008005 Meteorological attribute significance Code table 0 0 4 # 008006 Ozone vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 9 # 008007 Dimensional significance Code table 0 0 4 # 008008 Radiation vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 9 # 008009 Detailed phase of flight Code Table 0 0 4 # 008010 Surface qualifier (temperature data) Code table 0 0 5 # 008011 Meteorological feature Code table 0 0 6 # 008012 Land/sea qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008013 Day/night qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008014 Qualifier for runway visual range Code table 0 0 4 # 008016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast Code table 0 0 3 # 008017 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected Code table 0 0 2 # 008018 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type Flag table 0 0 17 # 008019 Qualifier for following Centre identifier Code table 0 0 4 # 008020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average) Numeric 0 0 16 # 008021 Time significance Code table 0 0 5 # 008022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average) Numeric 0 0 16 # 008023 First order statistics Code table 0 0 6 # 008024 Difference statistics Code table 0 0 6 # 008025 Time difference qualifier (see Note 5) Code table 0 0 4 # 008029 Remotely sensed surface type Code table 0 0 8 # 008030 Manual on Codes (Volume I.1, Section C) Code table from which data are derived Numeric 0 0 13 # 008031 Data category CREX table A Numeric 0 0 8 # 008033 Method of derivation of percentage confidence Code table 0 0 7 # 008035 Type of monitoring exercise Code table 0 0 3 # 008036 Type of centre or station performing monitoring Code table 0 0 3 # 008040 Flight Level significance Code table 0 0 6 # 008041 Data significance Code table 0 0 5 # 008042 Extended vertical sounding significance Flag table 0 0 18 # 008049 Number of observations Numeric 0 0 8 # 008050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic Code table 0 0 4 # 008051 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic Code table 0 0 3 # 008052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows Code table 0 0 5 # 008053 Day of occurrence qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008060 Sample scanning mode significance Code table 0 0 4 # 008065 Sun-glint indicator Code table 0 0 2 # 008066 Semi-transparency indicator Code table 0 0 2 # 008070 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier Code table 0 0 4 # 008072 Pixel(s) type Code table 0 0 3 # 008074 Altimeter echo type Code table 0 0 2 # 008075 Ascending/Descending Orbit Qualifier Code table 0 0 2 # 008076 Type of band Code table 0 0 6 # 008079 Product status Code table 0 0 4 # 008080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag Code table 0 0 6 # 008081 Type of equipment Code table 0 0 6 # 008082 Modification of sensor height to another value Code table 0 0 3 # 008083 Nominal value indicator Flag table 0 0 15 # 008085 Beam identifier Code table 0 0 3 #
# 010001 Height of land surface m 0 -400 15 # 010002 Height m -1 -40 16 # 010003 Geopotential m2 s-2 -1 -400 17 # 010004 Pressure Pa -1 0 14 # 010007 Height m 0 -1000 17 # 010008 Geopotential m2 s-2 0 -10000 20 # 010009 Geopotential height gpm 0 -1000 17 # 010010 Minimum pressure reduced to mean sea level Pa -1 0 14 # 010011 Maximum pressure reduced to mean sea level Pa -1 0 14 # 010031 In direction of the North Pole, distance from the Earth's centre (see Notes 2 and 3) m 2 -1073741824 31 # 010032 Satellite distance to Earth's centre m 1 0 27 # 010033 Altitude (platform to Ellipsoid) m 1 0 27 # 010034 Earth radius m 1 0 27 # 010035 Earth's local radius of curvature m 1 62000000 22 # 010036 Geoid undulation (see Note 4) m 2 -15000 15 # 010040 Number of retrieved layers Numeric 0 0 10 # 010050 Standard deviation altitude m 2 0 16 # 010051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level Pa -1 0 14 # 010052 Altimeter setting (QNH) Pa -1 0 14 # 010060 Pressure change Pa -1 -1024 11 # 010061 3-hour pressure change Pa -1 -500 10 # 010062 24-hour pressure change Pa -1 -1000 11 # 010063 Characteristic of pressure tendency Code table 0 0 4 # 010064 SIGMET cruising level Code table 0 0 3 # 010070 Indicated aircraft altitude m 0 -400 16 # 010080 Viewing Zenith angle Degree 2 -9000 15 # 010081 Altitude of COG above reference Ellipsoid m 3 0 31 # 010082 Instantaneous altitude rate ms-1 3 -65536 17 # # Previous definition of 0'10'083 and 0'10'084: # # 010083 Off Nadir angle of the satellite from platform data # Degree # 2 -36000 17 # # 010084 Off Nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data # Degree # 2 -36000 17 # 010083 Squared off Nadir angle of the satellite from platform data Degree^2 2 0 16 # 010084 Squared off Nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data Degree^2 2 0 16 # 010085 Mean sea surface height m 3 -131072 18 # 010086 Geoid's height m 3 -131072 18 # 010087 Ocean depth/land elevation m 1 -131072 18 # 010088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1) m 3 -32768 16 # 010089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2) m 3 -32768 16 # 010090 Long period tide height m 3 -32768 16 # 010091 Tidal loading height m 3 -32768 16 # 010092 Solid Earth tide height m 3 -32768 16 # 010093 Geocentric pole tide height m 3 -32768 16 # 010095 Height of atmosphere used m 0 0 16 #
# 011001 Wind direction Degree true 0 0 9 # 011002 Wind speed m s-1 1 0 12 # 011003 u-component m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 011004 v-component m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 011005 w-component Pa s-1 1 -512 10 # 011006 w-component m s-1 2 -4096 13 # 011010 Wind direction associated with wind speed which follows Degree true 0 0 9 # 011011 Wind direction at 10 m Degree true 0 0 9 # 011012 Wind speed at 10 m m s-1 1 0 12 # 011013 Wind direction at 5 m Degree true 0 0 9 # 011014 Wind speed at 5 m m s-1 1 0 12 # 011016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind Degree true 0 0 9 # 011017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind Degree true 0 0 9 # 011019 Steadiness of wind (6) % 0 0 7 # 011021 Relative vorticity s-1 9 -65536 17 # 011022 Divergence s-1 9 -65536 17 # 011023 Velocity potential m2 s-1 -2 -65536 17 # 011030 Extended degree of turbulence Code table 