package org.autoplot; import java.awt.Font; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.graph.DasCanvas; import static org.autoplot.ScriptContext.*; import org.das2.util.ArgumentList; import org.autoplot.dom.Application; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.autoplot.dom.DomUtil; import org.autoplot.dom.Plot; /** * Server for producing images from Autoplot URIs, first requested by U. Michigan. * @author jbf */ public class AutoplotServer { private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("autoplot.server"); public AutoplotServer() { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.err.println("org.autoplot.AutoplotServer 20180515"); Util.addFonts(); ArgumentList alm= new ArgumentList("AutoplotServer"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("uri", "u", "uri", "", "URI to plot, or if .vap then rescale to width and height"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("vap", "v", "vap", "", "VAP to plot without scaling."); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("width", "w", "width", "-1", "width of result (default=700)"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("height", "h", "height", "-1", "height of result (default=400)"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("canvas.aspect", "a", "canvas.aspect", "", "aspect ratio" ); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("format", "f", "format", "png", "output format png or pdf (default=png)"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("outfile", "o", "outfile", "-", "output filename or -"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("timeRange", "r", "timeRange", "", "set this to the timerange, instead of the range within the vap" ); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "enableResponseMonitor", null, "enableResponseMonitor", "monitor the event thread for long unresponsive pauses"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "noexit", "z", "noexit", "don't exit after running, for use with scripts." ); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "nomessages", "q", "nomessages", "don't show message bubbles."); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "autorange", null, "autorange", "autorange the Y and Z axes of each plot in the vap"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "autorangeFlags", null, "autorangeFlags", "autorange the Y and Z axes of each plot where the autorange flag is set in the vap"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "rescaleFonts", null, "rescaleFonts", "when the .vap is rescaled, also scale the fonts"); alm.requireOneOf( new String[] { "uri", "vap" } ); alm.process(args); logger.log(Level.FINE, "process command line options"); String suri = alm.getValue("uri"); String vap = alm.getValue("vap"); boolean rescaleFonts= alm.getBooleanValue("rescaleFonts" ); if ( suri.equals("") && vap.equals("") ) { alm.printUsage(); System.err.println("Either uri or vap must be specified."); System.exit(-1); } String timeRange= alm.getValue("timeRange").trim(); int width = Integer.parseInt(alm.getValue("width")); int height = Integer.parseInt(alm.getValue("height")); if ( width==-1 && vap.equals("") ) { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(suri); if ( ".vap".equals(split.ext) ) { logger.warning("use --vap=file.vap to preserve width and height"); } } String scanvasAspect = alm.getValue("canvas.aspect"); String format= alm.getValue("format"); String outfile= alm.getValue("outfile"); boolean autorange= alm.getBooleanValue("autorange"); boolean autorangeFlags= alm.getBooleanValue("autorangeFlags"); if ( autorangeFlags ) autorange= true; if ( outfile.endsWith(".pdf") ) format= "pdf"; //AutoplotUtil.maybeLoadSystemProperties(); //if ( System.getProperty("enableResponseMonitor","false").equals("true") // || alm.getBooleanValue("enableResponseMonitor") ) { if ( alm.getBooleanValue("enableResponseMonitor") ) { EventThreadResponseMonitor emon= new EventThreadResponseMonitor(); emon.start(); } logger.log(Level.FINE, "getDocumentModel"); Application dom= getDocumentModel(); // do dimensions if ("".equals(scanvasAspect)) { if ( vap.length()==0 ) { if (width == -1) width = 700; if (height == -1) height = 400; } } else { double aspect = Units.dimensionless.parse(scanvasAspect).doubleValue(Units.dimensionless); if (width == -1 && height != -1) { width = (int) (height * aspect); } if (height == -1 && width != -1) { height = (int) (width / aspect); } } double scale; // the scale factor should we want to rescale fonts. if ( !vap.equals("") ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "about to load the vap {0}", vap); if ( timeRange.length()>0 ) { vap= URISplit.putParam( vap, "timerange", timeRange ); } Application readOnlyDom= loadVap(vap); // read again to get options. load(vap); //dom.syncTo( readOnlyDom ); dom.getOptions().syncToAll( readOnlyDom.getOptions(), new ArrayList() ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "vap is loaded and printable with data loaded"); if ( width==-1 && height==-1) { width= dom.getController().getCanvas().getWidth(); height= dom.getController().getCanvas().getHeight(); } else if ( width==-1 ) { double aspect= ((double)dom.getController().getCanvas().getHeight()) / dom.getController().getCanvas().getWidth(); width= (int)( height / aspect ); } else if ( height==-1 ) { double aspect= ((double)dom.getController().getCanvas().getHeight()) / dom.getController().getCanvas().getWidth(); height= (int)( width * aspect ); } DasCanvas c = dom.getController().getCanvas().getController().getDasCanvas(); Application dom2= getDocumentModel(); boolean isAutoranged= false; if ( autorange ) { if ( autorangeFlags) { for ( Plot p: dom2.getPlots() ) { if ( p.getYaxis().isAutoRange() ) { AutoplotUtil.resetZoomY(dom2,p); isAutoranged= true; } if ( p.getZaxis().isAutoRange() ) { AutoplotUtil.resetZoomZ(dom2,p); isAutoranged= true; } } } else { for ( Plot p: dom2.getPlots() ) { dom2.getController().setPlot(p); AutoplotUtil.resetZoomY(dom2); AutoplotUtil.resetZoomZ(dom2); isAutoranged= true; } } } logger.log(Level.FINE, "axes were autoranged: {0}", isAutoranged); scale= ((double)width) / dom.getController().getCanvas().getWidth(); if ( scale!=1.0 ) rescaleFonts= true; dom.getController().getCanvas().setWidth(width); dom.getController().getCanvas().setHeight(height); dom.getController().getCanvas().getController().getDasCanvas().setSize(width, height); c.prepareForOutput(width, height); // KLUDGE, resize all components for TimeSeriesBrowse } else { dom.getController().getCanvas().setWidth(width); dom.getController().getCanvas().setHeight(height); DasCanvas c = dom.getController().getCanvas().getController().getDasCanvas(); c.prepareForOutput(width, height); // KLUDGE, resize all components for TimeSeriesBrowse logger.log(Level.FINE, "plot uri {0}", suri); plot(suri); logger.log(Level.FINE, "done plot {0}", suri); scale= ((double)width) / dom.getCanvases(0).getWidth(); } if ( rescaleFonts ) { Application state= getDocumentModel(); Font f= Font.decode( state.getCanvases(0).getFont() ); Font newFont= f.deriveFont( f.getSize2D() * (float)scale ); state.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().setBaseFont(newFont); Font f2= state.getCanvases(0).getController().getDasCanvas().getFont(); state.getOptions().setCanvasFont( DomUtil.encodeFont(f2) ); } logger.fine("get the model which provides the canvas"); Application model= getDocumentModel(); if ( alm.getBooleanValue("nomessages" ) ) { model.getOptions().setPrintingLogLevel(Level.OFF); } switch (format) { case "png": if ( outfile.equals("-") ) { model.getCanvases(0).setWidth(width); model.getCanvases(0).setHeight(height); writeToPng( System.out ); } else { logger.log(Level.INFO, "write to {0}", outfile); writeToPng( outfile, width, height ); System.err.println("write to "+ outfile); } break; case "pdf": if ( outfile.equals("-") ) { model.getCanvases(0).setWidth(width); model.getCanvases(0).setHeight(height); writeToPdf( System.out ); } else { model.getCanvases(0).setWidth(width); model.getCanvases(0).setHeight(height); logger.log(Level.INFO, "write to {0}", outfile); System.err.println("write to "+ outfile); writeToPdf( outfile ); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("only pdf and png are supported: "+format); } logger.fine("about to exit"); if ( !alm.getBooleanValue("noexit") ) { System.exit(0); } } }