package org.autoplot.spase; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.EnumerationUnits; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SparseDataSetBuilder; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.util.DataSetBuilder; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; /** * Convert VOTable into QDataSet. This will return a bundle of parameters. * * @author jbf */ public class VOTableReader { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.votable"); DefaultHandler sax; String state; private final String STATE_OPEN= "open"; /** * In header we are reading the fields to get column names. */ private final String STATE_HEADER= "header"; /** * We are after the header. */ private final String STATE_DATA= "data"; /** * In record we are reading each of the fields. */ private final String STATE_RECORD= "record"; /** * expecting the characters within a description. */ private final String STATE_DESCRIPTION= "description"; /** * expecting the characters within a field. */ private final String STATE_FIELD= "field"; private ProgressMonitor monitor; int ncolumn; QDataSet bds; List ids= new ArrayList<>(); List descriptions= new ArrayList<>(); // one-line describing the data. List dep0s= new ArrayList<>(); List datatypes= new ArrayList<>(); // we only support double and UTC then the ucd is time.epoch. List arraysizes= new ArrayList<>(); // support for 2-D arrays. -1,0 or N -2 means *, -1 means scalar, positive means 2-D array List names= new ArrayList<>(); List sunits= new ArrayList<>(); // Equal to UTC for time types. Can be null. List units= new ArrayList<>(); List fillValues= new ArrayList<>(); // the fill value representation List minValues= new ArrayList<>(); // the minimum value representation List maxValues= new ArrayList<>(); // the maximum value representation List stopEnumerations= new ArrayList<>(); // if true, don't attempt to preserve enumerations. DataSetBuilder dataSetBuilder; /** * the number of unique values allowed to be represented by an enumeration. */ private static final int UNIQUE_ENUMERATION_VALUES_LIMIT = 20000; /** * the data index within each record. This might not be the same as the number of fields. */ int index; /** * the number of fields per record. */ int nelements; /** * element index within a record, used to index the output array. */ int ielement; /** * use TimeLocationUnits like us2000 or CDFTT2000 */ private final String UNIT_UTC= "time.epoch"; /** * use EnumerationUnits to preserve strings. */ private final String UNIT_ENUM= "UNIT_ENUM"; private final String DATATYPE_UTC= "time.epoch"; private final double FILL_VALUE= -1e31; private final int ARRAYSIZE_ANY= -2; private final int ARRAYSIZE_SCALAR= -1; private boolean justHeader= false; /** * the current column describing the time. */ int currentDep0= -1; boolean lookForCurrentDep0= true; private StringBuilder valueBuilder= new StringBuilder(); private HashSet warnings= new HashSet<>(); public VOTableReader() { this.sax = new DefaultHandler() { /** * initialize the state to STATE_OPEN. */ @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { state= STATE_OPEN; monitor.started(); } /** * As elements come in, we go through the state transitions to keep track of * whether we are reading FIELDS, Rows of the dataset, Individual columns, etc. */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if ( localName.equals("TABLE")&& state.equals(STATE_OPEN) ) { state= STATE_HEADER; nelements= 0; } else if ( localName.equals("FIELD") && state.equals(STATE_HEADER) ) { String id= attributes.getValue("ID"); String name= attributes.getValue("name"); if ( id==null ) { // I believe the schema at indicates this should occur once. id= Ops.safeName(name); } ids.add( id ); names.add( name ); String dt= attributes.getValue("datatype"); if ( dt==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected to see datatype in FIELD"); String ucd= attributes.getValue("ucd"); String sunit= attributes.getValue("unit"); String arraysize= attributes.getValue("arraysize"); if ( dt.equals("char") ) { if ( ( ucd!=null && ucd.equals("time.epoch") ) || ( sunit!