0 0 6 # 011031 Degree of turbulence Code table 0 0 4 # 011032 Height of base of turbulence m -1 -40 16 # 011033 Height of top of turbulence m -1 -40 16 # 011034 Vertical gust velocity m s-1 1 -1024 11 # 011035 Vertical gust acceleration m s-2 2 -8192 14 # 011036 Maximum derived equivalent vertical gust speed m s-1 1 0 10 # 011037 Turbulence Index Code table 0 0 6 # 011038 Time of occurrence of Peak Eddy Dissipation Rate Code table 0 0 5 # 011039 Extended time of occurrence of peak Eddy Dissipation Rate Code table 0 0 6 # 011040 Maximum wind speed (mean wind) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011041 Maximum wind gust speed m s-1 1 0 12 # 011042 Maximum wind speed (10-min mean wind) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011043 Maximum wind gust direction Degree true 0 0 9 # 011044 Mean wind direction for surface - 1500 m (5000 feet) Degree true 0 0 9 # 011045 Mean wind speed for surface - 1500 m (5000 feet) m s-1 1 0 12 # 011046 Maximum instantaneous wind speed m s-1 1 0 12 # 011047 Maximum instantaneous wind speed over 10 minutes m s-1 1 0 12 # 011049 Standard deviation of wind direction Degree true 0 0 9 # 011050 Standard deviation of horizontal wind speed m s-1 1 0 12 # 011051 Standard deviation of vertical wind speed m s-1 1 0 8 # 011052 Formal uncertainty in wind speed m s-1 2 0 13 # 011053 Formal uncertainty in wind direction Degree true 2 0 15 # 011054 Mean wind direction for 1500 m - 3000 m Degree true 0 0 9 # 011055 Mean wind speed for 1500 m - 3000 m m s-1 1 0 12 # 011061 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below m s-1 1 0 12 # 011062 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above m s-1 1 0 12 # 011070 Designator of the runway affected by wind shear (including ALL) CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 011071 Turbulent vertical momentum flux m2 s-2 3 -128 14 # 011072 Turbulent vertical buoyancy flux K m s-1 3 -128 11 # 011073 Turbulent kinetic energy m2 s-2 2 -1024 13 # 011074 Dissipation energy m2 s-2 2 -1024 10 # 011075 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) m2/3 s-1 2 0 8 # 011076 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate) m2/3 s-1 2 0 8 # 011077 Reporting interval or averaging time for Eddy Dissipation Rate s 0 0 12 # 011081 Model wind direction at 10m Degree true 2 0 16 # 011082 Model wind speed at 10m m s-1 2 0 14 # 011095 U component of the model wind vector m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 011096 V component of the model wind vector m s-1 1 -4096 13 #
# 012001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature K 1 0 12 # 012002 Wet-bulb temperature K 1 0 12 # 012003 Dew-point temperature K 1 0 12 # 012004 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m K 1 0 12 # 012005 Wet-bulb temperature at 2 m K 1 0 12 # 012006 Dew-point temperature at 2 m K 1 0 12 # 012007 Virtual temperature K 1 0 12 # 012011 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified K 1 0 12 # 012012 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified K 1 0 12 # 012013 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours K 1 0 12 # 012014 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 12 hours K 1 0 12 # 012015 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 12 hours K 1 0 12 # 012016 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours K 1 0 12 # 012017 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours K 1 0 12 # 012021 Maximum temperature at 2m K 2 0 16 # 012022 Minimum temperature at 2m K 2 0 16 # 012030 Soil temperature K 1 0 12 # 012049 Temperature change over specified period K 0 -30 6 # 012051 Standard deviation temperature K 1 0 10 # 012052 Highest daily mean temperature K 1 0 12 # 012053 Lowest daily mean temperature K 1 0 12 # 012061 Skin temperature K 1 0 12 # 012062 Equivalent black body temperature K 1 0 12 # 012063 Brightness temperature K 1 0 12 # 012064 Instrument temperature K 1 0 12 # 012065 Standard deviation brightness temperature K 1 0 12 # 012070 Warm load temperature K 2 0 16 # 012071 Coldest cluster temperature K 1 0 12 # 012072 Radiance W m-2 sr-1 6 0 31 # 012075 Spectral radiance W m-3 sr-1 -3 0 16 # 012076 Radiance (see Note 2) W m-2 sr-1 3 0 16 # 012101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature K 2 0 16 # 012102 Wet-bulb temperature K 2 0 16 # 012103 Dew-point temperature K 2 0 16 # 012104 Dry-bulb temperature at 2m K 2 0 16 # 012105 Web-bulb temperature at 2m K 2 0 16 # 012106 Dew-point temperature at 2m K 2 0 16 # 012107 Virtual temperature K 2 0 16 # 012111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified K 2 0 16 # 012112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified K 2 0 16 # 012113 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours K 2 0 16 # 012114 Maximum temperature at 2m, past 12 hours K 2 0 16 # 012115 Minimum temperature at 2m, past 12 hours K 2 0 16 # 012116 Maximum temperature at 2m, past 24 hours K 2 0 16 # 012117 Minimum temperature at 2m, past 24 hours K 2 0 16 # 012118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours K 2 0 16 # 012119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours K 2 0 16 # 012121 Ground minimum temperature K 2 0 16 # 012122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night K 2 0 16 # 012130 Soil temperature K 2 0 16 # 012151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature K 2 0 12 # 012152 Highest daily mean temperature K 2 0 16 # 012153 Lowest daily mean temperature K 2 0 16 # 012161 Skin temperature K 2 0 16 # 012162 Equivalent black body temperature K 2 0 16 # 012163 Brightness temperature K 2 0 16 # 012164 Instrument temperature K 2 0 16 # 012171 Coldest cluster temperature K 2 0 16 # 012180 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels at Nadir K 2 0 16 # 012181 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels at Nadir K 2 0 16 # 012182 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels at Nadir K 2 0 16 # 012183 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view K 2 0 16 # 012184 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view K 2 0 16 # 012185 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view K 2 0 16 # 012186 Mean Nadir sea surface temperature K 2 0 16 # 012187 Mean dual view sea surface temperature K 2 0 16 # 012188 Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness T from MWR K 2 0 16 # 012189 Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness T from MWR K 2 0 16 #
# 013001 Specific humidity kg kg-1 5 0 14 # 013002 Mixing ratio kg kg-1 5 0 14 # 013003 Relative humidity % 0 0 7 # 013004 Vapour pressure Pa -1 0 10 # 013005 Vapour density kg m-3 3 0 7 # 013006 Mixing heights M -1 -40 16 # 013007 Minimum relative humidity % 0 0 7 # 013008 Maximum relative humidity % 0 0 7 # 013009 Relative humidity (see Note 6) % 1 -1000 12 # 013011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013012 Depth of fresh snow m 2 -2 12 # 013013 Total snow depth m 2 -2 16 # 013014 Rainfall/water equivalent of snow (averaged rate) kg m-2 s-1 4 0 12 # 013015 Snowfall (averaged rate) m s-1 7 0 12 # 013016 Precipitable water kg m-2 0 0 7 # 013019 Total precipitation past 1 hour kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013020 Total precipitation past 3 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013021 Total precipitation past 6 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013022 Total precipitation past 12 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013023 Total precipitation past 24 hours kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013031 Evapotranspiration kg m-2 0 0 7 # 013032 Evaporation/evapotranspiration (see Note 5) kg m-2 1 0 8 # 013033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration kg m-2 1 0 10 # 013038 Superadiabatic indicator Code table 0 0 2 # 013039 Terrain type (ice/snow) Code table 0 0 3 # 013040 Surface flag Code table 0 0 4 # 013041 Pasquill-Gifford stability category Code table 0 0 4 # 013042 Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) (see Notes 3 and 4) K 0 -20 6 # 013043 Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) (see Notes 3 and 4) K 0 -20 6 # 013044 K index K 0 -30 8 # 013045 KO index K 0 -30 8 # 013046 Maximum buoyancy K 0 -30 8 # 013047 Modified Showalter stability index (see Note 7) K 0 -60 6 # 013051 Frequency group, precipitation Code table 0 0 4 # 013052 Highest daily amount of precipitation kg m-2 1 -1 14 # 013055 Intensity of precipitation kg m-2 s-1 4 0 8 # 013056 Character and intensity of precipitation Code table 0 0 4 # 013057 Time of beginning or end of precipitation Code table 0 0 4 # 013058 Size of precipitating element m 4 0 7 # 013059 Number of flashes (thunderstorm) Numeric 0 0 7 # 013060 Total accumulated precipitation kg m-2 1 -1 17 # 013071 Upstream water level m 2 0 14 # 013072 Downstream water level m 2 0 14 # 013073 Maximum water level m 2 0 14 # 013080 Water pH pH unit 1 0 10 # 013081 Water conductivity S m-1 3 0 14 # 013082 Water temperature K 1 0 12 # 013083 Dissolved oxygen kg m-3 6 0 15 # 013084 Turbidity Lumen 0 0 14 # 013085 Oxydation Reduction Potential (ORP) V 3 0 14 # 013090 Radiometer water vapour content kg m-2 1 0 10 # 013091 Radiometer liquid content kg m-2 2 0 8 # 013093 Cloud optical thickness Numeric 0 0 8 # 013095 Total column water vapour kg m-2 4 0 19 # 013096 MWR water vapour content kg m-2 2 0 14 # 013097 MWR liquid water content kg m-2 2 0 14 # 013098 Integrated water vapour density kg m-2 8 0 30 #
# 014001 Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014003 Short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014011 Net long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014012 Net long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014013 Net short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014014 Net short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014015 Net radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 -16384 15 # 014016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 -16384 15 # 014017 Instantaneous long-wave radiation (see Note 6) W m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014018 Instantaneous short-wave radiation (see Note 6) W m-2 -3 -2048 12 # 014019 Surface albedo % 0 0 7 # 014020 Global solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014021 Global solar radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014022 Diffuse solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014023 Diffuse solar radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014024 Direct solar radiation, integrated over 24 hours J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014025 Direct solar radiation, integrated over period specified J m-2 -4 0 15 # 014026 Albedo at the top of clouds % 0 0 7 # 014027 Albedo % 0 0 7 # 014028 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified J m-2 -2 0 16 # 014029 Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified J m-2 -2 0 16 # 014030 Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified J m-2 -2 0 16 # 014031 Total sunshine Minute 0 0 11 # 014032 Total sunshine Hour 0 0 10 # 014033 Total sunshine % 0 0 9 # 014034 Sunshine over period specified Minute 0 0 11 # 014042 Bi-directional reflectance % 0 0 7 # 014045 Channel radiance (see Note 4) Wm-2 sr-1 cm-1 0 0 11 # 014046 Scaled IASI radiance (see Note 6) Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 -5000 16 # 014047 Scaled mean AVHRR radiance Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 0 31 # 014048 Scaled standard deviation AVHRR radiance Wm-2sr-1m-1 0 0 31 # 014050 Emissivity (see note 5) % 1 0 10 # 014051 Direct solar radiation integrated over last hour J m-2 -3 0 14 # 014055 Solar activity index Numeric 0 -32768 16 #
# 015001 Total ozone DU 0 0 10 # 015002 Air mass (slant path at 22 km) Numeric 2 0 10 # 015003 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding) Pascal 4 0 9 # 015004 Ozone sounding correction factor (see Note 2) Numeric 3 0 11 # 015005 Ozone p (see Note 3) DU 0 0 10 # 015011 Log 10 of integrated electron density log (1/m2) 3 14000 13 # 015015 Maximum image spectral component before normalization Numeric 0 0 31 # 015020 Integrated 03 density kg m-2 8 0 21 # 015025 Type of pollutant Code table 0 0 4 # 015026 Concentration of pollutant molmol-1 9 0 9 # 015027 Concentration of pollutant (kg m-3) kg m-3 9 0 10 # 015031 Atmospheric path delay in satellite signal m 4 10000 15 # 015032 Estimated error in atmospheric path delay m 4 0 10 # 015033 Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan m 5 -10000 15 # 015034 Estimated error in path delay difference m 5 0 14 # 015035 Component