NCEP Table Version 2 PRES Pressure Pa PRMSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa PTEND Pressure tendency Pa/s PVORT Potential vorticity K m2 kg-1 s-1 ICAHT ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height m GP Geopotential m2/s2 HGT Geopotential height gpm DIST Geometric height m HSTDV Standard deviation of height m TOZNE Total ozone Dobson TMP Temperature K VTMP Virtual temperature K POT Potential temperature K EPOT Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent potential temperature K TMAX Maximum temperature K TMIN Minimum temperature K DPT Dew point temperature K DEPR Dew point depression (or deficit) K LAPR Lapse rate K/m VIS Visibility m RDSP1 Radar Spectra (1) - RDSP2 Radar Spectra (2) - RDSP3 Radar Spectra (3) - PLI Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K TMPA Temperature anomaly K PRESA Pressure anomaly Pa GPA Geopotential height anomaly gpm WVSP1 Wave Spectra (1) WVSP2 Wave Spectra (2) WVSP3 Wave Spectra (3) WDIR Wind direction (from which blowing) deg true WIND Wind speed m/s UGRD u-component of wind m/s VGRD v-component of wind m/s STRM Stream function m2/s VPOT Velocity potential m2/s MNTSF Montgomery stream function m2/s2 SGCVV Sigma coordinate vertical velocity /s VVEL Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s DZDT Vertical velocity (geometric) m/s ABSV Absolute vorticity /s ABSD Absolute divergence /s RELV Relative vorticity /s RELD Relative divergence /s VUCSH Vertical u-component shear /s VVCSH Vertical v-component shear /s DIRC Direction of current Degree true SPC Speed of current m/s UOGRD u-component of current m/s VOGRD v-component of current m/s SPFH Specific humidity kg/kg RH Relative humidity % MIXR Humidity mixing ratio kg/kg PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2 VAPP Vapor pressure Pa SATD Saturation deficit Pa EVP Evaporation kg/m2 CICE Cloud Ice kg/m2 PRATE Precipitation rate kg/m2/s TSTM Thunderstorm probability % APCP Total precipitation kg/m2 NCPCP Large scale precipitation (non-conv.) kg/m2 ACPCP Convective precipitation kg/m2 SRWEQ Snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s WEASD Water equiv. of accum. snow depth kg/m2 SNOD Snow depth m MIXHT Mixed layer depth m TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m MTHD Main thermocline depth m MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m TCDC Total cloud cover % CDCON Convective cloud cover % LCDC Low cloud cover % MCDC Medium cloud cover % HCDC High cloud cover % CWAT Cloud water kg/m2 BLI Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K SNOC Convective snow kg/m2 SNOL Large scale snow kg/m2 WTMP Water Temperature K LAND Land cover (land=1, sea=0) (see note) proportion DSLM Deviation of sea level from mean m SFCR Surface roughness m ALBDO Albedo % TSOIL Soil temperature K SOILM Soil moisture content kg/m2 VEG Vegetation % SALTY Salinity kg/kg DEN Density kg/m3 WATR Water runoff kg/m2 ICEC Ice cover (ice=1, no ice=0) (See Note) proportion ICETK Ice thickness m DICED Direction of ice drift deg true SICED Speed of ice drift m/s UICE u-component of ice drift m/s VICE v-component of ice drift m/s ICEG Ice growth rate m/s ICED Ice divergence m/s SNOM Snow melt kg/m2 HTSGW Significant height of combined wind waves and swell m WVDIR Direction of wind waves (from which) Degree true WVHGT Significant height of wind waves m WVPER Mean period of wind waves s SWDIR Direction of swell waves Degree true SWELL Significant height of swell waves m SWPER Mean period of swell waves s DIRPW Primary wave direction Degree true PERPW Primary wave mean period s DIRSW Secondary wave direction Degree true PERSW Secondary wave mean period s NSWRS Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2 NLWRS Net long wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2 NSWRT Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) W/m2 NLWRT Net long wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) W/m2 LWAVR Long wave radiation flux W/m2 SWAVR Short wave radiation flux W/m2 GRAD Global radiation flux W/m2 BRTMP Brightness temperature K LWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave number) W/m/sr SWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave length) W/m3/sr LHTFL Latent heat net flux W/m2 SHTFL Sensible heat net flux W/m2 BLYDP Boundary layer dissipation W/m2 UFLX Momentum flux, u component N/m2 VFLX Momentum flux, v component N/m2 WMIXE Wind mixing energy J IMGD Image data MSLSA Mean Sea Level Pressure (Standard Atmosphere Reduction) Pa MSLMA Mean Sea Level Pressure (MAPS System Reduction) Pa MSLET Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model Reduction) Pa LFTX Surface lifted index K 4LFTX Best (4 layer) lifted index K KX K index K SX Sweat index K MCONV Horizontal moisture divergence kg/kg/s VWSH Vertical speed shear 1/s TSLSA 3-hr pressure tendency Std. Atmos. Reduction Pa/s BVF2 Brunt-Vaisala frequency (squared) 1/s2 PVMW Potential vorticity (density weighted) 1/s/m CRAIN Categorical rain (yes=1; no=0) non-dim CFRZR Categorical freezing rain (yes=1; no=0) non-dim CICEP Categorical ice pellets (yes=1; no=0) non-dim CSNOW Categorical snow (yes=1; no=0) non-dim SOILW Volumetric soil moisture content fraction PEVPR Potential evaporation rate W/m2 CWORK Cloud work function J/kg UGWD Zonal flux of gravity wave stress N/m2 VGWD Meridional flux of gravity wave stress N/m2 PVORT Potential vorticity m2/s/kg COVMZ Covariance between meridional and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uv]-[u][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVTZ Covariance between temperature and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uT]-[u][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*m/s COVTM Covariance between temperature and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vT]-[v][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*m/s CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio kg/kg O3MR Ozone mixing ratio kg/kg GFLUX Ground Heat Flux W/m2 CIN Convective inhibition J/kg CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy J/kg TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg CONDP Condensation pressure of parcel lifted from indicated surface Pa CSUSF Clear Sky Upward Solar Flux W/m2 CSDSF Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux W/m2 CSULF Clear Sky upward long wave flux W/m2 CSDLF Clear Sky downward long wave flux W/m2 CFNSF Cloud forcing net solar flux W/m2 CFNLF Cloud forcing net long wave flux W/m2 VBDSF Visible beam downward solar flux W/m2 VDDSF Visible diffuse downward solar flux W/m2 NBDSF Near IR beam downward solar flux W/m2 NDDSF Near IR diffuse downward solar flux W/m2 RWMR Rain water mixing ratio kg/kg SNMR Snow mixing ratio kg/kg MFLX Momentum flux N/m2 LMH Mass point model surface non-dim LMV Velocity point model surface non-dim MLYNO Model layer number (from bottom up) non-dim NLAT latitude (-90 to +90) deg ELON east longitude (0-360) deg ICMR Ice mixing ratio kg/kg GRMR Graupel mixing ratio kg/kg GUST Surface wind gust m/s LPSX x-gradient of log pressure 1/m LPSY y-gradient of log pressure 1/m HGTX x-gradient of height m/m HGTY y-gradient of height m/m TPFI Turbulence Potential Forecast Index non-dim TIPD Total Icing Potential Diagnostic non-dim LTNG Lightning non-dim RDRIP Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground VPTMP Virtual potential temperature K HLCY Storm relative helicity m2/s2 PROB Probability from ensemble numeric PROBN Probability from ensemble normalized with respect to climate expectancy numeric POP Probability of precipitation % CPOFP Percent of frozen precipitation % CPOZP Probability of freezing precipitation % USTM u-component of storm motion m/s VSTM v-component of storm motion m/s NCIP Number concentration for ice particles EVBS Direct evaporation from bare soil W/m2 EVCW Canopy water evaporation W/m2 ICWAT Ice-free water surface % CWDI Convective weather detection index non-dim VAFTD VAFTAD log10(kg/m3) DSWRF downward short wave rad. flux W/m2 DLWRF downward long wave rad. flux W/m2 UVI Ultra violet index (1 hour integration centered at solar noon) W/m2 MSTAV Moisture availability % SFEXC Exchange coefficient (kg/m3)(m/s) MIXLY No. of mixed layers next to surface integer TRANS Transpiration W/m2 USWRF upward short wave rad. flux W/m2 ULWRF upward long wave rad. flux W/m2 CDLYR Amount of non-convective cloud % CPRAT Convective Precipitation rate kg/m2/s TTDIA Temperature tendency by all physics K/s TTRAD Temperature tendency by all radiation K/s TTPHY Temperature tendency by non-radiation physics K/s PREIX Precipitation index(0.0-1.00) (see note) fraction TSD1D Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area K NLGSP Natural log of surface pressure ln(kPa) HPBL Planetary boundary layer height m 5WAVH 5-wave geopotential height gpm CNWAT Plant canopy surface water kg/m2 SOTYP Soil type (as in Zobler) Integer (0-9) VGTYP Vegitation type (as in SiB) Integer (0-13) BMIXL Blackadar's mixing length scale m AMIXL Asymptotic mixing length scale m PEVAP Potential evaporation kg/m2 SNOHF Snow phase-change heat flux W/m2 5WAVA 5-wave geopotential height anomaly gpm MFLUX Convective cloud mass flux Pa/s DTRF Downward total radiation flux W/m2 UTRF Upward total radiation flux W/m2 BGRUN Baseflow-groundwater runoff kg/m2 SSRUN Storm surface runoff kg/m2 SIPD Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icing Potential Diagnostic NumericSee Note (1) 03TOT Total ozone kg/m2 SNOWC Snow cover percent SNO T Snow temperature K COVTW Covariance between temperature and vertical component of the wind. Defined as [wT]-[w][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span K*m/s LRGHR Large scale condensate heat rate K/s CNVHR Deep convective heating rate K/s CNVMR Deep convective moistening rate kg/kg/s SHAHR Shallow convective heating rate K/s SHAMR Shallow convective moistening rate kg/kg/s VDFHR Vertical diffusion heating rate K/s VDFUA Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration m/s2 VDFVA Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration m/s2 VDFMR Vertical diffusion moistening rate kg/kg/s SWHR Solar radiative heating rate K/s LWHR Long wave radiative heating rate K/s CD Drag coefficient non-dim FRICV Friction velocity m/s RI Richardson number non-dim Missing