NCEP GRIB-1 Table A Violet Index ModelNCEP/ARL Transport and Dispersion ModelNCEP/ARL Smoke ModelSatellite Derived Precipitation and temperatures, from IR (See PDS Octet 41 ... for specific satellite ID)NCEP/ARL Dust ModelGlobal Wind-Wave Forecast ModelGlobal Multi-Grid Wave Model (Static Grids)Probabilistic Storm Surge (P-Surge)Hurricane Multi-Grid Wave ModelExtra-tropical Storm Surge Atlantic DomainNearshore Wave Prediction System (NWPS)Extra-Tropical Storm Surge (ETSS)Extra-tropical Storm Surge Pacific DomainProbabilistic Extra-Tropical Storm Surge (P-ETSS)Limited-area Fine Mesh (LFM) analysisExtra-tropical Storm Surge Micronesia DomainSnow Cover AnalysisForecaster generated fieldValue added post processed fieldGlobal Optimum Interpolation Analysis (GOI) from GFS modelGlobal Optimum Interpolation Analysis (GOI) from "Final" runSea Surface Temperature AnalysisCoastal Ocean Circulation ModelHYCOM - GlobalHYCOM - North Pacific basinHYCOM - North Atlantic basinOzone Analysis from TIROS ObservationsOzone Analysis from Nimbus 7 ObservationsLFM-Fourth Order Forecast ModelRegional Optimum Interpolation Analysis (ROI)80 wave triangular, 18-layer Spectral model from GFS model80 wave triangular, 18 layer Spectral model from "Medium Range Forecast" runQuasi-Lagrangian Hurricane Model (QLM)Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) ModelHurricane Non-Hydrostatic Multiscale Model on the B Grid (HNMMB)Fog Forecast model - Ocean Prod. CenterGulf of Mexico Wind/WaveGulf of Alaska Wind/WaveBias corrected Medium Range Forecast126 wave triangular, 28 layer Spectral model from GFS model126 wave triangular, 28 layer Spectral model from "Medium Range Forecast" runBackup from the previous run62 wave triangular, 28 layer Spectral model from "Medium Range Forecast" runAnalysis from GFS (Global Forecast System)Analysis from GDAS (Global Data Assimilation System)High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)MESO NAM Model (currently 12 km)Real Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS)Early Hurricane Wind Speed Probability ModelCAC Ensemble Forecasts from Spectral (ENSMB)NOAA Wave Watch III (NWW3) Ocean Wave ModelNon-hydrostatic Meso Model (NMM) (Currently 8 km)62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model extension of the "Medium Range Forecast" run62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model extension of the GFS model62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model run from the "Medium Range Forecast" final analysis62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model run from the T62 GDAS analysis of the "Medium Range Forecast" runT170/L42 Global Spectral Model from MRF runT126/L42 Global Spectral Model from MRF runGlobal Forecast System Model T1534 - Forecast hours 00-384 T574 - Forecast hours 00-192 T190 - Forecast hours 204-384Climate Forecast System Model -- Atmospheric model (GFS) coupled to a multi level ocean model . Currently GFS spectral model at T62, 64 levels coupled to 40 level MOM3 ocean model.Miscellaneous Test IDMiscellaneous Test IDConventional Observation Re-Analysis (CORE)National Blend GRIBRapid Refresh (RAP)Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)LAMPRTMA (Real Time Mesoscale Analysis)NAM Model - 15km versionNAM model, generic resolution (Used in SREF processing)WRF-NMM model, generic resolution (Used in various runs) NMM=Nondydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NCEP)Products from NCEP SREF processingNAEFS Products from joined NCEP, CMC global ensemblesDownscaled GFS from NAM eXtensionWRF-EM model, generic resolution (Used in various runs) EM - Eulerian Mass-core (NCAR - aka Advanced Research WRF)NEMS GFS Aerosol ComponentURMA (UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis)WAM (Whole Atmosphere Model)Ice Concentration AnalysisWestern North Atlantic Regional Wave ModelAlaska Waters Regional Wave ModelNorth Atlantic Hurricane Wave ModelEastern North Pacific Regional Wave ModelNorth Pacific Hurricane Wave ModelSea Ice Forecast ModelLake Ice Forecast ModelGlobal Ocean Forecast ModelGlobal Ocean Data Analysis System (GODAS)Merge of fields from the RUC, NAM, and Spectral ModelGreat Lakes Wave ModelHigh Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF)Great Lakes Short Range Wave ModelNorth American Regional Reanalysis (NARR)Land Data Assimilation and Forecast SystemNWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS)NWS Flash Flood Guidance System (NWSFFGS)WSR-88D Stage II Precipitation AnalysisWSR-88D Stage III Precipitation AnalysisQuantitative Precipitation Forecast generated by NCEPRiver Forecast Center Quantitative Precipitation Forecast mosaic generated by NCEPRiver Forecast Center Quantitative Precipitation estimate mosaic generated by NCEPNDFD product generated by NCEP/HPCClimatological Calibrated Precipitation Analysis - CCPANational Convective Weather Diagnostic generated by NCEP/AWCCurrent Icing Potential automated product genterated by NCEP/AWCAnalysis product from NCEP/AWCForecast product from NCEP/AWCClimate Data Assimilation System 2 (CDAS2)Climate Data Assimilation System 2 (CDAS2) - used for regeneration runsClimate Data Assimilation System (CDAS)Climate Data Assimilation System (CDAS) - used for regeneration runsClimate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) -- Atmospheric model (GFS) coupled to a multi level ocean, land and seaice model. Currently GFS spectral model at T382, 64 levels coupled to 40 level MOM4 ocean model.CPC Manual Forecast ProductCPC Automated ProductEPA Air Quality Forecast - Currently North East US domainEPA Air Quality Forecast - Currently Eastern US domainSPC Manual Forecast ProductNCEP/OPC automated productMissing