of zenith path delay due to water vapour m 4 0 14 # 015036 Atmospheric refractivity (see Note 5) N-units 3 0 19 # 015037 Bending angle Radians 8 -100000 23 #
# 019001 Type of synoptic feature Code table 0 0 6 # 019002 Effective radius of feature m -2 0 12 # 019003 Wind speed threshold m s-1 0 0 8 # 019004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold m -2 0 12 # 019005 Direction of motion of feature Degree true 0 0 9 # 019006 Speed of motion of feature m s-1 2 0 14 # 019007 Effective radius of feature m -3 0 12 # 019008 Vertical extent of circulation Code table 0 0 3 # 019009 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold (large storms) m -3 0 12 # 019010 Method for tracking the centre of synoptic feature Code table 0 0 4 # 019100 Time interval to calculate the movement of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 4 # 019101 Accuracy of the position of the centre of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 4 # 019102 Shape and definition of the eye of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 3 # 019103 Diameter of major axis of the eye of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 4 # 019104 Change in character of the eye during the 30 minutes Code table 0 0 4 # 019105 Distance between the end of spiral band and the centre Code table 0 0 4 # 019106 Identification number of tropical cyclone Numeric 0 0 7 # 019107 Time interval over which the movement of the tropical cyclone has been calculated Code table 0 0 4 # 019108 Accuracy of geographical position of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 3 # 019109 Mean diameter of the overcast cloud of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 4 # 019110 Apparent 24-hour change in intensity of the tropical cyclone Code table 0 0 4 # 019111 Current Intensity (CI) number of the tropical cyclone Numeric 1 0 7 # 019112 Data Tropical (DT) number of the tropical cyclone Numeric 1 0 7 # 019113 Cloud pattern type of the DT-number Code table 0 0 4 # 019114 Model Expected Tropical (MET) number of the tropical cyclone Numeric 1 0 7 # 019115 Trend of the past 24-hour change (+: Developed, -: Weakened) Numeric 1 -30 6 # 019116 Pattern Tropical (PT) number of the tropical cyclone Numeric 1 0 7 # 019117 Cloud picture type of the PT-number Code table 0 0 3 # 019118 Final Tropical (T) number of the tropical cyclone Numeric 1 0 7 # 019119 Type of the final T-number Code table 0 0 3 # 019150 Typhoon International Common Number (Typhoon Committee) CCITTIA5 0 0 32 #
# 020001 Horizontal visibility m -1 0 13 # 020002 Vertical visibility m -1 0 7 # 020003 Present weather (see note 1) Code table 0 0 9 # 020004 Past weather (1) (see note 2) Code table 0 0 5 # 020005 Past weather (2) (see note 2) Code table 0 0 5 # 020008 Cloud distribution for aviation Code table 0 0 5 # 020009 General Weather Indicator (TAF/METAR) Code table 0 0 4 # 020010 Cloud cover (total) (see note 5) % 0 0 7 # 020011 Cloud amount Code table 0 0 4 # 020012 Cloud type Code table 0 0 6 # 020013 Height of base of cloud m -1 -40 11 # 020014 Height of top of cloud m -1 -40 11 # 020015 Pressure at base of cloud Pa -1 0 14 # 020016 Pressure at top of cloud Pa -1 0 14 # 020017 Cloud top description Code table 0 0 4 # 020018 Tendency of runway visual range Code table 0 0 2 # 020019 Significant present or forecast weather CCITT IA5 0 0 72 # 020020 Significant recent weather phenomena CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 020021 Type of precipitation Flag table 0 0 30 # 020022 Character of precipitation Code table 0 0 4 # 020023 Other weather phenomena Flag table 0 0 18 # 020024 Intensity of phenomena Code table 0 0 3 # 020025 Obscuration Flag table 0 0 21 # 020026 Character of obscuration Code table 0 0 4 # 020027 Phenomena occurrence Flag table 0 0 9 # 020028 Expected change in intensity Code table 0 0 3 # 020029 Rain flag Code table 0 0 2 # 020031 Ice deposit (thickness) m 2 0 7 # 020032 Rate of ice accretion Code table 0 0 3 # 020033 Cause of ice accretion Flag table 0 0 4 # 020034 Sea ice concentration Code table 0 0 5 # 020035 Amount and type of ice Code table 0 0 4 # 020036 Ice situation Code table 0 0 5 # 020037 Ice development Code table 0 0 5 # 020038 Bearing of ice edge (see note 3) Degree true 0 0 12 # 020039 Ice distance m -1 0 13 # 020040 Evolution of drift snow Code table 0 0 4 # 020041 Airframe icing Code table 0 0 4 # 020042 Airframe icing present Code table 0 0 2 # 020043 Peak liquid water content kg m-3 4 0 7 # 020044 Average liquid water content kg m-3 4 0 7 # 020045 Supercooled large droplet (SLD) conditions Code table 0 0 2 # 020048 Evolution of feature Code table 0 0 4 # 020050 Cloud index Code table 0 0 8 # 020051 Amount of low clouds % 0 0 7 # 020052 Amount of middle clouds % 0 0 7 # 020053 Amount of high clouds % 0 0 7 # 020054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving Degree true 0 0 9 # 020055 State of sky in the tropics Code table 0 0 4 # 020056 Cloud phase Code table 0 0 3 # 020061 Runway visual range (RVR) m 0 0 12 # 020062 State of the ground (with or without snow) Code table 0 0 5 # 020063 Special phenomena Code table 0 0 10 # 020065 Snow cover (see note 4) % 0 0 7 # 020066 Maximum diameter of hailstones m 3 0 8 # 020067 Diameter of deposit m 3 0 9 # 020070 Minimum number of atmospherics Numeric 0 0 7 # 020071 Accuracy of fix and rate of atmospherics Code table 0 0 4 # 020081 Cloud amount in segment % 0 0 7 # 020082 Amount segment cloud free % 0 0 7 # 020083 Amount of segment covered by scene % 0 0 7 # 020090 Special clouds Code table 0 0 4 # 020095 Ice probability Numeric 3 0 10 # 020096 Ice age ("A" parameter) dB 2 -4096 13 # 020101 Locust (acridian) name Code table 0 0 4 # 020102 Locust (maturity) color Code table 0 0 4 # 020103 Stage of development of locusts Code table 0 0 4 # 020104 Organization state of swarm or band of locusts Code table 0 0 4 # 020105 Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm Code table 0 0 4 # 020106 Locust population density Code table 0 0 4 # 020107 Direction of movements of locust swarm Code table 0 0 4 # 020108 Extent of vegetation Code table 0 0 4 #
# 021001 Horizontal reflectivity dB 0 -64 7 # 021002 Vertical reflectivity dB 0 -64 7 # 021003 Differential reflectivity dB 1 -5 7 # 021005 Linear depolarisation ratio dB 0 -65 6 # 021006 Circular