=null && sunit.equals("DateTime") ) ) { sunit= UNIT_UTC; datatypes.add( DATATYPE_UTC ); } else if ( ( ucd!=null && ucd.equals("time.start") ) ) { sunit= UNIT_UTC; datatypes.add( DATATYPE_UTC ); } else if ( ( ucd!=null && ucd.equals("time.stop") ) ) { sunit= UNIT_UTC; datatypes.add( DATATYPE_UTC ); } else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("UTC") ) { sunit= UNIT_UTC; datatypes.add( DATATYPE_UTC ); } else { sunit= UNIT_ENUM; datatypes.add( dt ); } } else { datatypes.add( dt ); } if ( arraysize!=null ) { if ( arraysize.equals("*") ) { arraysizes.add( ARRAYSIZE_ANY ); if ( !dt.equals("char") ) { logger.warning("only char can have variable length"); nelements+= 1; } else { nelements+= 1; } } else { if ( dt.equals("char") ) { arraysizes.add( ARRAYSIZE_SCALAR ); nelements+= 1; } else { arraysizes.add( Integer.parseInt(arraysize) ); nelements+= Integer.parseInt(arraysize); } } } else { arraysizes.add( ARRAYSIZE_SCALAR ); nelements+= 1; } if ( null==sunit ) { units.add(Units.dimensionless); lookForCurrentDep0= true; } else switch (sunit) { case UNIT_UTC: units.add(Units.cdfTT2000); if ( lookForCurrentDep0==true ) { currentDep0= descriptions.size(); lookForCurrentDep0= false; } break; case UNIT_ENUM: units.add( EnumerationUnits.create(id) ); lookForCurrentDep0= true; break; default: units.add( Units.lookupUnits( sunit) ); lookForCurrentDep0= true; break; } dep0s.add(currentDep0); descriptions.add(null); fillValues.add(null); minValues.add(null); maxValues.add(null); stopEnumerations.add(Boolean.FALSE); } else if ( localName.equals("DESCRIPTION") ) { state= STATE_DESCRIPTION; valueBuilder.delete( 0, valueBuilder.length() ); } else if ( localName.equals("VALUES") ) { String fill= attributes.getValue("null"); if ( fill!=null ) { fillValues.set(index,fill); } } else if ( localName.equals("MIN") ) { // assume we are within VALUES String x= attributes.getValue("value"); if ( x==null ) {"MIN is missing value attribute"); } else { minValues.set(index,x); } } else if ( localName.equals("MAX") ) { // assume we are within VALUES String x= attributes.getValue("value"); if ( x==null ) {"MAX is missing value attribute"); } else { maxValues.set(index,x); } } else if ( localName.equals("DATA") ) { if ( justHeader ) { throw new RuntimeException("we're all done reading the header and dont need the data."); } monitor.setProgressMessage("reading data"); state= STATE_DATA; dataSetBuilder= new DataSetBuilder( 2, 100, nelements ); } else if ( localName.equalsIgnoreCase("TR") && state.equals(STATE_DATA) ) { state= STATE_RECORD; index= 0; } else if ( localName.equalsIgnoreCase("TD") && state.equals(STATE_RECORD) ) { state= STATE_FIELD; valueBuilder.delete(0, valueBuilder.length() ); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if ( localName.equalsIgnoreCase("TD") ) { assert state.equals(STATE_FIELD); String s= valueBuilder.toString(); int slen=s.length(); if ( slen>1 && s.charAt(0)=='"' && s.charAt(slen-1)=='"' ) { // pop off quotes, which were in stream from DITDOS. s= s.substring(1,slen-1); } //logger.finest( "index:"+index+ " s:"+s ); int arraysize= arraysizes.get(index); if ( arraysize>0 ) { // note zero-length array not supported. Units u= units.get(index); String[] ss= s.trim().split("\\s+"); if ( ss.length!=arraysize ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("values in votable don't match arraysize"); } for ( int jj=0; jj UNIQUE_ENUMERATION_VALUES_LIMIT ) { stopEnumerations.set(index,true); } } } else { d= u.parse( s ); } dataSetBuilder.putValue( -1, ielement, d.doubleValue(u) ); } catch (ParseException ex) { if ( !warnings.contains(ex.getMessage()) ) { Logger.getLogger(VOTableReader.