NCEP Table Version 133 POZT Ozone production from temperature term kg/kg/s OMGALF Omega (Dp/Dt) divide by density K COVZZ Covariance between zonal and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uu]-[u][u], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVMM Covariance between meridional and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vv]-[v][v], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. m2/s2 COVQZ Covariance between specific humidity and zonal components of the wind. Defined as [uq]-[u][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*m/s COVQM Covariance between specific humidity and meridional components of the wind. Defined as [vq]-[v][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*m/s COVTVV Covariance between temperature and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [T]-[][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*Pa/s COVQVV Covariance between specific humidity and vertical components of the wind. Defined as [q]-[][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*Pa/s LRGMR Large scale moistening rate kg/kg/s VDFOZ Ozone vertical diffusion kg/kg/s POZ Ozone production kg/kg/s AMSRE9 Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 9 K AMSRE10 Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 10 K AMSRE11 Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 11 K AMSRE12 Simulated Brightness Temperature for AMSRE on Aqua, Channel 12 K GWDU Gravity wave drag zonal acceleration m/s2 GWDV Gravity wave drag meridional acceleration m/s2 CNVU Convective zonal momentum mixing acceleration m/s2 CNVV Convective meridional momentum mixing acceleration m/s2 AKHS Surface exchange coefficients for T and Q divided by delta z m/s AKMS Surface exchange coefficients for U and V divided by delta z m/s TOZ Ozone tendency kg/kg/s SUNSD Sunshine Duration s MOSF Meridional Overturning Stream Function 106m3s-1 EPSR Radiative emissivity QZ0 Specific humidity at top of viscous sublayer kg/kg CNGWDU Convective Gravity wave drag zonal acceleration m/s2 CNGWDV Convective Gravity wave drag meridional acceleration m/s2 THZ0 Potential temperature at top of viscous sublayer K CNVUMF Convective updraft mass flux kg/m2/s COVPSPS Covariance between surface pressure and surface pressure. Defined as [Psfc]-[Psfc][Psfc], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. Pa*Pa QMAX Maximum specific humidity at 2m kg/kg QMIN Minimum specific humidity at 2m kg/kg COVQQ Covariance between specific humidity and specific humidy. Defined as [qq]-[q][q], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. kg/kg*kg/kg CNVDMF Convective downdraft mass flux kg/m2/s CNVDEMF Convective detrainment mass flux kg/m2/s COVVVVV Covariance between vertical and vertical components of the wind. Defined as []-[][], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. Pa2/s2 COVTT Covariance between temperature and temperature. Defined as [TT]-[T][T], where "[]" indicates the mean over the indicated time span. K*K WTEND Tendency of vertical velocity m/s2 POZO Ozone production from col ozone term kg/kg/s Missing