depolarisation ratio dB 0 -65 6 # 021011 Doppler mean velocity in X-direction m s-1 0 -128 8 # 021012 Doppler mean velocity in Y-direction m s-1 0 -128 8 # 021013 Doppler mean velocity in Z-direction m s-1 0 -128 8 # 021014 Doppler mean velocity (radial) m s-1 1 -4096 13 # 021017 Doppler velocity spectral width m s-1 1 0 8 # 021021 Echo tops m -3 0 4 # 021030 Signal to noise ratio dB 0 -32 8 # 021031 Vertically integrated liquid-water content kg m-2 0 0 7 # 021036 Radar rainfall intensity m s-1 7 0 12 # 021041 Bright-band height m -2 0 8 # 021051 Signal power above 1 mW dB 0 -256 8 # 021062 Backscatter dB 2 -5000 13 # 021063 Radiometric resolution (noise value) % 1 0 10 # 021064 Clutter noise estimate Numeric 0 0 8 # 021065 Missing packet counter Numeric 0 -127 8 # 021066 Wave scatterometer product confidence data Flag table 0 0 12 # 021067 Wind product confidence data Flag table 0 0 13 # 021068 Radar altimeter product confidence data Flag table 0 0 8 # 021069 SST product confidence data Flag table 0 0 10 # 021070 SST product confidence data (SADIST-2) Flag table 0 0 23 # 021071 Peakiness Numeric 0 0 16 # 021072 Satellite altimeter calibration status Flag table 0 0 4 # 021073 Satelllite altimeter instrument mode Flag table 0 0 9 # 021075 Image spectrum intensity Numeric 0 0 8 # 021076 Representation of intensities Code table 0 0 3 # 021077 Altitude correction (ionosphere) m 3 0 14 # 021078 Altitude correction (dry troposphere) m 3 0 9 # 021079 Altitude correction (wet troposphere) m 3 2000 10 # 021080 Altitude correction (calibration constant) m 3 0 11 # 021081 Open loop correction (height-time loop) m 3 0 10 # 021082 Open loop correction (auto gain control) dB 3 -3000 14 # 021083 Warm target calibration Numeric 0 0 16 # 021084 Cold target calibration Numeric 0 0 16 # 021085 ATSR sea surface temperature across- track band number Numeric 0 0 4 # 021086 Number of pixels in Nadir only, average Numeric 0 0 9 # 021087 Number of pixels in dual view, average Numeric 0 0 9 # 021088 Wet backscatter dB 2 -5000 13 # 021091 Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment dB 0 -100 8 # 021092 RASS signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment, referring to RASS signal dB 0 -100 8 # 021093 Ku band peakiness Numeric 3 0 16 # 021094 S band peakiness Numeric 3 0 16 # 021101 Number of vector ambiguities Numeric 0 0 3 # 021102 Index of selected wind vector Numeric 0 0 3 # 021103 Total number of sigma-0 measurements Numeric 0 0 5 # 021104 Likelihood computed for solution Numeric 3 -30000 15 # 021105 Normalized radar cross-section dB 2 -10000 14 # 021106 Kp variance coefficient (Alpha) Numeric 3 0 14 # 021107 Kp variance coefficient (Beta) Numeric 8 0 16 # 021109 SEAWINDS wind vector cell quality Flag table 0 0 17 # 021110 Number of inner-beam Sigma-0 (forward of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021111 Number of outer-beam Sigma-0 (forward of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021112 Number of inner-beam Sigma-0 (aft of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021113 Number of outer-beam Sigma-0 (aft of satellite) Numeric 0 0 6 # 021114 Kp variance coefficent (Gamma) dB 3 -140000 18 # 021115 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality Flag table 0 0 17 # 021116 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode Flag table 0 0 17 # 021117 Sigma-0 variance quality control Numeric 2 0 16 # 021118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0 dB 2 -10000 14 # 021119 Wind scatterometer geophysical model function Code table 0 0 6 # 021120 Probability of rain Numeric 3 0 10 # 021121 SEAWINDS NOF* rain index Numeric 0 0 8 # 021122 Attenuation correction of sigma-0 (from tB) dB 2 -10000 14 # 021123 SEAWINDS normalized radar cross section dB 2 -30000 15 # 021128 Number of valid points per second used to derive previous parameters Numeric 0 0 8 # 021130 Spectrum total energy Numeric 6 0 28 # 021131 Spectrum max energy Numeric 6 0 28 # 021132 Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid Degree 3 0 19 # 021133 Wave-length of spectrum max on higher resolution grid m 3 0 29 # 021134 Range resolution of cress covariance spectrum Rad m-1 3 0 19 # 021135 Real part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins Numeric 3 -524288 20 # 021136 Imaginary part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins Numeric 3 -524288 20 # 021137 KU band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient dB 2 -32768 16 # 021138 Std KU band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient dB 2 -32768 16 # 021139 KU band net instrumental correction for AGC dB 2 -2048 12 # 021140 S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient dB 2 -32768 16 # 021141 Std S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient dB 2 -32768 16 # 021142 S band net instrumental correction for AGC dB 2 -1024 11 # 021143 KU band rain attenuation dB 2 -1073741824 31 # 021144 Altimeter rain flag Flag table 0 0 2 # 021150 Beam collocation Code table 0 0 2 # 021151 Estimated error in sigma-0 at 40 deg. incidence angle dB 2 0 9 # 021152 Slope at 40 deg. incidence angle dB Deg-1 2 -80 7 # 021153 Estimated error in slope at 40 deg. incidence angle dB Deg-1 2 -40 6 # 021154 Soil moisture sensitivity dB 2 0 12 # 021155 Wind vector cell quality Flag table 0 0 24 # 021156 Backscatter distance Numeric 1 -4096 13 # 021157 Loss per unit length of atmosphere used dB m-1 10 0 22 # 021158 ASCAT kp estimate quality Code table 0 0 2 # 021159 ASCAT sigma-0 usability Code table 0 0 2 # 021160 ASCAT use of synthetic data Numeric 3 0 10 # 021161 ASCAT synthetic data quality Numeric 3 0 10 # 021162 ASCAT satellite orbit and attitude quality Numeric 3 0 10 # 021163 ASCAT solar array reflection contamination Numeric 3 0 10 # 021164 ASCAT telemetry presence and quality Numeric 3 0 10 # 021165 ASCAT extrapolated reference function presence Numeric 3 0 10 # 021166 ASCAT land fraction Numeric 3 0 10 #
# 022001 Direction of waves Degree true 0 0 9 # 022002 Direction of wind waves Degree true 0 0 9 # 022003 Direction of swell waves Degree true 0 0 9 # 022004 Direction of current (see Note 7) Degree true 0 0 9 # 022005 Direction of sea surface current Degree true 0 0 9 # 022011 Period of waves s 0 0 6 # 022012 Period of wind waves s 0 0 6 # 022013 Period of swell waves