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); warnings.add(ex.getMessage()); } dataSetBuilder.putValue( -1, ielement, FILL_VALUE ); } } ielement++; } state= STATE_RECORD; index++; int nrec= dataSetBuilder.getLength(); if ( nrec % 1000 == 0 ) { monitor.setProgressMessage("reading data, "+nrec+" records"); } } else if ( localName.equalsIgnoreCase("TR") ) { assert state.equals(STATE_RECORD); dataSetBuilder.nextRecord(); state= STATE_DATA; index=0; ielement=0; if ( monitor.isCancelled() ) { throw new RuntimeException("reading is interrupted"); } } else if ( localName.equals("FIELD") ) { assert state.equals(STATE_HEADER); index++; // counting up items. } else if ( localName.equals("DATA") ) { assert state.equals(STATE_HEADER); } else if ( localName.equals("DESCRIPTION" ) ) { assert state.equals(STATE_DESCRIPTION); state= STATE_HEADER; descriptions.set((index), valueBuilder.toString() ); } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if ( STATE_FIELD.equals(state) ) { valueBuilder.append( ch, start, length ); } else if ( STATE_DESCRIPTION.equals(state) ) { valueBuilder.append( ch, start, length ); } } }; } /** * Get the dataset. If no records were read, then a zero-length dataset is * returned. * @return */ public QDataSet getDataSet() { if ( dataSetBuilder==null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("table has not been read!"); } dataSetBuilder.putProperty( QDataSet.BUNDLE_1, formBundleDescriptor() ); if ( dataSetBuilder.getLength()>0 ) { DDataSet result= dataSetBuilder.getDataSet(); for ( int jj=0; jj0 ) { int first= ielement1; for ( int jj=0; jj-1 && dep0s.get(ii)0 ) head.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPENDNAME_0, ielement, ids.get(0) ); } return head.getDataSet(); } /** * return just the header for the data. This is just the BUNDLE_1 property of the dataset * that would have been read for the readTable command. * @param s String reference to a local file. * @param monitor progress monitor for the read. * @return the header. For example QDataSet.LABEL, 1 ) * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ public QDataSet readHeader( String s, ProgressMonitor monitor ) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setNamespaceAware(true); SAXParser saxParser = spf.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader(); this.monitor= monitor; xmlReader.setContentHandler(this.sax); this.justHeader= true; try { xmlReader.parse( s ); } catch ( RuntimeException ex ) { // this is expected. } QDataSet lbds= formBundleDescriptor(); monitor.finished(); return lbds; } /** * read the table from the stream s. * @param s String reference to a local file. * @param monitor progress monitor will provide line number updates. * @return the bundle dataset loaded. * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ public QDataSet readTable( String s, ProgressMonitor monitor ) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setNamespaceAware(true); SAXParser saxParser = spf.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader(); this.monitor= monitor; xmlReader.setContentHandler(this.sax); xmlReader.parse( s ); QDataSet ds= getDataSet(); monitor.finished(); return ds; } /** * read the table from the stream s. * @param s String reference to a local file. * @return the bundle dataset loaded. * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ public QDataSet readTable( String s ) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { return readTable( s, new NullProgressMonitor() ); } // public static void main( String[] args ) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException { // // //xmlReader.parse( new File("/home/jbf/ct/autoplot/votable/DATA_2012_2012_FGM_KRTP_1M.xml").toURI().toString() ); // //xmlReader.parse( new File("/home/jbf/ct/autoplot/data/spase/vo-table/Draft_VOTable_EventLList_Std.xml").toURI().toString() ); // //xmlReader.parse( new File("/home/jbf/project/autoplot/pdsppi/data/DATA_MAG_HG_1_92S_I.xml").toURI().toString() ); // // String s= new File("/home/jbf/project/autoplot/pdsppi/data/DATA_PWS_SA_48S.xml").toURI().toString(); // long t0= System.currentTimeMillis(); // QDataSet ds= new VOTableReader().readTable( s ); // System.err.println( String.format( "Read in %d millis: %s", System.currentTimeMillis()-t0, ds ) ); // OutputStream out= new FileOutputStream("/tmp/vospase.qds"); // try { // new BundleStreamFormatter().format( ds, out, true ); // System.err.println( String.format( "Write in %d millis: %s", System.currentTimeMillis()-t0, ds ) ); // } catch (StreamException ex) { // logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); // } finally { // out.close(); // } // // } }