s 0 0 6 # 022021 Height of waves m 1 0 10 # 022022 Height of wind waves m 1 0 10 # 022023 Height of swell waves m 1 0 10 # 022025 Standard deviation wave height m 2 0 10 # 022026 Standard deviation of significant wave height m 2 0 10 # 022031 Speed of current ms-1 2 0 13 # 022032 Speed of sea surface current m s-1 2 0 13 # 022035 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum m 2 0 14 # 022036 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) m 2 0 14 # 022037 Tidal elevation with respect to national land datum m 3 -10000 15 # 022038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum m 3 -10000 15 # 022039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) (see Note 4) m 3 -5000 13 # 022040 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) m 3 -5000 14 # 022041 Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) K 1 0 12 # 022042 Sea/water temperature K 1 0 12 # 022043 Sea/water temperature K 2 0 15 # 022044 Sound velocity m s-1 1 0 14 # 022045 Sea/water temperature K 3 0 19 # 022049 Sea surface temperature K 2 0 15 # 022050 Standard deviation sea-surface temperature K 2 0 8 # 022055 Float cycle number Numeric 0 0 10 # 022056 Direction of profile Code table 0 0 2 # 022059 Sea surface salinity Part per thousand 2 0 14 # 022060 Lagrangian drifter drogue status Code table 0 0 3 # 022061 State of the sea Code table 0 0 4 # 022062 Salinity Part per thousand 2 0 14 # 022063 Total water depth m 0 0 14 # 022064 Salinity Part per thousand 3 0 17 # 022065 Water pressure Pa -3 0 17 # 022066 Water conductivity s m-1 6 0 26 # 022067 Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement Code table 0 0 10 # 022068 Water temperature profile recorder types Code table 0 0 7 # 022069 Spectral wave density m2Hz-1 3 0 22 # 022070 Significant wave height m 2 0 13 # 022071 Spectral peak wave period s 1 0 9 # 022072 Spectral peak wave length m 0 0 13 # 022073 Maximum wave height m 2 0 13 # 022074 Average wave period s 1 0 9 # 022075 Average wave length m 0 0 13 # 022076 Direction from which dominant waves are coming Degree true 0 0 9 # 022077 Directional spread of dominant wave Degree 0 0 9 # 022078 Duration of wave record s 0 0 12 # 022079 Length of wave record m 0 0 16 # 022080 Waveband central frequency Hz 3 0 10 # 022081 Waveband central wave number m-1 5 0 13 # 022082 Maximum non-directional spectral wave density m2 s 2 0 20 # 022083 Maximum non-directional spectral wave number m3 2 0 20 # 022084 Band containing maximum non- directional spectral wave density Numeric 0 0 7 # 022085 Spectral wave density ratio Numeric 0 0 7 # 022086 Mean direction from which waves are coming Degree true 0 0 9 # 022087 Principal direction from which waves are coming Degree true 0 0 9 # 022088 First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients Numeric 2 0 7 # 022089 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients Numeric 2 0 7 # 022090 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave frequency m2 s 2 0 20 # 022091 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave number m3 2 0 20 # 022092 Directional spectral estimate by wave frequency m2 rad-1 s 2 0 20 # 022093 Directional spectral estimate by wave number m4 2 0 20 # 022094 Total number of wave bands Numeric 0 0 7 # 022095 Directional spread of individual waves Degree 0 0 8 # 022096 Spectral band width s-1 3 0 4 # 022097 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers m 0 0 14 # 022098 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers m 0 0 14 # 022099 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) Degree true 0 0 9 # 022100 Direction spread at low wave numbers(wavelength > 731 m) Degree 0 0 9 # 022101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers Numeric 0 0 31 # 022120 Tide station automated water level check Code table 0 0 5 # 022121 Tide station manual water level check Code table 0 0 5 # 022122 Tide station automated meteorological data check Code table 0 0 5 # 022123 Tide station manual meteorological data check Code table 0 0 5 # 022141 Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) K 2 0 15 # 022150 Number of 18 Hz valid points for KU band Numeric 0 0 10 # 022151 KU band ocean range m 3 0 31 # 022152 STD of 18 Hz KU band ocean range m 3 0 16 # 022153 Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band Numeric 0 0 10 # 022154 S band ocean range m 3 0 31 # 022155 STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range m 3 0 16 # 022156 KU band significant wave height m 3 0 16 # 022157 STD 18Hz KU band significant wave height m 3 0 16 # 022158 S band significant wave height m 3 0 16 # 022159 STD 18Hz S band significant wave height m 3 0 16 # 022160 Normalized inverse wave age Numeric 6 0 21 # 022161 Wave spectra m4 4 0 27 #
# 023001 Accident early notification - article applicable Code table 0 0 3 # 023002 Activity or facility involved in incident Code table 0 0 5 # 023003 Type of release Code table 0 0 3 # 023004 Countermeasures taken near border Code table 0 0 3 # 023005 Cause of incident Code table 0 0 2 # 023006 Incident situation Code table 0 0 3 # 023007 Characteristics of release Code table 0 0 3 # 023008 State of current release Code table 0 0 2 # 023009 State of expected release Code table 0 0 2 # 023016 Possibility of significant chemical toxic health effect Code table 0 0 2 # 023017 Flow discharge of major recipient m3 s-1 6 0 20 # 023018 Release behaviour over time Code table 0 0 3 # 023019 Actual release height M 0 -15000 17 # 023021 Effective release height M 0 -15000 17 # 023022 Distance of release point or site of incident M 0 0 24 # 023023 Main transport speed in the atmosphere m s-1 1 0 12 # 023024 Main transport speed in water m s-1 2 0 13 # 023025 Main transport speed in ground water m s-1 2 0 13 # 023027 Main transport direction in the atmosphere Degree true 0 0 9 # 023028 Main transport direction in water Degree true 0 0 9 # 023029 Main transport direction in ground water Degree true 0 0 9 # 023031 Possibility that plume will encounter precipitation in State in which incident occurred Code table 0 0 2 # 023032 Plume will encounter change in wind direction and/or speed flag Code table 0 0 2 #
# 024001 Estimate of amount of radioactivity released up to specified time Bq* -11 0 28 # 024002 Estimated maximum potential release Bq -11 0 28 # 024003 Composition of release Code table 0 0 5 # 024004 Element name CCITT IA5 0 0 16 # 024005 Isotope mass Numeric 0 0 9 # 024011 Dose mSv*/** 2 0 32 # 024012 Trajectory dose (defined location and expected time of arrival) MSv 2 0 32 # 024013 Gamma dose in air along the main transport path (defined location and time period) MSv 2 0 32 # 024021 Air concentration (of named isotope type including gross beta) Bq m-3 2 0 32 # 024022 Concentration in precipitation (of names isotope type) Bq 1-1 2 0 32 # 024023 Pulse rate of beta radiation s-1 1 0 14 # 024024 Pulse rate of gamma radiation s-1 1 0 14 #
# 025001 Range-gate length m -1 0 6 # 025002 Number of gates averaged Numeric 0 0 4 # 025003 Number of integrated pulses Numeric 0 0 8 # 025004 Echo processing Code table 0 0 2 # 025005 Echo integration Code table 0 0 2 # 025006 Z to R conversion Code table 0 0 3 # 025007 Z to R conversion factor Numeric 0 0 12 # 025008 Z to R conversion exponent Numeric 2 0 9 # 025009 Calibration method (see Note 3) Flag table 0 0 4 # 025010 Clutter treatment Code table 0 0 4 # 025011 Ground occultation correction (screening) Code table 0 0 2 # 025012 Range attenuation correction Code table 0 0 2 # 025013 Bright-band correction Flag table 0 0 2 # 025014 Azimuth clutter cut-off (see Note 1) Numeric 0 0 12 # 025015 Radome attenuation correction Flag table 0 0 2 # 025016 Clear-air attenuation correction dB m-1 5 0 6 # 025017 Precipitation attenuation correction Flag table 0 0 2 # 025018 A to Z law for attenuation factor Numeric 7 0 6 # 025019 A to Z law for attenuation exponent Numeric 2 0 7 # 025020 Mean speed estimation Code table 0 0 2 # 025021 Wind computation enhancement Flag table 0 0 8 # 025025 Battery voltage V 1 0 9 # 025026 Battery voltage (large range) V 1 0 12 # 025028 Operator or manufacturer defined parameter Numeric 1 -16384 15 # 025029 Calibration method Flag table 0 0 6 # 025030 Running mean sea-surface temperature usage Code table 0 0 2 # 025032 Wind profiler mode information (see Note 2) Code table 0 0 2 # 025033 Wind profiler submode information (see Note 2) Code table 0 0 2 # 025034 Wind profiler quality control test results (see Note 2) Flag table 0 0 4 # 025036 Atmospherics location method Code table 0 0 4 # 025040 CO2 wind product derivation Code table 0 0 4 # 025041 Moving platform direction reporting method Code table 0 0 2 # 025042 Moving platform speed reporting method Code table 0 0 2 # 025043 Wave sampling interval (time) s 4 0 15 # 025044 Wave sampling interval (space) m 2 0 14 # 025045 HIRS channel combination Flag table 0 0 21 # 025046 MSU channel combination Flag table 0 0 5 # 025047 SSU channel combination Flag table 0 0 4 # 025048 AMSU-A channel combination Flag table 0 0 16 # 025049 AMSU-B channel combination Flag table 0 0 6 # 025050 Principal component score Numeric 4 -131072 18 # 025051 AVHRR channel combination Flag table 0 0 7 # 025052 Log-10 of principal components normalized fit to data Numeric 4 0 15 # 025053 Observation quality Flag table 0 0 12 # 025054 SSMIS Subframe ID nember Numeric 0 0 5 # 025055 Multiplexer housekeeping K 2 0 16 # 025060 Software identification (see Note 2) Numeric 0 0 14 # 025061 Software identification and version number CCITT IA5 0 0 96 # 025062 Database identification Numeric 0 0 14 # 025065 Orientation correction (azimuth) Degree 2 -1000 11 # 025066 Orientation correction (elevation) Degree 2 -1000 11 # 025067 Radiosonde release point pressure correction Pa 0 -8000 14 # 025068 Number of archive recomputes Numeric 0 0 7 # 025069 Flight level pressure corrections Flag table 0 0 8 # 025070 Major frame count Numeric 0 0 4 # 025071 Frame count Numeric 0 0 5 # 025075 Satellite antenna corrections version number Numeric 0 0 5 # 025076 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wavenumber) for ATOVS Log m-1 8 0 30 # 025077 Bandwidth correction coefficient 1 for ATOVS Numeric 5 -100000 18 # 025078 Bandwidth correction coefficient 2 for ATOVS Numeric 5 0 17 # 025079 Albedo-radiance solar filtered irradiance for ATOVS W m-2 4 0 24 # 025080 Albedo-radiance equivalent filter width for ATOVS m 10 0 14 # 025085 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV Numeric 0 0 7 # 025086 Depth correction indicator Code table 0 0 2 # 025091 Structure constant of the refraction index (Cn2) dB 3 -18192 13 # 025092 Acoustic propagation velocity m s-1 2 28000 14 # 025093 RASS computation correction Flag table 0 0 8 # 025095 Altimeter state flag Flag table 0 0 2 # 025096 Radiometer state flag Flag table 0 0 5 # 025097 Three dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit Code table 0 0 4 # 025100 XBT/XCTD fall rate equation coefficient a Numeric 5 0 20 # 025101 XBT/XCTD fall rate equation coefficient b Numeric 5 -500000 21 # 025102 Number of missing lines excluding data gaps Numeric 0 0 8 # 025103 Number of directional bins Numeric 0 0 8 # 025104 Number of wave-length bins Numeric 0 0 8 # 025105 First directional bin Degree 3 0 19 # 025106 Directional bin step Degree 3 0 19 # 025107 First wave-length bin m 3 0 29 # 025108 Last wave-length bin m 3 0 29 # 025110 Image processing summary Flag table 0 0 10 # 025111 Number of input data gaps Numeric 0 0 8 # 025120 RA2-L2-processing flag Code table 0 0 2 # 025121 RA2-L2-processing quality % 0 0 7 # 025122 Hardware configuration for RF Code table 0 0 2 # 025123 Hardware configuration for HPA Code table 0 0 2 # 025124 MWR L2 Processing flag Code table 0 0 2 # 025125 MWR L2-processing quality % 0 0 7 # 025126 Model dry tropospheric correction m 3 -32768 16 # 025127 Inverted barometer correction m 3 -32768 16 # 025128 Model wet tropospheric correction m 3 -32768 16 # 025129 MWR derived wet tropospheric correction m 3 -32768 16 # 025130 RA2 ionospheric correction on KU band m 3 -32768 16 # 025131 Ionospheric correction from Doris on KU band m 3 -32768 16 # 025132 Ionospheric correction from model on KU band m 3 -32768 16 # 025133 Sea state bias correction on KU band m 3 -32768 16 # 025134 RA2 ionospheric correction on S band m 3 -32768 16 # 025135 Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band m 3 -32768 16 # 025136 Ionospheric correction from model on S band m 3 -32768 16 # 025137 Sea state bias correction on S band m 3 -32768 16 # 025138 Average signal to noise ration Numeric 0 -2048 12 # 025140 Start channel Numeric 0 0 14 # 025141 End channel Numeric 0 0 14 # 025142 Channel scale factor Numeric 0 0 6 # 025150 Method of tropical cyclone intensity analysis using satellite data Code table 0 0 4 #
# 026001 Principal time of daily reading in UTC of maximum temperature Hour 1 0 12 # 026002 Principal time of daily reading in UTC of minimum temperature Hour 1 0 12 # 026003 Time difference Minute 0 -1440 12 # 026010 Hours included Flag table 0 0 26 # 026020 Duration of precipitation Minute 0 0 11 #
# 027001 Latitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 027002 Latitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 027003 Alternate latitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -9000 15 # 027004 Alternate latitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -9000000 25 # 027020 Satellite location counter Numeric 0 0 16 # 027021 Satellite sublocation dimension Numeric 0 0 16 # 027031 In direction of 0 degrees longitude, distance from the Earth's centre m 2 -1073741824 31 # 027080 Viewing Azimuth angle Degree true 2 0 16 #
# 028001 Longitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 028002 Longitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 028003 Alternate longitude (coarse accuracy) Degree 2 -18000 16 # 028004 Alternate longitude (high accuracy) Degree 5 -18000000 26 # 028031 In direction 90 degrees East, distance from the Earth's centre m 2 -1073741824 31 #
# 029001 Projection type Code table 0 0 3 # 029002 Co-ordinate grid type Code table 0 0 3 #
# 030001 Pixel value (4 bits) Numeric 0 0 4 # 030002 Pixel value (8 bits) Numeric 0 0 8 # 030004 Pixel value (16 bits) Numeric 0 0 16 # 030021 Number of pixels per row Numeric 0 0 12 # 030022 Number of pixels per column Numeric 0 0 12 # 030031 Picture type Code table 0 0 4 # 030032 Combination with other data Flag table 0 0 16 #
# 031000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor Numeric 0 0 1 # 031001 Delayed descriptor replication factor Numeric 0 0 8 # 031002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor Numeric 0 0 16 # 031011 Delayed descriptor and data repetition factor Numeric 0 0 8 # 031012 Extended delayed descriptor and data repetition factor Numeric 0 0 16 # 031021 Associated field significance Code table 0 0 6 # 031031 Data present indicator Flag table 0 0 1 #
# 033002 Quality information Code table 0 0 2 # 033003 Quality information Code table 0 0 3 # 033005 Quality information (AWS data) Flag table 0 0 30 # 033006 Internal measurement status information (AWS) Code table 0 0 3 # 033007 Per cent confidence % 0 0 7 # 033015 Data quality check indicator Code table 0 0 6 # 033020 Quality control indication of following value Code table 0 0 3 # 033021 Quality of following value Code table 0 0 2 # 033022 Quality of buoy satellite transmission Code table 0 0 2 # 033023 Quality of buoy location Code table 0 0 2 # 033024 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations) Code table 0 0 4 # 033025 ACARS interpolated values Code table 0 0 3 # 033026 Moisture quality Code table 0 0 6 # 033027 Location quality class (range of radius of 66 % confidence) Code table 0 0 3 # 033030 Scan line status flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033031 Scan line quality flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033033 Field of view quality flags for ATOVS Flag table 0 0 24 # 033035 Manual/automatic quality control Code table 0 0 4 # 033036 Nominal confidence threshold % 0 0 7 # 033037 Wind correlation error Flag table 0 0 20 # 033038 Quality flags for ground-based GNSS data Flag table 0 0 10 # 033039 Quality flags for Radio Occultation data Flag table 0 0 16 # 033040 Confidence interval % 0 0 7 # 033041 Attribute of following value Code table 0 0 2 # 033042 Type of limit represented by following value Code table 0 0 3 # 033043 AST confidence Flag table 0 0 8 # 033044 ASAR quality information Flag table 0 0 15 # 033045 Probability of following event (see Notes 1 and 3) % 0 0 7 # 033046 Conditional probability of following event with respect to specified conditioning event (see Notes 1, 2 and 3) % 0 0 7 # 033047 Measurement confidence data Flag table 0 0 31 # 033048 Confidence measure of SAR inversion Code table 0 0 2 # 033049 Confidence measure of wind retrieval Code table 0 0 2 # 033050 Global GTSPP quality flag Code table 0 0 4 # 033052 S band ocean retracking quality Flag table 0 0 21 # 033053 KU band ocean retracking quality Flag table 0 0 21 # 033060 GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag Code Table 0 0 2 # 033061 GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric) % 0 0 7 # 033062 GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index % 0 0 7 # 033063 GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration) % 0 0 7 # 033064 GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration) % 0 0 7 # 033065 GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function Numeric 0 0 24 #
# 035000 FM and regional code number Code table 0 0 10 # 035001 Time-frame for monitoring Code table 0 0 3 # 035011 Number of reports actually received Numeric 0 0 14 # 035021 Bulletin being monitored (TTAAii) CCITT IA5 0 0 48 # 035022 Bulletin being monitored (YYGGgg) CCITT IA5 0 0 48 # 035023 Bulletin being monitored (CCCC) CCITT IA5 0 0 32 # 035024 Bulletin being monitored (BBB) CCITT IA5 0 0 24 # 035030 Discrepancies in the availability of expected data Code table 0 0 4 # 035031 Qualifier on monitoring results Code table 0 0 7 # 035032 Cause of missing data Code table 0 0 4 # 035033 Observation and collection deficiencies Code table 0 0 7 # 035034 Statistical trends for availability of data (during the survey period(s)) Code table 0 0 3 # 035035 Reason for termination Code table 0 0 5 #
# 040001 Surface soil moisture (ms) % 1 0 10 # 040002 Estimated error in surface soil moisture % 1 0 10 # 040003 Mean surface soil moisture Numeric 3 0 10 # 040004 Rain fall detection Numeric 3 0 10 # 040005 Soil moisture correction flag Flag table 0 0 8 # 040006 Soil moisture processing flag Flag table 0 0 16 # 040007 Soil moisture quality % 1 0 10 # 040008 Frozen land surface fraction % 1 0 10 # 040009 Inundation and wetland fraction % 1 0 10 # 040010 Topographic complexity % 1 0 10 #
Update history
This is version 13.2 of Cipher BUFR table B, created from original WMO documents by Northern Lighthouse Ltd.